Rebirth [(A Naruto RP) Yuna & WisperOfTheFireFlys_X's 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg

The now seventeen year old unknown Uchiha let out an annoyed sigh. Impatient and waiting Magenkyos glanced towards her door ... if one could call it that though it felt much more like a cell, a prison. She'd been kept here for her entire life. Or so it seemed. Biting down on her lower lip, her legs swung as she sat down upon her bed, which was actually a rather small cot. Not that she took up much space ... but still that only strengthened the thought and possibility she was but a prisoner here.

Her eyes slowly closed as she hid the Magenkyos, a low sigh leaving as her legs ceased swinging. What's the point? She asked herself. Even to this day, she barely knew who she was; the most Kiseki had learned of herself was her first name. But something in her gut suggested ... she shouldn't be here, that she belonged somewhere else.

But where? With whom? Her head shook, scoffing lowly as her eyes opened up once again, glaring at the door. The two men had been damn careful on ensuring she knew as little as possible ... jutsus were no exception it seemed. Otherwise, she would have been able to burn the door and this place down. But the lack of knowledge made the task of even escaping so much easier said than done.

Her arms crossed over her chest as she tried to stay as patient as possible. Kiseki hated playing this 'waiting game' of sorts and though she should be used to it, she wasn't at the same time. It was hard to be accustomed to such a thing when every single day, something different seemed to happen to her.

Sometimes Kabuto would come in and take some blood ... others she'd get beaten for - to her knowledge - no reason whatsoever. They'd all but ensured no sharp objects were in the room with her so she never was able to defend herself. The abuse, she supposed, was almost never bad enough that Kabuto had use tons of medical ninjutsu upon her; but there had been a few times Orochimaru had gone that far on her.

" .... Why me?" She asked herself, doubting she would get an answer. Another sigh left her as she finally laid down on her back, gazing up at the ceiling, her hands resting at her sides. She hated this place ... she'd give anything to be able to leave. Even if she didn't know where she could go to ... anywhere else must be better than here. Right?
...Kabuto, be a dear and retrive my ring ,Orochimaru continued down the hallway as upon instruction, Kabuto turned back and began running to Orochimaru's suite. Oh, Kabuto... The word's gracefully fell. Yes Master Orochimaru!. A wide, almost sarcastic smile crossed the face of the snake lord as he slightly turned his head to look over his shoulder, Do not run in the hall's... somebody could get hurt. Orochimaru laughed manically for around 2 seconds, at least he humoured himself. Kabuto bow's and proceed's to walk with a gallop to his master's suite.

Orochimaru approached a large metal door with three seperate verticle bars spaced out about a quater of the way up the door. Inside a little petit girl lay inside... cuddeled up in her flesh on the bed. No teddy bear to comfort her like most girl's her age. Orochimaru's pale as death, hand reach for cold door and with one big heave, the door jiggeled open scratching on the floor as it moves. Kiseki jump's um in her little white dress, what was provided by Orochimaru, that and that only. Oh! Your up! Orochimaru laughs to himself with the smile still stained upon his face. Orochimaru closes the door behind him, even louder being closed, than when it was being opened. Kiseki covers her ears as a painful look is plastered upon her face. With the noise subsiding, Kiseki moves her hands back down to her sides. Orochimaru gets closer, as with each of his step's, Kiseki look's more worried. First she look's at the floor, mainly at the feet of the pale horseman. Then her legs slightly bend at the knees. Finally, her arms land on her things as she look's petrifyed. Now, now, now, no need to be scared young child... I don't bite...

Back in Orochimaru's suite, Kabuto is searching frantically for Orochimaru ring which he specifically asked for. He tries to not make a mess, worrying about what Lord Orochimaru would do to him. He lifts a pile of scroll's off of his workbench and underneath is a pile of ring! Must be about 50 at least. All different shapes and sizes, Kabuto tries to space them out on the bench. At the bottom, Kabuto notices something white and flat. It's a sheet of paper... he simply peel's it from under the rings. It simply read's:

Have Fun!/

Back in the chamber, Orochimaru is standing right in front of Kiseki. He gently bend's down and look's at her, face to face. A even wider smile emerges as he brings up one of his hand's... ringless hand might I add. One finger opens from his fist and he presses it on Kiseki's smooth innocent skin. He attempts to be gentle, stroking her cute face, but she is too overcome but fear to care. His finger travels further down off her face. The finger travels her neck and reaches her pertruding shoulder bones. He continues down as his finger moves over Kiseki's breast and gently runs over her nipple. His eye's follow his finger down as he compensates for his hight by bending down even further to complete her body and stoke her long leg. With his finger on her ankle, he turns his head back to her face and manically smiles. How are you princess... Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg

Her body tensed as the Sannin had to walk in. Ugh .. why him? At least Kabuto tries to be more civil ... True, she had no respect or much of any positive emotion for either men -- but if she had to choose one, Kiseki would lean a bit more towards Kabuto than Orochimaru on any day, hands down. As he tried to reassure her that he didn't bite, her eyes rolled, a low scoff leaving her lips. "Tch, yeah whatever. What the hell are you two keeping me here for? What's the point?"

She doubted an answer would be given .... it hadn't before, why should it now? Still, it was worth the effort in her mind.

Even when he approached, she remained on her back, trying to keep a strong front of sorts. It almost instantly faded, however, as his hands went on her body, especially on her breast and nipple. Her eyes narrowed angrily as she pushed herself deftly off the bed, backing away from the Sannin. "Oi ... what in the hell do you think you're trying to pull?" Her fists clenched, the knuckles beginning to turn white as he had the audacity to ask how she was ... and after such a perverse act?

