Behind Closed Doors(TrisscarXLingeringDesire)


Mar 20, 2013
Prince S'chn T'gai Spock was irritated. Even if his face showed nothing but a cool, impassive mask; inside he was nearly seething with malice. His rival, Ston had dared to chalange him to a a'woon battle. Of course the incompetant male had lost, Spock had barley found it a chalange to his skills to take down the other vulcan.
Quickning his pace to the edge of proprieties limit, the crown prince rounded a corner, finding himself in the palaces lavish waiting room outside the main hall. His father had summoned him here, his father did not like to be kept waiting. Usually someone got flogged if the delay was long enough.
Pushing open the heavy wood doors, Spock strode into the room, his dark chocolate collored eyes sweeping around the enclosure to clear it for threats. Noting is father lounging in his throne, a slim silver chain held loosly in his hand brought a small amount of curiosty blooming to the surface of the half vulcans mind, even more facinating was the slim female attatched to that chain sitting on the floor.
Aproaching the throne of his father Spock held out the customery salute, bowing his head respectfully to the elder vulcan.

"Live long and prosper father. You summoned me?"

(there we are :3 hope its to your liking. also, if when theres more than just spock and ur char in the scene could we divide up the other roles, so like for this since spock is adressing his father you do him, then if a character other than spock is addressing your char ill do that person. would that work? i like to have the other person add in their perspective to the rp and help guide it :3)
The elder man acknowledged his son with a bob of his head; he’d seen the eyes flit over the female at his side. But the idea of this gift being given was bound to have a more profound effect. “Yes, I did. It has been brought to my attention that I have too many slaves to attend to, too many women that this latest addition is being gifted to you.” His own chocolate eyes moved down the chain to the female form attached to the other end.

Indula had barely spoken to the man since she arrived. She answered questions when asked but offered no other information. She was the latest of gifts sent to other kingdoms, as a way to have them pledge their allegiance to Geniva 4. She wasn’t sure where to call home truthfully and could offer nothing to that area. She sat with her legs folded beneath her on the floor, a simple grey shift swarmed her body but the fabric was almost sheer allowing her body to be seen.

Round breasts to fill an average males hand stood proud upon her chest, the darker nipples were peaked due to the cooler temperature of the room. Curious mint green eyes stared up at the younger male that entered, a bit of fear welled in them when she understood this was her new owner. Looking away her odd mix of dark blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and curtained her face off. Though the sight wrinkle of spiked bones that crested forward from her head only added to her beauty, it kept her from being entirely hidden. Her skin had a slight coppery tan sheen to it. Her mutt race mixture caused her origin to be questioned, though one could never deny that she wasn’t a sight to behold.

The older man stood and guided the woman to her feet using her chain. She stood taller than most women at 5’10, but she was still not as tall as wither male. Her hands held the fabric at her sides as her eyes closed and reopened to focus on his face. She knew what was expected of her but still the sense of fear welled up, she didn’t know what to expect. The man made her turn, her slight curves showing as she moved. Her hands held raised plates of bone as well, same as her head, though she wasn’t trained to fight and would use them for such. Her chain was handed off and she held her breath.

“Speak your name girl!” The order came in short and clipped.

“I am Indula of Geniva 4,” She spoke soft but clear. “I am a gift to earn your favor.” She wished to say more, but to beg her new master for his kindness would fall on what she thought would be deaf ears.
Spock gave his 'gift' a slow once overl, noting each of her more womanly attributes. The girls interesting green eyes and accuenting bone protusions made her look exotic, and she was astheticly beautiful in most humanoids perspectives as well.
Once she had answered his innitial question Spock turned back to his father.

"I thank you for this gift father. I will enjoy her. We will take our leave now."

Turning, Spock walked away, not even bothering to give a tug to the chain around Indula's neck, he knew she would follow him. What he didnt know was how to proceed. He had never had a personal slave before this, and with his pon farr aproaching the nature of his gift was apparant.
Leading his new woman back to his lavish rooms took a bit of walking, and that walk was done in near silence. He wasnt much of one for talking when no talking was needed. Opening the door to his room Spock lightly tugged on the silver chain, indicating with a sweep of his hand where his new slave was to sit while he retrieved a key to remove the wide, ungainly collar from her neck. Instead he would replace it with one of his own make, a finely crafted peice lined with silk and adorned with a few tastefull jewels. Much more fitting for a princes slave than the one she had now.
Indula followed, fear of what might happen if she didn't kept her in check. The halls and corridors passed by, curious green eyes flitted over them but no words were given. The silence was deafening. His grasp on her chain was light but she had no doubt that if she attempted to run he would tighten it.

