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Different Times. (cheerio_cherry and fortyfivesteps)

She had called exactly as he finished his drink and he had all but sprinted to and then up the stairs, stopping inches away from her. The lack of clothing had drawn a small smile from him and he had to force himself to concentrate before she realised why he was smiling. That would never be a good idea. "Alright... shall we find you a new set of clothes?" The question was soft and he forced himself to not look too closely at her, not wanting to hurt her.
"Yes" she told him, stepping out into the hall. A light blush settled on her cheeks, painfully aware of her lack of clothing. She did not feel the need to worry though, James had been a perfect gentleman, one of the kindest men she had ever met in fact. And he was so handsome. The second thought caused her to blush a little deeper.
"Alright." He had moved to offer her his arm, knowing that he had to take his time with her. Her voice had made him shiver inside and he spoke quietly. "You look stunning." His tone was soft and he found himself wanting to touch her cheek or back but knowing he should let her decide.
She took his offered arm, sliding a little closer to him. "Thank you, James" Celia said, placing her free hand on his arm as he spoke, actually calling him his given name. She wanted to compliment him too, he had expressed his thoughts, why should she not express her own? "You look very handsome" she said, her voice soft.
As she took his arm he smiled softly at her. "Your welcome." He had paused to listen to her as she spoke again, finding her soft tone sweetly warming. "Thank you Celia." His voice was warm as he lead her into the room with his sister's clothes stored away, then spoke softly again. "Do you have any favourite colours?"
"Not green" she told him, wrinkling her nose a bit. She had been in her uniform a lot lately, and found it ugly. She then thought about his question for a moment, releasing his arm. "Blue would have to be my favorite, but I do not care what color you give me."
"Of course." James smiled, moving to gently tuck hair out of her blue eyes, smiling softly at her. "Blue should suit you." He moved away to pick out a blouse and skirt, lighter blue and darker blue. He had left the shoes out, deciding that he would prefer to leave them off if they were staying in, which he hoped they would be soon. "Try these." He spoke softly. "They should match your lovely eyes."
When he touched her hair, she shivered lightly, deciding that she liked his touch very much. "Thank you" she said to his compliment, taking the clothes from him and holding them close to her. "I will get dressed and then come downstairs" Celia told him, giving him a sweet smile before moving away and going back into the bathroom.
James smiled softly. "I'll go and get some food then." He spoke softly then headed out of the room and down the stairs, finding that he wanted to see her smile again and see that she was well dressed and well fed. She was special to him and he found that he didn't want her to leave.
She dressed quickly and then looked in the mirror, tilting her head to the side slightly. The clothes were odd, the skirt shorter than she was used to. But she was grateful that he had had clothes to give her. Celia ran a hand through her damp hair then shook it out before leaving the bathroom. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, finding him there.
James had turned at the sound of bare feet on wood, smiling softly at Celia as he spotted her. "Those really suit you." He spoke softly, carefully serving up the food before placing the plates on the table, pulling her chair out for her.
"Thank you, it looks great" she told him, moving to the table and sitting in the chair he pulled out for her. Celia then gave him a smile, crossing her arms in her lap. "What year is it again?" She asked him curiously, wondering just how old she would be if she ever reached this year after going back to her own time.
"2010." He spoke softly before settling down and eating. "You seem relaxed." His voice was soft and he seemed to like her for herself. She was sweet and seemed to be less panicked now, which could only be a good thing. He smiled across at her. "How do you feel?"
"Oh" she told him, thinking for a moment, she then smiled. "I feel very old" she said, laughing lightly. "I 2010 very very different?" Celia questioned him, starting to eat.
"In some ways." James agreed softly. "Did you have any computers back where you came from?" He paused then added. "I'm guessing I should catch you up to things?"
"Yes, we do" she told him with a nod of her head. She then shrugged her shoulders lightly. "No, I dont think I will be here long enough for that to matter" Celia informed him.
"Well, you'll be here until tomorrow at least." James warned. "I can't start work on getting you home until tomorrow."
She gave him a small smile and nodded her head. "Yes, I wouldnt expect you to try to get me back right away, you have already done enough...whenever you have time" she told him.
James had stiffened a little before smiling and forcing himself to relax. "A-alright." He hesitated before he spoke again. "Do you have anyone waiting for you back at home?"
Celia nodded her head slightly at his question. "Yes, my family will notice I am missing" she informed him, then thought about it for another moment, "oh and my boss of course...he was in the room when I was pulled here."
"I meant your... significant other?" James sighed, feeling himself draw Celia closer as he asked, very much hoping she said no. He didn't want to steal someone else's wife or girlfriend.
Celia shook her head at his question, giving him a shy smile. "No, nobody like that is waiting for me" she informed him, looking at him curiously. Suddenly, she badly wanted to know if he was attached to someone as well.
"Me either." James smiled. "Guess we just got unlucky so far." That will change... He pushed the thought down abruptly. "Maybe that will change someday." The words left him before he could stop them.
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