Owned (trisscarxloneiysong)


Mar 20, 2013
Captian Moqlah of the Klingon empire warbird Kahless was not a patient man. He had been promised by his superiors 4 days shore leave on a particularily fetching pleasure planet and the fact that his inompetant helmsman had delayed them by 4 hours had majorly pissed him off. Now finnaly he had arrived at his favorite traders. This time he would get a proper slave. The last trader he had delt with had not pleased him. But Shur was a high end slave trader, and he always had the best of slaves.
Moqlah was tired of waiting, the puttering insect of an assistant was annoying him.
Shur's large boned frame apeared from behind a screen, the heavy set orion slowly meandering over to where the imposing form of the klingon captian stood.
"Ah hello captian. I have some fine ladies for you today. right this way"
Shur never took any of Moqlah's barking seriously. All klingons were like this.
Leading the irrate klingon to the back, where the cages were lined in plush fabric. Shur threw back a tarp off one cage, revealing a scantily clad, human girl.
"Here we are."
She had been asleep. But when the tarp was pulled to the side, she was jolted awake. She looked up at the figure. She shot to one side of her cage. Her blue eyes looked him up and down. She had never seen a klingon before. She trembled in the corner and looked down. She was human and she bit her lip.

Her planet had been overthrown and laid waiste. Slavers came to the planet like large vultures. She had been able to hide, but one slaver found her as she was dying from hunger. He grabbed her, cleaned her, and dressed her in a small loincloth and bra. He gave her a steady ration of bread and water. But ven where she came from, it was like stake.

Her name was Amara, but she would not speak her last name. Her long black hair was cleaned and brushed so it was soft and smooth. Her features were very beautiful. Her breasts were soft and perky. She stood at a 5'5. She was thin from starvation. She cowered in the back of the cave and trembled tears roolled down her face.
Moqlah frowned slightly in thought as he gazed down at the obviously timid human female infront of him.
"She's rather thin Shur. Usually your merchandise is better kept."
Shur shrugged, unlocking the cage door anyway. He could tell from the gleam in Moqlah's eye that the small human had caught his intrest, current condition put aside.
"She was just brought in. She's timid, but a fighter when pushed. She's a virgin also, so you cant fully sample her unless you intend to buy. She is equiped with an off and on translator chip."
Moqlah watched as Shur reached in and grasped the girl by her hair and drug her easily from the cage. She was petite and too skinny from lack of food, but her form was good and her skin looked soft. When the girl was deposited at his feet Moqlah gave her a toothy smile.
She cowered in the corner and growled a warning to the man as he opened the cage door. The two talked together in a language she didn't quite catch. With a scream, she struggled digging her feet in gripping the man's arm drawing blood from the use of her nails. She snarled and struggled hard.

When the man had thrown her to the side, she jumped up to her feet and tore off running at a speed that was impressive. She continued to run panting hard. She knew that this was not her plannet, her family, everything was gone. She had to figure out how to get into a space ship and get the hell off this planet. She needed some clothes.

Ducking behind some house, she saw some clothes hanging outside. Looking around, she grabbed a shirt and some pants. She ran until she was in an ally. Pulling on the loose light shirt, her eyes darted around. She wiggled into some pants and stepped out keeping aware to her surroundings.
Moqlah laughed heartily as his pet dashed away. Turning to Shur he tossed a bag of money at the orion and lopped off lazily. this human was brave, but stupid. She obviously had no experiance with a klingon male. The hunt for his woman was half the fun.

Taking a deep breath Moqlah made use of his superior sense of smell, easily picking out the humans unique sent. Tracking her was easy, but involving all the same. He would simply trail her until she tired, or made a particularily bad blunder.

Finding the missing clothes and catching sight of the clear signs of her passing Moqlah smirked, slowly increasing his pace until he could see her shadow cloaked figure sneaking through the underbelly of the city. If she wasnt carefull his pet could get jumped, and he didnt feel like pulling anougther man off his pet. Pitching his voice too high for human hearing Moqlah let loose a powerfull growl, proclaiming quite clearly the succulant human was off limits. He was on the hunt, no one would dare to oppose him now.
Amara panted and was on the search for some shoes. She found them. Lacing the boots up, she looked around. Seeing the man, she ducked back and frowned stumbling through a bush that smelled of licorice. Looking back, she took off running for an almost heavily wooded area. She ran hard and fast panting hard. Her lungs were breathing. She ran through a stream and waited. Leaning against a tree, she leaned her head back her chest raising and falling. Her sweat was beading on her forehead. She was exhausted, hungry, and thirsty.