" .... How am I?! I shouldn't even have to answer after that stunt you pulled! Between that and being kept here ... clueless ... I'm infuriated! I know nothing on myself or why I'm here and then you have the nerve to fucking touch me?! What do you want me to say to a question like 'How are you?', hm?!" By now, her fists were shaking in anger, her voice not much better as it raised -- not yet screaming. Still, were anyone else around to hear it, they would know ... the Uchiha was definitely mad.
"Anger! Oh, yes young one..." The Sannin's hand reached to her face as his palm carressed her left cheek as his face moved in closer toward her right ear. "I like that..." His cold breath blowing into her as he explained that anger does not worry him... and nor it should. After all, he is Sannin... power, speed, tactic's... and fear. He could sense the young Kiseki was scared despite he tough shell. He placed either of his hand's on the young one's shoulder's and pushed her against the hard wall. Bit's of the worn brick crumbeled off as her head bounced off the wall. Orochimaru watches as she slides down the wall grasping the back of her head.

"Are you okay?" He cover's his mouth as in a state of shock. Did he not mean to be so rough... did he underestimate his own strength(?)... Of course not! His hand lower's as the false shock fades, his eerie smile re-emerges as his giggles to himself. "Lord Orochimaru, Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto shouts as he run's down the hallway getting a lunge at the door. Though a solid brick steel, Kabuto throw's his whole weight(plus some seeming out chakra) and the door swings open hitting the attaching wall on the inside. "Kabuto... what did I say about running in the hall's(?)" Orochimaru's smirk leaks. "Forgive me lord Orochimaru but there is urgent new's!". Orochimaru now facing Kabuto and looking fustrated utter's "Well... carry on".

"New's reached me whilst in your suite, Otohagkure is under attack!". Orochimaru's let's out a huge sigh as he states, "Uhh... fine" , Orochimaru and Kabuto proceed to walk out but upon reaching the door frame, Orochimaru places his hand on shoulder as he turn's his head toward Kabuto, to which Kabuto look's back. "Still got that note?", "Yes Lord Oroch-" He is cut off mid sentance as he tries to take the note out of his trouser's. Orochimaru places his hand around the wrist of Kabuto's hand searching his pocket, stopping him. "Have Fun... Orochimaru releases Kabuto as he walk's away leaving Kabuto stuck on spot staring at him leave. Once his master has disappeared into the shadow's gathering in the hallway, Kabuto turn's his head toward Kiseki who is still dreary... he look's confused... and worried...
WisperOfTheFireFly said:
"Anger! Oh, yes young one..." The Sannin's hand reached to her face as his palm carressed her left cheek as his face moved in closer toward her right ear. "I like that..." His cold breath blowing into her as he explained that anger does not worry him... and nor it should. After all, he is Sannin... power, speed, tactic's... and fear. He could sense the young Kiseki was scared despite he tough shell. He placed either of his hand's on the young one's shoulder's and pushed her against the hard wall. Bit's of the worn brick crumbeled off as her head bounced off the wall. Orochimaru watches as she slides down the wall grasping the back of her head.

"Are you okay?" He cover's his mouth as in a state of shock. Did he not mean to be so rough... did he underestimate his own strength(?)... Of course not! His hand lower's as the false shock fades, his eerie smile re-emerges as his giggles to himself. "Lord Orochimaru, Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto shouts as he run's down the hallway getting a lunge at the door. Though a solid brick steel, Kabuto throw's his whole weight(plus some seeming out chakra) and the door swings open hitting the attaching wall on the inside. "Kabuto... what did I say about running in the hall's(?)" Orochimaru's smirk leaks. "Forgive me lord Orochimaru but there is urgent new's!". Orochimaru now facing Kabuto and looking fustrated utter's "Well... carry on".

"New's reached me whilst in your suite, Otohagkure is under attack!". Orochimaru's let's out a huge sigh as he states, "Uhh... fine" , Orochimaru and Kabuto proceed to walk out but upon reaching the door frame, Orochimaru places his hand on shoulder as he turn's his head toward Kabuto, to which Kabuto look's back. "Still got that note?", "Yes Lord Oroch-" He is cut off mid sentance as he tries to take the note out of his trouser's. Orochimaru places his hand around the wrist of Kabuto's hand searching his pocket, stopping him. "Have Fun... Orochimaru releases Kabuto as he walk's away leaving Kabuto stuck on spot staring at him leave. Once his master has disappeared into the shadow's gathering in the hallway, Kabuto turn's his head toward Kiseki who is still dreary... he look's confused... and worried... Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg

"Don't fucking ignore me. Why .. ?? Ngh!" Her eyes quickly blink as her head connects with the wall, her eyes glaring right at the Sannin. Regardless of whether it was the right time - or hell correct individual - to dare gaze at in such a manner was beyond the teenager's caring. She'd been forced to remain here, forced to comply and obey with every single command for so long ... and all without being told the simplest and most basic things. It was definitely infuriating her --- rightfully so at that rate. What sane person wouldn't be mad that they know nothing of themselves or the reason they were in an all but completely unknown place.

The name 'Otogakure' meant absolutely nothing to Kiseki; it hadn't for years to be more accurate. Why should it now? Thankfully, there seemed to be news that would quickly force Orochimaru to cease and leave her alone; an attack. Though it did relieve her, it also made Kiseki wonder ... who even knew of this place? From what she had noted, it seemed so small, so secluded --- pretty damn well hidden, somewhat unfortunately.

