StarCraft: Ragnarok (Jaqueline X Dr. Nibbles)


Dec 23, 2010


[u]---Basic Information[/u]
[b]Full Name and Rank:[/b]
[b]Moniker:[/b] (Nickname)
[Male/Female] (Bold appropriate letter)
[b]Hair Pigmentation:[/b]
[b]Iris Pigmentation:[/b]
[b]Weight And Mass:[/b] (lbs and grams)
[b]Height:[/b] (feet and inches)
[b]Basic Physical Description:[/b] (stocky, bald, thick neck, ect)
[b]Other Notable Deformities Or Unique Deviations:[/b] (scars, piercings, ect)
[b]Visual Depiction:[/b] (Pictures of the character, pictures of armor or other things of interest)
[u]>>>[/u][+[u]Psychiatric[/u] [u]Background[/u] And [u]Analysis[/u]+]
[b]Criminal Record:[/b]
[b]Childhood Conditions And Enlistment History:[/b]
[b]Significant Phobias:[/b]
[b]Color Of Preference:[/b]
[b]Demeanor:[/b] (Attitude, personality)
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]


[i]denotation;[/i] (Name)
[i]dominion;[/i] (What Zerg do you control? Zerglings, Hydralisks, Roaches, ect)
[i]experiences;[/i] (How they were infested and what they have done in the swarm so far. Any important details on their past life)
[i]psionic abilities;[/i] (Powers unlocked by Kerrigan's removal of the Ghost Inhibitor chips, each Ghost being unique)
[i]physicality;[/i] (Physical description, pictures for reference if needed)
[i]mentality;[/i] (Attitude and personality)


[u]}APPELLATION <>[/u] (name)
[u]}GENDER <>[/u] (Male or Female)
[u]}ALIGNMENT <>[/u] (Khala or Dark Templar)
[u]}CASTE <>[/u] (Dark Templar Not Applicable)
[u]}DESIGNATION <>[/u] (Rank)
[u]}LIFETIME <>[/u] (Give answer in Centuries and Decades)
[u]}EQUIPMENT <>[/u] (Weapons, personal transportation)
[u]}ABILITIES <>[/u] (Psionic Abilities)
[u]}PAST <>[/u] (Background information)
[u]} PHILOSOPHY <>[/u] (Outlook on life and personality as a result)
[u]}APPEARANCE <>[/u] (Description and/or pictures as necessary)

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^Midgard Team^

---Basic Information
Full Name and Rank: Captain Katherine Kida Johnson
Moniker: Weaver
Age: 19
Birthplace: Korhal
Ethnicity: Bangladeshi descent
Hair Pigmentation: Brown
Iris Pigmentation: Red Brown
Weight And Mass: 119lbs, 53977.5g
Height: 5'4"
Basic Physical Description: Short and lithe with rounded features.
Other Notable Deformities Or Unique Deviations: Birthmark on inside of right thigh.
Visual Depiction: Weaver
>>>[+Psychiatric Background And Analysis+]
Criminal Record: -//-[REDACTED]___//
Childhood Conditions And Enlistment History: Placed in the Ghost program at two years old and then placed under new management at age fifteen with the liberation of her Ghost Academy by The Sons of Korhal. She saw them as saviors from her cruel Confederate keepers and despite being put to equally if not more brutal training she holds The Dominion and it's Emperor in highest regard and pledges her undying loyalty.
Significant Phobias: Drowning, consequences of failure
Color Of Preference: White
Demeanor: Serious and determined, but naive and curious.
Sexual Orientation: Undecided

---Basic Information
Full Name and Rank: Savannah Lee Carter, 1st Lieutenant
Moniker: Anna
Age: 25
Birthplace: Tarsonis
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Pigmentation: Blonde
Iris Pigmentation: Lime Green
Weight And Mass: 154 lb, 69853g
Height: 5'9"
Basic Physical Description: Slim build, soft cheeks and sharp, small nose.
Other Notable Deformities Or Unique Deviations: Pierced ears used to help hold headset in place underneath hair.
Visual Depiction: Savannah - Medic Power Armor - Medic Light Armor
>>>[+Psychiatric Background And Analysis+]
Criminal Record: Vandalism, Grand Theft Auto, Rape, Arson
Childhood Conditions And Enlistment History: Born in the Tarsonis Slums and grew up in the Confederate Ghetto, Savannah's parents were addicts who gave little to no care to their daughter. Their home burned down under mysterious circumstances and she was convicted of burning it at age sixteen. Kept in Intensive Confederate Medical Care until she was broken free by the Sons of Korhal. She briefly teamed up with the then 'terrorist' organization until a falling out occured. Soon after Emperor Mengsk formed The Terran Dominion she was apprehended and convicted of her crimes. She then jumped at the chance to join Midgard, itching for action.
Significant Phobias: Worms, Fire
Color Of Preference: Red
Demeanor: Laid back with an aversion for responsibility and contempt for authority. Cheerful and Deviant.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

