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I'm a bit worried...


Nov 10, 2012
So, lately, I have been having a worry plaguing my mind as to whether or not my RP skill is deteriorating. So, I took the liberty of grabbing a few of my posts to see if you fellow BM members can help me improve.


Ezio Auditore da Firenze. He was a newly appointed assassin of the Templar regime, and he didn't mind it at all, mainly because he wanted vengeance on the ones who orchestrated the swan song of his family. He hated them all, the lot of them, and he couldn't be happier when one more left the face of the planet. His blades had pierced the flesh of around five Templars at this point, and he still had plenty to go.

But for now, he settled on a bit of...relaxation.

He smiled as the word came to his mind, knowing that he was more than likely relieving a ton of stress that had built up with one simple trip. It was to the local brothel in Venice. It wasn't like anyone would really judge him for such a release, many men here did so on a daily basis. He chuckled to himself as he walked in the door, knowing that many other girls envied him at this particular moment.

He walked up to Teodora and whispered to her, "I wish to have your most exotic beauty."

She smiled and gave him the key to a room, which Ezio swept up with a thank you to the nun before walking down the hallway in his heavy boots. he hummed to himself a tune he had heard one of the travelling musicians playing before opening the door and looking inside to one of the most gloriously beautiful woman he had ever seen. His jaw physically dropped at the sight, which he was sure many men had done before him. he then composed himself and smiled to her, bowing politely before shutting the door and saying, "Saluti, bella donna. I seem to have a visit to pay you."


Altair didn't hear what this woman whispered but did witness the girl who ran down that hallway. He was about to question such a thing, but her question was out first, and he decided to be honest. "Rumors? I hear she works part time as a prostitute in one of these damned brothels and that she steals money from them." He felt her lips on his neck and closed his eyes. Surely this girl wasn't her...maybe he could just relax...he shook such thoughts away and focused on finding his target. Again, he had to swat the hands of the working girl away from going under his robes and taking them off along with his armor. This one was persistent, to say the least. Most took the hint, but this one was stubborn. Maybe she was low on customers, though he could hardly see why, given her beauty.


Ezio burst through the door just as all of the action started up. His old, wisened eyes picked out the main targets that he needed to take out, mainly the thief holding the woman and, if he could possibly make it, a couple of thieves running out with some art. He had to get that attacker first.

In a stroke of genius, Ezio took out two bombs from his pouch, a lethal shrapnel one and a smoke bomb. First, he threw the smoke bomb at the thief that was holding up the civilian. The thick smoke immediately cause him to drop her to the floor, coughing and sputtering. Then, he threw the shrapnel grenade at the group exiting, killing two and hitting one in the leg, who still escaped the building. The assassin then leapt at the main assailant, stabbing him in the throat with his hidden blade before attending to the female. "Are you alright?"


So, after all of that, what do you guys think? Three separate RPs with three different partners.
There doesn't appear to be a problem to me. If I was skilled enough, I'd roleplay with you. You gave plenty of information to work with, something even a newbie like me craves in order to move the story. I am having similiar problems if your partners are just up and leaving without telling why.
Thanks to you, my dear. I'm not going to say what it was, but I have figured out what had been making me think otherwise to you and countless others. To all that continued to compliment my writing...thank you. :) I hope you all find your separate endeavors enjoyable. To those who criticized me politely, I thank you as well, as you have made me a better writer in more than just RP. To those who were mean about it...I'm sure that you'll find someone who bites back. :)
Your rping skills are so perfect and do not worry, I love when we role play with each other, you have inspired me to make my role playing skills more better then the first time I've ever role play before. Keep up the great work and I mean it too and I'm not lying at all keep up the awesome work.
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