The nurse came in and began to run down a list of things that would be needed for Andrea to check out and take her baby. It was then that it came to light that a car seat was required if the hospital were to release the baby. they were also given instruction on how to care for the baby, the nurse showed Andrea how to bathe it. Richard quickly realized that a shopping trip was necessary, and excused him self to get it done before her discharge time in 3 hours.
He went to the baby supply and cornered a sales person. He explained that he had a newborn comming home and was completely unprepared, and needed help. Once he handed her his charge card and said "Just get me what I need" things went smoothly. He soon had a car seat, stroller, basinette, and crib, and a months worth of disposable diapers. Then there were sleepsets, infant teeshirts, socks, and footed sleepers, baby blankets and of course a teddy bear, music box and baby monitor. Finally she asked if his wife was breast feeding, and when he said yes, she added a breast pump and storage bottles. His last purchase was a pair of soft fuzzy slippers for Andrea.
The woman showed him how to install the car seat, and then had a stock boy load the other items in the large trunk of the mercedes, and he returned to the hospital, just as they were loading the girls in a wheel chair. He beamed at her and knelt down and slipped the fuzzy slippers on her bare feet. The nurse handed him a list of Andrea's dietary requirements and let him wheel her out of the hospital.