She waited, listening very carfully. Sinking down to the floor of the forest, she rested her head against her knees and panted softly. She was listening closely, but knew that she would just need to find a method to hunt and find food. She shivered thinking of the look in the mans eye. She gripped her leg and then got up and began to move again being slow and steady.
Moqlah nearly lost his pet twice. But found her trail again with ease each time. Seeing that the girl had gone into the woods he chuckled, not bothering to hide his aproach to her.

"Dont you tire of this human? You must be tired and hungry."

Senting his prize was close Moqlah speeded up, rounding a tree and lashed out, snatching her thin arm in his large hand and dragged her to him, easily pinning her to a tree face first.

"You gave a good hunt woman. But you are mine now."
Amara could have kept running from him easily. But she was hungry. She had only had bread. Enough to keep her alive and sustained. But a slavers job was not to feed the slaves, only keep them alive until purchase. She swallowed her heart was racing. His voice seemed to come from everywhere at once. She couldn't pin point where he was. She just continued to walk in the opposite direction of where his voice was coming from.

She yelped as he garbbed her and she began to struggle. Looking into his face, she panted her heart was racing and she tried to pull away, but she was pinned face first to a tree and howled her rage. She struggled and pressed against him, trying to shove him off. Not realizing how strong he was. Then, finally, at the cumulation of everything, she looked down and broke down sobbing. She never really cried in her life, not during the slaughter of her people, but now, it was...

Moqlah let his pet squirm and howl, let her vent her emotions to the uncaring woods around them. When she broke down into tears, he merley hauled her into the strong, warm circle of his arms and lifted her effortlessly, starting the walk back to his hotel room.

"You are strong for a human pet. I expected you to cry much sooner than this."

Using his free hand, Moqlah stroked the soft hair of his little human, inhaling her sweet, pure sent. Letting loose a low, rough rumbling thunder like purr from deep inside his chest the klingon tightened his grip on her slim form. Offering comfort in the odd way of his people. Tears were accepted when shed for a honorable reason and his pet was not even klingon.

"I am captian Moqlah of the Klingon empire warbird Kahless. You are now my sex slave and pet. What is your name.'
She was suprised when the man, if one could call him that, pulled her into his arms. She continued to sob holding onto him. She missed her family, she missed the somewhat predictability of life. She longed for good food, good drink, and rest in a bed. She never heard of Klingon, so had no idea of what was in store. She sighed and heard his compliment and bit her lip. Amara sighed and accepted the touches of this man. She felt his chest rumble, he was like a mountain clothed in flesh. It soothed her, brought her peace.

"I am Amara, I used to live on a planet called Yelway." She whispered and looked at him. It was a small planet. Relatively unheard of. Looking at him, she looked around the room of the hotel and shivered a bit. It suddenly felt several degrees colder. With a sigh, she bit her lip and looked down and around. "I am sorry, I can't help but warn you that you wasted your money. I am not a sex slave or a pet."
Moqlah let loose a deep chuckle, sitting heavily in one of the big chairs at a small end table. His pets odd mix of timid ness and fire was amusing.

"I know that you are untrained. And i plan to train you Amara. You undoubtingly have many questions. But those will wait until tomorow. I need to feed, bathe, and give you a little test run before we sleep"

Lifting his pet, Moqlah placed her on the lush carpet at his feet, standing and shedding the heavy, cumbersome armor his people wore, changing into a soft, comfortable set of civillian clothes. Walking back over to his shivring pet, the klingon scooped her into his arms again and set her on his lap, tucking her close to his warmer than human chest securly.

"If you wish to use my name you must put an title or honorific before it. Master Moqlah, Captian, or Sir will do."
Amara put her hands on her hips adn watched him and swallowed. She canted her ehad and listened to him. She gasped as she was lifted, and sat at the plush carpet. It was soft and it felt very good to the touch. She gasped feeling his warmth sink into her skin. Shutting her eyes, she leaned her head against him and shook her ehad adn chuckled softly.

"You are serious, you expect me to be something I am not." She shook her head and leaned forward and then looked up and canted her head. "Curious, which do you perfer?" She reached up and ran her finger along the ridge that was the staple of so many Klingons and smiled.

