A Drow in the Tir (A Shadowrun-esque rp for me and Nancy)

Nutra slowly crawls into the small space in the back of the car obediently.
Nutra looks up then kneels with her hands up like a puppy.
"Yes master."
"Yes, master." she says after, keeping her eyes down as she walks inside. her thick cock sways as she walks.
Nutra walks through the door, beseeching the spirits of her ancestors to keep her safe in this unknown place. Her head stays low, feigning the appearance of the perfect slave.
Nutra looks for the room and quickly goes in. She kneels down with her legs spread a bit to not squeeze her large member between them, and lowers her head.
Dimitra walks in to her house and walks over an sits in a large chair. "Tell me about yourself. And don't stop till I tell you." She says as she plays with your cock with her booted foot.
Without raising her head, Nutra tells the woman about her half elven half Amerindian bloodline. She tells how she grew up in Indian lands and then moving to Denver for a while. Then how she came out further west for a simpler place, giving her all the lonely details of her solitary teen years till now.
she grits her teeth in agoning pain but says nothing to the drow.
"Yes, Mistress." She suffers silently, not wanting to make this beautiful drow angry more than she already is.
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