Forbidden Flame (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

How will you know what love is if you don't know what lust is?

For all that Maddy felt she could discern the two, those words still set off small bomb in her young mind. She could tell them apart - she could - but it was true that she had never really felt either before. Surely lust did raise its head but always the whack-a-mole hammer came down upon it and when it popped up somewhere else, the hammer was waiting again. Only how long could Maddy play that game?

Slowly the corners of her mouth curled upwards at Kristina's joke, almost reluctantly so, and her blue-grey eyes flicked open to fall upon those of her new friend's. Whatever could be said about the girl being direct and immodest, she funny and the little redhead in her quaint pajamas was finding herself continually surprised at how much she enjoyed her company. She was like a breath of fresh air, only her gusts carried debris and Madison could not tell if they were gifts or dangers. She was smart too... perhaps too smart. Maddy wondered if her insightfulness came from her European heritage or her constant moving from place to place. She must have met and seen a lot of different people and though a large part of her wished she could, Madison couldn't make herself oppose her point of view.

She had closed her eyes again and let the comfort of darkness behind closed eyes, her pillow and Kristina's soothingly accented voice caress her, but slowly they opened again at that last question, large and vulnerable somehow. She didn't know if masturbation counted as a sin or not - though she knew some people said it was - and it was not a conversation she felt comfortable approaching her parents with... or anyone for that matter. Kristina had asked though and she couldn't not reply. That would be rude and unfriendly.

"I have," she said softly and slowly - uncomfortably - though the brightness and warmth in the other girl's face made such discomfort seem absurd and an unexpected giggle fluttered up Madison's throat and curled her lips into a gentle smile as it passed them. She couldn't bring herself to say any more, at least not without a little friendly encouragement.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina felt her own face flush at pure Maddy's admission. It struck her as incredibly erotic and she felt a tingle run through her body. The girl lay an arms length away from her and she suddenly felt truly naked before her much less bashful gaze.

"That's good.. that's normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of.. everyone does it," answered Kristina, keeping her eyes on Maddy. "I do it too. Almost every night. Before I go to sleep. It relaxes me."

"Do you enjoy it?" she asked, burning with longing to hear Maddy talk about pleasuring herself.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Though it wasn't coming from someone with the same level of faith as she (or rather, someone who hadn't had the same level of faith indoctrinated in them), the reassurance felt good. Conversing earlier, she had discovered that Kristina was a year older than she was, and combined with her seeming conviction of belief, Madison had begun to look upon her as an older, wiser soul. To say she looked up to her might not be completely accurate but it would be wholly incorrect either. Intentionally or not, the Swede had begun to weave her spell over the impressionable redhead.

Maddy nodded, still endeavouring to keep her eyes above Kristina's shoulders but internally feeling a little silly for being so adamant to do so, though she could not really have said why. The immodesty of the girl's nudity somehow seemed innocuous through her own view of life and Maddy was trying to see things that way too, if only to aid their budding friendship.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina suddenly giggled and smiled. "It feels good doesn't it? It can't be bad..."

She suddenly had this overwhelming desire to finger herself, to cum right here and now in front of Maddy. It was a strange exhibitionist feeling she'd never felt before with anyone. The combination of Maddy's innocence and this talk about sex had been turning her on and she could feel her skin grow hotter and breathing get faster as she imagined touching herself.

"I... sometimes I would do it with my friends... all at the same time" she said, biting her lip and looking at Maddy. "It was more fun that way."
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Maddy's eyes widened at that, her eyebrows arching above blinking eyes, gently wrinkling her forehead. For a young Christian girl, masturbation was a guilty pleasure which took place only behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and which precipitated niggling religious guilt. She could scarce imagine indulging herself in such carnal pleasures with a friend in the room. Her body seemed to disagree however, and that foreign anxiety returned to her chest and with brought a tingling heat to her nether regions. She was suddenly freshly and vividly aware of Kristina's nudity.

"...Really?" she asked and swallowed, her throat suddenly feeling parched and swollen. Just that: no nay-saying, no scolding, only a question. The spell continued to be woven.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

"Yes" said Kristina, keeping her eyes fixed on Maddy. She felt like a cat creeping up on a sparrow, unblinking and focused. She didn't want to startle her prey.

"I have wanted to do it again with someone for a while.. its a lot of fun," she paused and smiled a little shyly. "I did it with some of my best friends before."

She could feel her heart race as she spoke and her body was reacting to just the thoughts that were already dancing in her head. Her nipples were hardening slightly and she could feel herself dampen, skin flushing around her neck and chest slightly.

"I... it would just be our secret" she said softly, voice dropping to a whisper. "If you want to try it with me."
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

With every passing moment Maddy's heart beat faster and the soft voice which spoke to her grew sweeter, until the blood was pounding through her veins and her head felt light and dizzy. She couldn't admit to where the conversation was headed but somewhere she knew... and then it came.

