Rebirth [(A Naruto RP) Yuna & WisperOfTheFireFlys_X's 1x1]

The Sannin wasn't the only one wondering about Kabuto, though it wasn't for the same reasons either. Kiseki could hear a weak chuckle in her mind that nearly left her lips. Like me? What bullshit. He's had time .. chances ... but he hides away like the coward he is. Only when this ended would he probably come back; not because he wanted to but he would have to, more likely than not. A number had already been done on her throat and without medical attention ... it would get worse to Kiseki, to the point of death.

Thankfully, she'd been given ample hints she was needed alive ... though what exactly for was beyond her. Still, chances for escape hadn't completely dwindled and disappeared yet this meant. As long as she was useful, she would have other times and chances. It pained her pride ... but the Uchiha knew now, unfortunately, wasn't one.

Her thoughts were interrupted however when she felt Orochimaru's member force it's way into her mouth. Now she did laugh aloud, her head shaking slowly. Had he really not considered why this may be a stupid move on his behalf?

She had teeth and he wasn't the only one who would dare use them. Yes, his were probably sharper ... but that wouldn't matter.

Worse than that, cocks weren't only those; they were muscles as well. And with too much blood loss from the area, she wouldn't be the only one needing medical treatment.

Kiseki didn't even bother counting down in her head ... once she felt the unwanted intrusion, she bit down as hard as she could, pulling herself away after her teeth remained gripped down long enough. Sannin or not, there was no way he'd be able to focus on her and the injury. No male could ... not from what she could assume.
Stumbling back in pain, Orochimaru looks down to be sickened by teeth marks that have been indented into his hard erection, slowly becoming more flacid as the pain seethes through more and more. Falling backward against the door, the Sannin quickly pulls his trousers up being care not to rub his member on the material due to the sensitivity. He calls for Kabuto to prepare the medical equipment in a hurry but before he leaves he realizes this might be a opportunity for Kiseki to attempt a escape. He must do something, an he has the perfect idea. Placing his hands firmly together an pushing himself off the door with his behind, he yells "Binding Snake Glare Spell". Upon his request, two large snakes force his hands apart, emerging from each of his sleeves and falling to the floor. He instructs them to hold Kiseki in place to which they oblige as they slither toward the exposed Uchiha and proceed to wrap them self around her. One fights it's way around her legs whilst the other ties her arms together. During the snakes bindings, Orochimaru took off and went to meet Kabuto in the medical quarter.

After hearing his lords request, Kabuto gathers all medical equipment in sight and runs to the medical room with tools in hand. Kabuto really could not afford to get on the bad side of Orochimaru than he already had... The Sannin already told him he will deal with him later. Kabuto's mind was racing, was no one actually hurt(?), was this what the Sannin meant by 'I will deal with you later...'. The medical nin could be sure, but regardless of what he was thinking, he still had to obey his master. With Orochimaru arriving from the hallway, the Sannin simply removed his flaccid member and holds it instructing Kabuto, "Fix it...". Nothing more was said by either man during the process...

Now it was Kiseki's turn to gave a smirk of satisfaction upon watching the Sannin in agony and pain. Normally, the Uchiha didn't have such a side to her; but she could definitely make an exception at the moment. Low chuckles of accomplishment left her lips, even as the serpents bound her. For someone whom was supposed to have been really smart, he'd just made the dumbest move. And with how deviant the Sannin had just been to her, his sadistic side had rubbed off slightly on the girl. Her Magenkyos followed the Sannin until finally .... he left the room.

And once he did, a sigh of relief left along with a few struggled pants and gasps, her head falling against the back of the bed. "Baka .... " She murmurs, still astounded he thought it would be smart to try to force her to suck him off. Even if Kabuto did help out in fixing his member, it'd still likely be sore for a hell of a while and that would mean ... she would be safe for a bit longer. Or so she hoped. Now that the adrenaline rush is gone, she can feel just how sore her own body is, especially her ass and breasts and low winces of pain leave as best as they can with all the damage done to her throat.

Hopefully the Sannin had learned his own lesson; the Uchiha wasn't one to take so lightly.

