Of Wolves and Lions (Iikaitlynii & Cold)


Jul 7, 2012
Robb Stark stood in the great hall of the Twins, surrounded by his banner lords, including his uncle, and his mother. He felt uneasy in this place, especially with the weaselly Lord Walder peering at him with those squirrelly eyes. He avoided looking at the man who had so brazenly had him bartering his seed for right of passage and fealty and focused instead on the doorway ahead. Soon enough, a long line of women would emerge from there and of them, he would have to choose one to marry and to love, from now until their deaths. The thought frightened him, though he would admit it to no one, not even Mother.

He wore his wolfskin cloak over his clothes and his crown gleamed on his head. Grey Wind lay on the ground beside him, growling menacingly at the Freys from time to time. Robb fidgeted where he stood. How long would he have to stand?

Someone touched him on the shoulder. He turned to see his mother smiling at him. "Easy, Robb." She spoke in a low voice, so that no other heard them. She was speaking as the mother of Robb Stark, not that of the King in the North. "I know you're nervous. I know you don't think much of the Freys. But this is the price you agreed to. And do not dismiss the Frey women on account of their blood. You may like what you see." She gave him a smile and gently pushed his hair back from his forehead. "I'll be by your side, remember."

He was glad of that. His nerves calmed somewhat, he looked again at the doorway from which his future bride would emerge. He wished she would hurry up.


Ser Adam Marbrand, heir to the Marbrand name, was a broad-chested fellow of good humour and a taste for young maiden with comely eyes. He had bright brown eyes and a trimmed beard that accentuated his stately chin. Women fell for him at a glance and he often entertained them, but for some reason he had turned down many a marriage offer. Some suspected him of poofery. Others thought his ego too great to settle for a woman of any lesser House.

That was not far from the truth. Ever since he had set foot in King's Landing, now eight years ago, Ser Adam had loved only one woman - the one woman he had known he could never have. Cersei Lannister, wife to Robert Baratheon and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. He had pined after her from the first time he had laid eyes on her in court, when he had knelt and sworn fealty to her husband. He had felt her eyes on him and for a moment they had met. There was no turning back then.

He had slaked his lust on whores of fair likeness to Cersei, but that was no substitute. But now, Robert was dead and Joffrey was King and though he was a little shit, his mother was as regal as ever. Adam dreamed of taking her in his arms and ravishing her. Maybe now...he could.

She was sitting on her small throne beside Joffrey that day. The boy was fidgeting on the Iron Throne, clearly bored with the proceedings. But there were many lords come from far lands to pay their respects and he had to abide. Or not.

He leaped from the Throne and kicked the kneeling man in front in the face. A hush fell over the court. Cersei hurried to her son's side and spoke to him. Adam could see her face, contorted with rage. Joffrey, bastard that he was, spoke back and Adam's hand went to his sword, without thought. Steady, he told himself. He could hardly have the woman if he killed her son...who happened to be King.

After a while, Joffrey left and Cersei took his place, accepting fealty from the remaining lords to in his stead. Adam watched her from his corner, content, for now, to do just that.
The Starks were currently outside with their bannermen waiting for the daughters of Walder Frey to come out. If Rowenna Frey were being honest she was feeling quite fidgety about having to go stand in a line up to possibly be picked to get married. It just felt so awkward. Usually in betrothals a person didn't have much of a choice, at all, in who they married but Walder Frey wanted a relative married to a King which was why they were all coming out to possibly be picked.

Standing around the others as they walked she felt inadequate by comparison. Perhaps that was probably just because some of them were taller than her so she felt short. Like the others she had brown hair, long, and light brown eyes that went well with her completion. The petite girl stood near the end of the line as they came out to stand before the king since she was one of Walder Frey's daughters by one of his more recent wives, thus making her quite young. Being just a few years younger than Roslin, her half sister.

As the last remaining came ones now arrived in the Great Hall all they were left to do was stand there and wait. They all had similar clothing on, the colors of house Frey. To be fair, none of the clothes were particularly comely, probably because they didn't wear extravagant clothes like other great houses might do. Most of the women were excited thinking the king would pick them but Rowenna was just.. nervous. With there being more than ten girls in the line it was probably smart not to have such high hopes like the most of the others did.

The king as attractive, there was no doubting that. It probably had some of the not so pretty girls swooning even more at the sight of him and wanting even more to be picked. In reality it was still a betrothal with someone you didn't know. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for whoever was picked though, she thought to not be so pessimistic.


The day was just like any other day as things of court had to be dealt with. Now that Robert was dead and Joffrey was king the lords and knights had to swear fealty to him and their loyalty to the throne once more. This was particularly important because of the growing tension between house Lannister and house Stark. There were claims that Joffeey wasn't Robert's so and now they had Stannis claiming the Iron Throne was his and Renly Baratheon fled while Ned Stark was currently imprisoned.

The proceedings were rather slow and Cersei could tell how little Joffrey liked these sorts of ceremonies. Like his 'father', the now deceased king, he preferred more active things like tournaments and knights fighting in a fight until the death sort of style. He had strength, she thought, but even the Queen Regent knew he was getting harder to control and he was doing more things against his advisors.

The thought only seemed to be proven true as he jumped down and kicked a lord in the face. Some rage shown through on her face despite herself as she rushed down to her sons side attempting to keep her voice low enough for everyone not to hear. Trying to tell him he couldn't do things like that was going right over his head and he quickly left the room.

Regaining her composure the Queen Regent went over taking the seat in the throne and apologizing and making up some excuse that the king had to leave and she would continue with the proceedings. There weren't very many people left so she suspected it wouldn't be much longer.
Robb straightened as the line of Frey women finally emerged. There were about twelve of them, he counted as a glance. Honestly, he was a little relieved. Given how many Frey there were, he'd half-expected to have to choose from a hundred.

Catelyn gave Robb a nudge, her eyes strangely sad. Robb took a deep breath, put on a kingly expression and walked up to the beginning of the line. The older women chaperoning his potential brides curtsied and he inclined his head gravely. To a side, Walder Frey watched and made some lewd comments Robb chose to ignore.

He began. He stood before the first girl in the line and bowed, introducing himself. The girl was older than him by three or four years and she blushed deeply. She was a pretty one, with red-brown hair that fell in ringlets over her face and bright blue-green eyes. She giggled when Robb asked her her name and it took a while for her to stop that before answering.

