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Saving the Prey (vampire07 & Malomyotismon)

Feb 1, 2013
In Summoner's Rift!
The U.H.O (United Hunter's Organization) was just that, an organization of vampires who hunted humans and brought them to their headquarters to remove the blood from the subject until he or she died. Sure, normal bite & flee was still being used, but police had become a lot more aware of vampires, and hunting them wihout leaving a trace was the most safe measure.

Skye, 'the white lightning', was an elite member of said organization. He had raven black hair, beautiful garnet eyes, really pale skin and he was quite tall, standing at 5'9. He wasn't very strong; he surely had a few muscles here and there, but his primary ability was that he was a lot quicker, the quickest of his partners; hence the surname. He had been sent to a little town in the suburbs were a girl was seen and had been proved to have the special and extremely rare type of blood that vampires lust after. Her blood could regenerate at impossible rates, making her unable to bleed to death. That way, vampires could use her blood forever, having a special taste due to its rarity.

Skye was walking down the streets of the neighbourhood the girl lived, wearing a black t-shirt, a black jacket, jeans and black sneakers. As he reached her house, he gently knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer.
Around the time Skye was knocking on her door Lillian was driving home from school. She had long dark brown hair with sparkling emerald eyes. She had cupid bow lips that was a soft pink compared to her peach and cream complexion. The college student was working and going to college at the same time but on top of that she went to the gyms everyday before work. Overall, she was a busy woman and she managed to have a society life on the weekends.

Driving up to the small house she noticed a figure at her front door. She rolled down her window and shifted her little kia into Reverse but stayed on the brakes. "Can I help you?" Lillian was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged her strong thighs and her red blouse button down over her perky breasts. Next to her was her four textbooks, her bookbag, purse and gym bag that was bit big for a simple work out.
Skye looked at the girl who parked in the car, she surely was gorgeous. Quickly, something cracked inside him and he recognized the girl as the one he was hunting. With a swift move, he reappeared in front of the driver's doorm staring at the woman who drove the car. "Greetings, if i'm not mistaken you should be Lillian, right?" he asked with a peculiar smile, the girl was beautiful and sadly, he had to catch het and ruin her life.
Lillian was taken back as he disappeared from her front door and appeared at her car door. Locking it as she rolled the window up abit. "People get us mixed up. She's out of town. Can I help you with anything?" Lillian asked once more as she eyed him closely. The police had kept the vamprie story a hush hush as they didn't want to worry the public. Her right hand slowly shifted as she was sitting on a assited bladed knife and instincts were taking over as she flipped the blade open with her watching Skye closely. Her primal instincts were telling her to run, danger will robinson!!

Her need to run was increasing to the point she didn't wait for his answer as she slammed on the gas sending her in reverse. She speed down the street in reverse until she reached a corner. In one shift jerk she spun around driving off to another spot she felt safe, one of her friends. No, if this guy knew who she was then he'd know everyone in her life and where they would be. "Who the fuck was he?"
Skye rolled his eyes as the predictable teen drove away once again, but this time she sped up at law-breaking speeds. "Don't worry, i like cat and mouse games..." He quickly ran after her and once he caught up with the car, he approached the driver's side.

He slammed his fist against the glass, tearing it in two as he grabbed her neck with a lot of strength. "Now now...isn't it a bit 'impolite' for you to leave me like that? It's very rude to prejudice people like that...but yes, i'm a vampire," he said with a laugh.
By now she was scared as he approached the car once more. When he tore her door off the frame she swerved but with him grabbing her throat she tried to keep from panicing with her left hand grabbing the knife that was knocked to the center console and slashed at him. Once she got him to let go of her throat she looked ahead to see it was to late.

Her car slammed into a large oak tree. Her seat belt tightened up on her to keep her from slamming her head into the steering wheel. Dazed, hurting with smoke curled and bellowed from the front end of her car she felt like she couldn't move with blood trickling down her cheek and forehead from teh glass spraying into her face.
Skye yelped in pain as she stabbed him. "You...bitch!!!" he yelled as he was forced to let go her throat and thus, he slammed into the floor from the moving car. His shirt was left a mess on the left arm and his jeans were left severly scratched. As he stood up, bleeding from the scratches on his arm, he approached her and took her out of the totaled car. "I'm gonna' make you pay...violent bitch. You think you can solve problems by stabbing someone?" he asked, removing the knife and throwing it away.

He held her by her throat as he rose her high into the air, baring his fangs and showing them to her. "Worry not, as i won't turn you into a vampire...but i'll taste you," he said, holding her close to him as he bit her neck, his fangs breaking through her skin as they dug very deep. Her blood fell on his mouth as he swallowed contently. In order for a vampire to turn someone into one, he or she had to deplete their blood until near empty and then release a venom that would corrupt the remaining blood, regenerating it and bringing the vampire back to life. However, their heart would stop and they would become pale, their fangs would grow and they wouldn't die of blood-loss.
Lillian was liimp as she was still trying to get her barings by the time he was shouting at her. Though she felt a seering how pain in the side of her neck. Crying out in pain as she put her hands against his chest trying to push him away from her. " of ME!" She didn't know she had a rare blood condition or type as she often gave blood and it didn't affect her. While he drank people were stepping out of their homes ondering what the crash was.

