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Like Grandfather Like Grandson (Alexander May & Malomyotismon)

John groaned as he started to push deep into her slit, thrusting in and out of her with more and more speed and force. "Ohhh....!"

Alex picked his baby girl up in his arms and kissed her. "You're the best baby girl." He walked outside and carried her back to the car then, getting in with her. His hands moved to unzip her pants as he joined her in the backseat. The windows were tinted.
Amy moaned softly and crossed her legs around his waist to bring him closer. "John!!!!"

Zoey looked at her sweet daddy as he brought her to their car. As he unzipped her pants, she unzipped his and smiled. "Daddy...make love to me in the car."
When John came, he came inside of her hard, groaning out loudly into her mouth as he felt her tightening around him.

Alex smiled as he kissed Zoey, pushing himself into her with a groan. "Anything for you baby girl."
Amy orgasmed as soon as his streams of hot cum were released and coated her insides. " good..."

Zoey moaned in a sweet and high-pitched voice as he slid his cock in her little slit. "Ah! Daddy!"
John kissed her deeply and passionately, breathing hard. "I love you."

Alex groaned as he started to thrust in and out of Zoey's tight pussy, feeling it around him like a vice. " girl...."
Amy smiled and kissed him. "I love you too..." The angle of camera was exactly visible so that his cock piercing her pussy could be seen, the cum dripping from it could be more than visible.

"Dad!" the sweet girl moaned as her dad took her again, this time in the car.
"I'm glad." John smiled at her. "I couldn't live with out you."

He groaned as he felt himself getting close, pushing deeper into her. "Zoey...."
Amy panted and smiled. "I couldn't live without you either...." she moaned, reaching for the camera and turning it off as she kept connected to him. "I'll upload it in a minute."

"Daddy! Daddy!!!" she moaned as her orgasm exploded on his cock and she panted.
John smiled as he kissed Amy. "Alright....just make sure not to upload the wrong one. My dad will kill me if we do."

Alex groaned out loudly as he slammed deep into his daughter, feeling her tightening around him as he came hard inside of her. "Zoey!!! My baby girl!!!!"
Amy nodded and walked to a chair, then took her laptop out. She took the camera, connected it and looked for a porn site to upload it. She upload the video, but accidentally it also uploaded the ones with John and Zoey and the one time Zoey made love to her dad. She didn't notice, though, and closed the laptop. "Done."

"D-Da-Daddy....oh gosh..." she panted and kissed his lips. Her insides were flooded with cum.
John smiled as he kissed his lover and girlfriend. "Good. What do you want to do now?"

Alex breathed hard as he held his daughter in his arms, kissing her gently and passionately.
John thought about it as he kissed her. "Well...I don't know. Not really."

Alex smiled as he buckled his daughter's seat belt then. "Let's go home baby beautiful precious baby girl...and now my wife."
Amy held his hands with love and kissed him back. Unknown to her, she had uploaded her new mom's precious videos and they were now seeing them.

Zoey blushed deeply at his compliments, she still felt his hot cum inside her. "Thank you, handsome husband..."
John smiled as he went downstairs with her. "We could play a game..."

Alex smiled at his daughter's words, driving back to their house. He got out with her and smiled as they walked inside. "I love you Zoey."
"Whichever one you want." He turned the console on and picked up two controllers.

Alex smiled at her, kissing her gently before starting upstairs with his daughter. "I'm glad you do baby girl."
"I do." He loaded it up.

Alex turned and pulled his wife into their room, kissing her gently. "Would my baby girl like to make another video with her daddy?"
Amy nodded and chose her car. A pink one, of course.

"Sure!" she said, looking after her camera. She couldn't find it, so she moved to her son's room and grabbed it, as she came back to her room, she realized the videos were not there. She looked at her dad and opened her eyes wide. "You erased them?"
John's car was black and blue.

Alex frowned at her dad's words. "No. Of course I didn't....." All at once it clicked. If they weren't erased, and they were gone...he moved and opened his laptop, shouting at the top of his lungs as he saw the videos posted. "JOHNATHON ALEXANDER GAVIN MAY!"
Amy swallowed hard as she heard the loudest yell in their life. "Oh...guess they callin' you. Want me to go?"

Zoey was bright red in shame as the videos were now online, and shared into different sites. "Oh...damn, Johnny...why you did that?" she told herself shaking her head as she covered her pink cheeks.
Alex took all of them down, deleting them as he did. Several people had already seen them though. He turned to face the door as he waited for his son. Accident or no...he would get punished for this.

John winced and gulped as he looked upstairs. "I...I guess..."
Some videos still remained on some other pages, but they were uploaded by different users. "Uhmmm...Alex, can you erase these ones?" she asked shyly and innocently as she pointed at some copied videos. They were the same but on different pages.

Amy took his hand and walked with him upstairs. She knocked on the door and waited for their parents to answer.
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