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Taming The Darkness (Skelace & darkangel76)

"Tis shame, tis shame. Does no one of this age know a pretty girl when they see one? Owell." He shrugged his shoulders not carrying to comment on her blush. Though overly amazed she wasn't complemented more. He then figured she was just being modest.

"Midnight Vale huh? Hmmm... Perhaps I may meet someone from a cult I know there." He began walking towards the mountains. "You know much about this town? I've never heard of it before." He was completely confused at where he was in relation to how to where he wanted.

Looking for someone to teach this girl would be no easy task, for few dabbled in such arts. At least these few would know him when they did meet one. His mind began reeling on the plans he had for this girl and his eyes turned a rather dull gray as they entered the woods, and he seemed to ignore every word the girl said from there on, lost in concentration.
Aeryn felt her heart race a little as Jerakath’s face turned serious with a small frown. She wasn’t used to compliments, was unsure how to handle them. But she did find that she rather liked it. The way Jerakath had looked at her as he complimented her made her entire body tingle, her skin feel hot. It made her want to know more about what he was thinking. But she was afraid to dwell on such thoughts. He was a demon, a powerful one. His emotions were so unpredictable and she feared him. She wondered if he’d always manage to be able to stop himself from killing her when the destructive emotions took hold of him, for she wasn’t about to delude herself that it could happen again. At any time.

“Midnight Vale is north of here. We must cross through Ashwood Forest to get there. It’s at the base of those mountains over there.” Aeryn paused, trying to push her earlier thoughts out of her mind, but she was having difficulties doing so. “I grew up near Midnight Vale. My family and I…” her voice trailed as tears suddenly welled in her eyes. “We lived just outside of the city, a bit closer to the forest itself. My parents didn’t like the hustle and bustle of the city.”

Aeryn recalled how she often enjoyed the outings her family would take to Midnight Vale every so often. She found the place wonderful, so full of life and color and excitement. You never knew what you’d see. To go back after all these years would be strange. She wondered if it had changed much since she’d last been there. She wondered if her family still lived in their cottage just outside the city’s walls.

“It’s a small city, not like Darkshire which is further north. But it’s full of life, lots of people. From what I remember, many travelers pass through there.”

As Aeryn spoke, she noticed that Jerakath’s thoughts were elsewhere. She wondered what he was thinking and what those thoughts of his would bring and how they would affect her fate.
In the end through all her talk he had but one thing to say, "Travelers will help... Yes we should meet the travelers." It seemed to be the only thing on his mind at the moment and as if he had even forgotten Aeryn had exsisted. As they walked more than once he had almost smacked right into a tree, quickly moving to avoid it only to trip over a branch on the ground.

Yet as he walked deeper into the forest his eyes began to have less and less of a glow to them. Soon they even began to loose color to reveel his red eyes once again yet this time they were not filled with hate they just seemed... like everyone else's eyes. "Well then if we are to pass by your old home, maybe you would want to meet up with your family? I understand you haven't been there for quite some time." Though his words were said with interest they were not as intense as they once were now just coming out if his mouth with little meaning.

He turned to Aeryn and stopped her rather quickly. "Do you have any currency? I don't think we'll make it very far without that." He could feel the lack of... something, he couldn't put his finger on it but he knew he was not himself, wholely and truely. And he was not going to admit this to the beautiful young women he was with.

He gave a slight chuckle as he laughed at himself for caring what she thought. Soon he would be home and that was all that mattered at the moment as he tried to keep his mind on topic.
Aeryn tilted her head. Jerakath wanted to know if she wanted to see her family while in Midnight Vale. She wanted to cry. The idea that he thought it something she wanted to do was sweet, kind. But she had no intentions of seeing the people who were so eager to get rid of her. She just looked over at the man and shook her head ‘no’ solemnly. She wondered if he knew why she didn’t want to see them, if he could read her emotions well enough to know.

As they walked, Aeryn noticed Jerakath’s eyes shift colors several times. She wondered what could be causing it. She also wondered what each color meant. Slowly, she was starting to learn, though it was still difficult to figure out what sorts of things triggered each change in him. For some reason, she found herself wanting to know. Knowing would only increase her chances of helping him. Strangely, she wanted to help him whether he wanted the help or not. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him this. A man, a demon so powerful surely didn’t need help. Yes, Jerakath oozed of independence, power. He was not the sort to need help from anyone, let alone a mortal woman who happened to be a lackluster necomancer.

