I shall still be here though by the way. I'll reply when I see fit to send in my character. :] I know I've said it before but I'm still in but just waiting lol.
Heh, yeah.
I was going to have my character open the door and drag him inside for making so much noise, but I thought that would take all the glory.
Thanks, I am much happier with it now.
He could still just burst into the room after seeing Borkul drag in Darian from the street and be like "THERE YOU ARE!" in some sort of flamboyant fashion only to be knocked out to keep him quiet.
Well Nathan lost Borkul in the crowd when he vaulted over all of those people so he couldn't see him do that anyway lol. Maybe you guys just so happen to run into him once the coast is clear, only for NAthan to accidentally blow your cover somehow? lol
So is someone posting next or are you waiting on me?
I've had a busy week and I've got a busy week ahead of me so I don't know when I can post next.