"Sylvia, your highness. Sylvia Frey," she said, trying to affect a sultry voice, glancing up at Robb through lowered eyelashes. Robb smiled tightly. A trollop. No sense of dignity.

He passed on. Thankfully, he had the right to 'inspect' them all before making his choice so that need not be construed as an insult. In fact, Sylvia was grinning when he left her.

The next was a girl named Morenna, much shorter, her head barely coming up to his chest. She was only 11 years old. Robb dismissed her immediately from his mind, though she seemed a charming child. In a way, marrying her would be a good move. She would have to remain at the Twins and he would not be expected to consummate their marriage, not for a few more years. But...Robb wanted this opportunity to find a wife who might be good for him. He would consider political realities of course, but if he could blend that with a chance at love, like his father and mother had had, he would.

He stood before the next girl. She was petite, somewhat younger than Robb. She had long brown hair and light brown eyes. She looked nervous, just as he felt. He smiled and introduced. "I am Robb Stark, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North. My lady, may I ask the boon of your name?"

(That's Rowenna, so your cue. :) )


Time seemed to pass at a crawl. Adam watched as Cersei continued to take the oaths of fealty to Joffrey in her son's stead. There were only about five more left. After the petitions from the smallfolk were supposed to be taken, but he knew that Cersei had no patience for such things, any more than Joffrey did. She might take one or two to appease protocol and then she'd leave.

He had to speak to her before then. There was only one way how.

He joined the line of lords paying their respects to the Queen Regent. He represented House Marbrand in King's Landing. Though he was not the lord of the House, his father was a few days away still and he had been give permission to speak in his stead. So Adam waited until the line dwindled and he stood before Cersei herself.

He went on his knees, his head bowed, though he wanted only to look at her. He unsheathed his blade and offered it to Cersei. "Your Highness, I offer the blade of House Marbrand to King Joffrey the First, of House Baratheon, in loyalty and in fealty, until and unless he sees fit to release me."

He looked up at Cersei, catching her emerald eyes. His heart leaped and he smiled. "And I offer myself and my services to you, my Queen, to protect and serve, till the world ends and time perishes. Allow me to be your servant." His words a whisper, so she could hear, but other prying ears would not. This was for her and her alone.

(Since you had trouble with the seduction bit, I thought I'd just have Adam come out and proclaim his undying love for Cersei, in a knightly way. Hope that makes it easier. :) )
Time seemed to pass at an unbelievably slow rate as the king looked upon each female that was the daughter of Walder Frey. First he spoke with Sylvia and looked over Morenna. It was hard to say what he was thinking as his face seemed to be rather stoic in expression as he looked over each of the women.

Even without looking Rowenna could feel as he stepped before her and immediately she felt herself straighten up a tiny bit more. Not that it was needed since her posture was fine even without doing that. With him standing right there before her it was easier to see the Stark grey eyes and the auburn Tully hair.

Her throat felt a little tight as he spoke and asked for her name. "Rowenna Frey, Your Grace," she spoke softly. Making herself give a tiny smile in response she felt more like someone that was under a microscope with someone judging every little thing about her. The others might have enjoyed that, probably because a couple of them had been married before and had gone through the duties of being a wife whereas she hadn't and was nervous about having to do that.

The thought was he'd probably move on to check out everyone else and Rowenna wouldn't really be insulted by that. Actually she might feel a little relieved about that since it meant no more worrying being judged for every little thing and almost thought it would be easier just to be forced to marry someone rather than stand there to maybe be picked.


Slowly the proceedings went on as each lord came to pay their fealty. This was not one of the 'exciting' things that a ruler had to do but Cersei didn't mind nearly so much. Having power was something she had always wanted throughout her life. Men always had the strength while she had to learn to be proper little lady. Being Queen changed that since she had the power despite the fact of being a woman.

Almost all of the lords had come through and it was almost time for the small folk. Her patience was already running a little thin, however, so she would take a few before having things cease and continuing tomorrow. Before to long it would be dinner time anyway and soon would be a good time to stop.

Next came Ser Adam of House Marbrand who kneeled before her and spoke along the same lines of everyone else. What he said next was a bit lower in sound and it was doubtful that anyone else had heard him aside from herself.

Jaime had been gone for so long she had to turn her attention for men elsewhere. Their cousin Lancel had been useful for a time but he was just to much of an easy pushover, and didn't even have the strength anywhere close to her brother. Ser Adam reminded her of her brother a little bit. Even though he had darker hair compared to the Lannisters bright blonde he was a tall fellow like him with a broad chest and arms.

Thoughts were already turning in her head, watching as he glanced up at her for a few moments while he said that. Perhaps he could be of use to her personally. "Thank you Ser Adam. Your family has been loyal to the throne and our Kings as I'm sure you'll continue to be," she spoke keeping up with pretenses while thinking about possibly seeing him later.

((Yeah I think that'll help =3))
Her voice was soft and sweet and Robb felt a tingle run down his spine. He bowed his head, keeping his eyes on hers. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance." On a sudden whim, he picked up her right hand and gently pressed his lips to the back of it. He let her go slowly, still looking into her eyes. "I will see you again, Rowenna Frey," He said, before moving onto the next girl.

The rest of the girls seemed to pale compared to her. There was something about her that attracted Robb...perhaps her reluctance? She seemed to be like him, resentful of being forced into this charade. He kept glancing back at her as he moved down the line, something that did not escape the eyes of his mother or of Lord Walder Frey.

The latter cackled and made some crude comments that made his ears go red. Having to marry into the brood of this vile creature was abhorrent. Robb glanced at Rowenna again. At least not all of the Frey were like him.

He arrived at the end of the line, facing a woman at least twice his age, her breasts heavy with age and child. She smiled at him and gave him her name. Robb bowed and made pleasantries, but his mind was made up.

There were three girls that caught his attention, one by virtue of her comeliness (she was by far the most beautiful of the lot), one by virtue of her sweet smile and one by virtue of the diffidence and dignity with which she spoke. Now Robb had to make his decision.

He walked away from the women and back to his mother, announcing that he would seek his mother's counsel and permission before making his final decision. He was deathly nervous still, but his mother's touch on his shoulder calmed him. "Give me an hour," he told Lord Frey, who looked irritated but nodded. The Stark contingent withdrew to their quarters to decide on their Queen.