Suddenly, Jerakath stopped. His hand reached out and touched Aeryn’s shoulder. He turned her around so that she could face him. His eyes were a dulled shade of red. She wondered what that meant. Red, in the past, had been bad, but they had been glowing then. They weren’t quite like they were just now.

“Do you have any currency?” Jerakath asked. “I don’t think we’ll make it very far without that.” His expression was serious, but there was something else there as well.

Aeryn, fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing, disregarded that and simply answered him. “I have but a little. It should be enough for us to stay the night at an inn or some such, however. But after that, we’ll have to figure out a way to earn more. I’m not sure how to go about that though. I’ve never really traveled before. And I haven’t been to Midnight Vale since I was but fifteen.”

Biting her lip, Aeryn looked up at Jerakath. “But I’m sure we’ll find a way.” She smiled a little. “I have no doubts that you’ll see to it that we do.”
Normally Jerakath would have blew up at her words, yet he was only slightly irritated. The voice in his head that would normally turn that irritation into a full blown out blood lust, was now little more than a lonely whisper. Though not ready to kill anyone he did show a few signs of annoyance. "So I must do everything myself? I should have figured as much." To have to support a mortal was still a great insult to him and he carried in heavily saying nothing as they continued along their way.

Yet as they got closer to the city his eyes once again began to shift to their dull metallic gray, and the luster in them was slowly coming back, as he became even more absorbed by his thoughts. Once again not paying attention to Aeryn or where he was walking as he stumbled upon a pair of roots falling. Not able to catch himself he landed face first into the mud.
As Aeryn and Jerakath made their way through Ashwood Forest, getting ever closer to the city of Midnight Vale, Aeryn noticed that Jerakath seemed somewhat put out. Angry. Though, for some reason, unlike before, he didn’t lose his temper with her. She was elated by this, but curious at the same time. She wondered why he wasn’t losing control with her like before. But she also wondered what she’d said or done to upset him, even if it was only a little bit. Trying to decipher what triggered his various emotional outbursts was exhausting, so very difficult. She honestly didn’t think she ever could. It seemed an impossible task.

They walked for several hours, Jerakath seeming to withdraw more and more as they pressed onward. Aeryn decided it best not to talk much since he didn’t seem overly fond of her at the moment nor particularly interested in anything she would have to say. So silence seemed like the best option, the safest. Suddenly, the demon tripped and stumbled onto the ground, landing in a rather large puddle of mud.

Aeryn couldn’t help but giggle a little. The sight of such a beautiful and powerful man falling like that was quite amusing. But, she suddenly realized that Jerakath was indeed not a man. He was a demon, a demon of passion with emotions that were far from being controlled.

Instantly, Aeryn stifled her soft chuckle and ran over to Jerakath and knelt down. “Are you all right?” she asked meekly, so unsure if her words would upset him. She touched a gentle hand against his shoulder, hoping that he wouldn’t misunderstand her words or actions.
Jerakath quickly got up from the mud, flinging the brown chunky stuff all over. His face now had splotches of the stuff and his hair was matted. His eyes quickly turned to a red. Though unlike before this was a light red, not the deep blood for when he was angry. His face to was now a deep red around the cheeks and he stumbled over his words, "I... uh well eh..." In the end he just looked down at the ground.

How could he have had humiliated himself in front of such a lowly, beautiful creature such as her. At that moment he wanted nothing more than to disappear and not be seen. So that was exactly what he did. In a flash he turned himself into a fly quickly landing on her shoulder, not wanting her to look at him as a fool.

He hid in close to her neck his tiny feet tickling her, as he tried to scurry away and hide.
Aeryn couldn’t help but giggle a little as Jerakath crawled along her neck in the form of a tiny fly. It was all so very peculiar.

“It’s all right, Jerakath,” Aeryn spoke soothingly. “Why have you turned yourself into a fly? I merely wanted to know if you were all right or not. I hope that you are.”

Aeryn placed one of her hands against her collar bone, hoping that Jerakath would crawl onto her hand. When he finally did, she brought her hand close to her face and smiled.

“It’ll be hard to talk to you in this form, Jerakath. Please become a man once again, if you don’t mind that is.” Aeryn blushed at her words as she realized that part of why she wanted him to become a man once more was because she was fond of looking at him. He was beautiful, despite the chaos of his mind and the great destruction he was capable of wreaking. “We still have a ways to go before we reach Midnight Vale. I shall be lonely without you to talk to.”

