
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake gasped as he was grabbed and flung to the ground. He leapt to his feet. He then initiated a roundhouse kick at her. "Hah!" He shouted.

(Gotta go to bed. sorry it's short.)
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Thanks to her crouching stance, she was in no position to really be able to dodge. She quickly tried to stand so that at the very least the kick wouldn't land against her head but she couldn't stop it from colliding with her upper ribcage. The breath was knocked out of her from the impact and Sheena went sliding across the ground, digging her shoulder down to keep her from going too far.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake panted heavily. "Okay. Let's stop before we break something important." He suggested, out of breath.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

She laughed a little, sitting up and rubbing the dirt off her shoulder, noticing that it was bleeding.

"Yeah, don't want to ruin my clothes either. Want to head back, maybe stay for dinner?"
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake chuckled. "That was the plan." He smiled and held out his hand for her.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

She took his hand, pulling herself up by his side as she brushed the dirt off her backside.

"You have anything specific in mind?"
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake shook his head. "Nothing in particular." He smiled.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

"Good," She looked back at him with a wink; her tongue barely sticking out between her lips. "Tempura it is then."

The walk back to the heart of the village took about half an hour but when they got back, the sun was setting. The horizon was dancing with golds, purples, and blues. Some of the brighter stars were already shining overhead, a few overshadowed by the glow of a full moon that could already be seen off in the distance. By the time they got back, people had already begun eating. The smell of food wafting in the air. Sheena's stomach gave an audible growl as they neared her tent.

"Or maybe something that takes a lot less time to cook."
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake smiled. "I can cook up some fried rice, or some spaghetti." He said happily. He looked up at the stars. "Wow. It really is beautiful out here." He pointed out.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

"Rice would go good with the fish."

Sheena smiled as she handed him a pan. His words drew her attention elsewhere as she looked up in to the darkening sky.

"It's one of the things I like best about Mizuho. In other, larger towns there are always so many lights that block out the twinkle of the smaller stars. So many big buildings to block out the view. Out here, there is almost nothing. Just natural landscape. It gets so quiet at night you can hear all the crickets and cicadas. The only real noise is the river, and even that has a calming effect."

She paused for a moment, looking over at him. She wondered if his confession earlier had merely been out of impulse. Nothing more was said of it, and afterwards they had a short spar and now she had him helping her cook. She was sure that there might have been more on his mind. There certainly was going on in hers. The slew of emotions brought up, both old feelings of an unspoken crush and the new feelings brought up by confirmation. It was beginning to become too much for the young girl.

"Very romantic, huh?"
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake blushed and slipped his hand into hers. "Yeah. It really is." He smiled softly, looking to her.

Truth was, he DID love her. He had a hard time constantly expressing his feelings. But he was trying his best.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

She smiled, blushing a bit as she gave his hand a little squeeze.

"So," The tempura batter sizzled and popped as she dropped the fish in the pan, but her mind was obviously not on cooking. "How long were you planning to stick around? I hope it is for awhile, but I understand if you have other responsibilities."
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

"I really don't. When Mithos was defeated, I became a mercenary, taking up odd jobs. It's pretty boring." He sighed and laid on the ground. "I'd MUCH rather be here." He smiled and winked playfully at her. He then sniffed the air and licked his lips. "Smells GREAT, Sheena." He complimented sweetly.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

"Sounds familiar."

She smirked as he talked about his job. After her initial failure to form a pact with Volt, she had taken up the role of an assassin and also resigned herself to doing odd jobs with all of her jobs going back to the village to try to atone for her perceived wrong doing. Though she hated killing people, most of the time, she thought it had been people who deserved it but her time spent with Colette and the others showed her that every life was precious. Everyone has their reasons for doing things, for fighting, for acting like they do. It wasn't her place to judge. She was her own example.

Before the worlds were merged, Mizuho had been shut off. Outsiders were looked down upon, and often rejected. Their own heritage becoming their downfall. Now, things had only changed slightly. The villagers seemed to understand that not everyone was out to get them, or use them for their powers and abilities. Her new role as chief and emissary had helped, but they were still rather closed minded. Though their group had stopped the worlds from having to vie for mana, essentially saving it with the restoration of the great tree, many were still hesitant of the members of the former group. She wanted to ask him to stay, but at the same time, she didn't know what type of environment she'd be subjecting him to.