Still, an inward sigh managed to leave her lips as she pushed herself away from the wall, looking toward her door in time to see that though the Sannin had left, Kabuto hadn't. Was this ... a good or bad thing? She wanted to believe the first but the new and very unusual expression on his face and in his eyes suggested otherwise. Swallowing softly, she feels her ankles tense, prepared to take an opportunity and try to run. Maybe he wouldn't see it coming, who knew?

But first thing was first ... she'd try to keep him distracted long enough to keep him from noticing her muscles and how they looked.

" ... Kabuto? Something wrong?" She asked, genuine concern in her tone as she looked at him, trying to pinpoint the source of the obvious confusion and anxiety that can be seen in the bespectacled medical shinobi.
"Losen yourself up Kiseki..." Kabuto pushes his glasses further up on his nose. Kiseki look's shocked and confused on how he new "Never try to out think a medical nin..." looking out the corner of his eye. Kiseki reluctenly losen's her limb's as Kabuto grab's the door with both hand's and taking one step back he swing's the door shut generating a raging echo though the whole... well... nowhere know's where they are... a mansion, a hotel, a dungeon... the latter is the best choice however. Kabuto lean's against the door and slides down it in the same fashion Kiseki did after being pushed by both their master.

Kabuto, facing Kiseki's unoccupied bed, direct's his eye's toward the cautious Kiseki. "Do not be afraid... I... I am not like him" Kiseki look's baffeled. "I want to apoligise for all... horrendous I have caused to you. All those... experiment's, were - - under Master Orochimaru's order." He exclaim's in a state of relife that he is finally get's that off his chest. "Please Kiseki... do not move. I - - I like you... there is something about you. You are not scared of him are you?" Kabuto continues talking after her answer, but he has not directly looked at her since he has been in the chamber, he has literally been talking to a wall. Every now and then, he pushes his glasses back upon his nose. Kabuto raises his knee's in the air and rest his arm's on them. "You want me to tell you who you are don't you? You want me to tell you what the name 'Kiseki' mean's, where we are, why you are here, what we have done to you...."

"I regret to tell you this Kiseki, but I can not help you. Though I like you spirit... I can not trust you. I could you everything you want to know... but I can not, why? two reason's."

Kabuto climbs himself up the wall to his feet. "How do I know that you will not relay all revelation's to Lord Orochimaru(?)" Kabuto, still yet to look directly at Kiseki, reaches for the door, swinging it open. The door once again, scratches on the stone cold floor generating a peircing violent sound. "Trust Kiseki... shoud not be played with" Kabuto hold's the door open as he explain's reason number two. "and Kiseki... some things are best left unknown..." Kabuto leaves, closing the door behind him as he vanishes into the shadow's leaving Kiseki alone... Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg Pics/k21y13_zps2700afbe.jpg

A clearly annoyed "Tch ... " was all that left her lips as Kabuto revealed he'd noted her desire and attempt to consider running off and away. Feeling defeated and even more angry, she loosened up as hinted, ready to sit back on the bed instead. But Kabuto began to approach and though she didn't dart for the door, she did move away from the medical ninja -- as much as she could for that matter. Her head can't help but tilt .. a laugh soon following. Even as it echoed in her mind, she found the words hard to believe.

"I like you ... "

"Ha! Good one. You .. like me? And you can't even say why?" Her head shook, still in shock and disbelief at the words. "Don't bullshit me like you've been doing for so long." She murmured, clearly still irritated and annoyed at the lack of answers. An affirmative nod leaves as he even asks if that is indeed what she wants, her hand tilting lightly in mid-air.

"I know 'Kiseki' means miracle but ... miracle of what? More than that, what the hell is my surname? I ... do have one, don't I? And yes ... why I'm here, why all that's been done to me has been ... yeah I do want to know all of those answers." Her eyes rolled as another sigh left her lips, her head shaking quicker in annoyance.

" ... Because I wouldn't want to tell him any of this. Wait ... are you saying even he doesn't know what you do? So ... he knows as much of me as I do or .. ??" Now .. she was abruptly intrigued. Did that really mean only Kabuto knew anything - and possibly everything - about her? But ... why him? Now more than ever, she did want to know all she'd been trying to figure out for so long.

His second reason ... made her contemplate. It did, unfortunately, have a good point. As he left her room, she sat back down on her bed, closing her Magenkyos.

"Some things are best left unknown ... "

At times, that was indeed true. But she didn't believe now to be one. A frustrated sigh left as her head tilted, now looking towards the door.

Hadn't Kabuto said there was supposed to be an attack? Even if it was outside .. why was she not hearing noises of battle? Had it already ended?

As creepy as he was, the Sannin did seem to be powerful ... so it was a good possibility. Her eyes remained closed as she tried her best to relax. Even a simple task like that was much easier said than done ... but she had to try. Nothing good would come if she stayed in a sleep-deprived state for too long. While Kiseki wasn't in one yet, she had been pushing her luck the past couple days.
Outside of the... what shall we call it... dungeon - - that seem's acurate! Orochimaru heeded Kabuto warning about a attack and entered a room that is only intended for the eye's of the Sannin. The room... completely covered in white is empty apart from one monitor on the far war. Orochimaru kneel's on the floor in front of the monitor and extend's to a button marken '<<'. After pressing the button, a live feed of Kiseki's chamber rewind's. Whilst rewinding the stream, Orochimaru let's a unsuprised sigh as he notices that when Kabuto left the chamber, he was fully clothed, "Oooh Kabuto, will you ever obey me(?)" . Orochimaru wind's the tape back further to just where Kabuto has falling down the door... "Now then - - let's see what we have got..."