Aeryn hoped that her words would ease Jerakath into changing forms once more, but that they also didn’t anger him either. Slowly she was beginning to understand the chaos of his mind, but she still had a long way to go before she fully understood him, knew what set off which emotions.

“I would very much like to be able to talk with you. Plus, it’ll be dark soon. We’ll need to find a place to rest for the night soon. Would you like to help me find a place?” Aeryn spoke, hoping that Jerakath’s warmer and kinder sides would remain the dominant ones.
Her voice was so comforting he crawled over onto her hand hoping her voice wouldn't be to loud for him. As her booming voice flushed compliments over his body he began to smile, realizing he had no reason to be embarrassed since he was the demon. The demon that could destroy the entire world and then some if he really wished to.

He flew off of her hand land next to her transforming into himself again a little less dirty. His eyes were once again the nice golden shad of yellow. " Don't worry Aeryn I'll take care of it all. Such a pretty women should not have to." He made a gesture to her figure. Now he was fully aware of where he was walking as not to hit or trip over anything.

"Which would you prefer? A log cabin, a rather nice, cave or perhaps a stone house?" Though his words were off the topic of her his mind was not. Having to shake the thought out of his head so he could concentrate at the task at hand. "The cave would be the easiest to set up but It would not be the warmest or comfiest place to sleep."

Though his dignity was not flaring to the point he refused to stay in anyone of these, he was still a high level demon and thought that he should at the very least be comfy to his satisfaction. He began laying out plans in his head for each idea as he waited for her input.
As Jerakath transformed himself back into the man once more, Aeryn couldn’t help but smile. She also noticed that his eyes were that warm gold once again. She wondered what it meant. The only thing she knew was that when his eyes turned golden, he was kind to her, ready and wanting to shower her with compliments.

Aeryn bit her lower lip as Jerakath began to speak of where they could stay for the night. She hadn’t expected him to offer up his magical services and create something for the two of them. Though, she had to admit that she was grateful. The idea of having to sleep anywhere outside was not the most appealing to her, though she would’ve made due if she’d no other choice. Nor would she have complained.

Trying to read Jerakath’s expressions and figure out what he’d like best, Aeryn spoke. “Well,” she began. “Perhaps something that will be comfortable for the both of us. That way we can be well rested for tomorrow’s journey.” She paused a moment. “Maybe a small house would be all right. But I’m fine with whatever you’d prefer. I trust your judgment, how could I not?” Aeryn hoped her final words of praise would keep Jerakath in his current emotional state.

After she finished speaking, Aeryn gave Jerakath a low curtsey. She kept her head bowed, her pale eyes focused on the ground beneath her feet. Afraid to breathe, she stayed that way until Jerakath finally spoke.
His smile was quite large revealing his teeth that were a bit sharper than any normal mans. He was quite happy with the way she was treating him, and his over all experience. "Ah yes but the judgment of a beautiful woman should never go unoticed, and my dear you are a very beautiful woman." He lifted her out of the curtsy his hand holding hers as he brought it to his mouth kissing it gently.

"A house would be very nice for the night. In fact I think I shall begin working on it now." With a flick of his wrist behind his back while his other hand still held hers close to his mouth, the trees themselves seemed to come to life. They bent themselves around to form walls high and sturdy, as the vines began to twist around the trunks keeping them in place. Shrubs began to move as a door was formed taking position as if knights lining the way to the throne. While wild flowers began to make a cushion like walk way and no matter how hard one landed on them they would always come back up. Soon windows were formed as stone began to come together revealing a chimney in which smoke was already flowing out of.

As the door opened inviting its guests in a wave of erotic new herbs came to the nose. From this view one could tell there was furniture inside. Carefully elegant pieces of art hung from the walls, as candles let of sweet cents as they lit the room.

"Madam." Jerakath spoke elegantly and bowed inviting her into the newly crafted masterpiece. "I believe this should be to your satisfaction. Unless you would like something else?" Oh yes she had made him very happy and in return he was sure to make her as welcome in his new adobe.
Aeryn felt her cheeks turn pink as Jerakath brought her hand slowly to his mouth, his lips pressing against it ever so gently. She gazed in wonder as he built them a house for the night with a mere flick of his wrist. The power within him was obviously great if he was able to create something so intricate so quickly and without much thought. She was truly amazed.

“It’s beautiful, Jerakath,” Aeryn stated. She didn’t even have to try and make sure to keep her words in check, for she meant every word. And she was certain that her saying such a thing would surely please him.