\/agents of the swarm\/

denotation; Kraya
sex; Female
dominion; Defilers, Overseers
experiences; One of the most powerful raw psionics from the original Confederate Ghost Program, Kraya was in the original group absorbed into the swarm by Kerrigan by luring many psionics to Zerg Planets via implanted dreams.
psionic abilities; Able to manipulate own body down to a micro level with extreme precision with less than standard concentration.
physicality; Mistress of Bones
mentality; Cunning and subversive, she takes great pleasure in fooling her enemies and finds not knowing something very upsetting.


}GENDER <> Female
}CASTE <> Templar
}DESIGNATION <> Executor of the Twilight Fleet
}LIFETIME <> Four Centuries
}EQUIPMENT <> A singular psi blade on her left arm, commands from an Arbiter
}ABILITIES <> Powerful connection to the Khala and capable of minor telekinesis.
}PAST <> A career in the Judicator class cut short by the Invasion of Auir by the Zerg forced Unadar into a new line of work. She took up arms as a zealot and her valor was rewarded with the chance to command a conciseness mission regarding very suspect Zerg Activity.
} PHILOSOPHY <> Strong belief in The Protoss' ability to succeed against their foes creates a resonating optimism for the future, but the fall of Auir had created a sorrow for the past.
^Midgard Team^​

---Basic Information
Full Name and Rank: Lance Coporal Rodger Jackson
Moniker: Red Rodger
Age: 24
Birthplace: Redstone
Ethnicity: Black
Hair Pigmentation: Black
Iris Pigmentation: Gold
Weight And Mass: 235lb
Height: 6'9"
Basic Physical Description: Tall, muscular, bald, jagged harsh features.
Other Notable Deformities Or Unique Deviations: severe burn marks
Visual Depiction: Appearance Reaper Armor
>>>[+Psychiatric Background And Analysis+]
Criminal Record: 1st Degree Mass Murder
Childhood Conditions And Enlistment History: Robert was a born native to the magma world of Redstone III. The planet's constant melting crust made it nigh impossible for him to have a stable home. His colonial structure constantly lifting and moving made him isolated and delinquent, even violent. His parents, both miners, were left in an emergency lift off and were labeled collateral damage. Greatly angered by his sudden orphanage along with the innocent murders of several others, Rodger began a plot that lead to him using his surprisingly vast knowledge of jet flight to disable the jets of the colony's jets at a mere age of 14, leading to the inevitable destruction of the colony when the crust shifted again. This processed lead to the death of hundreds and nearly killed Rodger, leaving half his body horribly scarred. After a brief investigation, Rodger confessed to his crime and was placed under arrest. Around 10 years after his incarceration, Rodger was approached to join the Midgard or be executed. The choice was obvious.
Significant Phobias: Flame
Color Of Preference: Blue
Demeanor: Sombre, quiet, pious and vengeful.
Sexual Orientation: Straight.

---Basic Information
Full Name and Rank: Christopher Liam Folk 2nd Lieutenant Maruader Fighter
Moniker: Chirp
Age: 29
Birthplace: Brontes IV
Ethnicity: Caucasion
Hair Pigmentation: Auburn
Iris Pigmentation: Green/brown
Weight And Mass: 145lb
Height: 6'1"
Basic Physical Description: Scruffy, slender, wiry.
Other Notable Deformities Or Unique Deviations: Missing arm, sleeve tattoo
Visual Depiction: Chirp
>>>[+Psychiatric Background And Analysis+]
Criminal Record: None Worth Listing
Childhood Conditions And Enlistment History: Chris grew up with a large family of farmers on the death world of Brontes IV. The youngest of 5 children made him a rebellious yet eager youth. Upon his occasional walk outside the safe zone of his town a Phyr Cat, a psionic cat local to the Brontes attack him, mauling his body and severing his arm. Since having his arm replaced, Chris has a severe hatred of most animals, a hate only fueled when his family and friends were forced to flee the planet due to a Zurg invasion. Chris' hatred for the zurg and disposition toward containment lead him to signing up as a Marauder pilot. His skill was almost natural and quickly lead him to enlistment to the Midgaurd..
Significant Phobias: Large Cats.
Color Of Preference: Green
Demeanor: Energetic, lively, humorous.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