As they walked she wondered what he meant by enjoy her. She may have been a virgin but she knew what enjoyment he would expect her to give and it frightened her. She followed his directions and sat as he directed. Staring up at him as he fumbled with the lock, clear green eyes flitted over his face. The fear she showed was palpable and more than understandable. "Thank you master," she whispered before dropping her gaze. Slim fingers caressed the tender flesh of her neck.
Spock could feel her fear like it was in itself a living thing, it eminated from her skin in waves, striking out at his mind even though he was not in contact with her. Catching her gaze for a brief moment as he perused his face, the vulcan prince set aside the old collar, picking up a cool wet cloth to clean the irritated skin of her neck. Running the cloth over Indula's neck to clean away the built up grime, Spock stroked his fingers gently across the now clean surface flesh, acknowlaging her thanks with a dip of his chin. Clipping the new high quality collar into place, he fingered the shiny latinum tag at the front, wich read 'owned by S'chn T'gai Spock'. this claim would keep the low level trash away from his slave. And only the most stupid of rivals would dare to chalange him for her.

"You may address me as prince spock when we are in private. And i would prefer you to use the vulcan term for master when we are in public, it sounds more elegant and less crass. Trentor is the word. You are my kafeh or slave now. The only three people you must take orders from are my father, myself and my mother. All others whom would order you disregard unless specificly told by me."

His voice was a deep, rich baritone, overlayed with honeyed tones that gave it a resonating quality. Yet the voice held little inflection or emotion as was expected of him.

"Now. You require a bath and food. Then when we are done with both those tasks I will test your coitus abilites. Also you will be sleeping here and you will eat when and what i do. I expect absolute obediance. If you make a mistake you will be given a chance to correct it and learn not to do it agian. Any further blunders of the same nature will be punnished acording to the severity of the act. Understood?"
Tilting her head as the soft cloth came in contact she closed her eyes and tried not to sigh in satisfaction at the action of her master. She had very little training, the kingdom wanting her pure for this strict purpose. His warm fingers followed causing her to quiver slightly. The collar he gave her was smaller and soft against her skin. The permission to call him by his given name was something she didn’t expect and the Vulcan terms were much gentler sounding.

She tried not letting his voice work into her system but it did. Recognizing she belonged to the family but was for his pleasure was easy, at least it was only one and not many she needed to service. At the mention of food her stomach gurgled, a bath sounded divine as well. After being caged and travelling from her planet to here, she felt many layers of space grime. Her coitus abilities were none, but the small bits of training she had would help her prepare him for it. Her eyes travelled the room and wondered where she would be sleeping in the spacious room.

The idea of being given a chance to self-correct was interesting. “Yes Prince Spock,” Her voice was soft, but she looked up at him and graced him with a soft smile. “Sir… what if I have no coitus abilities? Shall you be very disappointed in me?” Mint green depths lifted up to meet his own chocolate. He was handsome and she found her body responding to his already. Perhaps it was the fear that made it seem that way.
Spock watched his kafeh digest the information he gave her, satisfied that she was inteligant and obediant but not wilty or fragile.
When she made eye contact he held it, even going so far as to alow the barest tilt of his own lips in response to her smile.

"No. I will prefer it if you are untouched. I am tired of used whores who act out their every motion. Now come, we will bathe"

Walking gracefully to the door that led to the side bathroom, Spock glanced back in invitation to acompany him. Entering the spacious, tastefully decorated room the vulan prince turned on the tap for the bath, filling a deep ornate tub with cool but not cold water. In the desert heat of vulcan cool water was prized, and it was a show of wealth to have so much.

"Undress yourself and then me kafeh."

He gave the order softly, without an ounce of force, he knew it would be followed.
His words shocked her, she knew it was a prize but for him to prefer it scared her a bit. So many questions flitted through her head. Each touch he would give would be new and she would not act. Promising herself she would feel it all and try to be the best slave he’d ever have. She hadn’t missed the slightest of tilts but knew nothing would be given to her in the way she was used to.

Rising she followed him to the bathing room at his glance. The room was the most beautiful she’d ever seen. The heat of the place was felt and her copper skin carried sweat both dried and fresh. The water tumbling down into the tub made her smile widen. Watching him she nodded briefly understanding his gentle command.

