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Blessed & Cursed (Yuna & Alvis Alendran's 1x1) Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

There had been a few times Sophitia had gotten close to actual sleep; short naps if one could call them that. But none lasted more than ten to twenty minutes and it was infuriating her. That alone was quite the feat given how patient the young girl generally was. A defeated sigh passed her lips as she allowed her eyes to finally open. As she sat up, she noted Thorrson was also conscious. Her eyes went to his own .. and he seemed as exhausted as herself, suggesting he hadn't had much more sleep than herself. Concern filled her voice as she maintained eye contact with him, completely unaware of his own dream. "You .. are you alright? You don't look too well."
THorsson stared at her as she woke, listening to her words. Not look well... that was probably an understatement. Whatever force blnded Seers to his actions and destiny, was it possible that it was now trying to make itself known to him? Or was it instead more likely that it was warning him. He didn't know. But he needed answers, adn there was only one who could give him some of those answers. He stood, unmindful of the fact he still only wore a hip wrap.
"Who walks behind you Seer? Who guides your eyes?" He asked her cold,y none of his previous geniality in his tone now. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Sophitia swallowed, confused and terrified at the new voice. Where had this come from? She'd been heeding him and his men so why ... why was this showing up? Still, she made no move to back away from him, though her hands gently rested a bit behind her. If she needed to push herself up and try to run or dart away, she would. But only with incentives. More than that, she wanted to be wrong on fearing he was about to hurt her. Why should he? She couldn't come up with a reason. "Well ... from what I've been noticing Hera, Queen of the Gods and Watcher of Women. Um .... why?" The question was in a soft tone, barely above a whisper as she tried to keep herself from having a panic attack.
Thorsson kept up a slow, steady advance. His every move was poised, coiled, and ready to spring. It was like being stalked by a hunting cat.
"I know some of your Gods. She is not known for her Seers. her protection of women, perhaps, but not her Seers. So who else is there behind you Seer? Who else dogs my path?" He asked, his tone not snarling, not showing naked violence, but rather a more potent, implied level of threat. The room they were in was not large. She might make the door before he was on her, Might. But t flee his chambers alone into the night...she'd have none of his protection having fled him.

He had no idea why his mind was now so doggedly fixed on this Seer, and why he was willing to visit horrors on her if she hesitated in answering his questions. Only that it was likel something that would need to be done to keep his position safe. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Her head quickly shook no, her voice trembling as she replied. "I ... I really don't know! I never have ... regarding anything. How I got this at all ... why me ... nothing. I don't know. Only Hera has ever hinted she's helping me out somehow. I ... I swear I'm not lying .... " She could feel her arms so desperately wanting to go through and push herself back and away at this point but the muscles failed. Almost as if she forgot how to move. But Sophitia knew that wasn't the truth. She was terrified on what would happen. It couldn't possibly become any easier or better if she dared leave. But staying here ... didn't appear to be more merciful either. By now, Sophitia could feel tears trying desperately to form in her eyes but she kept them held back for now.
Thorsson reached the divan, and extended a hand towards her. It closed on her neck, not tight enough to cut off her air, but enough that the threat was certainly there. He lowered his face to be level with hers, making sure she couldn't look away from him.
"I will ask you only one more thing. And if you will not, or cannot answer me, I will take the so called purity that your people seem to place such a high value on from you in ways that will scar your mind forever." He let the threat sink in fully before he spoke again. "A God. Wreathed in light like the sun. A Goddess, her spear and shield held proufdly, with an owl by her side. Who are these that stand behind you?"

Thorsson was not sure what was coming over him. He'd had his way with the unwilling before, but that had been shortly after a raid, when his blood was up, and he barely knew what it was he did. Not like this. not so...cold, so vicious. And what was more, he was also deadly certain he'd do it. That it was somehow important to what he would do that he make sure he was always making good on his threats and promises. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

A whimper left as his hand found her throat. She swallowed, gasping slightly as her heart raced more. As he went on to give hints .... she took her own guess. He had his own dream, it seemed. Few, if any, other ways were coming to her mind, especially with him being a non-Greek. And as she heard the descriptions, she had wondered on Apollo, knowing he was usually the deity of prophets as well as healing. Athena ... was only slightly surprising though the more she thought on it, the more it made sense. While Hera was watcher of women, many argued Athena was often a better one given she was supposed to be one of the three Virgin Goddesses herself. She paused, unsure of whether to even reply. She didn't want to speak up, only for him to order raids upon all of the villages, followers, temples and such of each god and goddess to be ruined.

