Lovable pokemon~ (ShoXFancy_Brat)


Jul 1, 2010
Zack took his time walking down the steps in the path before him. He was almost out of the forest as less trees were appearing and more opened fields were present. Of course, he did look for any wild pokemon that were out in the open or even to spot on a tree. He looked around and around before sighing.

"Nothing new or different today..." he said frowning as he stopped. What should he do? Continue on the straight path or try something different that he hasn't done in a while? He couldn't decide or even think straight anymore; he was pretty hungry. Thus, he spent a few minutes eating some sandwiches he made this morning. Sweet and very filling, he drank some lemonade to wash it all down as he decided to take a short cut through the woods. Everything was really 'downhill' thanks to the direction he was taking. Eventually, he did succeed in spotting more pokemon but nothing unique and different from what he spotted beforehand. Zack was almost done with his drink as he moved through a few bushes and was surprised at the two pokemon that he spotted a few feet away.
It would be the sight indeed, as the two pokemon he would find there were in fact wild, but completely unaware of the fact that a trainer would be nearby. An Umbreon and Espeon had been curled up next to each other for a nap, both a bit exhausted from some traveling together. The two were actually sisters from the same litter, and after growing up to take care of themselves, they had eventually managed to evolve due to their strong bond with each other. Because of their rarity in the wild, they had been the target of many trainers, but they had always been able to somehow come out on top in battles or escape when the situation wasn't quite as favorable. After racking up another victory together, they had gone looking for some shelter, picking out this spot that was further from the path since they figured not too many trainers would think to wander this far out into he shrubbery. It was tough constantly being sought after, so having a short nap for now would do them well. It just so happened that there luck may have ran out this time as they had been discovered by the passing trainer.
Zack slowly crept closer to the two once in a generation catch duo. Zack could see their small tummies breathing up and down as well as their gentle snoring. It was cute but these things were obvious wild. After all, where was the trainer? He did wait for a few minutes in case they were called but nothing happened. Thus, Zack moved his hand on to his belt looking for the right pokemon to choose but then he realized something: WHY would he start a battle when they're asleep? Given the situation, their status was asleep and they wouldn't know that a pokeball hit them would they? The element of surprise was on his side and he wasn't going to get excited and mess it up.

Zack was just 3 feet away from them. Reaching into his bag, he got two pokeballs between his fingers and held each in one hand after enlarging them. He slowly moved the balls over their body and 'dropped' the pokeballs. After they took in effect with the red capture effect, he waited as the pokeballs closed and shook for a few seconds before...

"SWEET!" he yelled as he happily as he picked them up. "What luck!" he said happily as he was pretty luckly today. Curious of their reactions, he threw the pokeballs in the air and they were released outside their pokeballs on to the ground once more.
Even as Zack had gently dropped the pokeballs over the two sleeping pokemon, they had not stirred in the slightest. It just went to show how exhausted they really were. Even so, there would still be a chance that they might wake up and realize what was going on while they were in the pokeball, but they would have to make it quick to avoid that. The pokeballs wiggled wildly nonetheless, but they had both settled down and stopped simultaneously to signal that Zack had actually been successful in capturing them both. After being able to avoid capture for so long, how ironic was it that they would be caught by a random passerby that didn't need to put any effort. They were sure to be in for a rude awakening, and it seemed Zack was looking for that sort of reaction as well.

When they were released and their familiar forms appeared from the red lighting, they had actually begun to stir a little, having been stimulated a little by the pokeball. It was the Umbreon that had woken up first with Espeon gently leaning on her sister for support. Upon seeing the trainer before them, Umbreon had taken to a battle stance, baring its teeth in preparation for battle. However, it wasn't long before she noticed the two pokeballs nearby. "Umbre...Umbreon! [Human! Are you to challenge us?!]" It seemed she was unaware of the situation despite the big hint left before them.
Zack only chuckled. "Haha...you guys are soooo cute!" he said as he easily lifted Umbreon as if it was nothing. He kissed her tiny cold wet nose and gave a nose nuzzle. "I sure got LUCKY finding you asleep and capturing you two..." he said as he hugged the dark type. Afterwards when he saw Espeon giving the same reaction, he placed her sister down and gently gave a pet onto her. "You two don't even realized that I caught you right?" he gave a small smile. To show that he was telling the truth, he pulled held out their pokeballs and made Umbreon 'return' right in front of her sister's eyes. When he brought Umbreon out, he did the same thing with Espeon to confirm that he caught BOTH of them. Their reactions were priceless and he loved.