Shaky hands moved to the hem of her gray shift she lifted it slowly over her form. Her body was smooth, hairless and soft. Blushing she stepped forward and removed his shirt, pulling the fabric over his head. Her eyes flitted down over him slowly, before rising to his eyes. As she knelt to remove his shoes her spine was exposed. The same bone nodules on her hands dotted the line of her body. They weren’t sharp just different.

Once he was out of his shoes and then his pants she paused a moment. Her hands fumbled at the band of his undershorts. Closing her eyes briefly she gave the flimsy fabric a shove. When she opened her eyes, what greeted her caused her to heighten in color. Her copper flesh brightened at the length she faced. Unsure of what else to do she stood; her eyes remained on his shoulder. Unwilling to look him in the eye she waited.
Spock watched his slave bare himself to his gaze passivly, silently admiring her body as it became visible to him. Her form was well and her body healthy even under the veil of dirt. She was pleasing. He was amused by her embaressed final undressing of him, he knew that he was well endowed by any humanoid standard. Flexing his lean but well muscled body to show off abit, the vulcan prince analyzed her reaction carefully, deciding that she would be very intertaining indeed.

Shutting off the water when the tub filled, Spock stepped in, flicking a glance at his slave for her to follow him. Once they were both settled he casually perused the many choices of bathing soaps, selecting one with a fresh, femine sent for Indula.

"Use this to bathe your body thouroughly."

Selecting a masculine sent for himself the crown prince began his own bath. He prefered to care for himself with hygiene, and his slave would do the same.
She noticed the slight flexing of his muscles under her perusal. And had they been lovers she’d have laughed and kissed him tenderly, but they were not. She stood watching him turn off the water before stepping in. Indula wondered if her body pleased him, one could never tell with a Vulcan. Wondering why she wished to please him and deducing that it was her job.

She stepped into the cool water and dipped below the surface. Emerging she could feel her skin was a bit cleaner. Grasping the soap she began washing, pausing only a moment to watch her master to make sure it was the right move. Watching his fingers glide over his own flesh with a coating of soap assured her that this was the right choice.

She lifted to her knees, her arm brushing against his slightly with the action. But it enabled her to wash better. Working the bar into a rich lather she smoothed it into her breasts and down her arms. She washed all of her body that she could reach. “Prince Spock… would you be able to wash my back for me?” She asked softly, before adding. “I can return the favor.”
Glancing over Spock watched his slave wash herself, smirking slighlty to himself. Her body was indeed pleasing to his eyes. Feeling the slight, unententional brushes agianst his body alowed him glimpses into her emotions, she was still afraid. Looking over when she spoke, Spock dipped his head again, nodding slightly to her request.

"Of course. turn around."

Grabbing a loofa, he latherd it with the sweet smelling soap, and when her back was presented began to wash her skin gently.
Indula loved the feel of the soap on her skin, she had no clue the slight touch allowed him views of her emotions. Had she known she would have guarded them a bit more. Afraid but curious about him and how he would make her feel. These two things combined within her. She smiled and spun on her knees when he asked.

The loofa scratched the dead skin and dust off her flesh, revealing the slight goldish coppery skin of her back. She trembled beneath the surface of the water. He was gentle and it was almost eerie. "My turn..." She whispered. When he obliged and turned she washed his back with her bare hands. She smiled, his flesh was hard like a man's should be yet soft. She lost herself for a moment and pressed a soft kiss to the base of his neck before her fingers smoothed over the same area.
Spock sucked in a quiet breath as his slave suddenly got abit braver, the weak cocktail of emotions eminating from her intensified when she began to wash his skin. When he felt her soft lips press into the back of his neck he couldnt help the quiet gasp he released. It had been a long time since a woman had touched him, and with his species being touch telepaths it made their bodies very sensitive. He could feel her admiring thoughts and the accompaning emotions with them. She didnt quite know what to expect of him, and that was good. he didnt want her to become complacent too soon.

Turning around when she fnnished Spock suddenly lashed out, firmly pinning his slave to the edge of the tub beneath him. It wasnt a menacing hold, just a possesive one. He made sure that his stance didnt portray any anger or malice, he didnt want to scare her too badly. His voice took on a deeper register, the rich baritone going slightly husky.

"did no one ever tell you not to tease a vulcan?"
Blushing at the way her thoughts went and the soft touch of her lips to his skin, she shook off the want to do it again, or the picture of him doing the same to her. A shiver went down her spine at the image. She heard the gasp, liked catching him off-guard this way and was proud she’d even affected the Vulcan prince in this manner.

