Of Wolves and Lions (Iikaitlynii & Cold)

Rowena didn't exactly feel comforted by the answer. Winterfell was different, she had suspected as much but didn't know how good of a different it would be and if she would actually like it there. The thought of being miserable in a new and cold place wasn't ideal. At least he didn't seem that bad so maybe the marriage itself would be okay and maybe make up for things of it turned out she wasn't fond of the north.

The mention of forests and springs peaked her interest. Maybe all the new sights would cause her to want to draw. The whole reason she had wanted to leave The Twins eventually in the first place was to see and experience new things.

Watching him stand up she wasn't sure if he was angry or something by her questions. "Okay," she agreed and took his hand while standing up. "There's a fountain not far from here that's a nice spot," she said. Unsure if he really liked things such as gardens she wanted to change the topic to something he liked. There was one thing she wanted to say first though.

"I've heard about the Glass Gardens in Winterfell, I'm curious to see those," she told him and remembered reading about them once.


As expected it wasn't more than a few minutes before Ser Adam came inside. That day she had decided on juice to drink. Of all people she didn't want to be like it was Tyrion or her late husband and drink so much. Sometimes a drink or two was needed depending on the people she was dealing with but otherwise it was just whatever she happened to be in the mood for at that time. With the knight before her, from the impression she had of him so far, he wasn't the type where she needed to have an alcoholic drink when speaking to.

"Thank you Ser Adam." Normally she didn't give a whole lot of mind to compliments but for certain people she could. In this case it helped give insight into possibly taking things further like she planned.

The talk of war was being whispered amongst the people, she knew. With the northern bannermen called it was almost certain there would be, which was why she thought the Nights Watch was the best route. The lords would go to war if their liege Lord was killed, but it was doubtful they would just to get the two Stark girls back. But hearing about the thoughts of some men was not exactly pleasing to hear. Though if it wasn't very many there wasn't much need to worry. Most wouldn't be stupid to go against her family.

"You think they would remain loyal if it came down to war," she asked. Depending on his answer she would decide what to do. Sometimes one needed to show strength to keep people in line but if it came to war then their real test could be how they react and what they do.
He hadn't reassured her about Winterfell, he could see. He hoped she would warm to the idea however. It would be a pity to have her be miserable at his home.

"Ah, the Glass Gardens, yes." Robb perked up a little. Honestly, he wasn't exactly an expert on the glass houses, but he knew enough to lecture a southerner. "They are a sight. The largest in the world of their kind. Winters get harsh and long up north and the Gardens are a great way to keep food growing in such climes. It's amazing; you walk in and it's so moist and humid, you'll feel it's the height of summer."

They walked towards this fountain Rowenna spoke of, their hands entwined. Robb tried not to blush at the touch. It wouldn't be very kingly. He could hear the burbling noise of the fountain as they came closer. Far behind, Catelyn followed, keeping an eye on them. Robb pretended not to notice. "You know," he said quietly,"I always heard Sansa speak of how she dreamed of marrying a high lord and being the lady of the house. I know girls have grand dreams of marriage and they often follow their hearts early. You can tell me - is there someone you...like?" Maybe that was the reason she seemed so reluctant; because he was forcing her into marrying him, when she wanted to marry someone else.


Adam bowed his head when Cersei thanked him, keeping his eyes on her. She'd never been much of an influence on Robert, as far as he had seen; but the way she held herself, the way she talked...she liked the idea of being in power. That would suit Adam just fine.

"Loyalty is cheap, your Majesty. These men...they are cowards and opportunists. If war comes - the Seven forbid - I believe they will blow the way the wind feels strongest. The Lannisters are rich and powerful and they have a son on the throne. Even if war breaks out, as long as you face down the storm and grease a few palms, they will be on your side." He rummaged in his coat and brought out a piece of paper.

"Their names. I'm sure you'd like to know who are unsure of their place in this court. Be careful, my Queen. I know it is not my place to say, but I would counsel patience. They have done nothing yet. If you act against them in anger, you will tip your hand and turn others against you. Best to bide your time and show your best face to them. They will keep licking your boots." As will I, he thought.
Holding hands felt a bit odd to Rowenna as she couldn't really remember ever doing such a thing with a male. It may have been simple contact, nothing scandalous, but she had always kept to acting 'proper' and didn't want to sort of reputation other family members had. If having some sort of bad reputation was what it took to get noticed in a family as big as the Frey's then she would pass and rather just be any other member. Being the one who drank the most, or slept around a lot, or the biggest fool wasn't ideal and if it was between that or being simply a daughter then she knew her choice.