Simultaneously, she didn't want to lose her purity either; and not just because she'd be allowing someone unworthy to take it. If it was one of the few things keeping her abilities ... she'd be dead soon. The tears gave in as they slowly streamed down her face. Her mouth had opened, ready to answer. But before the proper answers could leave her lips, something she hadn't expected occured.

A bright light flashed around them both, a shield - almost like a force field - seeming to form around Sophitia. But beside her would no doubt get the most attention to Thorsson. The same woman he'd described was standing next to her, a bright aura surrounding the Goddess. Her eyes were narrowed, showing she wouldn't even try to hide her anger at the threat. "You will watch your tongue and hands around her. Was it not enough for your people to steal her away? She has been nothing but cooperative with you. I will not stand by and watch you dare to thrust such words and actions upon her. She has enough to think about without those being implied. You may not have given out the order -- but still, you haven't bothered to have her escorted back to Athens. You're as guilty as they are, in our eyes. I am Athena and the other you ask her about is Apollo. And you ... are pushing your limits with her." Her left arm went over her chest, her right firmly holding her spear. Her shield was attached to her back for now, though even without trying to test her abilities, it was obvious she could get it out in a heartbeat if needed.
It was, quite possibly, the very last thing he had every thought of actually happening. He believed in the Gods of his people, he'd be a fool not to, but he'd not seen them actually appear to the mortal realm. His face flckered through a series of emotions. Fear, awe, disbelief, and finally...anticipation.
"So you come in person to tell me what can be done. But I am no fool Goddess. You can't actually strike me down here, can you? There are rules for Gods. Limits. And to actively come to are risking much, aren't you? Would you risk a war by directly interfering? Pit your Greeks against my Norse? The rest of your Gods against the might of the Aesir and Vanir? You should know, that my Gods are likely just waiting for the reason. And my people are always spoiling for good war. We've been too long without one." Thorsson told her calmly, his face splitting into a grin as he spoke.

A war in the very heavens was enough to make the blood boil! He could be wrong, and this goddess migth be about to strike him down suddenly. But he still felt he'd make his way to Valhalla, even in this land. After all, there was little better glory than standing in defiance against the dvine itself. The tale would be sung from one end of the world to the other. And who could ask for more than that.
"Your appearance here might have bought your servant the night, some time, adn I will believe that you will ward her from much harm. But know that I am aware of the limits. And I will not hesitate to exploit thm if I must." He told the Goddess. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Athena's head calmly shook, her voice having the same tone as the way her head moved. "I'm not here to even begin to cause a war despite that being my domain. I'm simply here to keep Sophitia safe ... and warn you I will not just stand by while you threaten her with such things. Women may be Hera's domain ... but to some degree, they are mine as well. If I wanted to intervene, trust me when I say I would have gotten her back to Athens. I do know my spot and better along with your own gods. Simultaneously ... I know that you were crossing your own lines. And you clearly needed some reminding. Think of this as just that; something to help you recall that while she may be in your possession, we still watch and protect her."

Sophitia was ... as astounded as Thorsson was. This .. was really happening? After a quick pinch, she still saw Athena beside her along with the field surrounding her. She swallowed softly, almost terrified of what would happen when she left. After all, it'd been like Thorsson said ... she wouldn't be able to remain here forever. So what would happen when she had to go? Her head bowed as she shook lightly.

Her attention went from the Norse to the poor Prophetess. A small smile crossed her face as her hand passed through her own shield, hinting it would only keep harmful sources away. Resting a hand upon Sophitia's cheek, she paused .. before establishing a mental link with her.

Hera has already ensured no blade of any type will harm you. I will give you something else should he or any man try to go to a more sexual nature ....