(Next post on my part will have Robb and Catelyn discussing who Robb should marry and Rowenna being decided upon. You could post about Rowenna talking with the other potential brides or something. Just an idea, so you don't I'm not leaving you anything to work with. :p)


"Till I draw my last breath, my Queen." He said. She had spoken to him. For the first time since he had set foot in King's Landing seven years ago, she had spoken to him. His heart felt like it would burst out from his ribcage. He had to struggle not to grin like a fool.

He bowed and moved away, returning to the spot he had been standing, keeping in full view of Cersei.

The rest of the lords were done in a few minutes. The guards announced that the smallfolk may now come forward and one by one they did. Their concerns were petty, as smallfolk themselves were. Disputes over fishing rights, pleas for help for sick brats, things like that. Adam fidgeted. When would she leave? He wanted to talk to her in private, see those green eyes looking into his again.

Cersei would be his.
When he took her hand to kiss it Rowenna was a bit surprised seeing as how he didn't do that with the others he had looked at thus far. But she allowed herself to smile a little more before he passed on to look at the rest of her siblings and just kind of hoped this would be done sooner than later. It felt more awkward being scrutinized and waiting to be chosen than to just be forced upon some unknown person to be their wife and the guy not choosing her. Then you knew for certain if they were disappointed rather than having some guy pick his bride and either being disappointed he picked you or feeling down that he didn't. The latter part seemed like a way to feel more negative than the whole just being forced to marry someone.

All Rowenna wanted to do was fidget in her spot and was ready to get out of this line. Her father spouting crude comments really didn't help her fidgety-ness any. She tried to keep her eyes straight ahead and without looking at any of the people that were apart of Robb Starks army. They were probably all watching carefully to see who their queen would be but she didn't dare look to see if anyone was paying attention to her. It would make it all the more nerve racking.

From the corner of her eye she could tell when he eventually got to the last daughter and it was almost a sigh of relief that they could soon break out of this line and not look so much like robots forced to stand here waiting.

When he spoke of taking an hour to pick and then left to speak with his mother the girls finally broke away from the line all to gush over the attention the king had given them.

((I'll post her talking to the other girls in the next post. I think it'll be easier that way instead of writing it all in this one and having nothing to really do in the next one lol.))


Cersei couldn't remember ever having spoken to him before. In truth she didn't speak much to people that she had no need to, except in the cases such as this where she had to listen to the smallfolks problems and whatnot. Otherwise she had her close knit spies as well as any guard who, she may need to boss around and give them an order, or having to deal with people in the small council like Little Finger or Varys.

Time seemed to drone on as she listened to four or five different people. The problems were always the same sort of petty thing and it got old after awhile. Keeping her patience in line she listened to a couple more people before deciding that this would be the end of it for today.

Getting up she addressed the court saying things like how their loyalty to the throne wouldn't be forgotten and other pleasant courtesies like that. "We'll resume with things on the morrow," she told them all and was very much wanting a drink right about now. With a war brewing it felt silly putting up with the problems of the commoners but then again it needed to be done to show how the king cared for his subjects. They couldn't have people inside the city revolting and deciding to help the enemy if the Starks or Baratheons made it to Kings Landing. It wouldn't do having them trying to help the enemy get inside the walls.

Her eyes had lingered on Ser Adam for a moment as the people started making their way out of the throne room before turning to one of the guards to have them send for her children for dinner.

((I figure maybe she could send for him after dinner, which I figured to just simply get done in the next post. But to get a better idea of the time line would this be taking place before Ned's death? Or sometime after and it being before Blackwater and the Tyrell alliance?))
The Stark contingent returned to the rooms set aside for them in the Twins. Robb would have preferred camping out in the grounds along with his troops, but Catelyn had insisted that Lord Frey would see that as a snub. He felt tired and jittery, not at all up to the task of having to choose the woman with whom he would share his life. But it had to be done.

He excused himself from the other lords and sat with his mother in his room, preferring to discuss this with her first.

"So, mother?" He began,"What do you think?"

Catelyn smiled fondly at his eldest son, understanding how difficult he was finding this. For many, the choice of a wife was a luxury they could not afford, especially for the highest lords. This luxury had become a burden for Robb.

"The choice is yours," she said softly,"but as your mother and as the future mother-in-law of your bride, I do have some things to say." She sighed and continued,"You need a woman who will support you, stand by you when you need it most. She must be able to lead your household, so a sharp mind is always necessary. Judging a girl at a glance is not just, but from what I could tell, more than half the Frey on display were little more than girls, still with their heads in the clouds. I have had some news from insiders and many of them have a rotten reputation as to their relations with men. If I didn't know better, I would say Walder Frey was trying to insult you by foisting such women on you, but I think it's more that these are the least objectionable of his brood, which really says something," she finished dryly.

"Well, what then?" Robb interjected, frustrated. "I have to choose, don't I? We have to honour the vow we made."

Catelyn nodded. "You have no preference? Not one caught your eye in any way?"

Robb blushed. "More than one," he admitted. "But I know better than to put my faith in beauty over other virtues. So I come to you."

"Who do you mean?" Catelyn asked.

"The girl Rowenna, the red-headed Walda and Sylvia, the pretty one."

Catelyn laughed, covering her mouth. How like a boy. "Sylvia was married once already. Her husband died from a hunting accident. She...has a reputation for sleeping around."

Robb looked stricken. "Well that's that. What about the others?"

"Hmm. Rowenna was the third from the left, right? She wasn't impressed with you. I think that's a good sign. She thinks for herself and does not take titles for granted. Walda is sweet, but too young. She doesn't have what it takes to be Queen yet, but she may yet grow into it." She paused. "It's your choice, Robb." She said softly.

Robb grunted, putting his chin on his fist. His choice. He had to choose his Queen after looking her in the face for a few seconds. Several minutes passed. The shadows lengthened.

At last, Robb Stark, the King in the North stood. "I have made my choice. Let us tell it to my bannermen and then let the Freys know."


At last, Cersei announced the end of the day's court. He stood straight when her eyes fell upon him for a moment, his skin tingling. He had waited so long for her to look at him and now she was. He was finally in her sights.

He bowed to her and began to move away as she called for servants to bring her children to dinner. He would come to court everyday as long as Cersei was there, feast his eyes upon her and collect every glance she sent her way like a beggar scrambling for scraps. He had done the first for seven years and never had her sending even the tiniest look his way. That had changed.