"They sound lovely." If there was one thing she was curios about seeing up north then it was that, and also the springs. If she just ignored the thought of how cold it supposedly was in the north then it wasn't so bad about having to leave home. The north was never a place she had expected herself to live but it would be better than staying at home her whole life. She'd probably never see the south, or much of it, but at least she would get to see a new region and not be stuck in the Riverlands forever.

"Oh, no," she shook her head at the mention of liking someone. Perhaps she had silly crushes when she was younger but didn't have anyone she had wanted to marry for awhile now. "I just.. didn't expect to marry at a young age.." she said and knew he wouldn't understand because he wasn't a Frey and didn't know her father had tried to marry her off before but was declined. If they hadn't even seen her and said no, why should she have expected to be picked out of a line of girls? "I know it probably sounds silly, and I did think those sorts of things when I was younger but overhearing others being declined without a second thought makes it hard to remain in a dreaming frame of mind."


Most everyone were like sell swords in a way, Cersei knew. Highborns could easily be persuaded to one side or another with money, titles, and land for persuasion while the same could be used to put knights and lower born men on your side for a fight. War was not something she expected things to come to and would rather prevent it and keep the north under the iron thrones thumb, she still wanted to make sure things were in their favor and they had the most men fighting on their side if things did come to that.

On the one hand she would rather take care of possible problems that might cause her family trouble, but on the other she would end up acting brash like her brother if she acted to soon before they actually did anything. Patience was the key in these sorts of situations. For now she would wait and see if they kept talking in such a way and if they talk about possibly doing anything.

"What are the names?" she asked after a moment of silence when he finished speaking. Unless one really knew her it might be hard to tell that she was intending to wait and see like he had advised. Within e next few days Ned Stark would come before them, if he agreed to claim Joffrey as the true king, and things would be dealt with and a war would be avoided just like she was planning to happen. It would be a bit of a relief once it was all done because some people seem to be on edge because of the northern bannermen being called together.
Robb felt a little sad for her. She appeared to be fully aware of how other Houses saw the Freys and she felt it keenly. Robb had always been proud of being a Stark; how did feel not to be honoured to carry the name of your House?

"I'm...sorry," he said, unsure if that was the right thing to say. "It will not make you feel any better, I suppose, but I never expected to marry this young either. Two more years at least, I always thought. But really, that's the least of what I thought would happen..." he trailed off, his thoughts darkened by all that had befallen House Stark ever since King Robert had rode in with his entourage. That had been the beginning of the end.

"I'm surprised though...I would have thought that the more frightening bit would be marrying a boy who has crowned himself King and is fighting a war with the Iron Throne." He said it playfully, trying to make a joke, if a grim one. "Rowenna, I chose you for two reasons. I liked you. You seemed, you seem...real. And also because you seemed like you would be capable of becoming a lady like my mother - strong and kind and worthy of the name of Stark. That's a lot to take away from a glance and a kiss on the hand, I know, but I think I made the best of what I was given."

He stopped and took both her hands in his. "I do not regret this. You must know this. I look forward to the day when you will be Lady Rowenna Stark. I hope you will too, if not now, then one day." He smiled and kissed her lightly on the back of her hands again.


Adam glanced at the paper in his hand and began to read out the names. "Ser Anton Rosby, Ser Gerin Powell, Lord Moseby, Lord Harkthorne, Lady Sandhorn, Ser Maxim Illian,..." The list went on in this vein. He ended with two of the choicest names,"Lord Petyr Baelish and Ser Jacelyn Bywater." He put the paper away and looked at Cersei.