Down the street sirens and flashing lights was blaring as someone called 911 when they heard a crash. Lillian was in pain as bruises were suppose to form but with him drinking her blood it kept the bruises from forming across her chest. "Stop it!" She was yelling now as she searched for places to hit a nerve on him with her heels slamming into his hip joints. She figured from the myths she heard of Vampires that when a human was become a victim they go limp from being weak. Lillian didn't feel weak for some reason perhaps her need to fight had taken hold.
Skye looked at how she tried to kick him in several spots in a futile attempt to break free. His fear grew a bit as he saw people and heard sirens. Quickly, he leaned back, disconnecting from her neck as he ran with her back to her house. Luckily, nobody saw them due to his perfect speed and swift moves.

Once at the front door of her house, he forced the lock to open the door and dragged her in, locking them inside. "Now, wouldn't have lost your car and your college things if you had been gentle..."
"Get the hell off of me!" She growled at him as blood dripped down her neck and the blood was forming a dark stain on her blouse. "If you weren't chasing me I wouldn't have lost everything." She was over his shoulder with her hands digging into his back trying to pull herself free. "Just leave me alone, Bastard!" She was pissed and all she wanted was him to leave. "Why are you even after me?!" Her mone was dark and modest with three rooms a decent sized living room with marble counter tops in the kitchen.
He looked at her and dropped her on the floor. "Listen...i'm after you because i work in an organization where we get people to get the blood out of them. Your blood, however, is precious since you will never run out of blood. Your blood is special..." he said, suddenly filled with a strange feeling as he thought of her being raped in the headquarters, tortured and being touched by a lot of people to get her blood. "I shouldn't have been so violent..."
She sat there listening to him as he told her about the people he worked with were after her. "I have special blood?" Shaking her head as this didn't make sense to her but she managed to get to her feet backing away from him. She was scared of him as she didn't know what to make of all of this. Reaching up as she felt the bleeding had stopped. "Get out...." She made a wide circle around him to head to her bedroom. Her body was shaking from shock as she stripped from her blouse letting it fall to the ground.

Stumbling towards the washroom where she ran a washcloth under the cold water. Slowly and trembling she cleaned her flesh of the blood though she grabbed hold of the sink with her knees bucklng under her. She fell to her knees hanging her head. All of this information was bit much.
Skye looked at how the girl backed away from him and walke to the what seemd like the bathroom as he could hear water flowing. "Want some help?" he asked gently as he ignored her plead to get him to leave the house.

Leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom, he sighed. "I can help you...i...maybe i...i don't want to take you back to those people. They will rape you and torture you, because you can't die of bloodlose...they are too cruel."
"Nothing new.." she muttered softly as her head pressed against the counter but what she found was odd was he was wanting to help her when he ran her off the road. There was a knock at the front door and she couldn't get to her feet. "IN HERE!" She yelled out wondering who the fuck it was now.

"Police ma'am!" An officer announced when he opened the door slightly. "We found your car and your things were inside. Are you all right?"

Lillian looked at Skye debating on using the cops to get him to leave her. A glint flashed in her eye as she made up her mind. "I think I'll be fine." She use to date a cop so she knew they were trained on subtle clues. The police officers pushed the door open with their guns out while they searched the place. One was her ex and he smelled blood.

"Lillian, are you hurt?!" There was worry in his voice as he stood at the corner of the hallway seeing the bathroom light on. He didn't hear anything thinking she was kidnapped and the guy took her and the car. When she fought he crashed then she ran. In bed she was a fighter to where he himself was handcuffed to the bed. Erotic sex life but it got to the point he wanted the needed feeling then left when she told him she didn't need him. Though they stayed friends to where he understood she wanted him in her life or she wouldn't allow him to be there.
Skye looked at her with hate in his eyes as he was forced to leave. "If i find you won't be so lucky...I knew i shouldn't be so nice with people," he told her as he left the house. As he walked back to the headquarters of his base, he was intercepted by the boys of the organization, along with his boss. "So, i guess you failed your are so pathetic, Skye. You are useless. Boys, teach him a lesson," MacCall said and his henchmen took him to an alley where they beat him up pretty badly, even clubbing him with a blackjack.

As they left him, MacCall grinned. Skye had been left with a black eye, blood on his lips and mouth and a lot of deep cuts. "If i see you again, you will simply die." With that, they left in a fancy limousine. Skye managed to spit a bit of blood before passing out in an alley near Lillian's house.
Lillian's ex took her to the hospital had her checked out. Though once she was fine she was left home alone though her ex tried to stay the night but got hit in the face with a pillow he gave her long ago.