By the grace of the Seven, it would go further. Much further.

(You did mention that Ned was alive in a previous post, I think. So let's go with that. Which brings up the question - will Joffrey order Ned's execution here, or let him go on to the Night's Watch as Cersei had intended?)
It was so easy for Rowenna to pretend to act like a lot of the other girls were. The thought of getting out of The Twins and seeing somewhere new was a bit exciting, but at the same time leaving the only home you ever new was a bit scary. But she knew her family well enough to pull off pretending to gush about the situation and the slim possibility of getting picked. They seemed to buy her act and that was really all that mattered.

Rowenna doubted the chance of getting chosen anyway. She didn't consider herself to be the 'prettiest' of the group and guys always went by looks. Even without that there really wasn't anything that made her stand out either. Well aside from the fact she hadn't been married, but nothing as far as appearance went. The reality was, it was hard for her father to marry off members of the family. Others may not have noticed but she didn't like playing the simple stupid person and actually wanted to know things that went on, so she didn't have high hopes for marrying or leaving The Twins anytime soon. Especially with someone like Sylvia being widowed and able to remarry.

"I think he's going to pick me," one of the girls giggled but she didn't bother to see who it was and really didn't care.

When word was sent that a decision had been made and all the girls scrambled to get back standing where they had been before. All f the girls probably thought he was going to pick them but personally Rowenna just wanted this charade to be over.


((I did? I don't remember lol. I tried not to mention him since I wasn't even sure. Well lets just go with that since it'll make things so much easier when Sansa or the Starks get mentioned. Hmm I'm not sure. It seems like there would still be war even without Ned being killed, because they'd still want Sansa and Arya back. What do you think?))

Joffrey seemed to not be in such a bad mood as they all sat down for dinner. As usual they had a nice lavish meal of chicken with broth and assorted meets and cheeses along with whatever else one might think of. Along with wine for Cersei to drink herself. Tommen and Myrcella were only allowed one cup a meal whereas Joffrey, being the new king, could have as much as he wanted. From the looks of it though he wasn't like his wretched 'father' who drunk all of the time throughout the day, or even her dwarf of a brother Tyrion who also drank a lot all of the time.

Myrcella and Tommen, as usual, were more sweet compared to their brother. Tommen may have liked sword fighting but he wasn't the type that was into fighting to the death tournaments and that sort of thing. Cersei loved her children but was glad he was the second son because Joffrey showed more strength than his younger brother. Myrcella was much like herself, though she seemed to enjoy doing the things women were supposed to do and didn't mind not sword fighting or other 'men' activities whereas she had hated growing up and being treated differently than Jaime just because she was a girl.

Dinners were usually rather quiet except with an occasional exchange of words. Sometimes when Sansa would join them Myrcella would say a thing or two to her, but she wasn't there that night and off in her own room or wherever. As long as she wasn't doing anything that would be concerning the Queen Regent didn't really mind, and she also didn't see the red haired girl to be much of a threat.

"Tell Ser Adam I would wish to speak with him," she said to one of the guards as everyone began to clear out and the servants came in to clean up. With that she headed towards her own room and planned on having a glass of some fine golden wine while she waited.
They gathered again at the great hall, the girls all standing in a line as before. Robb stood where he was, his face impassive, his hands clasped behind his back. He would not be making the announcement. That was Catelyn's job.

Catelyn Stark strode forward and stood in front of the line. She cast a glance at the decrepit Lord Frey, feeling a great disgust in her gut at the thought that this wretched man would soon be kin. She pushed the thought from her head, just as she pushed the grief for the rest of her family into the pit in her heart and smiled.

"The King in the North has chosen a bride." She paused just a second. "Rowenna of House Frey, will you accept the hand of Robb of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, the King in the North and be his Queen?"


(Hmm. It's hard to say. Stannis would definitely go to war. Probably Renly too. As for the Starks...I don't see Robb becoming King in the North while his father is serving at the Wall. But if the war begins, they won't be able to stay out, particularly with Balon pitching in for a crown as well. I think in that case, the Starks and Lannisters may actually strike a deal, with Arya being given up to the Starks and the Lannisters keeping poor Sansa.)

Adam took his meal at the kitchen, chatting with a few of his friends. He felt elated, happier than he had ever been. He had earned the glance of Cersei Baratheon herself and it was better than he could have imagined.

After finishing his meal, he was about to leave the palace and return to his quarters in the city proper, when a servant waylaid him. "Ser Knight," the boy panted,"Ser Adam, the Queen Regent wants you to see her."

Adam stared at the boy for a moment, then he gripped the lad by the arms and shook him. "You are certain?! This is no vile prank by Ser Rickard?!" The boy's eyes opened wide. "N.n.no, Ser!" He said,"Tis the truth!"

Dropping the boy on his haunches, Adam turned back, excitement lighting up his eyes. Cersei had called for him.

He arrived at Cersei's personal quarters and waited to be announced. Once he was, he entered and went on one knee. "My Queen. You called for me." He said, keeping his eyes averted. He didn't want her to see yet the lust in his eyes.
The two came back in the Great Hall just moments after everyone was back in position which seemed to be perfect timing. Just from the sense of it most of the other girls seemed all giddy and probably thinking they were going to get picked. None of them seemed to care that time felt like it was standing still in a painful way.

Catelyn stepped forward and if Rowenna were being truthful she had only been half paying attention. All she could think about was once this was over she could go back to her room, or even go outside to her favorite spot, or just anything that she could do other than be here right now. Hearing her name had been a shock and snapped her right out of those thoughts. Somehow it felt like a cruel joke. Surely she had just heard wrong and they really said someone else..

Realizing she needed to speak the girl quickly tried to mask the shock and surprise she felt and remember to respond how she would be expected to. "I will, if it pleases him, My Lady."

Thankfully her voice sounded more confident and unwavering than she actually felt. It still felt like some joke was being played on her and that someone would burst out laughing and tell her that her facial expression had been priceless.


((I don't think Ned being at the wall would be an influence as far as Robb becoming King. Since he would technically be lord of the house since the Nights Watch can't hold any lands and blah blah blah lol. But if Ned was alive I could see him wanting to persuade Robb to side with Stannis like he did. I don't know it's hard to say how it would play out if Ned had survived. It's hard to imagine them siding with the Lannisters though, lol.))