"I have never seen a.." She blushed and looked at him. "What did you say your people are called? I have never seen one before."
Moqlah smiled toothily at his pet, enjoying the soft touch of her cool fingers along his cranial family crest.

"I prefer Master Moqlah or Captian. And my people are called Klingons. I will have to educate you on us so you do not have many..freakouts as you humans are wont to say. And i expect you to learn. Not be something you are not. Klingons like obediant but unbroken lovers after all"

He let a low purr rumble out of his chest, running his hand along his humans back and settled it on her hip possesivly. His delicious pet was going to be difficult to keep away from his men.
"Alright then Captain. Tell me, what do you mean by an unbroken lover?" She canted her ehad and then reached her hand back and stroked down his strong back and then smiled gently. Snuggling closer to his warmth, she could shut her eyes adn almost pretend that the destruction of her planet never happened. That was just a nasty nightmare. Looking at him, she smiled and sighed looking at the clothes she stole. They were very comfortable but very beautiful.

She shut her eyes giggling feeling the purr. It felt delicious. Like the best of creams rubbing into her dry and parched skin. She looked up with her blue eyes. She sighed and yawned shutting her eyes resting her head on his shoulder.
"I mean we prefer a lover with spirit. Non of the wimpering gutless wenches so many like."

Moqlah lazily traced patterns into his pets thigh, liking the fact that Amara had so readily accepted her new position and was activly reacting and reciprocating to his touch. And while she looked cute in the clothes..he wanted to see her without them.

"though i must warn you Amara. Klingon lovers are both high in stamina...and very well endowed."

At the ring of a bell the klingon looked up, barking the order to enter.
It was a servant with thier dinner, the terrified andorian scutting in and hurridly setting up the dishes and was even quicker to leave.
Pulling over the heavily laden plate, Moqlah speared a thick chunk of some meat with his honor blade, eating it with a grunt of satisfaction. Then he did the same to a second chunk, offering it to his pet.
"Well, that is good. I could never lay down and accept defeat. As you have seen." She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. Happy that she was allowed to touch and slowly trust him. She looked up at him and canted her head and then looked up hearing the door and then bit her lip watching a man come in and lay down the food. Just the sight of meat made her stomach roll. Her mouth watered and she bit her lip harder trying to keep herself from grabbing at the meat and picking it up and shoving it hungrily into her mouth.

She watched him take a bite of meat. She bit her lip. Amara was so hungry. But she almost cried in relief when he offered her a piece of meat on the end of the dagger. Reaching out, she took the meat off his blade quickly before he could change his mind. Tearing into it, she groaned in satisfaction. It was drenched in a thick sauce. She soon devoured the piece of meat.

Amara sucked and licked off her fingers and smiled looking up at him.. "Thank you Master Moqlah, may I have another?" She whispered softly to him.
Moqlah was pleased with his new pet. It would be hard to keep his men away from her.

"Yes pet you may."

spearing a few more chunks of the meat he placed them in his humans hands, reaching around her to pour a large tankard of blood wine. Lifting the heavy vessel he drained it in one long swallow, giving a belch of satisfaction.

"Do you drink pet? I dont know if you can handle bloodwine but your welcome to try."
Amara hungry chewed on the meat she was given. She was eating with vigor. She looked up at him licking her fingers. Wondering what drink he was enjoying so. She nodded around a mouthful of meat. She made sure her fingers were sucked and licked clean of the glaze on the meat. Reaching out for his tankard, she took a drink.

The fluid that rolled down her throat was warm and comforting. Much like his growls. Shutting her eyes, she smiled and continued to drink. Feeling the liquid fill her belly and warm her heart and give her courage for tomorrow. Looking at him, she looked at him and canted her head. She hiccuped a bit and blushed. She handed him back his tankard. "Thank you Master Moqlah, that was delicious." SHe could feel the warmth of the sweet liquid burning over her skin in a blush and she was suddenly a bit on the warm side.
Chuckling as his pet consumed the firey liquid, Moqlah stroked along her thighs, enjoying the soft skin of Amara.

"Im glad you enjoyed it. You must be carefull though, it is a very strong liquor."

The klingon continued to eat his fill of the meal, handing his pet bites from his plate. When the food and drink were gone he stood, carrying his pet easily into the bathroom.
Running a tub full of hot water, he set his pet on the floor, then proceeding to strip himself, giving his little human a show of his substantial muscles.