denotation; Drauger
sex; Male
dominion; Hydralisks
experiences; Member of the "Phatom Corp" a regiment of Ghosts experimenting with their chips making them powerful telepaths capable of confusing and disrupting the Zerg.
psionic abilities; Upon absorbtion by Kerigan, Drauger was made into a psychic almost as powerful as Overmind. He quickly began summoning massive swarms that enveloped whole planets in mere weeks. His ability to control the zerg en mass has only been further honed.
physicality; Naga
mentality; Drauger is arrogant and selfish, constantly gathering trinkets of Terran and Protoss origin to better his looks. This egotistical creature is all about sensory overload, indulging in all the things denied him as a Ghost.

Anna hefted her weight in her left hand, sitting in the combination Women's Lockers and exercise area in her sports bra and skin shorts. Good ol' Exercise Areas. Easy to install and maintain, provide endless hours of keeping busy to the degenerates and undesirables at minimal cost. Typical. She switched hands and began the next rep when Weaver stepped from the shower, toweling off her hair. Anna smirked and Weaver gave her a look, "Do you mind?" She asked.
"Not at all." Anna replied, no taking her eyes off of the Captain. Weaver gave a huff and marched around her. She grabbed her Ghost uniform from the locker and stormed into a changing stall. Anna relaxed after finishing her rep and listened to the sound of the form fitting material snapping to the shape of Weaver's body as she changed. Her fun was ended soon enough as the Ghost left and the Medic sighed, supposing it was about time she got ready for the day. She put away the weights and crawled into her on deck uniform. She rolled her shoulders and her neck side to side, taking pleasure in the sound of it crackling and snapping as she did so. After a couple haphazard moments of slapping her hair somewhat into place she went down to the mess hall. The door slid open upon her approach and the ever familiar chill of the empty, unheated walkway of the ship washed over her. This thing is certainly cold enough to be Hades, she murmured mentally. Into the mess hall she sauntered and got a plate of that horrible nutrition paste from the machine and sat down to stomach another plate of black, unpleasant texture. Team Midgard got their own table. Some sort of promotion for team synergy or stupid crap like that. She didn't much care, but did enjoy the idea of a seat that is just for her. Something about that appealed to her immensely and made her smile.
Red Rodger sat by his lonesome at the Midgard table, lazily pushing his grul around his plate. He never seemed to have much appetite these days. His golden eyes darted up when he saw his squadmate Anna approaching. He gave her a slight nod and continued to look at his food, contemplating eating it. His mind was too full of racing thoughts of death and destruction to even give him time to enjoy a meal from time to time. All he could think of at this point in time was what he had been thinking of for the past 10 years, fire, and how much it burns to be coated in head-to-toe in it. Granted his body has a natrual resistance to pain on his burned side but the point stays, and the scars run deeper than flesh.
"How you holding up big guy?" Anna asked, nudging him with her elbow, "I hear we're about to go planetside soon enough. What do you think it will be? Feral jungle, maybe all ocean? Perhaps somewhere warm?" She teased then paused and tapped her headphone for a second, listening intently, then returned to reality, "We might be up against Zerg! Sound exciting?" She asked.
"Yea... exciting." murmured the giant of a man.
"You've been here a while." he began "How long does it tradditionally take for a soldier like yourself to finally work off their time served."

He paused for a moment, thinking heavily, pushing his food aside.

"And what about deathrow inmates. They ever get out? Or do they end up just serving their sentence anyway?" He spoke with a harsh, grim tone. Something had been on his mind lately. Something devious.
"Get out? Average lifespan of a marine is nine seconds." She chuckled, "And that's AFTER us medics were put into field use. Anyway, most people don't 'get out'. Don't live long enough. But who cares? Free food and a piece of action!" She took another small bite of her food, "I'm sure it's somewhere in the paperwork, but I don't know. I think your sentence is the same, you just get something to do in the meantime."
Red rubbed his knuckles together, a slight grin appearing on his face. His bipolar nature capable of throwing even the most grizzled veterans off guard. "Good." he said with a even further grim tone beginning to eat some of his man-mulch "What exactly did a tart like you do to get into this joint, huh?"
"Oh, ya know...stuff." Anna teased, shrugging innocently with her fork in her mouth.
Before Red could reply the metallic claw of the man called Chirp interjected, scraping across the table with a ear-splitting noises.