Cersei had entered her room and only then had made any note of the red and gold dress that she wore. The colors of House Lannister had always suited her well. That and green clothing to match her eyes. But what she wore never really mattered to her since all her clothes were lavish and extravagant that it would be hard for one to tell if she was dressing up for them or not.

Taking a seat at her table she had a servant come over and pour her a glass of wine. Letting the wine swirling in the cup for a moment she finally allowed the surface to grace her lips as she took a drink while waiting for the sound of the door opening.

Not more than a few minutes later the guards let her know that Ser Adam was there she nodded for him to be allowed in and he immediately kneeled upon entering. Shooing the servant out of the room it was just the two of them left alone once the door was closed again.

"I did. You may rise, Ser Adam," she told him. This was the first time she had ever given an ounce of thought to look her attentions outside of the family. Within the family it didn't seem so much like cheating on her brother, but with him gone for a while she had her needs to attend to rather than thinking how he would react if he ever found out.

"You've been in the Capitol a number of years now, am I right?" She asked. While she didn't necessarily interact with many of the people, she did like to keep tabs on who all of importance was in the city. he was a comely man which made it interesting why he was still unwed. Unless he was just the sort to like going to brothels and not deal with a spouse.
Robb let out his breath, unaware that he had been holding it. She had accepted. Now came the hard part - building a life with this girl he had met just two hours ago. He strode forward and clasped Rowenna's hands in his, smiling.

"I am honoured," he said simply. He still needed to know how she felt about this. If it turned out she didn't want to marry him and was only doing at the behest of her family...it would be better to choose someone else. But, Robb felt certain, as he looked into her eyes, that this was the right girl for him.

As was the custom, he walked over to Lord Frey and asked his daughter's hand in marriage. The old coon cackled and said the traditional words, adding some vile lewdness afterward as was his tradition. Robb grimaced. He was going to be kin to a man who uttered such filth about his own daughter. Lovely.

The wedding was planned for the day after next. Catelyn had spoken with Rowenna's mother and arranged for the two to spend some time together in the intervening day, to get to know another better. She would serve as chaperone, not that Robb would ever overstep his boundaries. He said his farewell for the moment to his bride-to-be and retreated to the Stark quarters, deep in thought.

(A timeskip to them meeting the day after I think. You okay with that?)


Adam rose smoothly, standing a respectful distance away from his Queen, his eyes set upon her. He was alone in a room with Cersei. The thought almost made him giddy.

"I have, your Highness. Seven years, in fact." He said, his tone carefully subservient. Cersei had a legendary temper and he had to be very careful not to overstay his welcome. He wanted her to be his, but that was a pipe dream, truly. He would be content - more than content - to simply serve her and be at her side.
Rowenna still felt a little out of it and like this was some sort of day dream that had just cooked up inside her head. As he walked up to her she couldn't think of a single thing to say. It seemed really rude to ask why he had picked her and she wasn't sure she had the courage to bother. Especially not when he went over and spoke to her father. While she was used to the things he said, she hated when they were directed at her. It was only of the reasons she tried to stay away from being the center of attention.

With everyone retiring to their quarters Rowenna found herself bombarded with servants to take measurements to get a dress ready before the wedding and while it was expected, things still seemed to be going really fast. So much so that she was glad to finally head back to her own room and suspected tomorrow would be the same as far as people running around crazily to set things up.

It was said that she was supposed to speak with the king tomorrow in person, perhaps to get to know each other a little better, but it made her nervous. Maybe it wouldn't be bad though, it just felt like she would be even more on the spot than she was today. Rest wasn't going to come very easily that night, that much she was certain.

((Yeah that works.))


Seven years. That could be considered close to as long as any guard had been in the city or even how the men that come and join the Kingsguard and end up staying. "Enjoying the Capitol that much?" Despite asking the question she spoke again before he could really answer.

"Where are my manners. Please, sit. Have some wine." People in her family were very easy to manipulate and to possibly look outside of kin, she had to make certain it was someone who wouldn't possibly pose a threat in any way. People were always looking to crawl their way up the social latter, though obviously the best way to do that was by being in the Lannisters good graces. Still one had to be a little cautious in who they decided to ingratiate themselves with and who they picked for certain services and tasks.
Robb sat at a garden deep in the Twins, high walls surrounding the trees. It was late morning. He had woken with an odd feeling in his stomach. Girls had never really been a concern for him before; Theon had been the one obsessed with the opposite sex. Robb grimaced and pushed the thought of that traitor out of his mind. Whatever that had been, he had a duty to get to his wife-to-be and make her comfortable.

The meeting place had been arranged after speaking with Rowenna's mother. Apparently, this was a favourite place for her. Catelyn thought that might put her at ease, so here they were. His mother sat at a stone bench nearer to the walls, with a perfect view of where Robb sat. She would keep an eye on them so that nothing untoward might happen before they were married.

Robb fidgeted. He longed to be back on the field, pressing his advantage. His troops held the positions they had won, but if they were to win this war, they had to keep moving. He knew this marriage was strategically important, but they had already wasted two days here and it would be at least three days more till they could set out again. He sighed, hoping secretly that Rowenna was worth it. He had seen the love between his father and mother; it would be nice to have something like that.


"Thank you, my Queen," Adam said and took a seat at a respectable distance from Cersei. He poured himself some wine and sipped at it. Wine had been Robert's bane; he admitted he was a little distressed to note Cersei had begun indulging on it after her husband's death. Perhaps the Queen was more distressed by his demise than she had let on.

"To answer your question, your Highness - yes, I do enjoy the Capitol." He looked into his wine glass and then up at her again. "I enjoy the sights." He paused, before going on,"My father, Lord Hoster Marbrand is a bannerman to House Lannister, as you may know. As long as the Lannisters stay in King's Landing, I will too. Plus, I oversee the House's business here." He smiled,"That nets me a pretty penny, which is a good reason to stay."
The next day Rowenna was up and getting dressed when she was told that her and her soon to be husband were supposed to meet that day out by the gardens. Somehow she felt more at easy that they would speak there but also uneasy at the same time. Never had it occurred to her that she might actually marry at a rather young age. The horrifying thought of being old and never married had always filled her mind and now here she was going to have to and fulfill wifely duties.. Just thinking that had her scared.

