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To catch a vampire (Jugger82 & Alisa_Perne)

Alisa smelled the car from miles away, and dashed to a suitable nearby occasion, she began walking upon the man, "I assume you are here to kill me." She said as she let out a gutteral growl, "Then you shall die like the rest!" She gave a quick barely visible wink, hopefully the man caught it, she lept through the air, and swung from a telephone pole and aimed to land on him, her fist raised back to land a devastating deathblow, fangs beared, if he did not shoot her, she would land on him and kill him, then the whole thing would be over, she hoped he saw her wink, she was coming from such a height and speed her own weight would crush him alone.
'Holy shit she's fast!' He thought in his head as he unholstered his gun and brought it out to aim at her, seeing her coming down toward him faster than a train. He shot his bullets out rapidly before barreling out of the way to try and not get hit from her, seeing that she had no way of stopping in mid-air. He rolled and landed on a knee, glaring as he looked toward where he hoped she had fallen to her 'death' and mark the end of the fake battle.
Alisa allowed the bullets to hit her, and throw her off course, she landed on her back, 'FUCK!' she thought, 'He actually shot me in the heart' she stood up, pretending to be weakened as she starting pulling bullets out of her, "You will have to try better than that." She yanked the bullets out, so she would bleed profusely, all the more exaggerating her weakened state, and in fact it really was weakening her, she slowly walked towards the man, "The worlds finest my ass." She said as she got closer, bracing herself to get pistol whipped and fall unconscious.
Nathan glared and stepped back a bit as she began to approach him. He saw how she seemed, and truly thought she was weakened! He wondered if he should actually finish her kill her and actually get paid. What did he care if his organization that hired him was corrupted? It was all about the pay...But something else made him refrain from killing her. When she got close enough, he kicked up some dirt into her face and tackled her to the ground. He straddled her, brought the butt of his handgun up to the air and brought it down hard, pistol whipping her.
Alisa winked at him again, as she closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious, she waited, knowing fully well what would happen next, her wounds were already healing, and she knew next he would rip her tooth out, then tie her to a tree and light her on fire, right after he cut off some of her hair, all these things she was fully prepared for, and knew they would all hurt, but she had been burned at the stake many a time in her day, and this was no different, she could easily break the bonds, and run to the lake, get herself put out, and then come back and they could finish the scene with the now vampire prostitute.
Reaching down with some pliers he pulled out of his pocket, he clenched the teeth onto her fang and pulled hard, yanking out her fang. He grimaced at the bloody fang and pocketed it. Reaching down, he grabbed her hair and tore off a few strands, enough to be evidence of her death. Now he pulled her up to a tree, tied her, and laced her with some cologne he had in his pocket before lighting a match. He reached down and put a cigarette in her mouth, and lit the cigarette. He'd then step back and watch slowly, watching as the ash from the cigarette finally fell onto her cologne-drenched body and ignited. That was when the servant cut the video, after a few seconds of her burning, and called out to her that it was safe to move.
Alisa was not unconscious when he yanked the tooth out, but it took every ounce of her not to scream when he pulled the tooth out, she could hear the cigarette burning, and slowly, she felt the ash hit her body, the flames ignited immediatly, and she screamed, she was literally on fire, and her skin was slowly burning off her body, you could see parts of her skull, after about ten seconds the servant cut the camera, and she ripped out of her bindings as if they were tissue paper, and took off towards the lake, dove in, extinguished herself, and then came running back, half of her face was burnt off, but healing rapidly as she walked up to the man, "Alright, time for the decoy." She smiled a half burnt off face smile.
Nathan almost threw up, seeing her alive like this...He had seen many people die of flames but never any survivors, especially talking ones like Alisa. "Are you certain you want to do this? You turned her after all...She's been made new...isn't she like...your daughter now or something? Isn't that how you work with vampires? That the newly bred ones such as she, are considered family?" He was still opposed to burning her alive...but if it had to be done, then it will have to be done.
