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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Prickly Pear juice.

When a commercial ice machine stops working, so you knock all the ice down to find it's frozen into a solid block and the shards of ice cut your hands to ribbons.
I'm just gonna say it. I think photographs of celebrities and models that have been airbrushed and edited to remove "imperfections" are art. They have been edited from their original format by an artist. They're art. No, it is not a realistic interpretation. But it is nice to look at and things that are nice sell products.

If I am going to a fashion magazine or a magazine ad to find truth, then who's really the misguided one?
Znielavag said:
When people claim to have read your request thread but the PM they send states otherwise.

This right here.
So fudging true.
Cold calls, and people who don't understand the words, "Not interested". Though it can be fun to mess with their heads.
Mr Quixotic said:
Cold calls, and people who don't understand the words, "Not interested". Though it can be fun to mess with their heads.

:( I thought we were spontaneously starting the non-con rp I propositioned you with. Turns out you were just playing all along! :mad: Just... not with me in the context of an rp! Grrr!
Someone mentioning they want plot over smut threads but the basis of their plot involves sexually driven plots, hmm.
Rudolph Quin said:
Mr Quixotic said:
Cold calls, and people who don't understand the words, "Not interested". Though it can be fun to mess with their heads.

:( I thought we were spontaneously starting the non-con rp I propositioned you with. Turns out you were just playing all along! :mad: Just... not with me in the context of an rp! Grrr!

I've never been on the receiving end in a non-con roleplay before. Let's go, I'm always up for something different :).

People who can't/won't/refuse to understand the difference between 'smut', and 'a sexual dynamic'. I've a roleplay going now which has almost reached seventy thousand words, in which there's only been one 'sex' scene, however the story itself is based around sexual dynamics. There's a big difference between the two.
People making the basis of their request thread about how they don't want submissive characters. Think we heard ya about the third time.
Znielavag said:
People making the basis of their request thread about how they don't want submissive characters. Think we heard ya about the third time.

Request threads are there to place your interests on. Just as many people ask for dominant males, I ask for non-submissive females. That's my preference.

If it offended you so much, I'm not really sure why after reading it (well half-reading, as it turns out), you would have sent a PM and stated an interest in writing with me. A very curious action that is, and one which seemingly contradicts that which you just said 'bothers you'.

However, I'm not looking to get into an argument with one person on a board which is there for enjoyment of the entire community, and which I'm sure they don't want to read, so feel free to have the last word if you so desire.

I wish you luck on your search for partners.
All because I had a disagreement with him? And he has you speaking for him? Okay. I will await to be punched through the computer.
darkangel76 said:

*blinks many times at the nonsense I'm seeing spewed over the boards*

Take the negativity elsewhere. Please and thank you.
My apologies DA, I shouldn't really involve myself in these sorts of thing on here.
When I come into a thread because of hintings of a meat puppet drama theater and find only really, really stupid pettiness of the most boring sort.

- Waking up repeatedly due to a very congested nose. Ugh.

- Being bored because you can't go to sleep even though you wanna. (Although admittedly, I do have some things I should probably work on. But I don't wanna so that goes to the third thing ... )

- The rare (for me) but very annoying cases of procrastination.
Cheshire Smirk said:
When I come into a thread because of hintings of a meat puppet drama theater and find only really, really stupid pettiness of the most boring sort.

I love you.

...Wanting to comment on something someone said that is funny and then feeling obligated to follow up with something on topic. Fuck me, right?
When you don't understand what's going on in class... And you were even paying attention.
Whining because of a refusal to roleplay. Seriously, that is such a turn off. I have my reasons for saying no.
darkangel76 said:

*blinks many times at the nonsense I'm seeing spewed over the boards*

Take the negativity elsewhere. Please and thank you.

Kind of sad that I have to quote myself. But, since the reminder is needed....... Here you all go.
Snobby elitists. I really just can't stand them at all. They really just piss me off. And in most cases their writing isn't nearly as good as they think it is. Not by a long shot. But they sit up there all the same. On their fucking pedestal while they look down on us.

Also people who like to pretend they're all smart and of a higher intellect than everybody else when in fact they are at the level of an average 13 year old kid. Those also bother the shit out of me.

No. I don't think my writings all that great. Not bad at all but not fan-fucking-tastic. Nor do I think my own intelligence is higher than anybody elses. I can freely admit this. I don't need to put on airs that I'm a "better" writer or that I'm "smarter" than everyone else here. Seriously fucking hera. You're having competitions OVER THE FUCKING INTERNET! Cause thats the sign of intelligence. Yep. Right there.

Sweet fucking cock filled Aphrodite.

I also don't understand getting all "clique-y" and even worse than that is getting on a bandwagon. Seriously? You're gonna jump on a bandwagon on a person/band whatever because you like the person / are friends with the person spewing the bullshit? What a dumbass. You can be friends with people AND have a different opinion. If they don't like you for having a different opinion, guess what? They don't want a friend they want an exact fucking clone of themselves.

That shit bothers me too....


Gonna put this in here because people are fucking over sensitive children....this isn't aimed at any one in particular.
However as that facebook icon goes "No, my status wasn't about you but if the boot fits feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it."

So thats, that for this episode of the few things that bother me.
Karameida said:
Sweet fucking cock filled Aphrodite.

Love the beautiful phrasing.

As for what bothers me,

(1) People who complain about how loud I play my music; and
(2) People who play their music too loud at work.

Hypocritical? Yeah, but his bassline is pounding through my wall and wrapping itself around my heart. So I'm going to turn the volume up on my electric swing. Then I'll post this and go back to writing erotica.
How much debt I'm going to be in after Veterinary school... .-.
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