...just our secret... if you want to try it with me...

"I don't know," she whispered, swallowing again. Uncertainty quivered in her voice but her eyes stayed locked upon Kristina's, as wide as the proverbial deer in the headlights. "I never... I've never tried anything like that. With someone else, I mean..."

In the depths of her body, her libido was screaming out for her to submit and propel herself into ecstatic new realms of exploration but something checked her, held her back if only for a moment. Convince me, please, a voice said in her head, catching her by surprise as she realised that some part of her - some natural, physical aspect of her person - wanted Kristina to seduce her.

The heat continued to grow between her thighs and seemed to spread throughout her entire body. A light perspiration broke out on her skin and beneath her pajamas and black panties, she felt herself growing wet.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina nodded as Maddy talked, watching the girl struggle with desire and guilt. It made her even more excited and she found her breathing getting ragged and her head light. She felt powerless to stop herself now and knew she was going to touch herself in front of Maddy no matter what.

"I know it's a little scary, but no one will know but us.. if you don't like it you can stop," she said, lowering her voice to a husky whisper.

She was still on her side resting on an elbow and she took her free hand and slid it slowly up her stomach to one her breasts. She touched it and ran her fingers in a slow orbit around her nipple before cupping the breast lightly. The soft mound moved in her hands as she squeezed it.

"I always like to start by just touching my breasts.. " she said, her voice catching for a second as a finger and thumb grasped her hardened nipple. "I think my nipples are more sensitive than most girls."
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Madison had no idea what a heart attack felt like but she felt as if she was going to have one right then and there as Kristina began to trail one delicate hand along her pristine body. Never before had the redhead felt a lust for another girl's body but now she was growing quickly more and more excited. She wanted to look away - oh how every inch of her felt as if it wanted to turn away - but something froze her in place. Maybe it was fear but maybe... maybe it was something more.

She finally would have broken the spell and her fixation upon Kristina had the other girl not gently talked her through her initial movements, and then - oh - that painfully wonderful flash of pleasure showed itself upon the young Swede's face and reminded Maddy of the pleasures to be found in exploring one's own body. She knew her own nowhere near as well as Kristina knew hers but she was not a stranger to it, and the further Kristina went, the more her urge to mimic grew stronger. Enraptured by the scene before her, the innocent Christian girl gazed upon her uninhibited new friend and felt her own flesh respond to the touch of the other girl's fingers upon herself, as though it were her she was touching. Accordingly, her nipples began to stiffen and poke against the light layer of silk which concealed them from curious eyes.
RE: Forbidden (Prince of Smut x YellowSmoke)

Kristina started to breathe harder as she played with her nipple. Maddy watched her with wide eyes and Kristina could see the raw desire in them finally overcoming her shyness. Maddy shifted in her bed and the hardened nubs of her nipples pushed visibly through the thin silk of her pajamas. Her hidden breasts rose and fell with her breathing, noticeably faster now.

Kristina moved her hand to her other breast and repeated her teasing. She circled this breast lightly as well, before flicking its nipple instead of squeezing. It was her pierced nipple, with a stud through it. The sharp and sweet sensation as her fingernail ran over it, pushing it down and letting it spring back, made her inhale sharply and pant audibly.

"This nipple is pierced... I don't like to squeeze it, but it feels really good when I just flick it.. or it is sucked on," she said closing her eyes briefly as she flicked it hard again.

Kristina was getting overwhelmed by the erotic intensity of the show she was giving Maddy. Her entire body seemed to tingle and vibrate knowing Maddy was watching her. Every sensation was heightened to a new level. So much of her sexual experience was clouded by drugs or alcohol, or emotional baggage, that masked or muted what she felt. Tonight, sober and calm of mind, everything felt so clear and pure to her. Strangely pure. The intensity of the sensations she was giving herself was so above her normal feelings that the expressive reactions she gave were no act or exaggeration. She felt like a tightly coiled spring, ready to explode at any moment.

"I think you should try..." she said, panting slightly as she moved to squeeze her other nipple again. "I want to see you do it too.. Show me how you touch yourself."

Her desire went beyond just corrupting an innocent friend into doing a dirty act. Kristina knew absolutely now that she was sexually attracted to this girl. She couldn't deny the response she felt in her own body, the heat and the lust she felt with Maddy's eyes on her. Some residual shame filled her at the thought of being a lesbian and, at this moment, it just turned her on more. She had been in a relationship with another girl earlier this year, but it had been her first. She had almost begun to rationalize that as a one-time thing and repress her growing longings. That facade was blown away now. More than anything, she wanted to see more of Maddy... to finally glimpse those perky breasts straining beneath her pajama top, to see her writhe naked in the throes of her own pleasure.