"God dammit." She shoved him aside and grabbed the gasoline with one arm, and dragged the girl by her hair with the other, she chunked her up against the tree and tied her up. She then threw gasoline over the woman, ripped some of her hair out, and yanked her tooth out with her bare hands, the girl screamed in agony. She pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit the girl on fire, after ten seconds "TURN THE FUCKING CAMERA ON!" She shouted at her servant. "Film her burning till she turns to ash." The servant did so.

"You!" She glared at the man, "You can NEVER hesitate, you are a cold blooded killer, hesitation will get you killed, its why i should have killed you!"
"I'm NOT a cold blooded killer! I have morals too, god dammit!" He said angrily as he glared back at Alisa. "I hunt down ONLY the people I'm paid to hunt! I do not bring innocents into the equation! Thats why I didn't just blow you up at the start of that race you were at! I waited until you had your lead and then I laid out the claymore!" He grew even more angry. "Maybe you SHOULD have killed me then, if you're going to have to have a problem with my HUMAN conscious the entire time we're gonna work together!"
"Well if i had killed you, then they would have sent another, and i wouldnt get to the root of this problem. Dont you forget, there are bloodthirsty genetically engineered werewolves running around, i dont think they would hesitate to kill you either, if they come along at this precise moment, they will kill you quicker than i can stop them, because it LOOKS like you failed your mission." Just then the girl screamed and exploded into a ball of fire and ash. "Get in the car." She ordered her servant. The servant did so, "Hop in cowboy im driving." She slid in the drivers seat and turned the car on, she revved it and hit a little switch, the exhaust got louder as she opened the butterfly valves, everything seemed to get more powerful at her touch, even inanimate objects such as machines, the reality was this camaro was not stock, she had just hidden all the buttons and switches. She revved it again, and the camaro went from purring like a kitten, to roaring like a lion.
"Dark...Just dark..." He murmured as he approached the Camaro and entered it, not caring or giving a damn about the newly restored car's power. He felt the power surge through him practically but he said nothing as he simply looked out of the window, hand on his chin and elbow propped up on the window frame. He simply waited for them to head home so he could get some sleep before going to Cygnus to turn in the 'evidence' he had collected of her burning to her death.
"The world is a dark and scary place, get used to it kid, from this point out, assume everything that goes bump in the night, is going to kill me, those werewolves they sent, they werent fully developed, i would not have been able to kill them so easily." She said as she floored the camaro down the highway, "They were simply tests, just to see what sort of capabiliites i have, they will send stronger, bigger, faster ones, eventually, at this point, im pretty positive that they can controll the developmental stages of their creations, and make them as strong as they want to, which means, there will eventually be one, that can put up one hell of a fight." She slid into the garage and killed the engine, her servant got out, pale as a sheet from the ride, and ran inside.
"You really don't treat your servants right either..." He murmured as he looked to the man that had ran inside, pale as a sheet from the ride there. Nathan seemed unfazed, not caring if he died in the car from a car crash. "You don't seem to treat ANY of your servants right. They seem to work under you for fear of losing their lives...Why do you force them here? And if you aren't, why do they stay if you're so terrifying to them?"
Alisa looked the man dead in the eyes, "I freed them, they were once actual slaves, under the mind control of a vampire, i killed him, freed them, they had no other purpose and felt obligated to serve the woman who saved them from their horrible torment, he fed on them, tortured them, for his delight, i do none of these things." She paused "So you tell me if i dont treat them right." She got out of the car and walked inside.
"Then why is it they fear you so much even when you act sane around them?" He questioned as he followed her inside. "Many of them act nervous around you. What, some sort of PTSD from their previous owners?" He shook his head, thinking this could only be the logical explanation if she truly had never treated them wrongly. "Anyway...I'm going to go to bed. Is there a room that I may be able to sleep in tonight? I've...forgotten how to get to the room you've assigned to me..."
"Just follow me." She said as she walked up the stairs, two of probably her most beautiful female servants trailed close behind her, one was carrying a robe, she walked with her arms spread apart, as she stepped they took her clothes off as she ascended the stairwell, she took a pause and lifted one foot up, they took off her boot, and the other, she was bare naked for a couple of steps, her body was covered in tattoos, ancient cuniform her old language, but there were also gaping holes on her body, where the bullets had exited, and some of her skin was still charred, and you could see bone. A few steps later the servants had a robe on her, and even had it tied, Alisa waved her hand and they headed back down the stairs, it was then you could see her full figure and realize she was actually limping, and appeared to be in actual pain.