Trying to dress in something a little nicer she didn't think any of her clothing was all that fabulous but just picked the least offending thing she could find. Still she felt like at any moment someone would come tell her it had been a joke, or that he had changed his mind. The servants finally had to urge her out of the room once insisting that she looked fine. Her hair was left simple, a bit of the top braided, a little bit from each end that met in the middle but otherwise it was left down flowing on her back.

Even from a distance she could see the king where he was sitting as she walked closer and where Lady Stark was that wasn't far off. The knots in her stomach grew a little more at finally approaching the king. "Your Grace," she got herself to say hoping she didn't seem as nervous as she felt.


Cersei gave a nod as she watched him get a cup and sat down. It seemed like awhile ago since the last time she had anyone in her room for not so 'pure' reasoning. At least now it didn't matter though, Robert was dead thank the gods, and Jaime was also gone at the moment. There was no one around, that she had much to worry about, that would care whom she had in her bed or not.

"Yes I suppose there are some nice sights here," she agreed. While Cersei had always been more partial to her childhood home, Kings Landing was where the power was which was why she would continue to stay here. "Your loyalty is refreshing to hear." While loyalty was particularly expected from houses sworn to her family they weren't all nearly as devoted.

"Not all have your commitment."
Robb stood and bowed when he saw Rowenna approaching. "Lady Frey," he said, reflecting that in a day's time that would become Lady Stark. Such a strange thought. "Please sit." He gestured at the bench and took his seat again.

Rowenna looked nervous, understandably. What it must feel like, to be chosen to be taken by a man you had never met, a lord who had crowned himself King and was waging a war against the 'real' one. He himself would have been terrified. She was doing quite well.

"I want to let you know that I chose you myself and with only my mother's input in the matter. Your father may have forced my hand into picking a bride from his brood, but I want to believe I have made the best choice possible." He smiled, unsure of how to say this. "I would like to get to know you, Rowenna. If we are to be husband and wife, we need to be comfortable with each other. That will take time and effort, I know...so it's best that we start now. For starters...please call me Robb, in private at least."


"Thank you, my Queen," Adam inclined his head. "I live to serve." He sipped at his wine. He found it hard not to stare at her, but knew it would make her uneasy. So he kept his eyes averted except when they were speaking.

"You summoned me, your Highness. May I ask why?" He said politely. He would spend hours making small talk with her if she wanted him to. But he was curious as to why she had called on him so soon after speaking with him in court. She must have something in mind for him in particular.
Rowenna took a seat beside him unsure what to say or do. The whole thing just felt awkward but she supposed any betrothal would feel like this. Maybe tomorrow she would wake up and things would be back to normal and this wasn't really happening. It wasn't very likely though, she knew, and just had to try and make the best of this new situation. The thought of leaving the only home she ever knew only made the whole thing more scary in her mind and with some man she didn't know and his whole army.

Biting back the urge to ask why he choose her. Other than that she honestly wasn't sure what to say at the mention of her father forcing him to marry into the family. If anything it just made her more uncomfortable about the whole thing. Clearly he hadn't wanted to marry one of them and it just made her felt more unlucky about being chosen since it seemed she was the 'best choice', which she wasn't even sure how, in a horrible predicament for him. At least that's how it seemed, but then again she might be just trying to think the worst of this whole thing.

"Alright.. Robb.." she said and felt a little weird saying that. While it may have been bold she decided to go on and say it anyway. "You can blame me to get out of this, I don't mind." Perhaps that would be easiest for both of them. Her father might get mad at her but that felt easier to put up with than trying to be a good wife for someone she didn't know.


Cersei had a feeling this could work out well. While she didn't normally look outside of the family there wasn't really anyone competent for her to chose in Kings Landing that was a relative. The fact that Ser Adam reminded her of them, except he didn't seem as idiotic as some of the people unfortunately related to her. In fact, perhaps he could become useful in more than just one way but right now it was much to earlier to tell just yet.

At the casual mention of why she had called him to come there she offered her famous little smile while setting the partially empty cup down. Getting up she went to walk over to the window to look out for a moment. She remembered doing this a lot when the war started and even more so when the northern army had captured her brother. "Do you have anything you desire, Ser Adam?" Despite that being a question it was more rhetorical than not.

"I want you to work for me," she spoke while finally turning back around to face back towards him and the table.
Robb was surprised and a little dismayed by her answer. Did she hate the thought of being married to him so much that she was prepared to face her father's wrath?

"No, my lady. I gave an oath. I cannot lie to break it. I...am sorry, if I gave the impression that I was forced to choose you." Perhaps she felt slighted by that. "The circumstances of our meeting may be unfortunate, but I sincerely wish to get to know you."

He paused and hesitated before continuing,"But if you find the idea of being my wife abhorrent, please speak your mind. I will annul the betrothal as you want." He felt disappointed. It would be embarrassing to go back on his choice and choose someone else, but worse, he felt hurt by her indirect rejection. In a way he recognized the unfairness. She didn't have a choice at all, not even to the extent he did. He had hoped, though, that he could woo her.

Perhaps he had misread her unhappiness for self-assurance. "I..." He trailed off, unsure what to say. He had not expected that Rowenna would not want to marry him.


You, he almost said, but knew better than to say it out loud. He watched her as he sipped at his wine, letting his eye roam over her curvaceous figure. He smiled deeply when she turned and said that she wanted him to work for him. And so my desire is fulfilled.

"My Queen," he said out loud, inclining his head. "I would be honoured." He wondered idly what sort of job she might have for him. Cersei had a ruthless streak, this he knew. He admired that greatly. He would do much for her, if she wanted his help in furthering her positions. She was the most powerful woman in the Realm, at least until Joffrey was married. He could gain much from a working relationship with her. And if it went further...all the better.

"What would you have me do?" Adam asked.
Rowenna immediately shook her head and looked away, knowing she shouldn't have said that. Maybe she had been wrong to assume to much and say that before truly knowing. But with what he had said she got the impression he was another person that didn't want to marry into the Frey family. Of course she knew her father hadn't given him much choice if he wanted to pass The Twins and go south.

"No, forgive me I shouldn't have said that," she said feeling awkward suddenly. "I just.. know.. my family isn't the most ideal choice for someone when they want to marry.. That's all," she replied and couldn't help but feel a little meek when talking to a self proclaimed king and wasn't used to being some sort of center of attention. It was so easy to go unnoticed here with so much family around but obviously that wouldn't be the case when she married the Stark heir.

