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Oct 25, 2011
A hired gun.
Stephanie "Steve" Xiao had been running from the alliance sense the day she could hold a gun, she'd also become a highly sought after hired gun, she'd heard quite a bit of gossip about the little "firefly" class ship called Serenity and when the opportunity arouse to help it's captain some much need money, she was allowed aboard the ship. The mission would be rough, but dealing with an uppity, brawny, and strangely attractive Janye Cobb was showing to be an even bigger challenge and with her chance at becoming a full time crew-mate hanging in the balance Steve was hard pressed to play nice with the arrogant muscle for hire.


Persephone a lovely little world that Stephanie (Aka Steve) Xiao found herself on, she rolled her eyes as Badger continued to tell her that without a crew behind her that the job Mr. Universe had offered her would be impossible without one. “Alright, gorramit! I get the picture, I need a crew.” She snapped she was sick of little men like Badger giving her the run around. “I’ve already heard that from your competitors, that’s why I’m here Badger I was hoping you could suggest a crew that might have the skills I need for this job. “ She said trying hard to get her voice to sound a bit sweeter.

Badger smiled at her, his weasely little face causing her fists to clinch. “Love it just so happens you’re in luck, I’ve got a friend comin’ in with a ship. You come back around in about 3 hour’s time and I’ll introduce you to him.” He smirks watching Steve stand up admiring her curves a little too much.

“Xièxiè Badger I really appreciate it.” She said with a coy smile, running her hand across Badger shoulder. She found if she stroke the little man’s ego he was more than willing to help her, Steve made her way out of Badger’s place and on to the bustling streets of Persephone; it would give her a chance to get some much need shopping done, when you’re looks help your job you have to take great care in choosing your weapons; but she knew this might be her last chance at this job so she would be sure to be on time to the appointment with Badger’s friend.
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