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Incubas or Sucubas... (M X F)

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Apr 13, 2013
The common folk lore of the Sucubas is to be much better known, for she is a creature of the night, created by Germans. She invades men's bedrooms while they sleep, and has constant endless sex...until death... An Incubas, rather similair, does the same yet with woman. This could make for a kinky RP, short term of course, yet just a burst of fun... If you're a female persona or female, looking to be a Sucubas...or the victim of an Incubas, PM me and we'll talk of the details. I do prefer at least a paragraph, half decent grammar, and constant sexual engagements through out the Role Play.

P.S. The Sucubas or Incubas, MUST be only makes sense. ;)
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