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Other Little Things That Bother You

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They are missing out, Mitsu.... some of my best RPs have been with women RPing as men. If the person can write the gender or just whoever, whatever..... HUZZAH! Psh to those getting in a twist, but hey... it's up to them if they want to miss out, I guess. Truly, it's a shame. Plus, really, I suppose do you want to RP with someone who is going to derail something into a cyber mess anyway? The very thought of that makes me cringe. But then, that just isn't how I roll. I like my story and none of that other crap. No offense to those who like that sort of thing since everyone is different. *shrugs*

The fact that I burn when I go out in the sun, even with lots of sunscreen on. >.<
It might just be me, but I hate waking up to an alarm clock. Or more accurately, I hate that when my alarm clock goes off I feel tired and sluggish, but when I turn my alarm clock off before falling asleep I still wake up at the same time feeling refreshed. Yet I know if I stopped using my alarm I'd start sleeping in.
I feel your pain, Dark Angel. I'm fifty percent German, as well as twenty five percent Irish and Lithuanian. In other words sun burn city population me.

Probably said it before, but running out of beef jerky.
BurningWillows said:
It might just be me, but I hate waking up to an alarm clock. Or more accurately, I hate that when my alarm clock goes off I feel tired and sluggish, but when I turn my alarm clock off before falling asleep I still wake up at the same time feeling refreshed. Yet I know if I stopped using my alarm I'd start sleeping in.

You're not the only one. I feel much more refreshed if I awake naturally. It doesn't matter the amount of sleep.

Those people, who once having stepped onto an escalator, or moving walkway, come to a dead stop (particularly when there's two of them who stand side-by-side). Just because it moves, doesn't mean you can't!
LadyYunaFFX2 said:
Yoshie said:
This is NOT A CRACK at Lady Yuna who by the way is using Food Stamps the way God and the Government intended. But what bothers the shit outta me is the fact that people use Food stamps around my way to buy anything other than food. Like people are on Gov't assistance and they refuse to do anything with their life! Its assistance people. Meaning that it is not suppose to last forever; meanwhile people like me and some of my friends who need food stamps and maybe cash assistance cannot get them because people are abusing this feature.

For example; my upstairs neighbor is on Section 8. Her rent is $32.00 a month... count it! Thirty-two! And somehow almost every month she cannot pay her rent and the rent lady gives her time... I mean TIME 4 months behind rent. Meanwhile my rent is $740.00 and I've lost my job. It takes a while to come up with the funds but my BF and I do it... and god forbid we give her the rent a day late. (Rent is due on the 1st - 5th of each month) But if the 1st is on a Sunday or the 4th is a holiday we get warnings up the ass... Uggg Life... this shit aint fair!

Nah, I understand your point completely. In fact, it's people like the example you use which have convinced the government to try to get rid of Food Stamps altogether; because some people are pricks and do purposely take advantage of the system. I'm glad they haven't yet because, seriously, with the fact I'm only getting half of my SSI check ... that's hardly enough to get by with anything for a month. So whether I like it or not (and I really, really don't), I know I need it for now.

Curious, how in the hell is your person's rent $32 dollars? Even on HUD, we're still paying a bit over 200 (which will that is a good deal ... 32? Holy fuck) so .. yeah. Kinda curious if you don't mind.

I've tried to respond to this so many times. Evvery time I wrote a 3paragraph writings my computer would delete it. So here is the sort version. Shes been on Section 8 and knows someone there who can make stuff like this happen. She does not want better and believes that the Govt owes her for having kids and all that nonsense. She gets SSI Section 8 TCA and foodstamps...
Mitsu said:
The medium doesn't bother me too much. There are pros and cons, observable pros and cons, for each medium. Some people just find one to be more convenient than the other. People that only role-play with one gender are just lame. They're lame. If I wanted, I could just pretend I was whatever gender, and they'd so easily believe me. Most people on this site tend to think I'm a woman. It would be nice if fewer people used this place as a meat-market, where they can potentially score some Internet boobs, after their role-play inevitably turns into cybering.

Ants. Never had ants in my house for ten years, but now they're starting to show up. I must defeat their invasion with a per-emptive attack.

I'll roleplay with you! I roleplay two characters a boy and a girl... and I am a girl. I love playing my boy character. Brings out my better side.
Smut. I like a good story. I like to engross both characters. I am a very sexual person but none... lol none of my post start out as sex. Infact we do not get to the sex until the second page... if we get there at all. This is not a rule for me but most of my RPer friends are like .... Well shit, I love where this is going... don't fuck me yet theres an explosion deal with the fire then we can tangle around.
MellowYellow said:
When the cat decides to bring in a dead mouse or dead bird.
Aww, but its just giving you a present! Honestly I wish I had a cat for a pet, but I'm allergic to them. Go ahead get it out of your system. Har har Vic is allergic to pussy.

