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Role-Play Search, seeking MxF

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Pavlov Syndrome

Apr 2, 2013
Ask me about my new idea. Must be interested in playing multiple characters.

§ Introduction §​

Good day, potentially interested role-player, and welcome to the thread.​

I wanted to begin this escapade with a little disclosure, though there isn't much to disclose. I'm 25 years old, I live in the eastern time zone, I am in college in the CIS field, I'm a stock boy at Walmart, and I have a splitting headache. My role-playing history dates back ten years which spans a numerous amount of websites. However, this is the best website that I've associated myself with thus far. I like to spend my free time role-playing so I'm hoping to fill up that extra time soon. I also enjoy playing video games but who doesn't nowadays. Usually if I'm not at college or Walmart, I tend to be on the computer; I cannot say how often I spend exactly but it is a fairly large amount of time. My homework for my classes haven't been the most arduous of tasks so I get to goof around more than I probably should. The only things that would keep me off the computer aside from college and Walmart, would be random events such as having to go somewhere. I don't have any other commitments, except to my pain pills. Though the majority of this thread may seem exceedingly serious, I do enjoy joking around a fair bit. If people didn't laugh or smile their lives would be miserable. Endorphins and such.​

That's about it for the introduction. Before I pass out, let's move onto my role-play interests and pairings.​

∆ Role-play Traits ∆

When it comes to role-playing I'm not excessively picky. There are a number of things I enjoy as well as a number of things that I don't enjoy. If you simply read around the highlights, you 'should' be safe but I can't promise anything.

To begin with, when posting, I tend to prefer quality over quantity. I have nothing against novel writers it's just that when it comes to a role-play, it thrives on character interaction. I don't feel the need for an excessive amount of detail that could be put to better use, spread out among a length of time to keep it more interesting. For instance: in the very beginning of the role-play it is not necessary to know the character's entire family history, as well as the brand name of each piece of clothing that they own. I love detail don't get me wrong, just not five paragraphs worth of it per post. Keeping it within the spectrum of one to two paragraphs would be preferable. Also, I would like for you to have decent grammar skills. You don't have to be perfect, I know I'm not, but I would at least like it to be easy on the eyes. Not those eyes, my eyes.

On a side note, I prefer role-playing on instant messengers but it's not a necessity. Not primarily because of the speed at which you can send messages, but more the fact that it's more friendly. Role-playing for me isn't something I do mechanically and I enjoy conversations as well. The more two people get along with each other, the more the ideas flow freely and the collaboration becomes easier. At the moment, I use Trillian which encompasses AIM, YIM, and MSN and I also use Skype. Also on another side-note, I don't role-play with people who appear offline. If you don't want to use an instant messenger, we can always role-play through private messages.

With respect to the traits of the setup, I enjoy role-plays that contain aspects of action, adventure, romance, and fantasy. I can role-play in most any setting in the past, present, and future though when I role-play in the present, I enjoy adding elements of fantasy to the mix. I'm also a fairly large fan of anthros, adding them into the mix will always gain substantial favor with me. Some of the pairings that I enjoy are as follows:

Step Siblings
Employee x Employee
Boss x Employee
Boss x Intern
Roommates (college, house, or apartment)
Best Friend x Best Friend
Gang Members (friendly or rival)
Assassin x Target
Assassins (friendly or rival)
Master x Slave
Royalty x Servant
Test Subject x Test Subject
Researcher x Test Subject
Royalty x Royalty
Arranged Marriage
Boyfriend x Girlfriend
Married Couple

If I think of any other pairings that I enjoy or adopt new pairings that I find fun, the list will be updated. Also, if there's something you enjoy and don't see it here, suggest it to me. I will likely be for it. Following this, is my RH link.

Ω Conclusion Ω

That's about it for me. If you've seen something here that catches your eye or would like to suggest an idea or setup that you don't see on here, feel free to send me a private message or leave a message on this thread. Also try to make it more compelling than a couple of sentences. There isn't a strict character limit so attempt to make me interested in responding. Put forth the effort that I have portrayed here, not "I was interested and if you're interested, let me know". I need something to be interested in, not just another warm body. Also, if you want to use an instant messenger, including your username for your preferred messenger doesn't hurt.​

Hope you enjoyed the tour.​
I noticed you listed a pairing between assassins. I've wanted to try my hand at this pairing for a while. I've given it some consideration - this is what I have so far:

Modern industry has become a cut-throat affair. Competitive businesses aren't afraid to dirty their hands in order to advance their companies, creating an underground market for organizations willing to take care of the more unpleasant side of business - for a price. These organizations contract skilled individuals who are both discreet and disposable.

In this large city, there are a number of organizations offering assassins to large corporations seeking to handicap their competitors. The roleplay would take place between two assassins working for rival organizations prominent in the underground market. When the assassins discover that they are pursuing the same target (and interfering with their organizations' profit), they are directed to eliminate one another.

However, by day these assassins have (relatively) normal lives. By chance, they encounter one another - on a campus or downtown, etc. They are now - unknowingly - caught in a dangerous attraction to the very person they are assigned to kill.

This is very flexible - we can take it wherever you want. You stated that you prefer to roleplay over messenger but would you be willing to keep this on a thread?

If you're interested or have any thoughts, let me know. :)
I'll happily do any of these

Step Siblings
Employee x Employee
Boss x Employee
Boss x Intern
Best Friend x Best Friend
Arranged Marriage
Boyfriend x Girlfriend
Married Couple
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