"Well then...what nickname should I give you two." he stared at them thinking about until, "You know what, I am sure that 'Umbreon' and 'Espeon' is fine the way it is..." he stood up.
Since both of them were getting ready to battle, they hadn't anticipated what he would do next. Umbreon was easily picked up, and while she did try and wiggle out of his grasp, he had gotten a good hold on her. Having this human kiss her nose and nuzzle against her was humiliating to say the least. She had only ever done so with her sister, and she could she that Espeon was getting a bit jealous and annoyed at the way Zack was handling her sister. When Umbreon was set down though, it was Espeon's turn to get some attention, though she lucked out with just a pat on her head. "Espe...on...[Don't touch...]" Was he really saying that he caught them, and while they were sleeping? When he had held out their pokeballs, they had both gotten back to a battle stance, but Umbreon had indeed been taken back into the pokeball before her sister's eyes. Espeon looked hesitant on what to do, nearly chasing after her sister, but she was brought back out shortly after. While Umbreon was shaking off the feeling of being released, she had gotten to witness her sister being taken in her pokeball, before being released again. They sure weren't happy about it, but they had indeed been captured.

"Umbreon! Umbre! [How dare you! Coward!" Of course, he wouldn't even understand what she said, though it should have been obvious that they were not at all pleased with this. At the least, he hadn't given them some terrible nickname...
Zack wasn't a idiot; he could tell that they were upset with him over something. "Hmm?" he looked down at the two pokemon and their reactions were obvious. "Hey, don't blame me just because you two were sleeping!" he frowned at his two new pokemon. "I didn't want to attack you into battle if you two were sleeping..." he confessed honestly. "Be honest, surely you two wouldn't like to woken up because of a pokemon attack right? I was likely to easily weaken you and catch you two." He stated in defense with his new upset pokemon.

"Besides, you two napping in the middle of the day, tells me that you were weak enough as it is..." he said as he crouched down in front of them. "You hungry?" he asked as he placed down his bag and moved through his things. After a few seconds.

"Here we go..." he put a plate big enough for the both of them and poured over a opened container filled with pokemon food. After 2 seconds, he closed the container and pulled out a pokedex. "Now what genders are you two..." he thought aloud looking at them. "Female?" he asked a bit surprised looking at the two. "It can't be luck that you two were sleeping together...I think that you two are from the same litter no? Sisters!" he realized as Eevee families were naturally close even after evolving.
The human did have a point. It had been because they were careless that they had been caught like this. If they hadn't been so exhausted, they might have been able to find another spot that was much safer for them. At least he seemed to be somewhat considerate in not attacking them right then and there, but they certainly would have preferred to fight and get captured. Their stances had settled down a little, though it would still take a while for them to accept it. If he would be their new trainer, they could only hope he was capable.

When he had asked about them being hungry, their stomachs had growled almost immediately after. They hadn't gotten the chance to look for something earlier, so food sounded really good right now.

The two stepped back a little as he pulled the plate out for them, setting it down and pouring out a bit of pokemon food for them. They saw no reason to deny the offer, as anything would be good now. While he had gotten to checking his pokedex, they started to chow down. He was quite perceptive to have figured out they were sisters, which would explain their strong bond and how they evolved. It didn't take them very long to finish off the pokemon food, even cleaning off the plate so it looked good as new.
After allowing them to eat and he placed the supplies away, he faced them. "Now then, let's go going huh?" he asked smiling.

The first 10 minutes was hard because they avoided the red beam that his pokeballs shot at. Of course, he did eventually allow them to move around freely after the next day where he let them out to sleep together (the balls wouldn't stop shaking at night). Thus it was a 'rule' that they would be allowed to walk with him on foot. Meeting with his other pokemon, they easily took a liking to the pair but didn't realized that both sisters weren't enjoying their new time being owned by a trainer. Hence it was awkward how they treated his pokemon friendly but remained hostle. And what could they do about it? They were 'bound' to him because of his stupid pokeballs and he wouldn't release them of course...

"FINE then!" he shouted to the pair as he stopped at a nearby waterfall. They whined about taking a break after traveling for only 5 hours. Yes he was use to it but this was why pokemon stayed in the pokeballs. "Seriously, if you don't want walk anymore, then just get in the ball!" he said getting angry with them but they seemed to enjoy annoying him as he tried to 'return' them only to miss. This usually took 5-10 minutes before he actually got them inside their pokeballs.
Jake sure seemed confident that he'd be able to keep these two under control, but with their bellies full of food again, they had their energy and strength back. They wouldn't do anything drastic like attack him or run away, but they would at least try to make sure that he might regret catching them in such a manner.

The first bit of business: staying out of their pokeball. Having been caught while sleeping, the two pokemon had no intention of being cooped up in those little capsules. They had been alert at all times, making sure that any attempt Jake made to return them to their pokeballs ended up in failure. They had no problem following him around outside, though at times it looked like they would wander off if he hadn't gotten their attention. When it came to meeting his other pokemon, they could at least relax a little and communicate effectively with them, but they had done a good job hiding their chagrin for their trainer.

