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The Beast And The Harlot [Private!]

Jan 10, 2009
There was a dark hush throughout the entire Malfoy Manor. Even in the mid-morning the house seemed dead like the night. Aimee Theroux sat in her newly acquired room, glancing at her reflection in a large mirror. Everything in her life had turned upside down in the past few weeks, and she was left stranded in a family friend's home. Aimee was out of Hogwarts by now, and at the ripe age of nineteen she was avoiding University. She didn't want to go to another boarding school with more homework and annoying professors. Before her parents had perished they had insisted upon her at least learning some subjects, even if it wasn't at formal schooling. They hired tutors for potions, transfiguration, dark arts, and even practical subjects were covered - like French and arithmetic. After trouble with a few teachers, her parents decided one tutor could cover most magical subjects, and that was her dark arts 'professor', Lucius Malfoy.

Plans had already been made out for her to stay at the Manor two days a week for a year or so, but that was before her parents were caught in a massacre between a group of Death Eaters and muggleborns. After the dreadful experience she had been moved permanently to the Manor, or at least moved there until she was mature enough to live on her own. And that was fine with Aimee, as it was much better than living with her grandparents or having to buy her own apartment. Besides, it meant she got to spend even more time with her new favorite person - Lucius.

The young lady sat at her vanity, twisting a bit of hair between her fingers. The dark locks fell down to her mid back in soft curls, wisping around her face to form a rather elegant frame. Her blue eyes were light and appeared rather like marble. With a sigh Aimee stood up and began placing her feet inside a new pair of heels - courtesy of the money left behind by her parents. They looked as if they belonged in the Victorian era, with patent black leather held down by artisan crafted laces. The rest of her outfit was a bit cliche of a past time as well. A skirt that fell just below her knees had ruffles and lace covering it, all of which were of a dark shade. A white button up shirt covered her upper portions, though she left a few buttons undone to uncover the tops of her breasts. After she had put on her four inch heels the girl grabbed a small satchel and headed towards Lucius Malfoy's study.

Aimee herself was rather short, only an inch or two above five foot, so she always wore heels to feel adequate. A clicking noise echoed off the stone walls as she walked, until eventually she came to a large wooden door with intricate carvings cut into it. With a deep breath Aimee put a smirk on her face, and knocked on the door.
Lucius sat at his oaken chair going over his various plots. The world would soon be his lord's world, if all went according to plan. But there were various smaller details to attend to. Such as the newly acquired girl. Aimee. He would make her his protege.

He got up, inspected himself in the mirror. Donning all black as usual, he saw his crisp lean form in as good a shape as ever. The brilliant blonde hair hurt to look at in the sun. He cold grey eyes gave no ground to those who were not greater. Even to them, they remained cunning. His mouth, a cruel crescent, tight lipped and strict.

He cocked his eyebrow when he heard the knock. He opened the door with military sharpness. He was shocked to see Aimee, looking like the epitome of womanly beauty. She was dressed as a virile young lady, just as she should be, the image of womanhood.
"Right, time to begin the lessons. Now pay attention...."
Despite the harshness of Aimee's new tutor the young girl remained rather playful and cheerful throughout their encounters. To be honest she was probably a troublesome ward, always wanting attention or dragging out these classes far beyond their intended time limits. But, it was all a part of her powerful skill of manipulation, to which Mr. Malfoy was only fueling by teaching her himself. When the tall blonde answered the door Aimee smirked mischievously and walked past him into the room.

The young lady looked around the room, observing all of the random papers scattered about his office, the open books and bits of torn parchment... Most likely a sign he, or one of his henchmen, were trying to brush up on some sort of skill. This in turn probably meant she would actually have to pay attention. "Lessons?" Aimee asked, twisting a curl between her hair. "I thought we scheduled this meeting to be a fun, stress relieving get together!" The girl smiled at him and her eyes sparkled. Despite the meaning that could be taken from the words, her voice had enough sweet innocence to hide any improper intentions. "Because, well, isn't being a death eater just loads of hard work?" Aimee laughed for a moment, and then pulled out her wand and took a position near Lucius so that if he truly wanted to teach she could pretend to be learning.
"Silly girl. No laughing."
Lucius didn't want to smile, though he'd like to. But it was part of the training for the students to become hard and violent. He couldn't see her becoming this way at all. However, he would press on.
"Now we are going to learn about charms. To charm your opponent, you must always look them in the eyes, and wave your wand like such. Hm? Why are you giggling? Its too early for discipline, but so help me, I will do it! Now pay attention."

Why was that innocent thing laughing so? She was not a harlot. Lucius knew all about them from his younger days. Oh yes, all about them. In fact, he was going to get an erection if he didn't stop. Too late. Good thing he was wearing all black. That would make it less noticeable. But it being quite large... he wasn't so sure. He would ignore it.
Aimee watched in amusement as Lucius seemed to become more annoyed with her playful attitude. She twirled her wand in her fingers for a while as the wizard continued with his lesson. "You are touchy aren't you?" The witch cooed, though her eyes weren't directly on him. Instead she was staring at a painting on the wall, of a man who looked quite a bit like Lucius, but his attire and hairstyle made it obvious he was from another time. "I mean, your temper is rather short."