Kristina licked her lips and smiled, "I'm ready to touch myself down there..." She started to move her hand down her stomach, slowly and so softly. Heading lower and lower towards that core of heat that pulsed for attention. She knew she was already wet and excited just from playing with her nipples and Maddy's eyes on her. She lifted a knee and pulled in her foot, spreading herself as she faced Maddy. Her hand slid down past her bare skin, freshly shaved, and reached her swollen lips. She gave a gasp as she cupped herself, fingers sliding through her dripping folds and giving an audible squelch in the silent room.

"It feels so good..." she groaned, eyes closing involuntarily.
All at once Kristina's sensual show of self-exploration seemed graphic and lewd to the red-haired little Christian, as though her world had crumbled around her and she had been transported to a place and time in which she should never have existed. This is wrong, a voice told her but it was not the only message which called out within her. Her body seemed to have bought into Kristina's argument that sex and the human form was nothing but natural - nothing to fear or be ashamed of. While she gazed upon her Swedish room-mate with tremulous anxiety, her body literally warmed to the sight and fought tooth and nail against her every objection.

As war raged within her, she scarcely felt her lower lip curl between her teeth, her eyes not for one second daring to leave Kristina's sultry form or even to meet with her gaze. She was frozen, hypnotised by the unabashed pleasure with which the other girl stroked her smooth exterior and erogenous zones, and when she heard those fingers slide into the young Swede and heard too the gasp which passed her lips, Maddy's body pleaded with her to break all ties with the religious objections which had been bred into her and to give in to wanton desire.

Her skin, smooth and flawless, yearned for the touch of her soft hands; her nipples pressed against the silk of her pajamas and between her young thighs she felt her own heat build steadily, to the point where it began to sweat sweet, scented juices of arousal. Only Kristina's voice held her from snapping her head away and hiding beneath the shame of her bed covers; the soothing voice of a river siren, enticing her to abandon her steady ship and dash herself on the rocks of her unappeased libido. Too often she had shunned her body's sexual yearnings but in recent years she - like Kristina - had found a pleasure in self-exploration which seemed too natural to truly be wrong, and now the temptation proved too great.

Slowly her thighs came together, as though trying to suppress the heat and sensation betwixt them, and then her right hand was creeping towards her lap. When her digits slipped between her thighs, her hips reacted without direction, arching her back gently as they pressed forward against her hand and withdrew, Maddy's eyes falling shut for a moment in imitation. Again her hips bucked, a little more forcefully this time, and drew a short gasp from her throat... and again... and again... until finally she was staring into Kristina's eyes and rubbing herself through her pajamas, with nervous, growing excitement in her gaze.
Kristina started to slowly tease herself as Maddy watched, luxuriating in the intensely erotic scene that was unfolding in their room. She felt no urgency to rush her pleasure like she often did when masturbating alone. Rather, she felt the opposite desire to prolong this magical moment and milk her pleasure to its utmost. She felt that she could draw Maddy deeper into the experience with time and longed for the intimacy and closeness she hoped it would foment with the young girl.

"Mhmmm," Kristina moaned, biting her lower lip as her fingers slid wetly through the pink folds of her labia. She closed her eyes again, listening to the soft, wet slurping sound she made with her juices. Groaning, she spread her fingers in a vee, exposing the soft, glistening petals of her lips to Maddy's lustful gaze. "I'm so turned on right now... so wet. I can barely stand it."

Again and again Kristina moved her fingers slowly between her legs, exploring every crevice and furrow, feeling each touch and caress around her most intimate area so clearly with Maddy watching her. She gasped and moaned at a sudden burst of pleasure when her palm brushed the hard button of her clit. She took her wet fingers and circled that most sensitive spot, scared to touch it directly. Just the tugging pressure from the engorged skin which hooded that tender nub sent trembling waves of pleasure through her.

"Maddy.. mhmmmm.. I don't want to stop," Kristina murmured between ragged breaths, close to panting now. She could barely speak and asked Maddy, haltingly and with urgent eyes, "Please... show me what you are doing... pull down your pants... open your shirt."

Kristina had been on her side, resting on her elbow to gaze at Maddy, but now, hungry for more stimulation, she sat up to use both her hands at once. She rested her back against the wall and faced Maddy as she lay in the bed opposite her, spreading her legs wide for her friend with a shy smile. The bare skin between her thighs was slick with her excitement and gleamed wetly in the soft halo of the one light between their beds. Her pink and swollen slit was revealed now in sharp relief, two ridges of glistening puffy flesh and a deep shadowed, secretive crevasse of folds. Not a strand of hair to hide any of it from Maddy's eyes.

Kristina touched a breast with a hand, squeezing that soft globe and pinching its nipple. She slid her already wet hand back between her legs and this time plunged a finger into herself quickly, letting out a shuddering groan that made her body tremble and eyes close.

