


It had been a few months since her adventures with Llyod and the others came to an end. Sheena Fujibayashi, the kunoichi assassin, was now back in her village in Mizuho and was made chief of the clan at only nineteen. No title had ever been bestowed on someone so young before, but she tried to live up to the expectations set upon her. Under her guidance, the clan was starting to rebuild themselves and bring honor back to their name. With the summon spirits on their side, it seemed like there was little they could not do.

Today, however, was a day for relaxing and that was what she was planning on doing. About a mile or so away, just on the border of the village, she rested a river bank. Her right leg bent over her knee, copper eyes staring up at the clouds in the sky. Her thoughts back over the events that had passed. After something like that, it was hard not to be restless in a time of what seemed like it could peace.
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Jake Blaze smiled as he walked into Mizuho. He immediately was greeted by Orochi. "Welcome, Blaze. You are well, I presume?" "Yes, Orochi. Is Sheena here?" He asked kindly. "Yes. I shall go get her." Orochi walked off.

Jake was a young man of nineteen years. He was of tall build, and was slightly muscular. He possessed red hair that was mid neck length, ice blue eyes, and wore a red tshirt, a black leather jacket, and jeans, as well as combat boots. He patiently waited for Sheena.
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Orochi found her after about ten minutes, daydreaming like usual. He laughed a little to himself. It was no secret that he had feelings for the girl at an earlier period. The death of their parents thanks to the first failed summon attempt with Volt was what first brought them together. They acted as support for one another, but his brother's hatred of her was always a wedge between them. Even though it had been settled now, it still was. He was ready to die for her Meltokio, though now he had grown to view her more as a sister since Kuchinawa had left the village.

"Sheena, you have a visitor."

The two made the trip back, a light banter going on between the two of them. Mostly things about the village, the goings on outside. When she saw Jake in the distance, she smiled offering her friend a wave before she broke off from him. Now was time for Chief mode.

"Jake Blaze, I presume?" His name was known in the village, but she had never personally had the chance to meet him. She bowed slightly at the waist before promptly sticking out her hand to shake his. She might be chief, but she was still a teenager at heart. "So what brings you here today?"
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Jake simply grinned at his friend. "C'mon, Sheena. We can be less formal than that! We saved the world together! Of course, with everyone else, but still! I just..." He blushed and looked down, hiding his blush. "Wanted to see you..." he finished.
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She couldn't help but smile at his reaction. All this time, and he was not above being embarrassed around her.

"Well, you have seen me."

Her posture straightened up, placing her hands on her hips as she tried to strike an intimating pose. Her body showed the signs of a trained kunoichi, a body that was lean and toned. Her skills were renowned, although as an assassin, she was occasionally clumsy but her inability led to a better outcome. When they first met, she had been timid and unsure of herself, though now her confidence in herself had been tested and proven. Though she was nineteen, her body had matured into a woman's figure but she still held the mind of someone much younger at times. She stood their before him, and for all of her efforts, she soon laughed at herself.

"Anyways, let's go for a walk. We can talk some more."

Her hand slipped in to his and she started walking off back towards the river.
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Jake nodded at her. "Sure we...can..." He trailed off and blushed when she held his hand. As they walked, a million different thoughts flew through his mind. (Should I tell her?) (What if she rejects me?) (Why am I so nervous?) (The worst she could do is say no...) He was silent for a while before speaking. "So you are doing well?" He asked.
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She sighed softly. The easy answer would have been a simple yes, but they both knew each other better than that; he would know there was more on her mind by the distressed look on her face. That, and Sheena had always been a bad liar.

"All things considered, I suppose so."

They soon reached their destination: a secluded and remote location away from the village. Hills rolled gently in the around them, lined with cloistered trees. The air was sweet with the scents of tiny white flowers that dotted the ground. The sound of softly flowing water was all that was heard for a few minutes. Sheena reached down to her side, pulling out Corrine's bell. He still existed to her as a summon spirit, but it wasn't the same.

"A year ago, I thought the merging of Tethe'alla and Sylvarant would save both worlds. It turns out that it might only be making things worse. Maps are useless. Environments were changed almost over night. That, and it seems like tension is beginning to rise again."