Before coming up to the river, they had indeed been giving him a hard time still, slowing their pace behind him and giving a few vocal groans about the walking. They were fine for the most part, but they had kept going to finally get the reaction they were waiting for. They wouldn't mind taking a break after that little outburst, but they still had some energy to waste. When he finally did catch them, they settled down for now, hoping that their trainer would reconsider his actions before.
After struggling, he gave up having to release them out of their pokeballs in order to gain their trust. "You two...are EVIL..." he glared at them as they continued to mock them. "Eh whatever, I need to bathe..." he said as he took off his bag and removed his shoes. The waterfall felt decent in temperature not hot or cold. Hence, Zack made a effort to get out of his traveling clothes. He soon got down to his boxers and saw his two troublesome pokemon watching him. Yes they were female but...

"What are you looking at? You won't stay in your pokeballs and it's been a day since I've washed up..." he frowned at them having a reasonable excuse. "Besides, I think that you two rather have a way with one of my male pokemon..." Zack added frowning more as he faced away and moved his boxers off. He slipped into the water and sighed enjoying the neutral temperature that surrounded him. "Ok, first I rise out my body..." he thought aloud as he gently moved across the water. The levels were different each time as when he reached the waterfall, the water level was higher; the water was only up to his knees since a flat underwater stone was a bit sallower than the other part of water that were much deeper. "Oh YEAH!" he said yelling as the loud water was really something. Not noticing his two pokemon swiming near him.
It didn't take long for them to be released again, as they had begun to wiggle around in their pokeballs. They looked awfully pleased with themselves, seeing how annoyed he had gotten. They had found it ironic that he was calling them evil when he had taken advantage of them and captured them. They seemed to be quite intrigued in the waterfall, and more than likely they'd clean themselves or have a drink. They did watch curiously as Zack undressed in front of them, getting to his boxers before he glanced over at them.

They glanced back at him with an expression that read 'whose fault is that'. They were surprised that he would bring up such a thing when it came to mating with the male pokemon on his team. Sure, they got along, but neither of them had any plans of giving themselves to them. Was he thinking about having sex with them? What an odd thing for a human to think about, but it had given them an idea. While he was turned away from them and bathing, the two of them had slipped into the water, slowly swimming up behind him. They had come up on both sides of him, Espeon at his front with Umbreon behind. They each nuzzled up against his body, giving a light growl to mess with him. Of course, Umbreon had been nuzzling against his ass cheeks with Espeon being bolder and pressing her head against his cock and balls.
Zack, their master, didn't expect that. As he sang in the water with the loud waterfall making it hard to hear, what he felt almost made him jump. "What the-" he started as he looked down. He saw his two troublesome pokemon brushing against parts that he didn't expect them to brush at. He did joke and tease them a few minutes ago bout them mating but he didn't expect this. Yelling loudly, he controlled his erection as he felt their soft body rubbing against those nice spots. "Hey, stop that!"
Of course, it wasn't like they were going to simply listen to him. Even when he had told them to stop, they only doubled their efforts to mess around with him. They kept on rubbing against those spots on his body, planning to make him reconsider just how he thought about them. It wasn't like they intended to let him do anything with them anyway, but right now it was so fun just seeing him react like this. Espeon's forked tail would also get in on the act as times, gently stroking off his cock from the base to the tip as she nuzzled up against his balls.
"NNnnn!" he made that obvious sound as he saw Espeon playing with his area. "Hey I get it if you're in heat but I am not like that!" he gently picked her up. Looking to his left, he saw a large dried flat rock and placed her gently. But of course, her sister was still against his anus rubbing through his crotch. He made the sound again before grabbing her as well and putting her next to her sister. "ENOUGH." he said as he splashed some water at them. "Do I have to SPRAY you two? I don't do that to my pokemon but you two are something special..." he said frowning at them. "Look, I get it: you're in heat but I am a human and you're pokemon- would you STOP!" This time, since he was standing in front of them, his penis was there to be licked/nuzzled at, which gave him a hard and 'slapped' them gently.
Hearing those sounds he let out had only made them want to mess with him more, and even if he didn't like that they were doing this, he had to have found it pleasant. Their fun was cut short though as they were picked up and set aside on the rock nearby. They could tell he was agitated, but it must have been hard to keep his erection down with what they had been doing. He had one thing wrong though. They weren't in heat. They wanted to simply tease him and make the idea of him possibly having sex with them become more appealing. With him standing there in front of them, they didn't hesitate to move forward and team up on his cock. Esepon got right back to nuzzling up against it, occasionally running her tongue all over. Umbreon came to push her head against his balls, giving those a few licks as well.
He couldn't help but blushed. "H-hey!" he started.