Kabuto is sitting in his luxuary suite trying to pretend to be fine... but all he has on his mind, is a little, cute, innocent... fiesty girl, known as Kiseki. I need to tell her... I-I want to tell her! . His mind drift's to Orochimaru, why Lord Orochimaru... why her! you sick basta-... no... I can not, he is still my master. Forgive me Lord Orochimaru. He is torn. He know's he must obey his master but the humain side within him, want's to help Kiseki.

"Heh heh heh, that's all I need..." Orochimaru smirks as he get's the stream back up to present time. Orochimaru clamber's out of his secret room and hides the entrance up again just as Kabuto emerge's from around the corner. "Oh, Lord Orochimaru... I was just going to go get you from your suite." Kabuto point's down the hall in the direction of Orochimaru's suite. "Yes... well - -" now that Orochimaru know's how Kabuto feel's about his 'prisoner', Orochimaru has a advantage on Kabuto if he ever need's it. "I was about to say the same to you" The smirk widen's...

As Kiseki's eyes remained shut, she felt fatigue begin to take over. She never liked falling asleep here but with how little she's gotten in the past, the teenager knows that unfortunately, she does need it. Even if only for a few hours. Before she completely slips away and goes unconscious, the same confusing words that she heard from Kabuto not long ago echo within her mind, helping her fall asleep.

"I like you ... "

Was he being genuine and serious? It was hard to believe.

A weary yawn passes her lips and soon, she falls into a deep sleep and for once, she dreams.

Two figures are seen before her, each with the same eyes and hair color. There is a male and a female, both looking only a few years older than them. Kiseki can feel herself tossing and turning in her sleep.

What the hell is this? Who ... who are they?

Though the lips of the two individuals move, no words can be heard. The woman gently guides one of the male's hands upon her stomach, smiling to him.

The male looks stoic on the outside but even from within the dream, Kiseki can feel regret, remorse, pain from the man.

... Why? What ... what is this I'm seeing? I don't understand ...

As quickly as it began, the dream then abruptly ends. The young girl's Magnekyos quickly open as she sits up in her bed, panting slightly. Confused on what she has just seen, she lies back down, unsure what more to do and knowing that trying to leave her room would do nothing good for her.

What Kiseki didn't know, however, was she wasn't the only one whom had this exact same dream. The male she saw did also ....

Another pair of Magenkyo eyes shot open as the missing nin that had been formerly within Akatsuki, though was actually a double agent for Konoha, woke up with his own start of sorts. He didn't pant like Kiseki had, but he did gaze around.

Normally, Itachi Uchiha was a stoic and calm shinobi. He was still calm ... but after such a dream, he can't help but ponder upon it. That face ... was one he hadn't seen in years.

And even if Kiseki hadn't understood the gesture of his hand being on the female's stomach, Itachi did. And that was what he was thinking about the most if it was true and if so ... how was it possible?

"It is clear ... I need to go on my own mission ... " He murmured lowly, getting up to his feet. How .. even he wasn't sure. There were few people he could begin to go to ... but somehow ... he would have to figure a way out.

And with that, he began to walk out of his hiding place, heading into the nation closest by to him; Konohagakure. He would enter the nation, of course, under a disguise via the Henge no Jutsu technique ... but he had quite a ways to go.

Until then, he wouldn't try to hide himself ... not yet.
Kabuto, the torn nin… a titles he did indeed not want, nor need. Kabuto still has Kiseki on his mind trying to figure out way’s to get to speak to her but everything plot that he thinks up, the one white figure keep’s emerging from the air. Kabuto does want to help Kiseki but not at risk of his own life, no matter how selfish that sound’s, Kabuto knows what Orochimaru is capable of, and how he does not just kill his victim’s, he torture’s them. He makes them feel everyone of their bone’s crunch by his fist. He makes the bloodshed flow and lacerates the body till the point the victim would be wishing for death. Kabuto, though a medical nin, could not even save himself after torture from the Sannin.

The following morning morning, Kabuto is in his suite laying on top of his bed with only being covered up by his boxer’s. He has one eye closed, still trying to find a loophole to help Kiseki. The medical nin sit’s up, as he hear’s the haunting echo from his master’s footstep’s, he can tell they are going further away from his room meaning Orochimaru is going to Kiseki. Kabuto jump’s up and start’s getting dressed to accompany his lord but his is halted by a echoed statement that has transcended down the hallway, “Oh Kabutooooo!” Kabuto look’s up as he is pulling his trouser’s up. “Stay…stay… please!” Orochmaru order’s him. Kabuto look’s confused and a little bit of anger is sieving through, Kabuto pull’s his trouser’s up and sit’s on the end of his bed, placing his head in his hands.

Orochimaru, now in Kiseki’s chamber, hold’s up a new clean white gown which he explains, “Sorry Kiseki, this was supposed to be ready laast night but a certain student of mine forgot to clean it for you… isn’t he just awful(!)” he smirks. “ Now… put it on!” still smirking Orochimaru throw’s the gown at the face to which after she throw’s it on the bed, look’s scorned!. She look’s like she is waiting for Orochimaru to leave but he counter’s her expression by stating, “Oh… you mean to leave(?) heh heh, tough!”. Reluctanly, Kiseki pull’s the current dirty gown she has on over head, whilst trying to cover up her private area’s. Orochimaru gazes at the nude body of Kiseki as his tounge pushes through his teeth and circle’s his lips, which have formed a even wider smirk. Orochimaru watches Kiseki turn around to pick the new gown up of the bed, to do so, she has to bend down. Orochimaru bites his bottom lip in awe of her little cute behind and long, thin, smooth leg’s. After being clothed, Kiseki sit’s down on her bed which lead’s Orochimaru to ask… “So…” he drag’s the ‘O’ out. “Kabuto… talk!” he instructs her to tell him about Kabuto’s last visit to her. The Sannin is expecting her to lie and tell him what he want’s to hear… but does she?