She sat down with a little 'umph', landing a bit harder than she had intended on.

"Between my duties in the village, and my responsibility as an emissary, I haven't had much time for myself."

This last statement dripped with discouragement, but leave it to her to laugh it off and make the best of a bad situation. She didn't want to worry her friend.

"I don't even know what I would do if I had the chance." She rubbed the back of her head, cheeks blushing. "What about you, how have you been?"
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Jake sighed. "To think our people would be at odds. Sigh..." He leaned back and closed his eyes. "I've been bored. Ever since we killed Mithos, things have quieted down considerably. And I sure as hell don't want to hang out with with the Pervert Chosen." He sighed. "And since Lloyd and the others have gone their seperate ways, I wanted to see you." He explained.
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"I'm always glad to see you."

She smiled at him softly, a soft crimson filling her cheeks. Sheena had always found him attractive, in more than just looks. Jake was a good, kind person. He always seemed to be putting others before himself. Even in a world like this one, he never seemed to let things get him down too much. However, she had never been able to express her affection for him. It was always one thing after another when they were traveling with Colette and the others. After the worlds were brought together, there was so much going on and so much that still needed to be done. The timing had always been wrong. And now...?

What was she thinking? Averting her eyes, she slowly let her arms slide out from under her, laying back in to the slightly overgrown grass. A flower tickled her nose, causing her to sneeze. She couldn't help but to laugh softly. It was a welcome distraction to break her from her train of thought.

"Me? I'm nothing special."
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Jake chuckled. "But...But you are..." He whispered. He laid next to her. "I....Sheena.....I...I..." He choked on his words. He couldn't bring himself to say it.
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She cast her hazel eyes over at him for a moment. The slight blush that had stayed on her face from earlier deepened a bit at his comment, but she wore a puzzled look. He had never had trouble talking to her before, but now something was clearly bothering him.

"What's wrong?"
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Jake flushed a deep crimson. "I...I love you...." He whispered.
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His words came out as a whisper, but the impact of them hit Sheena like a scream. Her eyes widened, face matching his own in their redness.

"Jake, I..."

The unfinished words hung in the air like an ominous cloud, silence being the eye of the storm. She felt her heart skip a bear as emotions rushed through her head like a stampede. Had she thought he was attractive, yes. Did her mind ever wander off to more intimate thought? At first, yes, but now... he was a close friend. One that she didn't want to jeopardize by acting too quickly. But, after this revelation, would... could things ever be between the same between them anyways? Something like this, left unanswered, would only fester tension. Trying to rationalize this wasn't helping.

She gently laid her hand over his own, unable to tell if it was him or her who was trembling. Maybe both. She took a deep breath as she moved closer; her eyes were locked with his as she lifted her head upwards and they slowly closed before her lips met his in a soft, gentle kiss. Followed by another, and another. She shifted her position, moving his arm over her before her hand moved upward, holding his face.
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake sighed happily as she kissed him. These were his first kisses, so he had trouble keeping up, but he managed. He pulled her close with his arms, hugging her while they kissed.

When the kiss was broken, Jake just stared lovingly into her eyes, smiling happily.
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She turned his smile, snuggling close to him. Her hand rested lightly on his chest.

"How long have you felt like this?"

Even in their closeness, it still felt like there wasn't enough. She kissed along his neck a few times.

"And why didn't you tell me sooner?"
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Jake blushed. "Well...when we first met, even though you wanted to kill Colette, I thought you were beautiful. When I got to know you, I found you were kind, brave, confident, and tough. The...the perfect woman for me..." He explained, shivering at every kiss along his neck.
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Sheena's smile grew with every compliment, blush deepening as he spoke. She leaned up over him, resting on her elbow, her smile turning in to a teasing one.

"And the question still remains, why didn't you tell me sooner."

Leaning closer, her raven hair fell in to his face, creating a veil around the two of them. She kissed him again, but this time not pulling away.
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Jake sighed. "I was.....I was afraid. Afraid of being rejected." He whispered. He kissed her back when she embraced him.