Her eyes slowly closed as her wrists and ankles relaxed against the snakes. Even if she had managed to get out and away, her own body wasn't in much better of a shape than Orochimaru's. She'd force herself to wait for another day and opportunity to make her move. Right now, just the ability to forget and recover would suffice ... and that was exactly what she was waiting for.

Her supposed savior and the only true way she'd survive this hell much longer ... Yakushi Kabuto.
After several hours working on the penis of his master Kabuto finally managed to get it on working condition once again. Turning around allowing the Sannin to inspect the work and repairs made to him, Kabuto placed the tools back in the worktop. Very quietly, almost a whisper fell from the mouth of Kabuto, "L- - Lord Orochimaru...". Placing his member safely away, Orochimaru tilted his head to hear what Kabuto had to say for himself. "Though I was able to fix the damage caused... you genitalia will be out of use for quite some time...". Smirking sarcastically, Orochimaru simply walked toward the doorway stooping just inside. Looking into the hallway, he simply instructed Kabuto, "...Go see your little friend... she could use some company..." the smirk fades, as well does Orochimaru, into the darkness of the dungeon. The direction Orochimaru went was unknown, but for what was darn sure... he something evil lined up for Kiseki... and Kabuto.

Waiting until Orochimaru was no longer visable, Kabuto left the medical quaters and proceed down the hallway to check on Kieski. He knew he did not have to worry about Orochimaru finding out as the Sannin wanted him to leave. With everystep down the hallway, Kabutos heart rate increased with each passing step. What seemed like a eternity what in reallity was a little distance from where Kabuto was aiding his master, Kabuto arrived outside Kiseki's chamber. Looking through the steel bars molded into the door, Kabuto could not help throw up!. Moving his head slightly to the side, Kabuto vomits up against the wall in horror. He wipes his mouth with a shake shining through out his body as he reluctantly looks into the chamber once again and nearly vomits instanly again in sight of the snakes constricting her movement, the blood that has been shed upon Kiseki, the panicked look upon her face. Kabuto wants to enter but his shock has muted him the spot. He cannot control his movement, his actions are going by fear and nothing else. He watches Kiseki's eyes move in line with his as with a quiver of the lip, he mouths toward her, "I'm so sorry"...

Back with Orochimaru, it is revealed he has entered a kind of workshop room, full with bits and pieces that look like they have been deconstructed just for thier parts. Looking around the walls Orochimaru takes several different mechanical items such as cracks, wheels and triggers. He hastily throws them onto a work bench before closing the door with a thud that is heard all the way to Kiseki. Orochimaru starts bulding some kind of device from the parts. "Fuck with me..." the smirk is washed upon his face once again, "I will teach you a little something about fucking, young one" the Sannin mischiefously states to himself...

The combination of an abrupt thud plus her Magenkyos catching sight of Kabuto from out of the corner of her eye made the Uchiha look -- glare over. Deduction said if the medical shinobi was outside the door, the thud had been from Orochimaru somehow. A low "Tch ... " leaves as she reads his lips, her head turning angrily away from the bespectacled ninja. Her voice is weak .. but at least audible enough he can hear her next retort. "Prove it then if you mean it. But don't just spout bullshit to me."

The source of panic began to intensify as she put together that the longer the snakes remained holding her still, the more difficult even breathing was going to be. It was a bit cruel ... but she would all but force Kabuto to act if he had meant all he'd said to her thus far. Her wrists finally move, her eyes not bothering to look for any colors to hint if the snakes were venomous or not. But if they were .... Kabuto would probably have to help mend much more than her throat. Turning and twisting her wrists, she began struggling against the serpents. They were - thankfully - merely summons; they could easily be dealt with and defeated unlike the Sannin.
Looking at at the anger in her eyes, Kabuto feels he is obliged to help but, he always has what kind of tortureous deviations Orochimaru will do to him in the back of his mind. Being a medical nin, Kabuto realizes the snakes constricting Kiseki are in fact highly poisonus an upon one bite, could kill instantly. Kabuto observes the snakes movements are the body of Kiseki as even if her were to save to her, he could not afford a bite from the snakes... though it would be less painfull death that if Orochimaru got his hands on him.