As Nathan followed her, he watched as the female servants began to start stripping down the woman before him. Once she was naked, he saw the bullet holes in her body and cursed himself silently for causing so much damage to her. She looked terrible from the fire as well, as her bone was clearly visible. When she was re-robed, Nathan had seen her limping and frowned as he stayed silent. 'How fucked up did I hurt her?' He thought in his head as he continued to follow after her. "Are you going to be okay? You're limping."
"Honey, ive been crucified, ive had my arms chopped off, ive been hung, coated in acid, and lit on fire, you just shot me in the heart, this is a walk in the park, rather a limp in the park." She laughed. "Get it, LIMP in the park...LIMP?" She laughed again, "Ill be fine in a few days, what matters more is the fact that you have bought us time, thats what we needed, time for me to recover, time for you to infiltrate, and time for us to make a plan." She walked up the stairs, and tripped, a horrifying crunch was heard as her lower leg bone had burst through the skin, she stood up, and continued to walk to her bedroom. "I NEED A SPLINT!" She shouted and servants came rushing up and started to put a splint on her, "Not here dammit, wait in the bedroom." They quickly shuffled off to her bedroom.
"Tough bitch...!" He murmured as he was surprised she was still walking after her leg practically broke through the skin and she kept on walking. He frowned and shook his head, and continued on after her. As the servants began to patch up her leg, he sat down on a nearby stool and crossed his arms. "What is there to plan? I'm supposed to act as the go-between. The double agent. I get the intel from them and I relay it to you as I undergo my orders. They'll HAVE to keep me if they realize I've killed you."
"No they wont." She laughed, "You are the only one who has killed a vampire, tell them you suspect there are more, they will let you go, you will also get top accolades, and then be their first slayer, and of course, you will know more, because you are higher up, so you get the know, and every now and then ill turn someone, and you kill them. And the cycle continues till we figure out what the hell is going on." Alisa looked at him dead in the eye. "Next time you shoot, dont aim for the heart, it wont kill me, but god damn does it weaken me." She laughed.
He did not laugh at her joke about not shooting her in the heart. "I can't kill a vampire! I couldn't even truly weaken you without you putting on a handicap. I'll get killed by the next vampire that they send me to kill." He crossed his arms. "But then again...I bet you're just going to say something along the lines of training me..." He sighed. "Just remember that I am human and I can't do all that a vampire can do. So take it easy if it actually does go to that route of action."
She laughed again, "No silly ill just kill them for you and give you the credit." She laughed again. She was merely masking her pain, her entire body ached, but she knew she would be healed by tomorrow, she couldnt afford to do this every time though, because so much abuse to her body would eventually kill her, "For a vampire like me, my own species is easy to kill, i will simply remove their head, hand it to you, and you hand it to your people, and we move on."
"Simple as that then..." He murmured after hearing of her plan. He shrugged his shoulders. "Then I guess that is what we'll do. Lets just be certain I don't die on this little mission of yours." Nathan looked at her and could tell that she was in pain, but dared not to call her out on it. That might just insult her pride, so he decided to simply keep his mouth shut about her wounds. "If there is nothing else you require of me...I will find an escort to take me to my room."
Alisa shook her head, "My my my, i could have sworn you were attracted to me, granted, pieces of my skin are charred off, and i have some holes in my body, but that shouldnt stop you from holding me, wanting to sleep with me, i am in no condition to have sex of course, but i think a little cuddle time is in your order." She smiled, "If in, at least, so you know what its like to have real power in your hands, and know that from here on out, consider me the angel over your shoulder, you may not see me ill be there." She smiled, "More like an angel of death, perhaps a demon, either way, consider me your guardian." She smiled again, "Now come on over, lay next to me, allow me to gaze into your eyes, and get to know you."
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