His next actions made it so it was her turn to gasp. Mint green eyes flitted up over his face this close. Oddly she wasn’t scared; a little shocked but not scared. Though perhaps she should have been. His voice changed, she didn’t understand why but it did. She blinked at him, Indula had never been told such a thing, though what she did… was it a tease? “I-I didn’t mean for it to be a tease… Master… uh, Prince Spock. I only thought it was a nice gesture, something that might feel good… I’m sorry Spock, so sorry.”

She trembled where he pinned her, her teeth dragging over her lip as she waited. He was so strong; she could feel the strength and knew if she struggled it would not get him to loosen his grip. If anything it would tighten. Fear reared up again the longer he held her in this position, “Please, I only wanted to know what it would be like…”
Spock frowned slightly, realizing that his slave had become fearfull again. slightly relaxing his hold, the vulcan prince sent soothing pulses of emotion to Indula, hoping to calm her.

"I am not angry with you. Vulcan skin is simply much more sensitive than most. So even a small touch like that gives a large amount of stimulation. Im not going to punnish you for your actions. It was a 'nice gesture' and one that would be welcomed in the future, do not mistake my own form of 'teasing' as anger."

Running his free hand gently over her thigh, Spock kept his voice gentle. It wouldnt do to have his pet afraid of him. He didnt want a simpering airhead at his side after all. And coitus was much less enjoyable when the partner was terrified of the initiator.
She did calm, feeling the pulses immediately. Biting her lower lip harder she listened to his explanation. The stimulation she gave him was liked and would now be welcomed. His lack of expression had her confused at his tease. His grip losened and she tilted her head at him. Her hands slid over his arms, the enjoyment of touching him showed on her face.

Her thigh quivered as his hand drug over it. Her teeth released the lip and her lips parted to breathe. Indula wondered how sensitive his skin was. Tipping her head forward she pressed her lips to the underside of his jaw. "Is that... Ok Prince Spock?" Her eyes flitted up to his, her voice was soft. And she felt something well up inside her, desire.
As he felt Indula slowly loose the fear that had welled inside her, Spock notied with a small amount of satisfaction how quickly she accepted his odd brand of comfort. Feeling her smaller, soft hands running along his arms brought his full attention to her, and he let a miniscule amount of encouragment mix with the calm he was projecting.

When her thigh quivered under his fingers and her breathing accelarated, Spcok realized that she was becoming aroused from his touch. Smirking inside the safty of his mind, the prince shot a single small pulse of pleasure to his slave as her lips touched his jaw, letting her know silently what he thought of her contact.

"Yes. It is 'ok'."
It felt as though she couldn't slow down and in fact, didn't want to. Each touch to him set her burning higher. She felt the pleasure and was encouraged by his response to do more touching. Her brows furrowed as she attempted to decide how to touch him. Indula knew she shouldn't want to touch him or even desire him in the way she did. That scared her.

Questions filled her head, why should she provide him pleasure? Why did she want to, outside of it being her main job? She knew she didn't want to be beaten or fall out of his good graces. Soon she would test his limits and allow him a punishment. It was necessary to judge his limits and to know what would be done, in order to serve him to the best of her abilities.

She had heard of pon farr and knew it was when he would need her most. Indula wondered if she would be allowed to carry his child, he being a prince and she a mutt commoner. For some reason her heartbeat sped up. The thought of being his to that extreme excited her, but it was short lived and she knew that it was out if her station to think upon such things.

Her stomach growled. "Will you have me now or shall we eat my Trenton?" She lifted her hand and settles it along his jaw, the small pad of her thumb brushing over his lips. She wondered what they would feel like pressed to hers, even briefly. It caused her breathing to shallow out once more. When would this stop and how would she ever control herself.
Spock smirked, observing his slaves reaction to the desire he was sending her through their physical contact. Her obvious arousal and confusion about it amused him. Pulling her closer he nuzzled her neck to gauge her reaction.

"We will eat first."
Indula gasped softly as the males nose drew along the smooth column of her throat. The sensations it caused made her quiver. Unknowingly being affected by him sending her waves of pleasure. She felt her pulse race and her mind drew a blank as to why she felt so closely connected to him. Her fingers ran over the smooth skin of his bare back as his words fell upon her ears. The disappointment combined with the relief and she stepped from the tub. Drying him off after he stepped from the tub she smiled and made sure his entire body was clear of water.