Soon, Athena's eyes closed as she began focusing. On the outside, it appeared as if nothing happened; but in actuality that was far from the truth. Another barrier was going around Sophitia -- specifically around her hymen. Not even the roughest shove would break it. It would hurt, yes ... but she wouldn't be robbed of her innocence. Not until she took it away ... or another deity as strong as herself forced it to leave.

Finally, her hand retreated and she gave one last stern look to Thorsson. "I hope you will not forget my words or this encounter. But make no mistake ... while I do not intend to cause a war, me and the others will ensure as little as possible can be done to her. If you or any of yours keep pushing our limits and we see enough reason, however, we will get involved. For now ... we will stay back and leave you all alone, only aiding her out at most.

Not allowing any room for arguing, another bright flash of light engulfed the room and as quickly as Athena had arrived, she soon left. True to her words, she hadn't tried to take Sophitia away as she was still in the same spot, still sitting there. A genuinely confused and scared look was on her face. Would he try to blame her for what had just happened? And while she had heard through the mental link what had happened ... she could scarcely believe she would have done such a favor.

As Sophitia looked around, however, she noted another thing; the field that had been gone from around her entire body was gone. She swallowed softly, wondering if he would test his limits again ... or if the talk had worked well enough. Words tried to leave .. to escape her. But none were able to pass her lips. Her head bowed as she found herself able to do not much more than wait for his reaction to all of this.
Thorsson stared at the point that had been a Goddess only a moment ago. The light from her passing was slower in passing than it should have been. He felt his face move into the wide smile of a predator finding his prey. He turned to look at Sophitia.
"You held out on me. God touched are you? Well, it seems we've things to do come the morning. Rest now, You'll have things to do. And so will I." He dropped back onto his bed, his body still keyed up from adrenaline. The Gods getting involved, showing themselves.... it was more than he'd even imagined. A whole pantheon of Gods that were telling him to keep a gentle hand with this Seer. Well, that might be an exageration, but not too much.

He'd sent word back home as best he could, looking for any who might want to join him here. He'd send another in the morning. After all, he had such grand, sweeping plans, and they'd call for more help than he had. In the meatime, he'd have to look to what contracts that he could find to keep them in good shape. He closed his eyes, and tried to force himself to sleep. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

"I ... I didn't ... " She'd been ready to finish the sentence with the word 'know' but had the annoying feeling it wouldn't matter. It'd be true, at least, but all that had occurred just did. Sighing softly, she lied back down though shaking a bit. The meeting and intervention had been much like her 'gift' ... a blessing and a curse. She was no doubt grateful that Athena came down and stopped him from choking her - or worse - but now .... this would no doubt get his mind racing. More than that, how would the other Norse react to this? Surely he'd be able to keep the true reason of her being here away for so long ... especially with the one group whom had arrived in Athens already knowing it.

A shiver trailed down her back as her arms slowly wrapped around herself. Her eyes slowly closed as she tried to fall asleep. It had felt damn well nearly impossible for a bit. But Hypnos was likely noticing her anxiety ... and soon her eyelids abruptly felt heavy. Her breathing began to become more calm as her chest slowed with rising and falling. The mix of the help from the god of sleep plus stress and fatigue finally took over Sophitia and within minutes, she fell into a deep sleep. The last thoughts that trailed through her were wondering how the rest of her own future would be.... if she'd remain here the rest of her life, ever get back ... or even if she did return, would that matter? Unknown answers flooded her mind as she slept.
Thorsson woke with the dawn, his whole body tingling with anticipation. It had been so long since he'd felt this good. It was all he could have asked for. Glory, honour, and the chance to write his name in the tales of his people for all time. He would not pass into obscurity. A legend would grow out of his name from this, of that he was sure. They'd be talking of his deeds in a thousand years. If they worked. Otherwise...well, at least a glorious death was something that was sung of among his people. He left the room quicckly, adn entered the kitchens. Sure enough, food had been laid out, kept warm and simmering. He lifted two plates, adn nodded to the head cook, who grinned at him. He was always happy to serve.

