Murderous Chaos (PK/Don)

"Ohhh yes, here it comes!"
Belly swell past pregnant proportions, and she shuddered as there was an audible pop inside her.
She gagged and jerked, cumming hard around his cock, blood running from her mouth, cum spurting from her chest wound.
"Yesssss." She choked out, before shuddering and falling limp, eyes rolled back in her head.
He kissed her limp body and smiled.
"Mmm.. that was a lot more eventful than last time.."
He focused and smiled as his magic breathed life back into her Body.
He kissed her and smiled.
"We'll have to do that again another time then."
He caressed her body sensually.
"Only when we run out of Ideas though."
She pushed him into a sitting position, given his long body it was the only way she could be face to face and riding his cock.
She slid her knife all the way down his long chest and belly, making horizontal cuts every foot or so, so she could spread him open to see all of his organs.
He smirked and groaned as she cut into him, bleeding out from the wounds. "Oh Pinkamena.. You're so nosy sometimes." He scolded playfully and glanced to her. "Just had to have a look, right?"
She giggled.
"You know you love it."
She slipped a hand into him, rubbing over his internal testicles.
He groaned and arched his back.
"That I do baby.. That I do.."
He clutched at the bedsheets and panted a little.
"Mmm, good." She grinned, holding the knife in her mouth as she straddled him, sinking down onto his thick cock.
"Nnnn," She groaned and panted, moving her hands up now to run over his heart.
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