"It's not as grievous as it may seem, your Highness. Like I said, most of these are cowards who are simply voicing their fears. A few...a very few...are a real threat. Not because they mean you and yours harm, but because they will be quick to take advantage of any situation that puts the Lannisters under water, if only to get ahead."
Rowenna shook her head. "It's my fault," she spoke. If only she hadn't been so.. nosey. If she hadn't wanted to be more than just the stupid little girl who knew little of actual politics then maybe she would still be as oblivious as she was only a few years ago. Maybe if she hadn't been so intent on gaining knowledge and listening in on conversations then she would have never even known her father tried to marry her off. Actually now that she thought about it she would have been much better off never knowing the attempt. That over anything else bothered her the most. Curiosity killed the cat, supposedly, and maybe in a way that saying was true.

"I'm sorry," she said not meaning to make the conversation go in a more unpleasant direction. If anything then things were worse for him. At least she still had a family even if they weren't the closest bunch. He lost more than she had and here she was awkwardly trying to explain why she seemed more nervous than thrilled about the prospect of marriage.

Managing a small smile, "Yes I suppose that should be more nerve racking." The thought of going south and possibly being killed was a bit scary but she hadn't been thinking of that so much as other things until he mentioned it. Getting reasons was not something she anticipated and had to think for a moment before speaking. "I'm surprised. Most men wouldn't choose a wife on.. not so shallow reasons." It made her unsure whether she should be relieved or upset. Of course she knew what the reasons hadn't been and it was almost cringe worthy to hear something to the affect of 'you have a nice personality' knowing they were just being kind and not wanting to insult you.

Again she managed to offer a smile. Most would have been happy to be the 'best' choice out of a group but to her it felt more like he was stuck in choosing her. It was hard not to considering the situation and how they ended up betrothed. "If your sure then that makes me feel better." Was he just saying he didn't regret it though? It was really hard to tell as she didn't know him well enough to read his facial expressions well.


Of all the people Cersei was least surprised about Little Finger. The man was an opportunist to the highest extreme, among Varys, and would be quick to sell anyone out if it got him ahead. Not that others weren't like that, on the contrary they were, he was just one of the ones you especially had to look out for and watch your back. While she would love to send him away back to his 'home' he was the one who managed the money thanks to Roberts putting the throne in so much debt so his money handling expertise was needed probably now more than ever.

"Isn't that like everyone, Ser Adam," she asked more rhetorically seemingly not to worried about the list of names. Like he said there was only a few she saw that could potentially be any sort of threat. "I suspect there's little to worry about. Very few of those listed pose an actual threat." There were some who could have a lot of influence over people like Littlefinger but the others not so much. Seeing as she considered herself smarter than him she thought it would be easy to deal with if he became a real problem.
He gave a small laugh when she registered her surprise at him choosing her for 'not so shallow' reasons. If he'd learned nothing else, he'd learned that you had to look towards the future. If you chose a wife for her looks, there was no guarantee she'd be worthy of the Stark name.

She seemed unimpressed with him still though. Robb was beginning to get a little depressed. He hadn't imagined they would have some grand romantic 'love at first sight' or first conversation as it were, but he'd really hoped he could make some breakthrough to at least becoming friends with her before the marriage. But it looked like she really wasn't ready. He looked over her head at Catelyn, who gave him a smile and a shake of her head. She wouldn't interfere.

Robb sighed and turned his attention back to Rowenna. Perhaps he had chosen the wrong girl. Perhaps he should have gone with one of the older ones. He shook the thought out of his head. It was unworthy and pointless. He could choose again, but really he had wanted to choose anyone else, he would have done so the first time around. He hoped dearly that this would work out, that he would break through her shell and reach her somehow, but if it didn't...he would have to make do.

"I am sure." He said, as much for himself as her. "I can see that you are still unsure about me. But, tomorrow, we marry. If you are convinced that this is an unfair situation - and I can't blame you if you are - let's make the best of it. Even if I had not been forced to swear an oath to your father, who knows...I still may have chosen you." He dipped his head and looked her in the eyes. "Fate has a way of making things happen no matter what we choose...I would like to believe that our marriage can mean something, whatever it was born out of. Please...can you believe the same?"


Adam chuckled and put away the piece of paper. "Hardly, your Highness. But you and I agree then...these men and women are not threats to the Crown or to your person."

He looked her over, curious as to what she was thinking. She hadn't been surprised by a single name. "What would you have me do, Majesty? Leave them be and focus on others? Or is my part in this done?" He hoped not. It would be a shame if Cersei threw him away after a small job such as this. He could do so much more for her.
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