"I hadn't meant it as a slight or that I hated the idea of being married," she then quickly added so he wouldn't think that. Mostly the idea of marriage just scared her and she worried that maybe she wouldn't meet his expectations, not that she even knew what they were since she was still confused on his choice of picking her when their were others with more experience and one or two that was considered prettier.


Cersei was pleased he had accepted. Well it might of seemed like a slight if he hadn't accepted but it didn't seem like he was reluctant or anything about it. Though she would still have to be cautious and just start out small before giving any sort of major trust. Though she only gave a tiny smile at his response before walking back over towards the table as she spoke.

"Simple, I want you to be my eyes and ears," she said. Having another 'spy' in her midst was an easy start to see just how much she might be able to trust him. Then maybe she could progress the relationship further if things worked out in a way that worked for her.

"With Robert gone and accusations being made against the throne, you can never be too cautious," she added.

(So after getting home from the interview I realized the idea was probably better for like a second interaction or whatever since Cersei seems the cautious type and wouldn't do something super bold on a first meeting lol.)
Robb smiled uncertainly. She was younger than him and it seemed not one of those girls who dreamed of marriage since they learn to speak. Well, Robb hadn't expected to get married for a few years yet. He hadn't expected that his father would be murdered by the Lannisters and that he would be crowned King in the North either.

He needed to put her at her ease. He glanced at his mother, seating at a corner. She was watching them with sad eyes. She gestured at him to keep talking.

"Rowenna," Robb started. "I know this must be very sudden and all, but I want us to be friends. A marriage works best when both parties are dedicated to it. I swear to you that no matter the circumstances behind this union, I will be faithful and loyal to you. So, please...tell me about yourself. Don't hesitate; there need be no secrets between husband and wife."


Adam pondered the implications of Cersei's command. He would gladly serve as her eyes and ears. Already he had heard many murmurs about Cersei's influence on Joffrey and how Joffrey was unfit to rule. He himself thought the latter, though he wasn't about to say that to his mother.

"This I will gladly do, your Highness." He said. "I am friends with many knights and minor lords. Most support Joffrey and the Lannisters, not least because they live in King's Landing. If any speak out against him and you, overtly or covertly, within my earshot, you will know, I swear." He sipped at his wine and smiled at her.

Again she felt fidgety just as she had yesterday when he had been there to pick someone. He probably thought she was some silly little girl, what with being a couple years or so younger than him. Glancing up she honestly hadn't even given much thought the loyalty and how some husbands slept around. She wasn't sure if that made her feel better or worse. Not that she should feel worse to know he wouldn't be unfaithful, but that did add the extra pressure of her being.. good at her wifely duties.

Racking her brain for some sort of answer she wasn't sure what the 'right' answer was. What was she supposed to say? "I don't think there's really anything exciting to say about myself.." she spoke nervously. "I mean.. I.." she said as she fumbled and tried to think of what to say. "Don't really get involved in what my family does. Some of them are unpleasant." Okay he probably already knew the last part but she wasn't really sure what he wanted to know. "I've never really traveled or been far from here," she said and supposed that was something. "What would you like to know?" She finally asked.

This was a horrible beginning she found herself thinking. And she also found herself wondering what sort of marriage it would be. She was sure there were some spouses that couldn't stand each other and some that found love. It was much to earlier to really know though but she didn't want to end up in a bad marriage and that had always been one of her fears.

((So were we going with Ned being killed? That line kind of stood out to me.))


Concerns over the talk against her family were crucial at a time like this when war was so close to brewing. Most importantly she wanted to know just how many people were believing Ned Stark's talk about Joffrey not really being the heir and who his parentage was. Right now she mostly just wanted to figure who were buying into the talk and what not. Plus it was always a good starter way for how much she could trust someone.

"Your help would be most appreciated." While she wasn't particularly keen on waiting for the reason she had really wanted to speak to him, Cersei knew it would be stupid to show her hand so early before knowing him better. "I trust we'll speak again soon," she then added.
Robb scratched his head, increasingly uneasy with how awkward they were with each other. He had imagined her to be more...eloquent and self-assured somehow and their conversations had been suave and romantic in his mind's eye. This was...real.

"I...want to know about you. What do you like to do? My sister -" He paused for a while; his sisters were captives of the Lannisters. Thinking of them hurt. "My sister, Sansa, loves to dance. She is a great dancer. Arya, my other sister, is her complete opposite. You'd think she was a boy; she likes to run and tumble in the mud." Robb smiled, nostalgic of simpler, happier times. "I'm sure you're far more interesting than you believe. Do you like to read? I've never really been one for books, but I used to love to listen to stories from our Maester when I was younger; stories of Brandon the Builder and Lann the Clever and the dragons of Valyria..." He trailed off, smiling hesitantly. "Just...talk to me. Ask me anything you like." He felt a little desperate. This was not off to a good start.


Adam stood, setting the wine cup down. He bowed. "I am your humble servant, my Queen." He smiled at her, looking her over greedily one last time. "Until I have news for you then." He bowed again, then turned and left.

As he walked to his quarters, Adam thought upon what he had embarked upon. He had never been the spying type, though he would sell out any but his dearest friends for the chance to get on Cersei's good side. He had heard, of course, the unsavoury rumours that Ned Stark had spread as he was imprisoned for treason. Adam grimaced, not wishing to imagine the angel of his dreams soiling herself with incest. It was an unworthy thought. For now, he would keep his eyes and ears open and see what he could learn.

(Do we skip to another meeting where Adam brings in some news? Or something else? Open to ideas.)
Rowenna definitely felt like she was only making things worse by not really saying much that was helping make thing conversation better or easier. All she could think about was saying and doing the right thing and at this rate she figured he was disappointed with choosing her from how badly this was going so far. The mention of his sisters had her thinking more, but she was worried about saying something that wouldn't seem ladylike and how he might react to that. Men didn't seem to react well to women who didn't act as they should, but there wasn't much need to worry since there wasn't a whole lot that she did which would be considered something she shouldn't do.

"I like reading," she spoke at the mention of that. "But I prefer drawing more," she added and liked drawing things that she imagined from stories she had read and heard as a kid. Like back when the Targaryen's first conquered the seven kingdoms and back then there were women from that family that were known warriors, like Visenya Targaryen. Drawing wasn't as encouraged as singing or sewing however and she was hesitant to say a 'wrong' answer. "There's nothing here that really inspires me to draw but I like to imagine things from the stories of history or even songs that the singers play."