Thorsson got back in the room, and set the plates down on the small table, and he considered just kicking her divan to wake Sophitia, but she'd already proven helpful. He rested a hand on her shoulder, and shook her lightly.
"Wake up Seer. Food for you." He explained, sitting on his bed, and lifting his own plate. A personal sized loaf of bread, a few eggs, and fried meat. It was standard fare in the village. But it was a lot of food, and a lot of nourishment. With the day Thorsson planned, they'd both need it. he only wondered how much it might tax her to See as much as he wanted. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Her body tensed at the abrupt touch as she began to wake up. But when she felt nothing attempted upon her -- no rough grab or anything of the like, Sophitia calmed herself quickly. Even before he had walked in with the food, the aroma had begun to wake her. This, though, had been the finishing touch which completely made her conscious. She bowed her head slowly in appreciation as small hands rubbed any sleep away from her eyes. "Thank you ... " She replied softly. After blinking and adjusting her vision, she began taking the food that was clearly from the plate he handed her.

Though Sophitia didn't know much of the Norse or Thorsson, common sense did tell her one thing. He certainly didn't have to be generous and give her the food. Especially after an intervention like last night. It may not have been something she asked or begged for in a prayer or anything; but still, the goddess had come to protect her. And both herself and Thorsson knew that just as he didn't have to be kind, Athena didn't have to be that way with her. It made her think more on the concept ... was she really a 'God touched'?

It seemed silly to doubt the idea though prior to that, she'd never thought about it. But maybe she was one of those mortals so heavily favored by all of the gods? Like all of the other heroes? But then .. why allow her to be taken from Athens? She could only think of one possibility while nibbling on the food; even if Athena may not have agreed with the tactics, the Norse had still fairly won in their ambush when they arrived and found her. And as the goddess of war ... she wouldn't deny that they had claimed victory that day.

Aside from that ... she could see nothing else. Her gaze stayed down mostly to the plate as she continued to eat though she would glance up if spoken to in a heartbeat.
"Well then Seer. It's time we began to talk about what's to come. There'll be a few contracts to bring in some gold and pass the time, but sooner or later, I'll be setting my ambitions higher. I assume Athens is devoted to the glory of Athena. What other cities are considered sacred to your gods?" He asked. His voice wasn't something that was easily read, seeming as simple as though asking if she enjoyed fish, or if it was raining. Simply no inflections at all. Did he plan to spare these cities, or sack them?

Herliefr seethd outside on the traiing field, running the younger men through drills to tighten them up for formation fighting. He'd wanted that Seer, and wanted her badly. He had to find a way to make Thorsson owe him a bon. After that, he'd be honour bound to let him take the Seer. And by Tyr's severed hand, he'd fuck her bloody then! He smiled, thiking about her lips around his shaft, adn the distration cost him as a spear haft slammed into the side of his helm, staggering him to the side with a loud curse. He was going to have to fucking concentrate. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

As the question echoed in her ears, Sophitia felt a part of her heart sink once again. But she wanted to believe that cooperation would keep anyone from there safe. After all, she had been ready to reply on revealing Athena and Apollo were the other gods he saw yesterday. Athena had just beaten her to that but she doubted that would occur again. Making sure to first swallow her food, her eyes looked back up to Thorsson. Hazel orbs closed ... making sure to recall all the names and avoid missing any before nodding.

"Apollo has a temple that is well-known amongst the Greeks and located at Delphi. Hera ... has quite a few more scattered all around. There's the Heraion of Samos, Olympia, Corinth, Tiryns, Perachora and the island of Delos. It's said that as Athena has Athens as her favored city ... Hera has some also. Three to be exact though I don't know if any of these have temples for her. But they are Argos, Sparta and Mycenae."

Her eyes slowly opened as she continued eating, watching for a reaction from Thorsson. Hopefully the answer would be more than sufficient for him. Then again, she didn't realize the irony .... that he'd been seeing Spartans in his own vision of sorts lately.
Thorsson nodded as she spoke. So many. So very, very many. This was a land that they felt the need to edify their gods, to build great momuments to them. His own people had never felt such a need. Their faith was not born into temples and churches, it was forged in every day life. You offered praise to Odin adn Thor when you faced the war, to Tyr when courage failed, and to the myriad of others when their particular circumstances came up. They barely had what you would call priests, just those who knew the old tales better than others, and told them to anyone who asked.

