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Old ways in a new world II (Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress)

Robert laughed and said, "You need to realize that that day is coming, and not that long from now, especially for Ashe. he is growing so fast that you can almost see it happening in front of your eyes, and I can already tell he will be larger and stronger than I am by quite a bit."
Robert Laughed "well one day you will bump into him, bounce off like he was a brick wall and then you will know."
The years past quickly for the family, Robert and aurora were placed with a daughter, Eliana, who had her father wrapped around her little finger, just as the boys had aurora wrapped around theirs. But soon little fingers grew and now the children were grown, ready for mates and families of their own.

Ashe was turning out to be all wolf and valued the pack life much like his father. He knew that he would be alpha one day over his brother and sister, He was the first to find his future mate at time he did not know it.

A half breed who was working as a biologist trapped a rather odd creature one day, she was a full blooded wolf, who had been trapped living in a pack of wolves. The half breed knew he did not have the strength or resources to help to tame this wild girl so he transported her the clan, where Ashe was given charge over the girl.

She now lay locked in a bed room for her safety. She was sleeping on the floor naked in her human form after hours of trying to escape. She was dirty, he had wounds on her flesh some even looked to be infected.
Robert took Ashe aside the day he was given the assignment. He knew his son was up to the task, but he also knew that this would be his first experience in dealing with a full blooded female other than his mother, and this girl was wilder than most. She would be cunning, untrusting, and dangerous at first, and she would require a strong but gentle hand. Her human side, so prominent in his mother, was heavily repressed in this girl. If she changed, she could be lethal in her wolven form if he were not careful. All of this he told his son, and cautioned him to be careful, but also he conveyed his trust that his son was up to the task, and that no one in the clan was better equipped than he to handle the task. He hugged his son, and went down stairs to be with Aurora, knowing what she was likely to hear would up set her. He sat with Aurora on the couch, his arms wrapped around her, and said honey, our little boy is all grown up. It was then that they heard the door to the room open and close as Ashe entered the room to find the wild and naked girl crouched in the corner her eyes wild with what appeared to be anger and fear.
She was resting peacefully when she smelled someone drawing near. Her eyes opened and were fixed on the door. And then it opened. She whimpered but the backed into a corner. She looked as though she was ready to strike at any moment.
Ashe came in the door and closed it behind him and saw the young and beautiful girl cowering in the corner. her eyes looked menacing, and he could smell her fear and aggression. He took a chair and set it in front of the door and sat down waiting to see what she would do. He spoke in a low soft tone using the ancient dialects his father had taught him he said "eloim anoy seda" ( you are safe with me) in a low soft tone.
The girl did not like the way he was blocking the door. She knew that it was her only chance to freedom since it would not be locked while he was inside the room with her. She gave a growl at him hoping to threaten him.
"You must not do that" he said calmly showing not the slightest sign of fear. There will be no threats between us, but you will obey me out of respect, and I will earn it. Do you understand?" he wasn't sure she had any language.
She understood every word that he said and it was clear she did not agree, she took a threatening step forward showing she was afraid of hurting him if she had to. It was clear this female did not and will not play by pack rules.
Ashe rose to his full height, towering over her and stepped forward to meet her aggression. ready to act quickly if necessary. The pheromones she gave off had him close to a change, and his eyes were glowing a menacing yellow. "Choose well what you decide to do. This can go easily or hard for you." he said. It pained him to think he might have to subdue her but he stood ready to do so if it was necessary.
She did not like the change in this male, and she was not about to be threaten by him. With a growl she changed into her wolves form, her fur was dark black like the night sky and her eys were red. She growled and snapped her jaws at him in warning.
Her change was all that it took. Ashe changed immediately, just as black as she he was fully twice her size. His huge whit fangs gleamed and he took the initiative grabbing the heavy fur on the back of her neck, and anchoring he body to the floor with his full weight. he held her vice like jaws away from him with the powerful muscles of his neck. His muscles easily a match for hers.
She yelped a moment as he grabbed her but the growled. She struggled to get away from not caring if she got her. My struggling this way she caused some of her already infected wounds to bleed. Her paws struggled to swipe at him to force him to let go.
Ashe held her firmly, not yielding in the least and through his teeth he again voiced the old words ""eloim anoy seda" ( you are safe with me)" he made no move to harm her in any way, and neither would he let her move away from him even an inch. It was a pure and primal battle of wills, one he was born to win, and yet one that would someday cost him his life in all probability. She was safe with him to the point of his death.
She was not about to submit to him, it was not in her nature to submit to anyone no matter what the cost. She began thrashing about wildly, most would not attempt this as it could seriously hurt themselves but she did not care, she would let herself die rather than to submit to him. As she thrashed as he held her his teeth torn into her flesh and he could now taste her blood in his mouth.
In one swift move he released her neck and bounded for the door again blocking her escape. "I will not hurt you, but I will not allow you to escape. You must kill me first!" he blocked the door with his body. With the very taste of her blood, she was imprinted on him. They were bound forever. He stood there, blocking her path knowing the destruction the world held for her on her own.
When he released her she shook her fur a moment and then turned her head toward him and the door. With fast movement she bound at him leaping and pushing all her weight on him knocking him off his feet, she then lunged and went for his throat, clamping down on it with her teeth but not crashing his throat just pinning him.
With a powerful swing of his neck, he flung her body across the room tearing a piece of his flesh free from his neck. before she could right herself he had her by the back of the neck again and pinned to the floor with his full weight. His instinct told him to mate her then and there and put an end to the battle, a gentleness and a desire for something better, he had learned from his mother made him hold her instead. "I'll not be so foolish a second time and neither should you be." he warned her as he tightened his grip enough to draw blood but not enough to do the damage she had done to him.
She was shocked when he threw her off him him and across the room. She growled again as he caught her by her neck as if she was some pup. She managed to bring her paw around and scratch him, pulling away pulling her flesh with her. She was no ordinary female and then for the first time she spoke to him, "you will have to kill me before you cage me."
"I didn't cage you, I came her to help you go if you must, but i will never be far behind you. Your scent is part of me. That you can never escape. Nor can I escape you. I could have mated you if that was my will. but i did not. You are smart enough to know that. Ask yourself why. There is the door. use it. It will not serve you well."
"Don't you see you have caged me, trying to force your will and your ways on me." She growled again at him, she was not going to back down. "Don't you even think of mating with me, I will rip it off your body so you never could, have done it to another male."
"Go then if that's what you want. There is the door. But don't imagine I fear you, and don't ever think that I will go away. I know my destiny even if you don't know yours, but then soon enough it will be come clear, and you will understand that what might have happened here was meant to be." he opened the door and stepped aside.
She looked at him, "don't pretend to flatter yourself your not my destiny." With one last growl she bounded through the door, and down the stairs. She went transformed into human form and tried to open the door but it was locked she looked around and say a window, she transformed once again and burst through the window with one howl she ran full force into the woods.
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