Somewhere in between trying to figure the dream out and being lost in deep thought, Kiseki had fallen back asleep it seemed. Only when she has that same feeling of creepy eyes upon her do the Magenkyos open. Sure enough, the Sannin was in her room. A low groan left as her head fell back on her pillow. "... Ugh, can't you just go away?" She murmured, seeming to be answered with a gown landing upon her. Her eyes went from the cloth to the Sannin, an eyebrow raising as if to ask him silently 'You fucking serious?'.

But if anything, the expression in the amber eyes she was gazing out remaining the same -- determined and serious enough -- suggested he was indeed. A good portion of Kiseki had half a mind to toss the gown back and hiss at him to go the hell away; but then she remembered not only the sensation of her head hitting the back of the wall but all the other times before then. Something told her it would be smarter if she kept her strength ... she would probably need as much as possible.

To say she was anxious and even slightly disturbed was quite the understatement. Gowns like this usually suggested some sort of experiment was about to be done. But what hadn't they done to her by now? She couldn't think of much ... and the unknown made butterflies fly around in her stomach. Swallowing softly, she stares at the gown for a while, nods to herself, then quickly pulls her old clothes off, the gown taking their place soon enough.

Despite trying to make the change as quick as possible, Kiseki was pretty damn sure they both got quite the view, even if only for a short time.

Her arms crossed in annoyance as she sat down upon her bed, glancing over to try to see about getting some sort of hint ... or answer ... on what this involved. An eyebrow raised lightly as he ordered Kabuto to talk.

Talk about ... ??

And then ... it hit her. His confession ... damnit, had he heard tha somehow?! But .. hadn't he left to go check on the attack? How?!

... Suddenly, Kiseki had a feeling things were about to get ugly very soon ....
LadyYunaFFX2 said:

Somewhere in between trying to figure the dream out and being lost in deep thought, Kiseki had fallen back asleep it seemed. Only when she has that same feeling of creepy eyes upon her do the Magenkyos open. Sure enough, the Sannin was in her room. A low groan left as her head fell back on her pillow. "... Ugh, can't you just go away?" She murmured, seeming to be answered with a gown landing upon her. Her eyes went from the cloth to the Sannin, an eyebrow raising as if to ask him silently 'You fucking serious?'.

But if anything, the expression in the amber eyes she was gazing out remaining the same -- determined and serious enough -- suggested he was indeed. A good portion of Kiseki had half a mind to toss the gown back and hiss at him to go the hell away; but then she remembered not only the sensation of her head hitting the back of the wall but all the other times before then. Something told her it would be smarter if she kept her strength ... she would probably need as much as possible.

To say she was anxious and even slightly disturbed was quite the understatement. Gowns like this usually suggested some sort of experiment was about to be done. But what hadn't they done to her by now? She couldn't think of much ... and the unknown made butterflies fly around in her stomach. Swallowing softly, she stares at the gown for a while, nods to herself, then quickly pulls her old clothes off, the gown taking their place soon enough.

Despite trying to make the change as quick as possible, Kiseki was pretty damn sure they both got quite the view, even if only for a short time.

Her arms crossed in annoyance as she sat down upon her bed, glancing over to try to see about getting some sort of hint ... or answer ... on what this involved. An eyebrow raised lightly as he ordered Kabuto to talk.

Talk about ... ??

And then ... it hit her. His confession ... damnit, had he heard tha somehow?! But .. hadn't he left to go check on the attack? How?!

... Suddenly, Kiseki had a feeling things were about to get ugly very soon ....

“Excuse me Lord Orohcimaru?” Kabuto ask’s but he really does recognise what his master is talking about. “Hmm, I wonder Kabuto… how is our flower garden going?” Orochimaru look’s over to Kiseki and winks in a disturbing manner. “L-Lord Orochimaru… I-I” Kabuto manages to get out despite knowing he is compromised. “Kabuto… stop mumbling…and…talk!” Orochimaru shouts ‘talk’ at the student as Kabuto flinches back. Staying silent, more in fear and surprise that his master knows, than anything else Kabuto is forced to take several steps back as Orochimaru takes several step’s toward him. Orochimaru keep’s backing Kabuto up until Kabuto is standing in the door frame. “Kabuto! I am going to!... deal with you later…”

Orochimaru’s scream’s turn to a comedic finale to his sentence as he finishes with, “Leave…” . Kabuto look’s relived, scared and worried all at the same time, as he wants to help Kiseki but value’s his own life more. Orochimaru watches Kabuto run down the hallway but the echoing tone of Orochimaru follows’ him, making him stop… but not turn around. “Kabutoooo… do not try to get away… that would be a worse idea than… what shall we say… running in the hall’s!!” he manically laugh’s as Kabuto continues on.

His crazy laugh continues as he swing’s the chamber door shut. His laugh stop’s as the door locks on impact and his face turn’s serious. Though short, the serious face was a even bigger worry for the two compromising people in this situation. His smirk grows back as he simply look’s back at Kiseki and utter’s…

Test time…” as he takes step’s closer to her.