"whats up bitches?" he said taking his hand off the table "No offense to the bitch." giving anna a "Respectful" nod.
Chirp plopped down, his metal hand clanking with the table as he adjusted. "So we're going in for a bugfight next week, sounds like a good day to die." he joked.
"Not on my watch, tough guy!" Anna wagged her finger at Chirp.

"Alright you three, saddle up, things are going ahead of schedule." Weaver said, putting her hands on the table and looking them in the eyes, "We are going to Aiur, the old homeworld of The Protoss to test some new equipment on the Zerg there. There has not been any significant Zerg activity on the planet since The Overmind was destroyed there, so we won't attract any unwanted attention. Be ready to go in six hours."
Red cracked his knuckles in excitement finally allowed to kill again. Chirp gave a his superior a respectful nod, yet observed the more fine parts of her ghost armor clad body.

"Sure thing cap," he said with a smirk, "We will bring the heat hotter than we ever have."
"Good." She got up and left them at their table. She had some paper work to do and wanted to visit the firing range before they left.

Anna chuckled after she left and punched Chirp's arm, "You should see the view I get in the locker room!"
Chirp laughed as well, giving Anna a playful smack on the arm with his mechanical hand. "I'd trade positions with you any day" he joked taking a bite of his blackened gruel.

Red was suddenly finished with his meal, that was a full plate not two minutes ago. He stood and walked away without saying anything to his more jovial mates. His demeanor was dark and heavy, as usual. It was how he prepared for a fight.
"See ya later sourpuss!" Anna waved.
Soon the team was assembled on a dropship and headed down toward the planet, "We are to test new weapons and cage some Zerg. No going off and killing some on your own, understood?"
Anna nodded, suited up in her medic gear.
"Just point at what you want dead" replied Red somewhat irritated, the jets of his jump suit tucked under the wings temporarily.

"Just save some for the rest of us big guy." replied Chirp through his com-link, his massive marauder power armor whiring to life more and more the closer the dropship got to the surface of Auir.
Weaver was in her full ghost gear, ready to roll. She dropped down first to check if the coast was clear. Once established an SCV dropped and began establishing a Barracks for them while she scouted the area and cleared Red to land. The land around obviously used to lush jungle land with beautiful Protoss architecture. Now it was corrupt and covered in creep and infestation, roaming Zerglings in the valley below. They were situated on a hill. Once the barracks was set up the SCV constructed a sensory tower and then was loaded back into the shuttle, Anna and Chirp now cleared to land.

Weaver uncloaked outside the barracks, "All clear, and with this," She motioned to the sensor tower, "We have a good deal of warning before any Zerg come our way."
Chirp's massive suit lumbered out of the shuttle and headed toward the barracks. The whirring and steaming of his suit filled the air with the smell of burning fuel. He raised his fists and prepared for a fight incoming fast.

"Any idea what kind of swarm composition we're dealing with Cap?" asked Red still within the shuttle that now lifted off to allow him his airborne drop.
"It's nothing to worry about. Just random stragglers, nothing big." Weaver told them, "Everyone move out, we're going to test our weapon augmentations on the Zerg." She ordered, taking point and going down into the valley.
The Marauder trampled through the jungle terrain that its driver was so used to. Chirp had grown up on a jungle world during his child hood, the same reason that lead him to be a soldier in the first place. The Suit pushed trees away like curtains and proceeded through thick of the valley.

Above hte dropship flew high with a Reaper in the back ready to strike. "Come on you bastards." spoke Red "Show yourselves"
A pocket of Zerglings were milling about beside a spawning pool, unaware of the incoming Terrans.
Weaver set up a line of fire, "Get set to move in on my mark." She ordered, steadied herself a moment, "Alright, go!"
Anna kept up behind Chirp, confident Red could strafe the Lings.
"Its go time bitches!" Shouted Chirp unloading his defensive guns into the horde of zerglings, splattering the area in the greenish ichor of the spawn-lings. Before they could fully react the dropship launched ahead, a black dart flying behind it before finally diving down like a bird of prey. Bolts of hot lead fired from the barrels of Red's pistols shredding the remaining spawn-lings with ease. Though many more zerglings began appearing along the perimeter of the pool.
The Zerglings began to swarm Chirp, since he was the first to attack. Weaver sniped from a distance and kept an eye out for any larger enemies.
Anna yawned and got her heal ready for any Zerglings that managed to deal Chirp damage.
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