He gave a slight moan as they kissed, a blush crossing his cheeks.
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That was something she easily understood, probably more so than anyone else who had been with them. It might not have been exactly the same thing, but when she made her pacts, she felt a similar fear. She had to live up to the summon spirit's expectation of humanity. Volt was one of those spirits who put the fear back in her, and that was her problem with him. However, thanks to the strength of her friends...

Her mind wandered off, before kissing him once again. She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart beating.

"So," She paused. "What happens now?"
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Jake shrugged. "Wanna spar? Then I need to go do something at the Temple of Lightning." He explained, holding her close. He smiled and rubbed her back soothingly.
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She laughed a little bit.

"Oh, I see how it is. You make these great claims of affection, thinking I'll take it easy on you."

Her words mocked him, but her tone was obviously playfully teasing. She stood up, holding out her hand to him. This would be a test of her own willpower as well. She had let her feelings get the better of her when it came to her assassination attempt on Colette. It did end up being for the better, but it still reflected poorly on her. Emotions should not be allowed to cloud judgement, and his mentioning the Temple of Lightning only brought back memories that solidified her thoughts. Her own fear, as much as she hated to admit it, had led to Corrine having to sacrifice himself to protect her. Since that day, since making that pact, she decided that she would never let her own sentiments get the better of her again.

"You're on."
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Jake smiled and stood up, getting into a battle stance. "I'm ready." He said happily.
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Jake barely had time to finish his sentence before Sheena dropped to the ground; her right leg swinging out for a sweeping kick. Whether it connected or not was actually of little consequence. The main purpose of it was as a misdirection.

Shinobi did not value brute strength. Their bodies were bred for agility and speed. From the time they are able to take their first steps, they are taught the value of fluidity in movements. Battles are not fought just with the bodies but in the mind. You see a punch, your mind thinks of the possible ways to block it. A person's brain is just like a muscle. It can be strengthened, or weakened if not trained regularly. They are taught to lie, illude, and outwit others. To a kunoichi like her, this is how battles are won.

Her weight shifted to the palms of her hands. Toned biceps lifting her a few inches off the ground, allowing her left leg to spin upwards towards his chest, hopefully landing on its mark. However, just in case he did manage to dodge, or worse attempt to counter, she had one more trick up her sleeve. Her body tucked in on itself as her right leg came back from its sweep, garnering her some momentum for a possible blow to his shin.

A three point attack, made all the more amazing in how it was executed in one graceful movement.

If you're having trouble visualizing...
(Try to think of a modified Windmill in breakdancing. Like this at 1:19 but a little more 90 degree angel with her left leg, and immediately bringing her right leg around to what is probably about six inches off the ground. No stabs/sticks.)
RE: The Symphony Continues (HnH and BassEXE)

Jake gasped as she swept at his feet. He managed to hop over the attack. However he had fallen for the subterfuge. Her next two attacks connected, sending him sprawling onto the ground. He grunted and picked himself up, wiping the blood off his lip from the impact. "Wow. Haven't bled since Mithos." He said nonchalantly.

He then leapt into the air and aimed a powerful punch at Sheens. "Taaaaake....thiiiis!" He shouted.
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She stayed crouched down on the ground and only beamed up at him with his comment. She didn't mean to draw any blood during their little session, but she was still proud that she could do so. Sheena hadn't exactly had a chance to really practice with anyone. Sure, there were still a few creatures that existed in the forests and lurked around the plains but they weren't like people. They didn't have their same reflexes and train of thought. Besides, who would want to actually hit the leader of their village?

She hadn't come up from her position at all. He had so much momentum going from his jump in to the air, the power he put behind his punch but the area of the was small and would be focused; she hoped that he wouldn't have much time to react. To his possible surprise, she actually shifted right in to the line of his fist letting it connect with her hard jaw. She groaned when he hit, her head being forced back over her shoulder but her hands went up immediately trying to grab his lower arm at the moment of contact. If she could get a good hold, she'd flip him. It would only be a few feet, but she'd be using his propulsion against him to hopefully bring him down with a little more force.
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