Completing his contraption, Orochimaru lifts it up if the work bench with ease, despite the weight of the machine. The Sannin holds the contraption on his back as he exits the work shop and proceeds down the same hallway the door is located on. At the end, the wall is a slightly different colour than the rest of the crumbling bricks but due the the shadow absorbing the while area, Kabuto has not noticed after all the time he has been around the dungeon. Using his foot, the Sannin presses the wall inward which generates a little faint click which releases the wall to swing open like a door. Entering inside, throwing the contraption down and closing the door, Orochimaru flicks the light on which illuminates a room painted in the mask of blood of previous victims bought here. There were cuff's drilled into the stone floor, chains hanging down off the walls, and in one corner being corvered by a bunch of steel looking blades was.. a skull. Orochimaru straps the contraption to the floor and places one of the blades that was previously covering the skull on the pole that was extended out of the machine.

Kabuto, still monitering the movements of the snakes feels he has their path of movement sussed so he finally decides to enter the being as quite as possible, trying to keep the snakes attention on Kiseki. Kabuto gestures to Kiseki to stay silent as he positions himself in the best place to strike. With nearly no time after entering the room, the snake around Kiseki's legs loosens up... and heads up. Kabuto panics as he see the snake head for the untainted pussy of Kiseki and roars, "Chakara Scaple" as two blades formed from the nin's chakara take place around the hands of Kabuto. With nearly no time Kabuto launches forward and slices internally at the snakes. Chakara Scaples allow the user to strike internally at opponents with causing a cut on the skin. This is the same technique Kabuto used to fix Orochimaru's member after he discovered none of the gathered tools could help. The snakes peel of Kiseki's body, dropping her to the floor. Kabuto tries to catch her after abandoning the Chakara Scaples but fails which in the process sends him to his knees. He aides Kiseki is sitting up as he removes his shirt and instructs Kiseki, "Here, put this on..." but Kabuto does it himself guideing the tending arms of the victim through the shirt. The shirt covers he body to the knees thanks to her petit frame and muscular form of Kabuto. Kabuto pulls her head and looks her directly in the eyes. He see's relief but also gratification for the help... nothing is said or heard... apart from the footsteps of Orochimaru heading toward the chamber which contains two dead snakes... Kabuto... and Kiseki.

An eyebrow lightly raises as Kiseki barely catches the silent gesture. For the moment, she didn't really have to say to begin with, so the order was easy enough to comply with. A whimper can't help but leave as she watches the snake poised and ready to strike .... right near her sex. Her eyes close as she prepares .. expecting the worst. But her eyes open abruptly as she hears a familiar set of words echo in her mind.

"Chakra Scalpel ... "

With all the times Kabuto had to use it upon her in the past, she knew perfectly well what it was meant to do. What she hadn't known, though, was it could be used as an offensive move and soon, her eyes found two dead snakes.

Weak winces, coughs, and pants leave as she's helped up to her feet, her body trembling violently from all the punishment she's endured thus far. Though it wounds her pride a bit to help with even a simple task such as being aided out in getting a mere shirt on, Kiseki accepts; simply because she knows she's too sore and shaky to do so easily on her own.

Finally, her eyes rest on Kabuto's. The anger is definitely still there -- though there's more against the Sannin than Kabuto. However, it dies down while it's just herself and the medical ninja. The actions he'd just taken ... maybe there was some hope that he was seeing her as more than a mere tool now. Maybe ... he had indeed been genuine.

A shaky hand rests on his shoulder as she feels her feet give in and she falls, collapsing on the bed once again. For a while, nothing but the silence lingers over the two. And finally ... she manages to speak, still fighting the urge to pass out then and there.

" ... Thank you .... Kabuto-san ... " She murmurs weakly.
Before Kabuto has time to respond, the piercing tone of Orochimaru interupts the special moment between the two. "Well... that is three of my python's killed" Orochimaru laughs despite the pain going on inside his trousers. "Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto jumps up turning to face his master. "Ah, Kabuto..." the Sannin exclaims whilst taking steps toward the medical nin, making sure not to rub his member against his trousers. "I was really hoping you would not play the role of the 'Night In Shining Armour' to be honest with you" the Sannin reveals. "But Lord, you were killing her!" Kabuto for the first time in his life, answers back to his lord. "Yes... indeed I was Kabuto... but now..." the smirk fades, "... im killing you!".