"Oh Maddy... oh yes... mhhmm," she panted out now as her hand started to move a little faster, the finger sliding in and out of her becoming a new focus for her pleasure. Her entire body was writhing in time to the movement of that hand, a slow undulation that started at her shoulders, ran through her arching back and ended at her hips with a rocking motion each time her finger slid back into her.

"Please Maddy.. please... I'm going to cum.. ," she groaned.
Maddy could never have imagined herself in such a situation as this - never would have imagined herself in a situation such as this - but the provocative young Swede had cast a strange spell over the little redhead. Bewitched as she was, and overwhelmed by an arousal which to Maddy was completely novel in its nature, she slowly obeyed Kristina's wishes. The voices of objection which called out within her seemed to fade into the distance and there was nothing beyond the space the two girls shared.

Her hips squirmed as her young mind sought to come to terms with her predicament, but her fledging libido urged her hand on. Her teachings faded from immediate memory at least, and as she gazed with excited curiosity upon the writhing form of the young girl before her she grew increasingly warm and wet. Her free hand moved timidly to her chest, popped the buttons there and slowly pushed the material aside, revealing her firm, round breasts confined within her bra. Beneath them her stomach was pale and smooth, her skin as soft as velvet.

For all that she seemed to forget, her nerves refused to leave her, and to continue she had to shut her eyes and let her head fall back upon the pillow. Even then, her hips wriggled again, raised from the bed and allowed her the space to push her pyjama bottoms down over her hips, her thighs, and as her hand moved again and again beneath her panties she kicked the bottoms down to her ankles and pushed them off her feet.

Kristina's voice sounded soothingly and erotically in her ear but Maddy's world was darkness - darkness and tingling between her thighs, where her delicate fingers caressed her engorged clitoris, setting her hips to writhing, bucking against her hand. She bit her lip and at length her head fell sideways towards her new friend, and her eyelids peeled back to reveal two emerald orbs enriched with trembling sexuality. They laid bare her timid nervousness but her lips showed physical pleasure, as the lower one curled between her teeth again, and then they parted in a silent gasp.
Kristina let her eyes drink in her young roommate's body as she slowly exposed it to her thirsty gaze. Like an anticipated present being unwrapped before her, she hung on each piece of clothing's removal and let out a needy gasp each time bare flesh was revealed in the slow increments Maddy teased her with. The breasts sprung out first, so soft and sweet, jiggling in their bra from Maddy's ragged breathing. The bare expanse of smooth and unblemished skin that framed those hidden mounds glowed pale white in the light of the single lamp between them, stomach rising and falling with Maddy's fast breaths. And then came her pajama bottoms, Maddy twisting in her bed to wriggle and lift her hips, sliding them down to her knees before letting her feet kick them off of her. Kristina gasped as Maddy shed them, knowing how naked the modest girl must feel right now under her unabashed scrutiny.

Now in just bra and panties, Maddy turned to face her again, hand plunging under the waistband of her panties to please herself with renewed enthusiasm. Kristina could only see the thin fabric stretching and deforming with the motions of Maddy's hand, hinting at what she was doing to herself and making Kristina hotter as she imagined what was happening hidden from her gaze. A small, darker spot of dampness was growing on the cotton fabric, proof of Maddy's own arousal.

Kristina was thrusting into herself, legs spread wide and her dripping sex exposed fully to Maddy's view. She knew she was dripping wet and felt her own juices sweating onto her thighs. She imagined how slick they must look to Maddy in the dimly lit room. As she pushed in, she began to curl her fingers, finding that spot inside with each thrust that sent her body to yet another, higher level of pleasure. Her thumb began to rub her throbbing clit, teasing it and tugging on the wrinkled flesh that hooded it.

"Oh fuck, Maddy," she gasped out yet again, "You are so beautiful... slide up your bra.. play with your breasts. Pull down your panties. Show me everything." She was pinching and squeezing her nipples now as well, feeling her entire body vibrating in response to Maddy's more subdued motions. Her senses were getting overwhelmed, the insistent feel of her fingers and hands, the sound of her slurping wetness and Maddie's soft cries, the sight of the young girl in her underwear teasing herself, and even faintly the smell of both of their arousal floating in the air of the room.

"Just show me... touch yourself and let yourself cum.." she groaned out as her entire body now moved in rhythm to her plunging fingers. She felt like she was approaching the edge of a steep precipice and her body was urging her to throw herself off, anything to get relief from the wave of pleasure that had been steadily building inside her. And through it all, the thought kept coming back to her of how Maddy must feel, showing herself so wantonly to her new roommate. Feeling what might be her first pleasure ever under the voyeuristic gaze of another person. Showing such intimate emotions and passions to a stranger. She seemed to like it and Kristina let out another gasp, imagining the inexperienced girl finding such a thrill at this new and taboo experience.
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