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Space Conquest (Lonegladius and Miserychord.)

A soft chuckle left her as she saw him pouting. "Give me time to heal then we will work on siblings for Coran." A nursemaid came in to take the child so she could rest. "I do not look forward to that day to be honest." She answered, pulling him into the bed beside her.
Corlis gave her a short smile. Today was a good day to be sure and he could easily run off his pent up aggression at the gym or with a sparring partner. He let his woman pull him close to her and he smiled as his big hands caressed her as he gave her a simple kiss on the head.

"It will be his calling. There is little to stop that. All we can do is make sure that he as strong and powerful as any legionary can be. The Empire doesn't abide weakness my wife." Corlis said to Kallien as he looked at her while she continued to hold his larger frame.
A soft grunt was his only reply as she lay there, eyes closing. Already it seemed like her child was growing too fast. She missed the soft kicks from within. A hand ran over her much smaller stomavh and she frowned but did not let her husband see. This was the way of his people and she must abide by their rules. Opening her eyes tiredly , she pulled his head down to kiss him. "You are right. I will stand strong for you."
Six months later the Empire was preparing a new campaign against the porcine barbarian race of the planet Omby. Corlis was spending all of his time away from training and drilling with his wife and new born child. Even at six months young Coran was showing all the signs of being a capable young child. For sons of soldiers nutritional additives were added into the diet but nothing that made his growth accelerated. The supplements meant prepared the children for spending most of their lifetime in space traveling with one of the Imperial fleets and Corlis was glad to see his son enjoying the additives since it was said some children didn't take to it so well.

This evening he was sitting indian style with his son across from him as he rolled a simple red ball towards the youngling. Coran would squee with delight as he went off chasing the ball and Corlis' eyes always tracked his son as he went searching for the ball so he didn't go crawling off too fast and bump into something. There was a week left before the invasion commenced and when Kallien returned he had something important to ask her. Corlis wasn't too excited about the process but he knew in his heart she would accept what he had in mind.
Kallien walked through the door as her child went crawling by, set on capturing the red ball. She laughed out before scooping him up and kissing his chubby cheek, shutting the door behind her before heading off to look for Corlis. She smiled softly when she found him sitting indian style on the floor. "Looks like someone has been having fun with daddy while mama has been away." She set Coran down carefully before bending to kiss her husband as a hello.
Corlis smiled up at Kallien and kiss her lips while stroking her cheek gently. As she sat down with their child in arm he grinned as he watched her holding his young warrior.

"He is already getting so big. He will become a great warrior I can already tell." Corlis told his wife before he stood up and then went over to a datapad. "So the orders finally came through. In a week I will be with one of the first drop pods to land on Ultion. After the initial assault it should take around one day before a main camp will be established by Imperial forces who arrive behind us." Corlis said as he taped a few commands into the datapad that held some of the information he and the other legionaries of the vanguard had been given.
A soft frown covered her lips as she took in this information. Her son, as if sensing her distress, gurgled and kicked, wanting to see his mother smile again. "So soon? Do you have to go this time? I mean, Coran is still so young...." she trailed off, looking up at her husband. She blinked back unshed tears and took a deep, shaky breath. "O-okay...when do you leave?" She asked softly, brushing a hand over their child's thick black hair.
Corlis looked at her and brushed his hand across her cheek. "Stay your tears my wife. I will not leave your side for many a day. When the drop pods hit the ground I shall prove my valor once again. After the initial strike has occurred me and the vanguard will be given our leave as reward." Corlis said hopping to relieve her worries. The vanguard was amongst the most dangerous positions for a legionary but it was a place of honor and glory. Great gains could be made for all. Corlis had made fair enough earnings before and now had two slaves but his position was not perfect. More glory meant a chance for promotion and even greater spoils.

His hand moved down from his woman's cheek to her arm. "It will have its dangers but it will also mean you will be close to me."
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