The sight of the normally calm and collected Kabuto flinching ... was rare, intriguing, and simultaneously scary for Kiseki to be able to observe. If one man had been able to make him react quite like that ... it proved what a hold the Sannin must have had upon Kabuto. Even when she'd had her worst fits in the past, he never reacted anywhere quite as he just had then and there. Her Magenkyos followed Kabuto, up until he got out of sight and ran out the door. As the sound of a tell-tale click - signaling the door was locked - catches her ears, it then dawns on her ...

She's not alone. No ... the Sannin had remained inside her room when locking the door. And though she didn't know why, she didn't quite want to find out. Finally, he spoke two words that she hadn't wanted to hear ... though part of her did expect something of the like to leave his lips.

"Test time ... "

A frown instantly crosses her face and her ankles tense. He may not be Kabuto, she knew, but he was worse in that aspect. He was above him, stronger than him .... and because of that, probably faster.

But there'd be no way she'd just sit on the bed and wait to see what would happen either. No ... even if her attempts failed, she would damn well try.

"Hell no ... " She murmured, her feet finally pushing herself off the bed. Without a second thought or reconsidering her next moves, she tried to duck underneath the Sannin and work on unlocking the door.

All Kiseki knew was she really did not want to find out exactly what he meant by 'test time'.... not if that could be helped.
Orochimaru glared at the back of Kiseki, licking his lips in the sight of the exposed ass of the young girl. His eye's ran up and down her legs with every step he took closer toward her. Creeping up behind Kiseki Orochimaru made sure he got as close as he could with actually touching her yet making sure she felt every one of his cold breaths on th back of her neck. Orochimaru watching in glee as Kiseki continues to struggle at the door, clawing away hoping to hit a lever or latch... She knew it would not happen... and so did Orochimaru. He thrust his forearm into the back of Kiseki'd head, pinning her up against the door. Orochimaru's free hand reaches between the door and Kiseki to grasp what was remaining of her gown. He let's the tore clothing drift to the floor as he now once again, free hand is pulsed onto the smooth little petit back of Kiseki, still unable to move due to the arm of the Sannin. His hand travels further down to her bare exposed ass and his hand tightens on the small yet full ass check of the girl. Upon squeezing, he hisses in the ear if Kiseki to let her know, she is his.

His hand opens her cheek further to the side to stretch her hole for something... something he had yet to decide. Reliving the force on Kiseki, Orochimaru moves his arm and in process, his whole body as he slithers down her back to be crouching, staring right at her hole... he smiles and chatter's his teeth. His other hand is placed on the adjacent cheek of Kiseki and again, stretches it wide open with high force. With both cheeks stretched, Orochimaru moves his head in closer to the exposed, helpless hole off Kiseki... he smiles... test time is about to commence...

Maybe if the bastard hadn't already made her slightly dizzy from the harsh shove, this would be going a lot smoother. But that plus his seemingly unnatural strength made this so very against Kiseki from the second he entered and remained in the room with her. A low "Ngh ... " leaves her lips as she's forced against the door, low pants being the only other reactions she allows to leave. Her Magenkyos close and she begins to make a vow to herself.

No more ... he doesn't get anymore satisfaction ....

And yet about as quickly as the promise is made, she can't help but break it slightly as her body shivers from his touch, especially as his hands find her rear. Without thinking, she gives a near-growl of sorts as he hisses, her own silent retort that she wouldn't ever fully allow herself to be 'his'. Not in any form or fashion ... not if she could help it.

Her teeth found her lower lip as she bit hard, her fists clenching to keep from crying out as the foreign sensations of his hands expose her so lewdly. It's damn close but no blood yet falls from how hard she bit down on herself. But it's so very near ... she can almost hear the crimson fluid to fall, to escape. Still, she mentally gives herself a no, refusing to look weak in front of the Sannin. It was bad enough she already felt it ... she wouldn't show those hints .... somehow.
Orochimaru feels her body clench up in fear as she feels his breath on her innocent hole for the first time. This is the first experience Kiseki is having in sexual intercourse, consensual or not, Orochimaru is going to make sure it would be... unforgetable. The heads of the Sannin dips in further now contacting her tight hole with his nose. He presses his nose is further as he shakes his head from side to side allowing her hole to open up around his nose. The disgusting act is followed by something equally shunned upon as he takes in a long deep breath making sure to catch her scent in the process. He pulls the tip of his nose out her hole that immidently closes back up in tightness.

Orochimaru changes the placement of his nose for his mouth as he once again centers around entering her. He stretchs her cheeks even wider so he place his face and more importanly, his mouth, in-between her cheeks. His mouth open as his long, moist tounge emerges. His tounge circles around her tight hole, occasionally passing over the centre causing her flinch and to open up momentarily. After several rounds of teasing, the Sannin straightens out his tounge and presses himself closer to Kiseki, and in the process, he tounge pushes up against her asshole and after a little bit of defense from the hole, his tounge slides in. He extends his tounge in a circular motion to male sure Kiseki feels every little movement. He forces more and more of his tounge in bit by bit and eventually, his tounge has fully entered her....Orochimaru knew what he is doing... It is mist definitely not his first time...

A shiver trails down her spine, her breaths through her nose becoming quicker and harsher, causing her chest to heave. A weak chuckle nearly escapes her lips as she remembers Kabuto's confession, her head shaking from side to side. Her Magenkyos close as she tries her damnedest to ignore the odd feelings coming from the Sannin. Yes, it'd probably anger him greatly but right now, the Uchiha was beyond caring. Her pride had been all but shattered. The best saving grace, she supposed, was he was leaving her hymen alone. She'd save her strength and fight should he try that. Degrading as this was, it would be much more tolerable.