Face lit up and a smile on her lips, Aeryn carefully walked inside the house Jerakath had made for them. The inside was rather warm and comfortable, the decorations adorning the walls and the furniture so carefully arranged were more than inviting. She was in awe. As she continued to look around, she saw candles, lit and dripping and giving off the most wonderful of scents, on the table. There was a fire already burning in the hearth. Aeryn knew she’d be more than comfortable staying in such a place. It by far exceeded her chambers at the keep when it had still stood deep within Ashwood Forest.

As Aeryn looked around, she saw Jerakath enter the house as well, closing the door behind himself as he did so. Turning to look at him, she smiled and gave him another curtsey.

“You’ve outdone yourself. I love it.” Aeryn paused a moment, her pale eyes still facing the floor as she curtsied nice and low for the demon man. “Would you… like to show me around the place? If it pleases you?” she asked.
Jerakath gave a low chuckle, at Aeryn always trying to please him. "My dear I would love to." He once again took her hand ever so gently as he began to walk through the cabin. "We have a small living area that we were just in, filled with works of art, and wood work done originally by Matrus Calvis." The chimney had carvings on them that looked as though they only could have been formed if the stone had been melted into such a position. The paintings on the wall showed extravagant scenes of distant lands, and rare creatures.

He took her past the table down a small hall which split in two directions, leading her down the left he took her to a room with a master bed, draped in the finest silks, of red and a light golden color. The bed itself made out of a dark mahagony wood, with lavish sheets atop it. Next to a wall on the left side of the room was a dresser with clothes of the finest quality, some made of foreign lands while others were clearly from this land. A table was opposite of the bed a large mirror built atop it, while the latest products filled its drawers. "In here my dear, will be your room. It may be a bit on the low end for one so intact with their magical abilities such as yourself I'm afraid though."

His eyes never left her as he led her through the cabin, he studied every movement of hers it seemed. While he wanted nothing more at the moment than to have her be over joyed with the small building he could create for her on such short notice. His hands now led her to be in front of him as one hand continued to hold her hand as the other was place lightly around her waist.
Aeryn smiled as Jerakath brought her through the cabin. It was truly a vision to behold. There was so much detail, so much fine craftsmanship put into its making. She wondered how he managed to create such a thing so easily. Then again, he was a powerful demon and thus had vast powers. Powers that went above and beyond anything she could comprehend.

“It’s all so lovely,” Aeryn mumbled under her breath as Jerakath walked her from room to room, section to section.

Slowly, Jerakath escorted Aeryn down a small hallway. At the end of it was a room. He gestured for her to enter it. When she walked inside, she gasped in astonishment. The room was exquisite. There was a large bed with sheets made of the finest materials. The wood was lush and dark, creating the perfect ambience. The furniture was inviting and somehow were totally to Aeryn’s tastes.

“In here, my dear, will be your room. It may be a bit on the end for one so intact with their magical abilities, such as yourself, I’m afraid though,” Jerakath suddenly spoke, interrupting Aeryn’s thoughts over how wonderful everything was.

“This is to be my room?” Aeryn asked in total awe.

Jerakath led Aeryn’s body around so that she faced him now, one hand still holding hers, the other wrapping itself around her waist. Aeryn felt her cheeks flush a little at the close contact. She looked up into his honey-colored eyes and smiled. “How could I not love it? You created it,” she said, hoping that her words pleased him, keeping him in his current emotional state just that much longer.

Aeryn could feel the heat emanating from Jerakath’s body. He was large, strong and capable of so much as she’d witnessed both back at the keep and now. His power could easily destroy the largest mountain, but yet could create such beautiful things. It was just like his emotions. Jerakath was capable of showing the most malicious of anger, yet he could be so tender, so attentive when he wanted to be. Aeryn found herself liking this side of Jerakath best.

Continuing to look into Jerakath’s warm eyes, Aeryn smiled through slightly trembling lips. She let his hands touch her, relishing the warmth she felt where contact was made. Her skin tingled, felt warm. She knew she was blushing, she couldn’t help it. Never had so much attention been lavished upon her. It felt nice and she had to admit that it was even nicer coming from such a man, a demon, as Jerakath.

Ever so slowly, Aeryn brought her free hand up to Jerakath’s cheek and gently touched it. “Thank you, for this. It is more than I deserve.”
Jerakath smiled a slight smile at Aeryn's kind words only adding to his current mood. Her hand gently touching his cheek, only adding to the fiery emotions he felt fighting away inside himself. Her touch cooling all but a handful of emotions in his body, seeming to clear his mind of the constant turmoil, he had felt his whole life.