Wrapping the towel about his trim waist she couldn't help but allow her gaze to fall. To the thing that hung between his strong thighs. Swallowing hard she secured it a d began drying herself as well. Once finished she moved back to his main rooms, food sat on a small table kneeling next to the chair the female prepared to eat the scraps he would feed her. Keeping her head lowered she bit her lip, she wished to sit in his lap or at the table and be treated like a human instead of a toy. Eventhough she desired him.
Spock could hardly contain his smirk as he continued to pick up on the roiling emotions of his slave. He knew his body was pleasing, and He was enjoying Indula' s helpless reaction to his prodding. Dressing in a loose meditation robe, Spock entered his main rooms following Indula. When he sat at the table he noticed her longing look, knowing her emotions and thoughts would come in handy with keeping his slave happy.

"Indula, you will sit with me when you have pleased me, if you have misbehave that privilege will be revoked. Am I understood?"

Certain that the message was well received Spock lifted his slave into his lap, settling her comfortably so that they could begin their meal.
Bare she stayed in her place, kneeling beside his chair at the table. Her eyes lifted to him, longing for something she didn't quite understand poured from her eyes but she tried to keep it at bay. Smiling when she heard his words she lifted to stand. "Yes Prince Spock... I understand." Moving close she placed a kiss of thanks on his cheek.

Surprise filled her when he tugged her close and placed her on his lap. Her soft body molded to his, she was across his lap. Her breasts proudly heaved upwards as she straightened her posture. Her eyes slid over the plate of food before him, and now her. Meats and vegetables, even a bread of some sort. to the side a plate of fruit, all of which made her mouth water.

Indula waited patiently, mint eyes on the prince. She was unsure of if he would feed himself a bit and then her or go back and forth with bites of food. She smiled at him and even giggled when her stomach gave out a rumble of protest at waiting so long. However, in waiting her eyes fell to the bed several times and even though they fell back to her master, her cheeks maintained the blush.
Wrapping his arm securly around his slaves lap, Spock began the meal, sipping at a glass of fine gold colored wine from his goblet. Then reaching around Indula he chose a slice of meat from the pile and savoringly ate it. The food was good and so was his company and the prince of vulcan was content.

After he had sampled the rest of the delicaces from the plates he turned his attention to feeding his slave. He had heard her stomach growling and he didnt want that to be a distraction for when they turned to pursuits.
Selecting a slice of heavy fruit drapped in honey he held it up to her lips, watching her closley to see what reaction she would give him.

He had found that soon his new favorite pastime would become cataloging and changing the emotional reactions he could get from Indula, her vibrant mind was very pleasing to him after all and what fun would it be if he couldnt tease her abit now and then.
Continuing with their meal Spock picked up on the longing if somewhat reluctant thoughts that his slave was experiancing, and decided that the meal could be hurried abit for both of their comforts sakes.
She watched him eat, listened to the chewing and swallowing as her stomach gnawed at itself within her belly. Indula tried sitting still and attempted not to wriggle around on him too much, even though she knew what was just under her. Her eyes lit on his as she watched his fingers bring the fruit to her lips. Pink tongue flicked out to wet the surface before she opened her lips to accept the sweet choice morsel.

Keeping her hands still, one on his thigh and the other on his lower stomach she savored the tang and sweetness as it washed over her taste buds. Her eyes closed as she moaned in pleasure. "Thank you my Prince, my trentnor..." She whispered once the first bite was gone. Silently she begged for more and wasn't disappointed.

Indula obediently opened her mouth for each morsel he gave her, whether she liked it or not. Her longing for what she didn't understand proceeded to confuse her as each moment it built up inside her. The Vulcan prince beneath her was innocent of anything, she thought, it was only her own body that desired a deeper connection. She continued to blush as the meal continued and neared it's end.
Spock knew that now was the oppertune time for thier activities to begin, now that Indula was fed and happy. Scooping her into his arms he carried her over to the bed and set her down on its center, dropping the heavy robe and following her on.

"I think its time we put your skills to the test my pet. I have high expectations im sure youll be able to fill."

Swooping down he captured her lips in a fierce but carefull kiss, calculated to make her loose her breath and excite her even more. The prince was no innocent. He had been with other wemon. But that was only in the firey grip of the Pon Farr, never of his own free will and never cognizant enough to really enjoy it. So he planned to make the most of this oppurtunity and his beautiful new pet.
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