Pushing himself off the wall, the Sannin launches himself at his former apprentice. With his arm outstretched, Orochimaru attempts to lariet Kabuto back to where he came but in the nick of time, Kabuto ducks under the muscular arm aiming at his face. Turning around, Orochimaru is met by two Chakara Scaple's pushing their way through the air. Using his unparralled reflexes, Orochimaru grasps ahold of Kabuto's wrist's stopping him in mid attack. Falling to his back, Orochimaru releases Kabuto, sending him into the wall that was behind Orochimaru. Landing headfirst into the concrete, Kabuto is dazed... badly. Orochimaru could kill him right now but instead, the snake lord creeps over to Kabuto who is now drifting in and out of consciousness. Lifting him off the floor, Orochimaru bends Kabuto's head to side before thrusting his head forward, sinking his teeth into the neck of Kabuto. His skin breaks like paper as the saliva from Orochimaru starts circulating around Kabuto's bloodstream, completely knocking him out.

Looking over his shoulder, Orochimaru is horrified to discover Kiseki has made a run for it. Springing out the door Orochimaru just see's Kiseki fade into the darkness as he charges after her. She is fast... but he is faster. Jumping onto the floor, Orichimaru's legs turn into that of the back end of a serpent, as he slithers his way across floor, picking up more and more speed as he goes. Following Kiseki around a corner, Orochimaru follows but when he see's Kiseki run into the shadows... he realizes... she has transported herself for him.

Assuming complete human form once again, Orchimaru struts after her as she runs straight in a dead end. Now taking his place behind her, Orochimaru smarkly tells her... "Thank you young one... you saved me alot of struggling". Spinning her around and pinning her back by her forehead, Orichimaru presses the wall beside him. The click... the release... the room. Grabbing her by the scruff of the neck, Orochimaru leads her inside, closing the door behind.

"Now... you need a nice massage to... well... loosen you up!" he scares her, watching her look around the room in horror.

Not but seconds after the Sannin walked in did Kiseki stand -- force -- herself up to her feet. She didn't want anymore to do with him; though the feeling only increased as he revealed he had tried to kill her.


For a few moments, her muscles forgot how to move as she found herself gazing at a sight she never dared imagine to actually happen. Kabuto and Orochimaru ... fighting; actually doing so too. This was no practice spar or anything of the like. No, this was a very real life-or-death type of scenario. A hand covered her mouth to keep a whimper muffled as she watched Kabuto get literally bitten by the Sannin.

That ... was all she could handle. The sight made her mentally snap as she broke into a run. For once in her life, she was genuinely horrified. It seemed ironic that she had chastized Kabuto not too long ago for seeming to take 'the coward's way out' and yet here she was, doing the very same back. Her body trembled as she felt herself stumble forward a few times even.

Gomen, Kabuto ... forgive me please ...

After turning around a few more corners, Kiseki lets out weak pants and struggling breaths. She hadn't yet found the door but she was at least safe.

Or she had been ... up until the Sannin's voice was heard from behind her.

"Go the fuck away!" She hissed, wincing as his grip finds her once again. Just the simple task of moving pains her ... but she doesn't even want to dare think of what may happen if she just stays still. So she tries desperately to pull away, not caring enough of the pain rushing through her body. "Let go!"

And then, she's guided inside a foreign room ... some ... sort of dungeon? Even if it wasn't, it may as well have been. The more devious items that catch her eyes, the more the Uchiha feels her heart sink. Desperation's never been such a dominant emotion prior till now. At the moment, though, it's one of the few things barely keeping her sane or conscious, to name a few things.
Throwing Kiseki down to the floor, Orochimaru lifts his foot onto the abdomen of Kiseki, keeping her in place. He feels her struggle under his foot but he persits in keeping her where he wants her, until he sets up his next plan. With speaking a single word, the Sannin bends over her still with his foot soley in place and takes a hold of one arm. He feeds one of her hands through cuffs in the floor. The cuff was rusted and stained with blood but Orochimaru still peels her hand through, not caring one little bit if he scraped her skin in the metal. He repeats the process on her other hand, tightening the cuff's almost to the point the blood is cut off from reaching her hands. The were two ankle cuff's placed just under Kiseki ass cheeks. Fighting off kicks from the young girl, the Sannin uses his strength to bend each of her legs, one by one, untill her legs were locked in placed with her knees pointing to the roof thanks to the positioning of the cuff's.