Zack held back a few moans but it felt pretty nice to get some attention on his penis. While he did move a foot back, they were still able to reach his penis. Thus, Zack moved to the side away but they followed and continued to play around. "Stop that!" he said as he finally decided to move just far way from them. Now that they were on the rock and he was away from them, he looked to see that his penis was leaking pre-cum with a fully nicely aroused penis. It's size was expected thanks to their teasing as he grasped it with one hand and looked at them. "Great, you see what you did???" he glared annoyed while blushing. "NOW I got to do something about this..." he faced away from them as he thought maybe stroking it and doing his 'business' right here and now would fix everything.
Try as Zack may to step away from the two, they were pretty quick to keep following up and teasing that cock of his. It came to the point that he had to move further away and turn around, giving them no access, but they had already done a good job in making him erect so that he'd have to deal with it and stroke himself off. Even while he snapped at them and tried to put them on a guilt trip, they got nothing but joy from his reaction. They would let him be for now, but they had one more surprise to give him. With his back turned to them, they had slowly moved back into the water, but their bodies started to go through a steady change as they grew and took on a more humanoid form...

By the time their bodies had changed, they were both standing on two legs like a human, though they very much still looked like an Umbreon and Espeon. And because they were female, their pussies and shapely breasts had formed as well. They knew he'd be in for quite a surprise. They slowly moved through the water to come up unexpectedly, and each of them would grab at his rear and push their breasts against his back. Umbreon had moved her hand to run over his chest while Espeon got right to teasing his erect cock with him, even moving her hand along with his.
Zack had his eyes closed as he was slowly breathing heavy. However, he did take notice of something...or somethings touching him. Especially when one grabs your ass and touches your hand along with your penis, your reaction is natural. "What-AH!@?" he yelped as he feel forward and landed in the deep water. "GASP!" he gasped as he came back up coughing and moved back to the higher level where he got on his knees and stood up. "Did you two jump me-" he froze as he saw two naked women with him. At first, he didn't comprehend what was before him. He thought of a furry cosplay done with great makeup. But as he looked between passed them and not seeing the two trouble makers, he could tell. "YOU TWO!?!?!?!?!" he forgot that he still had a erection as he was more dumbfounded than embarrassed by what was in front.
As expected, his reaction to everything was amazing. It seemed at first that he might just let these two do as they pleased, but when he got away, it showed his determination. They watched as he fell forward, and when he turned to see just who it was, they enjoyed his expression even more. They both grinned to him as if to confirm this, and with that, they descended upon him. they didn't give him a chance to get up as they kept him held down with one hand as they got right back to stroking off his cock and occasionally running their tongues all over it. They would make him cum for sure like this, and it would please them so much knowing they had done it against his will. Or perhaps he was secretly hoping they would keep going?
Zack's reaction was normal as the water level was that sallow. He arched back trying to control himself as he felt the tongue work from both sister. "NNhnnn-!"

Zack groaned as he tried to fight back the pleasure. It was really because he wanted more time to comprehend what was going on. He didn't understand to WHY they were like this, but he still had the belief that they were in heat and thus, wanted his penis. Regardless, Zack tried his best to control himself from falling into the pleasure that they gave him as they did one hell of a job.
Since the two girls were positioned at his sides, his hands would be fairly close to where their pussies were. Of course, they were far too busy trying to make him cum right now. Hearing him groan from the treatment let them know that he was enjoying this, even though he tried to make an effort to hold back on cumming. They couldn't have that though. They were going to make sure he remembered that his two pokemon had made him cum like this.
Zack moaned more and more loving how they were pleasuring him. Of course, he looked up after managing to control himself enough to get use to the pleasure and see what they were doing. They were looking at him clearly delighted at his reaction and he blushed while glaring at them, feeling 'weak' and vulnerable like this. Thus, he tried to stand up straight but had no luck. Then, he realized that his hands were close to their respective pussies...
Hearing him moan out like that, the two sisters knew they had more or less won him over. They were surprisingly skilled in pleasing him like this, even while they were pokemon. Since he wasn't putting up as much resistance, they both faced away from him as they suck and ran their tongue all over his throbbing meat. Of course, that only had them presenting their pussies to him much easier...
((Can you focus more on blowing me than me pleasuring you? SELFISH! ROFL))

Zack then realized that he needed to fight back...or pleasure back in this case; he did a 'force' that caused them to stumble towards his legs where they were on their respective sides. "Let's see how you like it!" Zack really did a number on both sisters as he moved his hands into a pokemon pussy without mercy. Now he wasn't a virgin and he KNEW how to pleasure a female. Of course, they may have been pokemon but he knew that he could pleasure them just as well as he moved a few fingers into them and thrust unfairly into them without warning.
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