"I also like to do hair," that part was a bit shyer. It wasn't exactly something for a highborn girl to do but she liked it anyway. "What's it like in the north?" The fact that it was supposedly so cold there had her worried about freezing once they did go back to Winterfell.


It had been a few days since she last spoke with Ser Adam. Apparently there hadn't been much to report but she could be a rather patient person and wait, just like her father was. In her mind she had always been the one most like their father Tywin whereas Jaime was to brash and she thought herself to be smarter than Tyrion. It was a shame she had been born a woman, she sometimes thought, because she could have been her fathers heir and the best one to rule not only as Queen but as Lady of Casterly Rock, in her opinion.

That day had been another one spent in court where many people came before them and Joffrey actually hadn't done anything like last time where he had kicked someone in the face. The only other difference for that day was Sansa Stark coming before them in behalf of her father asking for mercy. She didn't really intend for Ned Stark to be killed, it would be much easier sending him to the wall and then those in the north wouldn't have a reason to cause any sort of trouble. Plus with Sansa and Arya there, the family would be really stupid to try anything.

There wasn't a whole lot else that needed done that day. The small council would probably convene soon to discuss the issues they were being faced with but for the moment it was just more waiting. Before to long they wouldn't have the issue with Ned Stark and Sansa would stay there and marry Joffrey and they'd figure out what to do with the youngest more unruly girl.
"Drawing!" Robb perked up, picking on that. "That sounds wonderful!" In truth, he had never given drawing much thought. Other than the faded pictures in the Maester's books and the banners of the houses, he had little experience with or interest in art. But if it was something his future wife liked, he would make every effort to change that.

"I'm sure you are very good at it. Perhaps you could show me some of your drawings later." He suggested; he didn't want to seem too forward or she might get too shy to show him her work. But he wanted to encourage her to open up to him and that seemed liked a good start.

He wasn't sure what to say when she said she liked to do hair. That was even further beyond his realm of interest than drawing. Thankfully, she herself changed the topic of conversation and brought up the North.

"The North is...vast. It's filled with forests and mountains and cold springs..." He faltered, looking for the right words. He'd never been much of a speaker. "It's colder there than here, but also...sharper somehow. The wind is cleaner and the mornings are bright white." Robb laughed and shook his head. "I sound foolish, I know. I've never been one for words." He smiled at Rowenna. "You know that you will come with me to Riverrun after we are married? I look forward to showing you Winterfell." He smiled, pride and love for his home showing in his eyes. "You will love it, I'm sure."


Adam had spent his days making rounds among his circle of acquaintances, doing exactly as Cersei had asked. He had collected some information he felt she might like to know. That day, he attended court and his heart leaped when he saw her, sitting beside Joffrey. He smiled. With the job she had given him, he had the right to go up to her anytime she was alone and ask for an audience. It was a thrilling thought.

He watched in mingled pity and amusement when Sansa Stark came to beg for her father's life. Adam had never spoken with Ned Stark, but the man had a reputation for being a spoilsport of the worst kind. And if he posed a threat to Cersei, Adam for one would have no compunction killing him with his own hands.

After court was done and Cersei had left, he sent her a quick note asking if they could meet. He waited nearby her quarters after he had sent the servant girl in.
Rowenna offered a smile and hadn't really told to many people about her drawing. Some probably heard through other people, but the only ones who knew from herself was the servants who would get her things she needed to do that. Basically any privacy one could get in a family as huge as this, she jumped at the chance.

"Oh I wouldn't say that," she gave a small sheepish laugh. "Just average in comparison to the beautiful drawings in history books." Nodding she didn't show many people the pictures, primarily because of the privacy of not telling anyone she drew, so it would be nerve racking showing someone who wasn't a family member or servant she was close to.

Having figured she would have to go to Riverrun after the marriage she again nodded. "I look forward to seeing it," she said and could tell how much he liked his home. "Is it hard adjusting to the north?" She knew his mother was a Tully and born in the south. Hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as she imagined and living there wouldn't be hard.


Cersei made her way back to her quarters when one of the servants had come in to see if she would accept Ser Adam's request to speak to her. That day she had seen him at court and had been expecting, or perhaps more hoping, to speak with him again soon and that he would have some sort of information. Her curiosity was peaked and she was interested in finding out sooner rather than later about what knowledge he now had. She suspected it should be interesting. He was actually acquaintances with people that others just listened in on and didn't particularly talk to.

Nodding she bid the servant to go and send him there. It was doubtful it would be to long and she figured he was somewhere close by to have sent someone to her. Her dress that day was green, a perfect shade to match her eyes yet just a tad darker than that.
He wasn't sure what to say when she asked about adjusting to the North. He knew, second hand, that his mother had had some trouble. She never got used to the relative isolation of Winterfell and the lack of a sept there. But he didn't want to scare or unsettle Rowenna either.

"Winterfell is different, that's for certain." Robb opted for a diplomatic route. "But you will have me and my mother to look after you and all the rest who live there. You will love the old castle and the forests and springs nearby. The cold can take some time to get used to, I imagine, but it's not that bad."

He fidgeted for a moment and then stood up. This had been a very awkward conversation so far and he needed to vent his frustration. "How about we take a walk, Rowenna? You could show me around this garden." He smiled and offered her his hand. "What do you say?"


Adam walked over to Cersei's room after the servant girl came back with a 'Yes'. He entered after she ordered him to.

"My Queen," he bowed and then stood. She was radiant in her green dress. Adam felt a stirring in his chest and he clasped his hands behind him, drinking in the sight of her.

"If I may say so, your Majesty...you look beautiful today." He said, his eyes twinkling. "I have information. I do not know of what use it may be of to you. That will be for you to judge."

He hesitated, before plunging on. "Many are uneasy, my Queen. The death of Robert was bad enough, but Ned Stark's abortive coup attempt and Joffrey's...um...personal way of doing this have the nobles and knights on edge. Not all, of course, but a significant few. They are afraid of a war brewing, what with news of Robb Stark gathering his bannermen at Winterfell. I can name names if you want. But if I may speak my mind - these men are all talk. They look to you and Joffrey and especially your father for firm leadership. If you give them that, they will fall in behind you."
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