Murderous Chaos (PK/Don)

Jul 24, 2012
Discord smirked to himself a little as he Flew above the homes of Ponyville, before Landing outside Sugarcube corner, he always enjoyed his visits to Pinkie, he could let go a little more here, rather than being somewhat limited with the fun he could have in Public in Ponyville, as much as he enjoyed the freedom he now had, he could never replace the desires that were at his Core, pure Anarchic chaos, with a casual sprinkling of Blood thrown in, but there's no point in chaos if there's nobody to enjoy it with, right?
He headed into the seemingly empty Sugarcube corner and Glanced around. "Pinkamena my dear? Are you in here?"
Pinkie bounded down the stairs, locking the door behind him.
"You're a little early Discy." She giggled, moving to one of the cupboards.
She opened in, sliding things out of the way and opening a trapdoor at the bottom, pulling out a small strongbox.
She proceded to unlock it, revealing a slimmed down chef's knife seated in padding.
She stood, picking up the knife. She jerked and shuddered, back arching and hair drooping flat.
"Mmmm, So sweetie, who's playing victim tonight?"
"Hmm.." He smirked as he appeared in front of her, grabbing the knife from her and giving her a quick Peck on the Cheek. "Well.. I think some revenge is in order Darling.." He chuckled to himself darkly. "And besides.. Who can resist a Damsel?" He trailed the knife along her cheek and smirked. "I still need to get you back for last time.."
She moaned gently, pressing against him.
"But you have such a lovely heart hun, I had to take a closer look."
"So sweet.." He smiled and slid his arms around her.
"Guess I'll have to Pick your Brains to see how you think then.."
He kissed her neck and bit into it playfully. "I don't need to cut you open to do that.." He trailed the Knife along her chest as he teased her,
"But where's the fun in that?" He whispered Huskily before cutting down her torso and opening her body, before licking some of the blood from the blade. "I told you to lay off the sugar, you'll make my teeth rot." He scolded playfully.
She chuckled, shivering in pain. "But that's what makes this so sweet."
She smirked, looking up at him.
"Now let's skip the foreplay, and get right to the good stuff."
"Of course.." He smirked and kissed her neck.
He ran a hand down her torso, along the side of her wound, slowly.
She gasped and moaned, dripping with wetness between her legs.
"Yes, drawn out or quick and violent, your choice sweetie."
He smiled as he thrust his hand into her hot, dripping sex, parting her lips with his fingers. "Dirty girl.." He kissed her neck. "We've barely started.." He bit into it fiercely, drawing blood.
She moaned, arching into his hand (claw?), "You know I love it when you play nasty like this."
"Well.. You're such a Devilish Girl.. No point being sweet with you.. Especially when you love it so.." He smirked as he worked her rougly, his fingers massaging and his claws scratching her tight walls.
"Ahhn, well I do love when you get rough."
She pushed her hips harder, soaking his claws.
"So, what lovely shape will your endowment be taking today?" She grinned.
"Well..." She grinned.
"I've always heard manticore genetalia is fun..."
She licked her lips.
"I also heard they cum with enough force for it to be fatal."
He kissed her neck and smirked.
"Perfect.. I'm always in the Mood for some Killer Fun."
He focused as his Member changed into the Thick, long Barbed Manticore Cock, his member a Dark Purplish Colour.
"Well.. You've got a lifetime to Enjoy it."
She giggled, laying back for him.
"Well let's have as much fun as we can sweetie."
She rubbed her breasts with bloody hands.
He smiled as she Lay back, Gripping her Hips roughly as he placed the Blunt head at the entrance to her Soaking Pussy, before grunted as he thrusted the massive length inside her with one powerful thrust. He bucked his hips as he continued to fuck her with the monster Manticore cock. "You like that Pinkie Hun?"
"Oh yes Discie!" She moaned, arching her hips into him as he thrust.
"I can already feel those wonderful barbs cutting at my insides!"
He kissed her neck and bit into it.
"I know.. and It feels amazing.."
He Dug his claws into her back and scratched down it, leaving large Lacerations that started to Bleed.
She arched and moaned, clamping down tightly around him.
"Fuck yes it does."
She panted, blood pooling under her.
"Better hurry, before I just bleed out on you."
He smirked as she clamped around him, before groaning as he began to fuck her carnally, growling as he bucked his hips Wildly.
"Here you go baby.." He moaned huskily as he Began to fill her with his cum. blasting the fatal juices deep inside her.
She gasped, bucking her hips and clamping around him.
"D-doesn't feel acidic or poisonous or anything..." she panted, then noticed her belly swelling from the volume.
"Ahh, I see, keep it up Discie!"
(Internal popping okay?)
(Of course.)
He kissed her as he continued to pump more and more of the thick, sticky cum inside of her.
"It's just such a vast Quantity.."
He grunted as he bucked his hips.
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