The Gods might be gloried here, adn well liked, but all the edification made them vulnerable. They might be well fed on the worship of their followers, but those temples would burn like any other, and when they did, faith had a way of shaking under such an assault. He'd make what sacrifices he needed to, prepare the way. He'd have the Gods behind him, one way or another. And he'd bring on that war he warned Athena about. They would stand up and intervene, bringing the open conflict between the pantheons, or they would watch their own base of power fall. His ears settled more fully onto one of the last words she spoke.
"Sparta... tell what you know of this place." He said calmly, his tone seeming satisfied so far. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Sophitia couldn't help but wonder why Sparta of all the other places mentioned. But she'd kept mostly on his good side ... and truly did want it to remain that way. "...It's not as much as anyone whom would reside there. But ... military-wise, it's male dominant. Women have slim to no chance at all of being able to assist. If any of the newborns are thought to be weak, they're killed at birth. The Spartans are some of the strongest throughout Greece because mercy doesn't exist in their dictionary. They fight proudly and die about the same. The gold and red armor is an easy giveaway to recognize them ... and they often have massive shields that deflect most of anything tossed at them. Few have lived against one and even less able to return back to their home and relay any information. But with how ... much they influence Greece, word of them does still get around, regardless of where one lives. You're just more likely to get more if you actually reside in Sparta."

Though the tone suggested he was indeed pleased ... in what aspect? Was he going to leave the places alone? Or was he going to try to infuriate Athena and the others? More than that ... would all those whom had been helping her out for so long abruptly abandon her? It made a shiver trail down her spine. Her head lightly shook, trying her damnedest to convince herself they weren't like that. Especially not Athena. Her head gazed down slowly as she resumed eating, trying to keep her body from visibly shaking too much in front of Thorsson. Just having been forced to live in a completely new setting was nerve-wracking enough ... now getting used to someone else in charge of her that was clearly using her for her abilities. It was not, to say the least, much better.

But Hades help her, she would not easily crumble in front of the man either. She'd rather die proudly before completely giving up all hope, strength and composure before the Norse.
"You've remained co-operative, and that has not gone unnoticed Seer. As for my outburst last night, it was an unworthy action. I'll not apologize, but I will tell you that I will do what I can to ensure that it does not happen without cause again." Thorsson told her, cleaning off the last of the food from his plate. His people were raiders and warriors, they seldom, if ever apologized for their actions. After all, why should they? Actions like that were for things that you did not intend. While he'd been reacting poorly, he had meant to threaten her, and knowing what he did now, he'd have done such in front of more witnesses if he had the chance to do it again. After all, it wasn't every day that a man stood down a Goddess.

"Now then, we'll be making a tour of the village. And we may be facing down a new client. You will See what there is to be seen, and from there we act accordingly. You said before you rarely saw more than one visionn in a day, and that you do not have full control over them. You will begin to practice, until you can call up your Sight more easily." Thorsson explained. He hesitated, but when he spoke again, he was not doing so in a threatening tone, but rather in one that suggested he might actually feel a little sorry about the result. "Your wellbeing depends on your accuracy. A Seer whose vision isn't reliable is of little use. So far you have done well to catch a traitor in the first vision. I would see you continue with such succes." Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

The combination of him confessing his action had been unworthy but yet refusing to apologize made no sense to poor Sophitia. As far as she could see, he was and she'd accept it well enough for now. Giving a slow nod, she also finished all of her plate soon enough. She got up to her feet, common sense hinting they would be walking within mere moments. And sure enough, as he went on to speak up, that did indeed seem to be the plan. She was confused though ... and it allowed to leave her lips before she could second guess how naive this may sound. "....New client? Someone else to try to see upon or ... ?"