"Thanks." She expertly shifted the pan, causing the fish to flip over. "You know, you're welcome to stay here for awhile... until a job comes in or something."

That was a good compromise. She could test the waters, see how he would be accepted here. If nothing else, ease in to asking him if she could go with him. It would give her time to find someone else to take her position while she was away.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Sinnocent said:
"Sounds familiar."

She smirked as he talked about his job. After her initial failure to form a pact with Volt, she had taken up the role of an assassin and also resigned herself to doing odd jobs with all of her jobs going back to the village to try to atone for her perceived wrong doing. Though she hated killing people, most of the time, she thought it had been people who deserved it but her time spent with Colette and the others showed her that every life was precious. Everyone has their reasons for doing things, for fighting, for acting like they do. It wasn't her place to judge. She was her own example.

Before the worlds were merged, Mizuho had been shut off. Outsiders were looked down upon, and often rejected. Their own heritage becoming their downfall. Now, things had only changed slightly. The villagers seemed to understand that not everyone was out to get them, or use them for their powers and abilities. Her new role as chief and emissary had helped, but they were still rather closed minded. Though their group had stopped the worlds from having to vie for mana, essentially saving it with the restoration of the great tree, many were still hesitant of the members of the former group. She wanted to ask him to stay, but at the same time, she didn't know what type of environment she'd be subjecting him to.

"Thanks." She expertly shifted the pan, causing the fish to flip over. "You know, you're welcome to stay here for awhile... until a job comes in or something."

That was a good compromise. She could test the waters, see how he would be accepted here. If nothing else, ease in to asking him if she could go with him. It would give her time to find someone else to take her position while she was away.

"I was....hoping you'd say that, Sheena." Jake smiled at her, blushing slightly. "I...really don't have a place to live. I'm a wanderer, never had a place to call home since the Desians completely ransacked my village." He explained.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

She returned his smile halfheartedly; that seemed to be the story of most in the people of the former Sylvarant. Tethe'alla had been spared such attacks and most people lived in some relative form of prosperity. The Desians were the terrifying soldiers of Cruxis. The whole thing was a plan to spur the people of the declining world in to fear; the crystals growing when host bodies were placed under stress or in harm's way. She had been spared that fate, along with Mizuho.

Sheena quickly changed her mind; she was the chief of the village after all. What she said would have to be accepted, and her reputation was slowly being restored. She had lived her life for the longest time worrying about what people thought about her. Through their adventure, she had found people who believed in her, bolstered her self-confidence. It was time for her to start caring about herself, letting herself have something that she wanted.

"You're welcome to stay in the village as long as you'd like."

The tempura was finally finished and plated. She held it out to Jake with a smile, and a tiny blush.

"Currently, we don't have any empty quarters, but I wouldn't mind if you stayed in mine. If that is okay with you I mean."
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake blushed. "Really? Thank you. I promise to pull my weight." He smiled and took a bite of the shrimp on top of the rice. "Mmmm. Perfectly cooked. My compliments." He smiled. Then he blushed. "Wait, your room? Y-You sure? I don't want to intrude or be a burden...." He mumbled.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

"Thanks." She smiled happily, taking the comment about the food in stride. "After about a month of having to eat the stuff Raine considered food, I think about anything would taste wonderful though."

Sheena shoveled some food in to her mouth, looking up at him as he talked about staying with her. Was it really a good idea? She had to admit to herself, it did have something to do with her feelings for him, and his confirmation of those feelings. Did he think she might have been rushing in to things? Was she? Nah, she was sure it would only be for a few nights. Maybe a week or so at most until they could clear out one of the other houses. Besides...

"Don't thank me just yet. I'm a pretty messy roommate; I think you just might change your mind about living out there on your own after you see my place. I've been so busy lately I normally just come in, throw my clothes on the floor, shower, and crawl in to the bed."
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

The only reason Jake was hesitant to bunk with her, was his sense of respect for her, and not wanting to violate her privacy. But he had to decide. He nodded. "I'll deal with it." He smiled at her. "Thank you." He said calmly, slightly blushing.
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