Letting her keep Kabuto's shirt on, Orochimaru moved the previously transported contraption closer to Kiseki, placing it in between her legs. With her legs bent, her asshole was presented to anything that wanted to get inside, and in this instance... it looked like it was going to be the machine. Turning his focus to the contraption, Orochimaru flicked a switch which started the machine's extending pole to start a back and forth motion that was just missing her asshole. The speed was slow but this was only to allow for his next action.

After staring at the machine, Orochimaru really contemplated not covering the blade and just forcing it into her ass to teach her a lesson. Still... even mad men have a conscious which showed throw as all the hate inside the Sannin for what she did to his cock, was calmed down by the sight of the struggling underage girl, restrained under his power. Still, he was about to teach her a lesson... but this would benefit him more than her. Using his power, Orochimaru grasps his rope acting as a belt and with one immense tug, pulled off the end if the belt. He positioned the rope on the blade as ge proceed to move the machine closer to the point where the rope is pushing against het asshole. Using his fingers, Orochimaru stretches the ass of Kiseki and increases the speed on the machine. With a open anus and a sex machine on a high speed, it was not long until the rope was firmly inside her... then out... then in. Eventually Orochimarh could remove his hands as eveythubg was in motion.

Standing up, Orochimaru approached the door whilst taking one final look back at Kiseki. Keeping the light on... he leaves... leave her to have her first full experience with a large object inside her.

His intentions were clear... to her at least.

The metal from the cuffs didn't scrape her arms or wrists quite as bad as they could have; but they did still all the same. And it made her wince as she felt blood slowly trickling down her body, her pants and struggling breaths becoming heavier. The way he kept her pinned made it clear to Kiseki ... words would do nothing. So she saved her breath, seeing no point in wasting it. Her head bowed as her nails buried into her palms, her body shaking in anger more than any emotion. Curse after curse echoed in her mind and by the time he began working on her ankles, her body had gotten still.

There was no point ... she could see and feel it. Not that she enjoyed this by any means ... but she could see and feel there was no way out of this. Not unless she could regain her strength anyways.

As she felt her rear being probed and pushed against, Kiseki quickly bit down on her lower lip, refusing to wince or cry out, her body shaking harder. Her head remained staring down at the floor. Only when she was certain Orochimaru was out of the room - and likely out of earshot - did she dare let tears of frustration fall.

No fair! I want out! Someone ....

Her fists clenched as she feared there'd never be an end to this. Kabuto was either dead or would change his loyalties back to Orochimaru after his own punishment ... so that left no one to try to help her as far as she could see. The thought of truly being forced to remain here for so long .. made her break down more, her tears falling faster. The pain the realization was giving her was much worse than the machine could have ever begun to be.

Meanwhile, Itachi had gotten back to Konohagakure and went right to the old Uchiha compound. By now, his disguise had been dropped, seeing he was in no danger of being found. Rather than going back to his old house, he went to the 'head' of the Uchiha clan's ... the same compound where he told Sasuke to go find out the secrets of the Magenkyo Sharingan.

In one of the corners was a file cabinet. Opening it up, he began looking for a specific name; his lover's. It was an odd feeling really, he never expected to see her in any form or fashion. And yet, he'd had a dream regarding her not but several hours ago. But the hint ... was he assuming correctly what the gesture had meant?

.... If it is though, what did the dream mean? She never lived long enough to bear that child ...

Finally, he stopped and his eyes couldn't help but narrow. Sure enough in her file were records that suggested she had indeed been to the hospital for check-ups. Given the fact she failed to appear to be showing, she probably hadn't been past the first trimester.

His head bowed as he slowly set the papers down and back in their places. His eyes closed as a soft sigh left his lips.

