Yoshie said:
This is NOT A CRACK at Lady Yuna who by the way is using Food Stamps the way God and the Government intended. But what bothers the shit outta me is the fact that people use Food stamps around my way to buy anything other than food. Like people are on Gov't assistance and they refuse to do anything with their life! Its assistance people. Meaning that it is not suppose to last forever; meanwhile people like me and some of my friends who need food stamps and maybe cash assistance cannot get them because people are abusing this feature.
For example; my upstairs neighbor is on Section 8. Her rent is $32.00 a month... count it! Thirty-two! And somehow almost every month she cannot pay her rent and the rent lady gives her time... I mean TIME 4 months behind rent. Meanwhile my rent is $740.00 and I've lost my job. It takes a while to come up with the funds but my BF and I do it... and god forbid we give her the rent a day late. (Rent is due on the 1st - 5th of each month) But if the 1st is on a Sunday or the 4th is a holiday we get warnings up the ass... Uggg Life... this shit aint fair!
Nah, I understand your point completely. In fact, it's people like the example you use which have convinced the government to try to get rid of Food Stamps altogether; because some people are pricks and do purposely take advantage of the system. I'm glad they haven't yet because, seriously, with the fact I'm only getting half of my SSI check ... that's hardly enough to get by with anything for a month. So whether I like it or not (and I really,
really don't), I know I need it for now.
Curious, how in the hell is your person's rent $32 dollars? Even on HUD, we're still paying a bit over 200 (which will that is a good deal ... 32? Holy fuck) so .. yeah. Kinda curious if you don't mind.