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Like Grandfather Like Grandson (Alexander May & Malomyotismon)

Amy got a bit further from him. "Yes, put it back please...and no, it didn't started because of was one of the things that happened, but no. It started because Hitler violated the peace pact he had with Poland and attacked him without a warning."
Amy frowned and stood up again, lowering her shirt again. "Uhmmm...his beliefs were that every other race rather than the Germans were dirt and should be exterminated, including black people and jews."
He was starting to get annoyed as he pulled her back onto the bed, this time using more of his strength to hold her down as he started to push her shirt over her head. "Right. Over six million Jews died during it."
"Damn! Stop it! No, i told you no!" she said and walked out of the room and down to the living room. Zoey looked at her and sighed. "Amy...what's the matter?" "He wants to have sex and i have to teach him! And after we have sex, he doesn't want to study!"
Amy could see that when she left, he was angry and almost boiling. She was scared to go up. Zoey shook her head and walked up to his room. She knocked on the door and sighed. "Sweetie pie? Everything ok? Can you talk to mommy?"
"Uhmmm...Amy, she is quite scared, sweetie pie...Why don't you forget a bit about sex and get a little bit on with studies? I'm your mommy...and it's just a suggestion..." she said kindly and rubbed his cheek.
"Because I don't care about school. And I am listening to what she's saying, I'm just occupying my body with hers while I do." He looked at her as he said that.
"I know you don't care, sweetie pie. But she is a good person, and she hasn't been taught to have sex with have control your urges...please, do that for mommy..." she said.
"Right." He leaned back in his bed, looking up at the roof. He really didn't care about any of this, and now it was showing. When she acted like a normal boring teacher, that's all it was. Normal boring school, just in his room.
"This just doesn't appeal to me. It wasn't interesting when I was in the desks, and it's not interesting now. The only thing that changed it was you made it it's not." He sighed as he said that.
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