People who do crossfit.
Vic Rattlehead said:
MellowYellow said:
When the cat decides to bring in a dead mouse or dead bird.
Aww, but its just giving you a present! Honestly I wish I had a cat for a pet, but I'm allergic to them. Go head get it out of your system. Har har Vic is allergic to pussy.

People who do crossfit.

*cough* Har har vic is allergic to pussy naw kidding Vic-sama. Anyway Vic what is Crossfit?

And what bothers me? Bad Customer Service on anything; Games, food anything!
Vic Rattlehead said:
MellowYellow said:
When the cat decides to bring in a dead mouse or dead bird.
Aww, but its just giving you a present! Honestly I wish I had a cat for a pet, but I'm allergic to them. Go head get it out of your system. Har har Vic is allergic to pussy.

People who do crossfit.

I kinda wish they'd leave the presents outside so wouldn't have to scrub the floors and shoo away the flies.
Yoshie said:
Vic Rattlehead said:
MellowYellow said:
When the cat decides to bring in a dead mouse or dead bird.
Aww, but its just giving you a present! Honestly I wish I had a cat for a pet, but I'm allergic to them. Go head get it out of your system. Har har Vic is allergic to pussy.

People who do crossfit.

*cough* Har har vic is allergic to pussy naw kidding Vic-sama. Anyway Vic what is Crossfit?
Way to kick a man when hes down D: I could describe to you what crossfit is, but there are a ton of videos like these that do a better job.
Its basically a workout program, that ignores proper form and safety to get use as much weight in the shortest time possible.


My personal favorite, the bullshit kipping pull up.


IronMaiden24 said:
People who do crossfit.

I can see you and I arent going 2 be friends... XD


People vho dislike crossfit.
Do you even lift? Fight me irl XD

IronMaiden for doing crossfit.
Do I lift? Yes, sweetie, I lift. Among plenty of other things. And I'd LOVE 2 fight you! XD

Yes, thank you, I knov vhat a crossfit is, given that I DO it at least 3 times a week. That video is bull-shit. If one knows hov to crossfit properly, its the best kind of workout.

Rattlehead for being 2 wimpy 2 try crossfit.
What else do you do besides lose gainz? XD Come at me sis I'll wreck yo shit.

Except its not. A lot of people I see doing crossfit have terrible form, and are destined for snap city.

This is Dave Castro the director of training and games, attempting to deadlift. Its at 4:50 the link fucked up and didn't start there.

Good thing I dont pay atention 2 biased crap videos.

Any time you vant 2 fight, just name the time and place boy! XD


Biased training videos on YT. Aplenty there.
IronMaiden24 said:
Good thing I dont pay atention 2 biased crap videos.

Any time you vant 2 fight, just name the time and place boy! XD


Biased training videos on YT. Aplenty there.
Technically there was three, but thats besides the point :3

Right now. I'm flying over to Croatia as I type, to kick your ass <3

Not eating enough carbs prior to working out, but I have no one to blame but myself.
Excelent. Meet you at Pleso airport, evening tomorow. <3 Been a couple weeks since I last wiped the mat vith a cocky litle boy!


People vho eat protein/carb suplements before workout. Bad idea...
Six two and half isn't little, but you'll see soon enough. Honestly I'm just fucking with you, I don't really care what people do as long as they are doing something.

Having to mess around with my meals to meet my macros.
Good, just means I'l get insyde your guard easier! <3 And yes... long as people are taking care of their body, its all good :)


A nice juicy wel-done steak, just before a workout or sparring session. Makes me heavy at the vorst moment.
Girls who stand pigeon toed when posing for photos.

Stop it! Unless you're actually pigeon toed, then I'm sorry, keep being you. But if you're not, stop it!
Interstate 81. It may be different in other states, but as native of Pennsylvania interstate 81 is trucker hell. I have to go through it twice a day, on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I swear theres two hundred trucks or more on each side of the interstate. It could be twelve in the afternoon or ten at night, and there will still be tons of trucks on the road. While I don't have some inner hatred for trucks, getting stuck behind them sucks. However, whats even worse is the asshole mentality that most truckers have. Okay I get it you're on a schedule, that doesn't mean you can almost run me off the road.
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