Her words broke the madness that drove him crazy, and he didn't want the peace to end. "On the contrary my dear I believe you deserve much more." He never thought a mortal could make one, feel so... peaceful and yet keep his fire still burning inside. Jerakath's eyes were frozen in place by the eyes looking back. Her face now a bright red, emitting the heat he had felt inside for as long as he could remember.

He pulled her ever closer as he slowly bent down to her level, his lips gently laying a soft kiss on hers.The fire inside of him seemed to burn ever greater at her touch. Jerakath never wanted to let go this human he had found, once so angry at, he now found himself so attracted to. As he pulled back slowly from the kiss, he whispered in her ear barely audible, "You deserve far more than any man can give.'
Aeryn felt her breath catch as she saw Jerakath leaning towards her, bending his head to her level. When his lips touched hers, she thought she would melt. Every muscle in her body released its tension, becoming relaxed as if some heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The sensation of his lips against her own sent warm tingles throughout her body, igniting every nerve, making them come alive with a strange sort of fire.

To think not long ago, this man, this demon, had tried to kill her. Had killed all that she knew, destroyed the one place she had ever truly called home. But right now, in Jerakath’s embrace, his warm lips caressing hers, Aeryn found that she didn’t care. So long as she was in Jerakath’s arms, everything would somehow be all right.

Aeryn didn’t want the moment to end. The sensations coursing throughout her body were knew and strange and she more than liked them. Her lips began to move on their own against Jerakath’s, with an instinct she never realized was there. When he pulled away, she heard her whimpers escape her lips.

“You deserve far more than any man can give you,” Jerakath whispered in Aeryn’s ear, making her shiver.

Aeryn smiled as she brought her one hair around his neck and gently touched his hair, playing with it a little. “You are far too good to me,” she replied back to him on a whisper, letting her breath caress his ear.

Aeryn wanted him to kiss her again. She could feel a fire burning somewhere deep inside herself, a fire that wanted to burn brighter than it already was. For some reason she knew that only Jerakath could do that for her. Despite everything she knew about him, all that mattered was that he was with her and only her. She saw the beauty inside him and wanted to be a part of making that side bloom. Without realizing it, she stepped closer to Jerakath, their bodies touching. She hoped her actions didn’t displease him, more than anything she wanted to see more of this side of him.
The closeness of their body's sent all but one thought flying out Jerakath's mind. Once again he felt compelled to give this human everything she wanted, if only for another moment with her. The rage originally placed inside of of him when he had first came to this world was all but gone, a distant memory of a different man.

His lips once again met hers this time not retreating back. Both of his arms were now wrapped around her waist, keeping her close to him. His hands, caressing her body as he made sure there bodies were not to come apart. He wanted her. Nothing else mattered as long as he had her, here, and now. The thought of returning home so foreign now.

Quickly picking her up he looked at her in the air, smiling as he let her down to the ground once again, continuing to kiss her as he walked her back slowly to the bed. Every bone in his body was set aflame for his passion for her, as his kisses became more and more intrusive, invading her mouth with his passion.
The feel of Jerakath’s warm body against hers made Aeryn’s mind reel. She had no idea what she was doing, only that it felt right some how. Every part of her body screamed for Jerakath as if he was the only thing that could quench the fire she felt burning deep inside. He was her only focus, him alone.

It was so strange how this man, this demon, could spur on such feelings. Someone so powerful, capable of such chaos and destruction. But Aeryn had seen the gentler side, the side that could show tenderness and compassion. Now, so close to him, his lips touching hers, his tongue exploring her mouth, more than ever she wanted to help him. To ease his mind and show him the beauty of the world, to bring him peace.

Aeryn felt Jerakath slowly nudging her backwards, leading her to where she knew the bed was situated. Her heart began to race with anxiety. Anxiety for the unknown and anxiety for the glorious anticipation she felt surging in her veins, flowing to every part of her body. Small gasps and whimpers escaped her lips as she felt herself being gently pushed down onto the bed.

Again, instinct started to take over and Aeryn found her hands clutching at Jerakath’s hair, her ribs arching upward to meet his body. Her tongue dancing with his as she dared to explore his mouth, every inch. The welcome weight of his body on top of her own sent shivers throughout her body. She could feel a heat unlike any other rising up deep within her core. She wanted more of it and knew that only Jerakath could give her what she wanted… what she needed.

