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The Sister Expirement

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Jan 5, 2013
I'll be making the other thread later to RP. Until then, here's the starter story intro.

There are two sisters, both completely opposite from each other.

It's up to you to decide what the sides are. Whether it's dark and bright, or wild and shy, it's your choice.

The younger sister is no younger than 14, and is around the legal age to drive.
The elder sister is older than her younger sibling, but not legal yet.

(I want pictures of the sisters if possible too. It helps with the role play depth.)

Anyway... One day, during the summer of (1990-2025)*your choice* a guy, around the age of 17, has his path meet with these sister's family. The dad isn't alive, and the mom wants a slight break away from them. He was hired in the front lawn of their house, and was instructed to watch and protect the sisters from them hurting each other. He was told how he would be paid greatly. The older sister knows him, as he knows her too. The boy has a wealthy job ahead of him.

I want this to last as long as possible. If you have anything you want to add to this to give it a kick tell me.

Just post the forms for the sisters and we'll converse over it, then I'll create the Thread to RP.

Sisters forms~
{First ~ Middle ~ Last Name}
Short personality~
Additional description~
Habits(such as drugs)~
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