She'd hardly considered such people to be 'clients' though then again, Greeks and Norse clearly had many different views. From what bits of she had seen of the figure named 'Loki', he seemed to be similar to Mercury in a few ways yet simultaneously slightly more .. deviant in his tricks. But only those; he couldn't be called 'evil' though definitely 'unorthodox'. And just from mere hints like those alone along with what she had thus far seen of the village, she had noted the differences. Though there were more thoughts to soon worry about than his definition of clients it seemed.

"...Huh?! But ..." She stopped, not wanting to argue aloud as she slowly nodded. "...Very well ... " She replied softly, barely above a whisper. That alone truly did nearly bring her tears. Even if she was god-touched ... could Apollo - no, would - he just allow her to see any and everything within mere moments? Cassandra did have that ability herself ... in time. Though ... hadn't she angered Apollo to begin with? Her head began to hurt and as much as she wanted to grab at it and hold it, her hands remained firmly at her sides.
THorsson led her outside, and waved a hand.
"You've seen the smithy, which also houses the armoury. Over there..." He pointed ahead of them. "...That's the smokehouse. And that's the storage building." He pointed to another as he went. "Most of these buildings are just houses for the various thanes of my band. And that..." He waved a hand at a wide open space where nearly forty people seemed t be in the midst of a fight. " the training field. I'd recommend you stay right clear of that. People get hurt if they're not ready for a fight."

As he finished speaking, a loud crack carried over the field, and a man wnet staggering away, red flecked spittle flying from his mouth, along with a few teeth.
"And sometimes, even when you are ready, you get hurt." THorsson amended. "Keep your guard up you miserable whoreson!" he bellowed. The man looked sheepish, and moved back to his place in the line. "You might also want to avoid the training fields since Herliefr tends to do a lot of training there, and I think you know he has no good wishes for you." Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Sophitia's eyes followed the directions Thorsson would point towards, noting all the buildings. It had been basically as he said; most were merely houses. But there were a few other buildings around like the smith, smokehouse, and storage place. What she had found odd .. was there appeared to be temple of any kind. She would have no doubt panicked more but the fact Sophitia had been able to acquire her vision without one was making her stay calm enough. She nodded slowly, silently watching the fights go on around the training area. And as the rather disturbing cracks echoed in her ears, she cringed slightly.

Though to some degree, it applied to the Greeks and others. Even while prepared, one could easily still get hurt if not worse. But it was usually worse when someone not even made for combat tried to pass through such places ... and then got hurt themselves. But the biggest feeling of relief came when Thorsson brought up Herliefr. Oh thank gods, he noticed .. Good ... she wouldn't seem overly paranoid of trying to avoid at least him, if not more of the Norse. Though for now it'd only stay to that specific one. He'd been the most adamant on proving what he wanted ... and not being afraid or ashamed to ask.

Her head quickly nodded, bowing in appreciation. "I will. Though I don't see a logical reason to even head to the training area to begin with so that shouldn't be an issue."
"You would be surrpised where people can end up, whether they will it or no. After all, look at everyone in this camp! Not a single man or woman within planned to be here! If things had gone according to plan, this entire band would have sailed home with a hold full of plunder, adn tale to tell of a distant land that was too far away to be worth the trip. But instead, we're trying to eke out a living here, wishing that we could build a proper dragon ship and sail home. And you would have still been living in Athens, safe and happy as you could be. SO if Fate should see you to the training fields, find the nearest edge, and run for it with all you have. No man may press a grievance for any actions pressed on it." He made sure that he emphasized that last, ensuring that it was clear he'd not be able to protect her if she was on the field. Herliefr would have his way there, and she would certainly not enjoy the process.

His path led them to a good sized long house, smoke trailing from the roof, making it clear that there was someone within. He pointed.
"And this is the meeting hall. It's only used for business. There's a man within looking to hire the company for a job. You'll See on him, and tell me what there is to be known." He told her calmly. It was as though he never really considered that she would fail in her task. It was either a great deal of faith in her, or a willingness to disregard anything that might come of her failure. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

Sometimes, Sophitia wished Thorsson would stop speaking to her as if she were an ignorant child. All the points he was making to her were clear; some too painfully so. The worst ones were regarding if she could be back home and anything regarding Herliefr. She merely nodded, hiding a sigh away as she continued to glance around the field. When 'Athens' echoed in her ears, it began to make Sophitia think ... how were things back home anyways? Had they recovered from the attack? Did any of them give a damn that she was now gone? She knew her mother would have but ... she was already slain. Her father though ... had anyone informed him of what happened to herself or his wife? Did he even allow anyone a chance to relay the information or did he end up taking his life soon after seeing his wife's corpse? It all made a light shiver trail down her back. Sophitia wanted to know ... and yet didn't all the same. Her head bowed slightly as they resumed walking, stopping a bit away from another house.