" .... Forgive me ... " He murmured, his gaze looking back up, resolve now within his Magenkyos.

So .... a child ... his child was somehow alive and about somewhere?

He wasn't yet sure how - a first for the prodigy - but he would find them, come Hell, high water, or both if needed.
Feeling an immense sense of accomplishment with Kiseki being punished for her disobedience and Kabuto the same, Orochimaru decided to head back toward his living quarters. Slowly making his way back, with no worry about anything going wrong, Orochimaru head starting plotting what to do next; What to do(?), he asked his own conscious. "I do not know... why do you do someone of the work instead of leaving it all to me for once..." he begins to argue with himself. My genius takes time to work, whereas you are just naturally demented... his hind tells him to which a grateful Sannin reply's back, "Why thank you... you always have been a charmer!" he laughs whilst he crosses one arm across his stomach and rests the other on top, holding his chin.

Arriving in his room, Orochimaru took a seat upon his throne like chair whilst exhaling a little sigh of relief as he can finally rest in a long time. He rest's his arms on the armrest's(naturally) of the chair as he look's around in boredom. Being occupied kept him from exactly this... leaving him nothing to do at all. With Kabuto being knocked unconscious and Kiseki being widened up for Orochimaru, his mind starts running around, thinking thoughts he would not normally allow into his head.

... I can not keep her here forever

He hang's his head down as he continues on.

Sooner or later, someone will come for her

Looking up that familiar smirk emerges through once again as he finishes with,

"... and I will be ready"

His following laugh is so daunting that it echoed around the whole chamber, through to Kiseki... and to Kabuto.

One of the medical nin's eye's slightly opens up as his hand gradually is pressed flat on to the floor which help's him prop himself up against the wall. He has complete recognition of what happened which lead's him to grasp at his neck whilst his eyes completely open... but something is different... they look... kind of... red. Unaware, Kabuto touches the bite marks on his head and check if blood has come off on his hand's to which he is relived as there is none... but what he find's is much more disturbing. His eye's completely widen upon realizing his skin has turned to a kind of grey color, not like Orochimaru's, the new skin for Kabuto seems more... defined.

He attempts to stand but he is too weak and is just sent toppling to his knee's. Leaning forward on his hand's he sees the back of his hand's have emerged in as a more muscular, defined tone with his knuckles looking bigger than usual. Pushing himself off, he stays supported on his knee's whilst holding his hand's infront of his face. To his horror, his fingers start start transforming into that of a wolf and finger nails morph into razor sharp claw's all causing Kabuto excruciating pain in the process. "What is going on!" he say's with fear within his voice whilst falling backward to his behind as his he is left looking at his hand's with a knowing look upon his face, "You bastard... the Curse Seal of Underworld..."

After a while, too many cricks had entered Kiseki's neck from glancing down at the floor in such an uncomfortable angle. Her head moved back to a better position as it rested on the floor. If she could have the luxury of using a pillow, the girl gladly would have; but alas she had no such privilege. So her head was forced to stay on the cold surface beneath her, aiding in making her shiver, the still remaining emotions of anger and hate towards the Sannin assisting out as well. Her head glanced up towards the ceiling now, a few more tears falling down her face and collapsing on the cold floor.

As she hears the Sannin laugh off in the distance, her eyes shut tightly, her hands trying to cover her ears -- assuming the chains have enough slack to allow it. Though even if they don't, it doesn't cease her from damn well trying. She wanted nothing to do with him ... this place anymore. She just wanted out. Anywhere had to be better than this hell hole.

Her head feels like it's swimming as she blinks slowly ... her eyes remaining shut. At one point in time, the Uchiha swears to herself she thought she heard Kabuto .. but she barely knows. Fatigue - mental and physical - begins to steadily take over ... or try to. Fear is one of the few things helping her barely stay conscious.

No ... hell no. Not like this ... not ... not ...

But with all the other nights she's been deprived of sleep and even the other essentials; food and drink included, it's becoming much easier said than done to remain awake much longer. Her eyes go through REM as her body struggles desperately. With already hearing the Sannin isn't too far away, she knows falling asleep now would probably be one of the absolute worst things to do.
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