You liked me huh? What a bunch of bullshit. You leave me to suffer like this but you like me? Tch, yeah whatever .... fucking liar. Always have been, always will be ...

Her fists clench tighter, her knuckles threatening to turn white and nails close to drawing blood from her palms. Her teeth clench down once again on her lower lip, still refusing to cry out for him or make any other form of noise. He didn't deserve it but more than that, she didn't want this. If he was aiming to test her endurance, he'd soon see it wouldn't be as easy to break her down and force her into complete submission.

After all - though she didn't know it - she was an Uchiha; one of the physically and mentally strongest clans. It would take a hell of a lot for her to reach her true breaking point despite all happening to her and all that may soon enough.
With the whole length of his tounge inside the previously untainted hole of Kiseki, Orochimaru showed her why he really is called the snake lord. His tounge was acting like it had a mind of it's own, exploring every angle inside Kiseki. His tounge, dripping with saliva, wiggeled around further and further, with each rotation his movements became more fierce, piercing if you will. His tounge started to simulated a blade with how straight and strong it had become...a blade inside the little girl... no one should suffer this... but did the Sannin care(?)... of course not. Orichimaru's hands tightened on the supple ass cheeks of Kiseki, almost to the point where his fingers were simulating clamps and the soft skin of Kiseki. Though unaware of the blood Kiseki had drew herself, Orochimaru began to dig his claw like fingernails into the meaty ass of the innocent girl, and doing so, lacarates her skin as two little drops of blood leak down her cheeks and start traveling her legs.

The Sannin moved his bloody hands away from her ass cheeks now that his tounge is fully emerged inside her. His hands traveled toward her little breasts to possibly do what he had so savagely done to her ass. His fingertips still covered in blood began to explore her breasts, his hands, cold to the touch, ran over over her nipples. If they were not not hard before, the freezing skin of the Sannin made sure they were now. Still with his tounge inside her ass, his hands focused on each breast, pinching and twisting each of her nipples in a uncaring manner... Orochimaru did not worry about any pain he was causing her... he wanted her to feel it all.

Her head fell upon angrily shaking arms, hiding the immense hate that would have otherwise been noted within her Magenkyos. Hate? No .. more like killing intent. But both he and Kabuto had been insistent that she never understand even the mere basics of fighting, including chakra or the types of them. And yet she could almost feel a fire deep within her ... inwardly screaming, pleading, begging for some form of justice! This definitely wasn't it; that was all the teenager knew.

Another shiver trailed down her body as the cold hands came into contact with her nipples, the icy feel all but forcing the nipples to instantly harden from his touch. At least she herself knew it was from anything but pleasure as to why this was happening ... but it didn't get rid of the degrading feelings rushing through her either and the still building up hate for the Sannin.

Every second that passed and Kabuto still remained hidden away wasn't helping her temper out, either. His words - she was becoming more and more convinced - were but a beautiful lie, like how he'd boasted to have done with so many other nations and people. Lied his ass off to save it; she was just another when all was said and done, hm?

.... Figures .... She merely replied, a mental scoff echoing in her head.

Any pain she should be feeling was distracted from the hate and adrenaline rush beginning to build in her. She stayed still and silent. There would be a perfect time to retort and strike back; she'd make sure of it. And when that arrived ... Kiseki would take it along with her freedom.
Orochimaru stood up which in the process, forced his tongue to slide out of her asshole which closes right back just to prove how untainted the girl really is. The Sannin presses himself up against the girl and thrusts his crotch into her ass cheeks covered in crimson, staining the bottom of his shirt with her pure blood. In a fit of efficient familiarity, the Sannin spins her around and places his skin up on her shoulders which he proceeds to pin her back. The snake lord feels her body shiver as her whole back area is placed up against the steel door, though the temperature is still not as cold as her captors hands.

Orochimaru gets so close to Kiseki, she can feel his breath travel around her exposed body and through her blood. A uncharacteristic Orochimaru is silent yet still as fierce as when his sarcastic, patronizing personality is shining through. His hands once again find her small breasts as his fingers continue where they left off and explore her nipples, red with her own blood. Orochimaru presses the finger tips of his two index fingers onto her nipples and through his unmatched chakara, he can sense all feelings and emotions yet continues to be silent... He just smirks in her face as his long tongue extends out, moving his head down and approaches her blood. He licks up her blood, making sure to flick her nipple as his tongue loses contact with her. Gathering her blood in his mouth, he once again goes face to face with her and attempts to 'give her blood back' by exchanging it via her mouth. Whilst attempting to struggle the blood back to her, his hands are still playing with her nipples, but being more ruthless, pulling them out to the point they become red... almost the same colour as what they were previously smothered in.

Some relief, no matter how short or long, rushes through Kiseki as she's turned to face the Sannin; the constant cold feeling against her chest had been uncomfortable. True, it was now upon her back ... but it was a start. Her head instantly turned, refusing to gaze into the amber eyes before her. Now, however, he can see a slow but steady trail of blood falling down her lower lip, inflicted by her own self and the hatred practically burning in her Magenkyos.

Her fists clench tighter, the very slightest wince barely leaving as she nearly draws blood from her own palms. Nearly ... but it doesn't quite succeed. Still, the process got damn close to completing as she feels Orochimaru toy with her nipples. Her body tenses as if she herself were a serpent, wanting so badly to strike at the Sannin. But like any patient and true snake, she waits ... knowing now is still not yet the perfect chance she's been waiting for. Her breathing through her nose increases, her Magenkyos hiding from the Sannin as her head stays turned away from him.