A low nod left as he mentioned the task that would want to be done. "Yes sir ... " She replied calmly, her gaze going back towards it's destination as she awaited for the man in question to walk out. Even if she could have sensed him, it wouldn't work that easily. She'd need to see him also. Every time she did this, the person needed to be before her eyes ... or she could simply close them if Sophitia knew what the person looked like. But that was definitely not the case here. She didn't want to try to use the latter method and get the wrong person; one of the quicker ways she would only fail these tasks.
The meeting hall was spacious, and had less clutter than some of the other buildings. That had been a deliberate plan. Whle it might have done much to make the structure look more impressive, the real reason was far more practical. More than one foe had come in the guise of a client, and had attacked them. And each of them had discovered that the building gave enough room to comfortably fight in. Even with seven or eight extra warriors in the building that hadn't been there before. Thorsson had personally killed three, an Leif two more. They were always on alert after the first, and it had paid off.

Thorsson looked to see two men at the table. One was a member of his band, Hargen. Hargen was an older man, past fifty winters, but still as hard and fast as he'd ever been. When Thorsson's father had died in battle, many had expected the venerable warrior to take the mantle of ledership, not to hand to a man barely able to call himself thus.
"I was not made for such." Had been hargen's only response to the question. Since then he'd been a loyal member of Thorsson's Housecarls. The other...well, he was clearly a Greek. He wore a loose robe, but well made and taliored. Thorsson had seen him before.
"Decton. It is good to see you once more." Thorsson said warmly.
"And you as well Thorsson. Word came that Athens had been attacked, a temple burned, adn a horde of monsters from the underworld responsible. I thought of you when I heard it." Decton replied.
"I make no claims to be from your underworld, but this land does seem to enjoy the thought of us being monstrous. You were right to think of us."
"And it is that monstrous nature that I am here to make use of. I've a task for you. And a long one." Thorsson nodded.
"Tell me." he said calmly, though one might notice that he did not seem to speak directly to Decton. His words were for another. Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg Pics/00170m_zps8c1d516e.jpg

For a few moments, Sophitia nearly panicked. Nothing seemed to happen and she began to fear the worst. It seemed the gods were as confused as herself on whom exactly to try to do the task upon. Just one? All? She had to bite on her lower lip from whimpering aloud. This wasn't fair! Her hands shook and had been ready to conceal her face. But they never moved. Right when she had been ready to make her muscles turn, her world began to go white. She didn't see herself in the same room with Thorsson and the others. Well, not right away.

And her heart raced. It looked almost the same, save Thorrson wasn't here. But all the others were otherwise. And Decton seemed to be the main focus as were the others within the vision. There were, however, a select few that were ... likely at the training grounds. But they weren't in the same meeting hall. Even though the voices were hushed in the vision, she could hear perfectly, as if she were beside Decton. He continued to say something regarding going through with preparations though what for, he didn't specify. Nor if this was something that could be used for or against Thorsson.

Her eyes slowly opened and her voice lowered. "Your friend Decton has been planning something major with them and a few others ... though he never went into specifics on what about or if this would be something ... favorable or not, for a lack of better wording." Last time she had done this, it had been so much more crowded and loud; but now it was possible she could be heard. This village still hadn't known the true reason for her being there. It was obvious she wasn't at all a Norse, much like the other Greek. She was that out of place and stood out that easily.

The fear and anxieties were enough to make her hide half of herself behind Thorsson. She only knew for sure to be weary of Herliefr. The others .... she had no idea whom to keep her eyes open for or not. They were all wild cards ... and that made them all dangerous.
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