"Ok OK!" He laughed and left though Lillian walked outside wearing a robe. She noticed a limo exiting an alley way that was barely used. Getting her tennis shoes on she walked out there to see Skye beaten. She felt like she should feel bad for him but with him hunting her down it put her in a conflicting position. Finally she made a choice and helped Skye up and took him to her house. With her placing him in a empty cot in a spare bedroom she cleaned him up then gently placed a gelled ice pack over his blacken eye. Tired she got up and left him there under a blanket to recover while she striped down to nothing then slipped under her covers. Thank god tomorrow was a free day.
Skye was too much hhurt and out of himself to even recognize who was helping him. The last thing he could remember was Lillian putting an ice bag in his blackened eye, that's when he recognized her. However, he was too tired and he fell asleep on the comfortable bed.

The next day, he was cured, barely having scratches. Vampires are known to have great capabilities for thir enhanced regeneration, and he was back on his feet. He stood up and walked around the house until he finally found her bedroom. He leaned against the doorway and stared at her, since she had shifted positions, he could see one of her breasts.
When morning came she was on her back with the sheet around her hips. Her brown hair was a mess and her head was hurting at this point. Groaning softly as she shifted onto her side facing the door but she opened her eyes seeing Skye standing there. That woke her up quickly that she scooped a pillow up holding it to her naked breasts. She may have felt bad for him but she was somewhat regretting on letting him into her house once more after he was hunting her, bit her and threaten her.

"Glad to see your wounds have healed. Mind turning around so I can get dressed?" She asked hoping atleast he had some shred of respect to allow her to get dressed.
Skye shook his head and sighed. "Don't worry, i plan on leaving soon. I don't feel like staying in a house where i'm not welcome at all..." he said and walked to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, took out a meaty and juicy steak, and started to eat it; mainly for its blood. "How i hate people, how i hate it...a lot. And this fucking girl...she gets on my nerves. That stupid bitch made me lose my job..." He was surely blazing in hate for that, he didn't care she was cute at all. He hated her, he completely hated her...
Once he left she managed to get out of bed then dressed in her jeans and tank withher sneakers. Hearing him slamming her fridge around she sighed but she didn't feel bad about using the cops to get him out when she didn't feel safe. Hell she still didn't feel safe with him here even when he offered to help her. The sound of thunder rang over head and Lillian walked outside into her small back yard. Looking up as rain started to fall but when she was about to head inside something caught her eye, a smirk.

Lillian screamed as strong arms wrapped tightly around her arms. The large man squeezed her rib cage tightly to where she was struggling to breath.

"He....Gah!" It was starting to hurt to try and breathe but her struggles stopped and the man grabbed her long brown hair yanking her head back to exposed her neck to his large fangs that could easily tear her throat out in one bite.
Skye finished with his meal as soon as Lillian had walked out to the backyard. I'm getting out of here as soon as i can, he thought angrily and made his way to the back door of the house. As he heard her forceless struggles to get the man off her, he rose his head and walked outside in a flash. He appeared before the two of them and frowned. "So...who are you!? Leave her alone or you'll regret biting her!" he said angrily as he alternated his glance through both of them. He wasn't scared at all, and he certainly didn't care that he would kill her, but with him in the house, they could easily blame him.
Lillian's nails was digging into the man who held her when Skye appeared in a casual pace. Mentally cursing as every time she exhaled the snake like ebony arms tighten on her. Shortly her sight of SKye became dark with her on the edge of blacking out.

"You failed to get the blood bank, Shrimp." He said as he felt Lillian going limp in which he began to grip Lillian better but what happened next made him yell.

Lillian kicked him hard in his balls which had him release his hold on her. She crawled away trying to catch her breath but she couldn't for such time. Though he grabbed her ankle andn began to pull her back. Lillian winced as her nail was pulled off of its nail bed with her trying to hold on to the ground. "Get him off!" Her voice was weak but stronger as she was able to breathe.
Skye saw all the action the naive girl had provoked. "You stupid girl, what if he was stronger?" He approached her and took her off the grip of the man, then stood her next to the doorway of the backyard. With a bit of anger inside, he took the hunting knife he always brough and stabbed the vampire in the heart. He walked past her and sighed. "I'm leaving, i'm tired of your stupidities."
"EXCUSE ME FOR BENG HUMAN!" She snapped at him as blood dripped from her finger. Watching the body withering as it died she turned going inside heading to the bathroom where she cleaned her hands up then wrapped her bleeding finger up. Sighing as she tracked him down to her living room. "I'm sorry using the police to get you out. But what was I suppose to do when the man who is a vampire promised to take me in, drank my blood without consulting me. If you did your research you would have understood why I've aways been in fighting mode. Though thank you for saving me." Her voice was soft while she apologized to him but she began to think of what to do to protect hersef since she had to run now.

But with her having a wound she would be easy to track. Walking to the kitchen she grabbed a bottle of beer and drank it abit. "Question....If your kind has been here for so long...How come your existance isn't common knowledge?"
Skye ignored her words and walked to her bathroom. "God! How i hate her! I hate her a lot! A lot!!!! I should had killed her when i could!" he said angry and took his clothes off before slipping inside the bathtub. He turned the water on and filled the tub halfway before he laid on it. "Lost my head is being hunted...and i have to live with that gracious bitch...oh man, i like to get kissed before they fuck me!" he told himself.
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