As Aeryn relished the sensations that Jerakath was stirring up within her, she could only hope that she was doing the same to him. Without realizing it, her hips bucked upward and a soft moan escaped her lips.
The press of Aeryn's body against his set Jerakath's blood on fire. His body ached for her, his hands moved to the polar ends of her body, pressing her into him. The fire that he would normally destroy with was now begging to be set free by this woman, his body craved so badly.

His hands began to undress her, still gentle but they were getting rougher. He didn't want her to fear him. Not any more, now he just wanted her to accept him and even enjoy him. Slowly he pulled up her robes, his mouth only left hers as the clothes approached her head. As soon as they were off he returned to her, his tongue invading her mouth.

He let his hands run down her body. Exploring the unexplored. He wanted... needed to know her every curve, every turn. The passion flew threw his body as her hips bucked against his. His own forcing them back down enjoying their closeness. The fire eating at his soul threw him into a fit as he began to rub up against her, before his own clothes seemed to just dissolve away from his body, now burning with the fever of passion.
The feel of Jerakath’s skin against her own only made Aeryn’s body become more alive than it already had. His touch sending such heat throughout her entire being, making her heart beat faster, her breath come quicker. She didn’t even know how he managed to undress them both and she didn’t care. He was a demon, who knew what subtle powers he held within. All that mattered was that he was with her. Making her body feel things she never knew it could feel.

Aeryn could feel Jerakath’s hips against her own, while his large hands caressed her body. She moaned as she ground herself against him and he against her. The sensations it made her feel caused her to grasp onto his shoulders tightly, her nails ever so slightly digging into his flesh. Her legs then instinctually parted for him, as if they’d had a mind of their own. Immediately, she could feel his length against her core, which was now emanating a heat unlike anything she’d ever known. For the briefest of moments, she wondered if her body’s reactions pleased Jerakath.

More moans escaped Aeryn’s lips as she felt herself become damp as Jerakath rubbed himself against her. Skin hot and nipples hard, her hands moved along his back until they reached his backside. She squeezed and pushed him closer still, her hips bucking upward as she did so causing her to gasp quite loudly at the sensation she felt rising in her core.

“Jerakath,” Aeryn whispered in Jerakth’s ear just before she gave it a gentle kiss and then let her lips reconnect with his once more.
The passion was burning away at Jerakath, his body demanding more of the small human under him. Her soft moans egging his body on, roughly moving against hers, as his hands went around her beautiful shape, his mind roaring with the need of the body. As she became wet, Jerakath, began to let himself slip in a little more every time his body crushed against Aeryn's.

Her small little body clinging tightly to him, causing, a mixed sense of pleasure and pain adding to the moment. Jerakath used mass amounts of self control, the which he rarely ever found, as not to rush into Aeryn causing to much pain. Enjoying every moment her nails dug into his back, pressing harder against her, with each shock of pain flowing through his body. The heat radiating from Aeryn calling Jerakath, like a siren, luring him deeper and deeper into her, as the waves of pleasure coursed through his body.

Her core's wetness allowing him to slide in easily making it difficult to control himself, every little movement sending another jolt through the body, boiling the blood, ripping apart the mind. His length throbbing for more as it was pulled deeper into her core. Aching for more as his arms squeezed her body closer to him grinding just that much more. Intoxicating the mind with lust.
Aeryn could feel Jerakath slowly entering the wet slit between her legs. The pain she felt was nothing compared to the sheer pleasure and satisfaction she felt wash over her body as they joined together as one. She held onto him tightly, relishing the feel of him stretching muscles she’d never used before, until he filled her up completely. Her eyes rolling back, enjoying the moment.

Small gasps and whimpers escaped Aeryn’s lips as Jerakath then slowly and gently began to move himself inside her wet core, making small thrusts that left her wanting more. Instinctually, her hips began to move a little, eventually in time with his. The fire it started within her body created a heat unlike anything she’d ever known and it only intensified as she wrapped her legs tightly around him.

Body writhing, Aeryn whispered in a husky voice, “Jerakath. More.”

Aeryn wanted all of Jerakath, every bit of him. And she wanted him to take all of her in return. Her mind reeled as quick thoughts burst into her mind. Thoughts of how not long ago she feared the demon, how she now liked him this way, liked the attention he was showing her, the pleasure he was making her feel. She also wanted to know what he was thinking, what he was feeling. She hoped it was as wonderful and as intense as she felt both inside and out. And all because of him.

Reaching her hands up to tangle in his hair, Aeryn planted several tender kisses along the side of Jerakath’s face. “Take me, Jerakath. I’m yours.”
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