The Bat and the Rose (Batman 4560 x-Shadow Angel- )

Ivy sighed as she took a deep breath, she plunged the syringe into his leg. Knowing it would take awhile she just hoped it work, despite her attempting at blocking her powers she concocted annantidote. She hoped it took effect soon, when it did she knew he would vanish. Standing back up she took a few steps back, disappeared into her little jungle as her human emotions got the best of her. Ivy couldn't bare to let the man she had always admired from afar see her cry, she was so used to being alone that she figured it would never change.
As the antidote took effect Bruce slid his helmet like mask back over his face. He then proceeded to pick himself up off the floor and groaned. He was curious as to how the hell she managed to get a needle threw his armor but was glad she did. He hated being under the effect of her poison. Quickly thinking he knew he had to escape and come back with a better plan. He couldn't see her and needed to be sure he had room to move so he called out. "Your wonder you can't get help." Slowly his eyes scanned the area for movement as he took a step forward.
'' Your the reason I'm insane! it's your fault this happened to me.. If you hadn't of moved me out of the basement of Wayne enterprise none of this would have happened, I could already manipulate plant life. '' Ivy said as she stepped out of the shadows, in the mist of her moping she took on the appearance of what she looked like before her accident. Her hair was pinned up, she wore a white lab coat over her green costume with a pair of small framed wire rimmed glasses. Of course there was a name tag on her lab coat, as she stepped forward she stopped once she was a good few feet away from him. '' Now here's the deal Mr. Wayne.. You will make me a cure, help me live a normal life or I infect you again only much worse this time.. You see the only reason you were given that antidote was because part of me was in love with you, apparently still is.'' Ivy said as she rolled her eyes beneath her glasses she could see without them because she had contacts but she needed him to see she wasn't lying about who she was, she would do whatever it took to be cured herself. She could live with her meta human ability to control plant life, she just wanted to be able to actually get close to someone without poisoning them.
"There is no cure for what you have need help, from Arkham." He took a step forward with an outstretched hand. He felt bad but didn't know how on earth he could help the mad woman. "I don't know how to help you...but if your willing to come to the institute I will try to find something...." He frowned as he reached a hand behind his back and withdrew a pair of zip tie cuffs. "Just put these on and we can get out of here." He tossed them at her feet and tried hard to not look at her for her beauty. Even though she looked great even in the lab coat. Clearly the poison hadn't been completely detoxed yet. Bruce couldn't help but lick his lips and eye her once. "Please..."
'' You really think I'm just as insane as the previous versions.. Pamela Isley etc. I'm not insane.. Trust me insane would keeping you under my toxins, forcing you to do my bidding against your will poisoned or not. You see I'm actually a lot smarter then they were, I had family until I was turned into a monster. I was one of your lab techs, something went wrong with one of the chemicals you had us working with. But due to budget cuts we were all moved to small warehouse not to far from the building. Several people were killed, I was the only one who survived but this is what I became.'' Ivy said as she sighed, rolled her eyes wondering if that would help him any. She watched him closely, caught the cuffs. Wrapping them around her wrist she pushed up her glasses then watched him give her the once over, shook her head. '' So take me in Batman.. have me locked up with all the crazies, let me rout in the nut house.''
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