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Showing Feelings (Alexander May & Malomyotismon)

He kissed her gently carrying her downstairs. "Let's solve that then..."

Four months had passed since then and they were living in their new house then. Him, Sophie, and Lucy still shared one room. They could have each had their own room but they preferred to share one. Brandon and Tracy each had their own rooms, on each side of their room.
Sophie, Lucy, Tracy and Brandon, all of them were charmed by the new house. Sure, it broke the hearts of the girls and their parents to leave, but it was for better, the house had gotten smaller.

Sophie woke up in the morning and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast, Tracy was with her and she sat in a chair, looking at her mommy.
He smiled laughing as he leaned down and picked Tracy up to, now holding them both. "My two babies. My baby boy and my baby girl." It was close enough to the truth anyway. He moved over and kissed Sophie gently. "Hey."
Tracy giggled as her father took her up into his arms. With one of his arms she hugged him, and with the other her brother. Sophie looked at them and kissed his lips. "Hey," she said, serving the breakfast in plates and putting them in the table.

(You shall control Brandon...I feel better controlling girls...)
Brandon yawned sleepily as Jace set him down in his chair.

He smiled as he kissed Tracy, putting her down in her chair as he took his spot. "Looks delicious."
"I don't know..." Sophie said, holding Tracy in her arms.
"Me neither..." Lucy said afterwards, walking upstairs to put the sleeping boy on his bed.
Sophie looked at him and sighed. "Let's do what you want."
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