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Showing Feelings (Alexander May & Malomyotismon)

"I want your baby so bad...and now that all three of us are in good terms...i'm gonna' have it...I'm so, so sad about Lucy. She doesn't deserve this...she doesn't. She has always been so good and sweet. She deserves your child. I don't know hy didn't you let her abort that rape of a baby and let her have yours. To me, it's extremely logical." she explained.
"Because I will have no more babies killed. If it had been'd have been the same. I wouldn't have let you either." He looked at her as he said that. "No more children will get murdered as long as I know of it. Now I have to go back to Lucy before she wakes up and does something she'll regret." He kissed her as he said that.
"Ok...Awwww, please...don't leave me! You always leave me! Can't we cuddle to sleep? You have always left me and you have never cuddled with me to sleep. I beg you..." she said, actually begging him as she sat on the bed, disconnecting from him.
Sophie sighed and put her underwear back on. "No...go to Lucy, she needs you more..." She turned the pc off and sighed before laying on the bed, covering herself with the sheets and almost crying to sleep.
He sighed as he heard her cries through the wall, sitting in the bed with Lucy. He loved them both....but Lucy was the one in danger of hurting herself.
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