"Undress yourself my pet, now we will bathe."
She growled in pleasure feeling his hands on her thighs. Amara shut her eyes and smiled. "It is very tastey, I enjoy it very much." She said. She continued to eat what she was given, thanking him each time. Soon, she was stuffed and just content to resting in his lap. Shutting her eyes, she began to doze off feeling for once full. She had feasted before in her life, but after the destruction of her planet, she was not allowed to enjoy such a content feeling. When she felt Moqlah lifting her, she opened her eyes and held onto him.

She stood on the floor and watched him. Moqlah was a fine specimen indeed. Amara felt herself becoming aroused at the simple sight of him. Moqlah was very muscled, strong, and had a nice girth on him. She blushed. Moving back, she began to dance a bit for him. Trying to impress him the way that he impressed her. She smiled looking to him. "Yes, Master Moqlah." She purred. The fire of the blood wine dancing in her eyes.

She began to sway her hips forward and back. Slowly taking off her shirt and turned her back to him as she bent down to unlace her boots and pulled down her pants. Now she was in her loin cloth.

Undoing the bra, Amara smiled and tossed it at his face with a teasing flick. Her breasts were perky and full adorned with soft pink nipples. She then moved down and pulled at the part covering her pussy and found that she had been shaved clean. She blushed and looked at him and grinned. "Do I please you Master Moqlah?" She said with a wink. She prayed she did. Usually she didn't care if she interested a male or not. But with Moqlah, she cared for some reason or another.
Moqlah smirked, watching as his pet gave him a show. She was thin, perhaps a bit to much, but a few weeks of good food would fill her figure out agian.

"Yes Pet you look very fine."

Leaning down Moqlah pulled her to him, running his hands possesivly over her slim form, her soft, smooth skin unlike that of female klingons. Who were nearly always scarred in some way or anouther.

"I cant wait to ravish you my little Amara, you are very delectable."
"You look pretty good yourself." She stepped closer to him. She reveled in the touch of his calloused hand to her soft skin. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him and grinned softly. "I can't wait to see what you got to give me." Amara smiled and leaned forward kissing him deeply. Taking the initiative. He was her savior after all. She ran her fingers down his toned frame and arched her back and groaned panting. "Ohh Master Moqlah, tell me what you want me to wash first." She whispered into his ear.

She let her hands fall on his member. She began to stroke her hands up and down his member. Amara grinned wider and swallowed softly. He was hung like a horse and it made her juicy just thinking of all the possibilities.
Moqlah was begining to wonder if they would make it into the bath at all. The soft, cool human hands were igniting a fire in his gut even stronger than the blood wine had. When the tiny apendages wrapped around his half aroused cock, he let out a soft moan, locking eyes with this little minx. The firey side of her character was showing agian, he liked it.

"First we must enter the water if we are to bathe my little one. Then i will alow you the privilage of choosing where you would like to wash."

Scooping Amara up, the tall klingon swiftly entered the bath, the sudsy water sloshing over the rim onto the floor. The heated water only antagonized his predicament, his long thick member slowly rising to full hardness under his human pets hands.
She smiled and looked at him. She canted her head, blushing a bit. "Indeed." She smiled and giggled as he scooped her up. She giggled and felt him begin to harden. Amara began to stroke his hardness and chuckled. "So tell me Master, where shall I wash first?" She let his aroused member go. Amara grabbed the soap that was available, rubbing it between her hands, she lathered it up and began to rub it along his chest and arched her back crouching over his arousal and smiled.

"I will wash you until you cannot take it anymore." She smiled and then kissed his neck running the sudsy bar over his back and shoulders and arms. Her hips ground up and down against his lower stomach. She loved the feeling of the hot water around her hips and body. Shutting her eyes, she groaned softly into his ear.
Moqlah chuckled deep in his chest as his pet began to tease him, watching her body moving over him intently.

"Well. arnt you a little tease."

reaching up the klingon pushed her firmly onto his lap, letting his fully erect member rub the soft, shaved lips of her pussy. keeping his hands on her sholders Moqlah leaned forward, biting down at the juncture of her neck and sucked, leaving a livid possesion mark.

"A little something to warn off others."

He rumbled in her ear, gripping the soft, well formed ass of Amara in his hands, kneeding firmly.
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