Goddamnit, hurry the hell up! She mentally screams and pleads, not caring whom may or may not hear. If there was even some form of merciful kami watching ... they'd make this end .... somehow. But there probably wasn't; she'd been with these two her whole life, basically raised by them even. That alone made a low whimper leave as the possibility that this would never end slowly dawned on her.

It sickened her, frightened her even ... but she was seeing few other ways out and even if it may be merciful to some degrees, she didn't want Death. Why was honestly beyond her, though. She was almost miserable enough to beg for it but ... something was holding her back. And not just the odd dream she'd had; even before that, Kiseki had clung to her life and the desire to keep it.

Her eyes remained closed as she wondered more and more with each passing second what it was that seemed to appeal so much to her that she didn't yet want to die ...
Fighting with her lips, eventually Orochimaru prys them apart allowing him to empty the contents of his mouth into hers. As the mixture of blood and saliva trickle onto the teeth, seething their way through onto her tongue, Orochimaru pulls away feeling a sense of self accomplishment, almost as is he thought that he was unable to achive his sickening plan. The smile upon the face of Orochimaru is almost splitting the corners of his mouth it is so wide. The Sannin watches on as he laughs as Kiseki starts coughing and gagging due to the evil concoction making it's way down her throat.

After previously pulling away, The Sannin takes one long heavy step toward the violated girl as his laugh turns to a scream, throwing his hand up around the thin, slender throat of Kiseki, almost denting the door with force he throws behind himself. Orochimaru is now sure that the blood in her mouth has now been added to, watching her try to cough, he knows he has crushed something inside her throat, but what... he does not know... and not does he care. All he cares is completing what he called 'test time', and to do so, with her clamp still firmly around the her neck, he launched his arm behind himself and in the process, sending Kiseki flying across the room. She stops when her back wraps around the steel pole holding her mattress up on her bed.

Approaching her, Orochimaru sees the physical pain her has caused Kiseki with the cuts from her ass cheeks leaking blood onto the floor underneath her, the blood from her lip tricking down her chin, dripping off onto her breasts and a darker shade of red emerging from her mouth from her crushed throat. Orochimaru now intends to cause her throat alot more damage... but not with his hands. He sits her up against the steel pole and takes a firm grasp of her hair, pulling her head back very roughly. He looked as if he started pulling his trousers down with one hand... has the test even started yet(?)... or was this just the Sannin's way of phasing rape(?)... probably the last one.

Kiseki had been able to zone everything out well enough, even the kiss. But then, her eyes shot open as the cold hands went around her throat. Instincts instantly kicked in as she tried to keep it from completely being crushed, keep some distance between his hands and her own which had slid in between the Sannin's. Her heart races as her head tilts back to try to keep some circulation going to her lungs. Had he snapped? Had enough? Gods she was going to die now, wasn't she?

Thankfully, the harsh tossing of the floor and grip leaving her throat suggested otherwise. More coughs and gasps left as she rolled a few times, using her right hand to stop herself before she collapsed into the wall -- or anything around her for that matter. Kiseki's eyes began going through REM, feeling the physical damage getting her close to passing out. But hell if she would -- not now, with the Sannin still in the room and still at full power. She didn't even want to think of what he could to do her while she was unconscious but if what he was doing now was horrid ... it definitely wouldn't be better if she let her consciousness slip now.

During one of the times her eyes opened, she saw a hand reach down and grasp her hair. A low wince mingles in with the coughs and gasps which had still been continuing. "Ah!" Instincts kick in again as she tries to pry his hands off. The hell with staying calm ... with behaving. She's been given all the reasons and incentives to fight back. If that'd been what he wanted, he'd get it. Regardless, she'd still fight him ... even if it was practically a lost cause at this point.
Sensing her distress and uncomfort, as well as the rage he could see building in her eyes, pulling her hair back further. With his free hand, Orochinaru loosens his trousers and with one fell swoop, they are by his ankles, just touching the floor as they tighten up when the Sannin widens his legs. With his grasp still ahold of the luscious black locks of Kiseki, he pull her head up so she can see that through all this ordeal, he has not been wearing any underwear... he wants her to know he could of done this a long time ago, but now is the time for Kiseki to be tought just how superior the Sannin is over her.

His takes his pulsing erection in his free hand and grabs it from the base, swinging it around, teasing the poor girl who knew what was going to happen. With legs widened, he takes little steps closer to her but not many steps are needed as the tip of his erection is brushed against her lips which close immediently upon touch. Orochimaru makes sure she can not look up donate cannot see his face... though with his main focus on her, he knows that it is visible that he has something else on his mind... Kabuto... where he was... what he was doing. Grabbing the length of his dick, he slightly bent his legs to gain leverage for what he was about to do. The Sannin pushes the head of his erection into the closed lips of the girl, just poking away in a humiliating manner. Leaving her lips, he once again grabs around his base, directing his erection onto the cheeks of Kiseki, just stroking down and up occasionally passing across her forehead. His dick leaves contact with her face, albeit momentarily as his full length comes smacking into the side of Kiseki, turning her head with the force and size of his dick.

The Sannin simply lays his dick horizontally on her face with his tip in line with her hairline and his base in line with her chin. Grabbing ahold of each of shoulders, he pulls his hips back, allowing his huge erection to slither of her face until the head reaches her lips. With one big push, his dick acts as a jack in-between her lips, forcing them open. Looking down, the Sannin feels pleased as he sees just how much Kiseki's eyes have widened and how her expression has changed.
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