Finally Aimee took hold of her wand with a firm grip, and she stared at Lucius intensely. "Avis." Her voice was quiet, but the charm worked anyway. A small flock of birds appeared from her wand and gently fluttered around. One landed on Lucius' shoulder, and another tried to pick at his hair. "Like that?" Her tone was cheeky. Mr. Malfoy was speaking of charms far beyond playful birds, but it was in Aimee's nature to toy with people.

All that time the girl didn't notice the man's bulge in his pants. She was far too busy playing with the few birds that stayed around her, flying cutely through the air.
"Young lady, this is not playtime. I will have to discipline you, should you not shape up. You wouldn't want that, would you?" The implication of 'discipline' was very real, but Lucius was mysterious and authoritative, so she probably didn't catch it.

Waving his wand, he got rid of the birds. Staring her down, he began again "nonetheless, that was very good work. However, we must try new spells which they'd never teach you in school. Try this one, 'Seducto,' to entice people. Its not like the imperius curse, because they will enjoy obeying you with this spell. It will be immensely pleasurable."

He showed her the motion and the proper way to perform it.
"Now, I will try it on you, so you know what the effects are like. Ready? Seducto! Now Aimee, dear pet, go and fetch the wine over in the corner there and pour us some. Once the spell wears off, you will try it on me and then the lesson will be over for today."
Her eyes had glazed over in pleaure, and she gained a bit of a wobble in her step. It was so charming to watch her pour the wine. He almost got another erection. Thankfully, the first erection had come and gone, a symptom of too much pent up sexual energy. His wife was no good anymore, and he needed an outlet. Perhaps she had come in a short, sexy, blue-eyed package.
"Discipline?" Aimee asked. It was hard to think what actually punishment he would come up with. She had never been truly punished as a child, aside from a few scoldings and being sent to her room. And Hogwarts had been quite a breeze for her, as she had never been a real delinquent. The idea of being punished by Lucius was frightening, yet it sparked her curiosity.

Soon, though, those thoughts were pushed aside and they were back onto charms. "Then why don't people always use that cha-" Her words were cut off by the spell, and a new odd sensation. Her arms felt limp and her legs were moving without her own effort. But it was a relaxing feeling. As if she were a feather being blow by a gentle breeze. Aimee's eyes were half closed as she blissfully poured the two glasses half-full.

Returning back to Lucius' side she handed him the glass of wine and then sat down on a soft, leather love seat. Almost robotically the girl drank some of the wine. Her eyes moved back and forth between Lucius and the glass in her hand. Everything was so warm and pleasant under this new spell. She rather liked it.
Lucius sipped his wine down quickly. He was a bit of an indulgent drinker, not to mention a lightweight. As the heady solution began to get to him, he went and sat down next to the lovely girl he was training. Admiring her quietly, he told her "You are the most beautiful student I've ever taught. And I do love your cheerful manner. It brings some light to this glum place. Don't fool too much though, else I will discipline you. I know that the prospect excites you, but do not rush into it love."

Ahh alcohol. It made him say things he'd never say otherwise. But that was the point. Actually, the spell was created from the premise of alcohol. However, there were no ill effects at all.
He got up and sat near her, revelling in his buzzed state. Grasping her hand, he laughed and waited for her spell to wear off. Of course, since she had consumed alcohol, they wouldn't know when that would be. Realizing this, he figured now would be as good a time as any.
"Cast the spell upon me Aimee. And then I will get us some more wine."
Aimee wasn't much of a drinker, but her parents had taught her how to have a glass of wine with dinner. So as the drink went down her head became only a bit lighter. Then again, the spell mixed with the alcohol was quite a concoction. "What a sweet thing to say." The witch said cheerfully at Lucius' compliments.

"Oh... Well... Alright." The brunette replied as she was instructed to use the spell. She sat down the now empty glass and pointed her wand at Lucius. Her eyes met his for a moment, and she tried to whisper the spell. "Se... Se..." The charm was having an effect on her magic, and even her wand seemed to have less of a tingle as she held it. Taking in a deep breath the girl shook her head and refocused on Malfoy.

"Seducto!" Aimee grinned as the charm finally came out. "I did it!" She said happily, like a young child at Hogwarts who finally passed their test. "So... You want to get us some more wine?" The smile on her face widened. "Wait!" She said abruptly. "The brandy. It was over there too. I want some of that!" Her voice already sounded a bit odd, as if it were swaying back and forth.
Lucius laughed as the spell hit him, feeling as if he had taken several shots of liquor. He stumbled over and picked up the brandy, as she requested, and poured both of them a good amount of it. However, he had noticed her tone. She spoke to him as an equal. He'd let it slide for now. But if she did it much more, he'd discipline her for sure.

Drinking down his brandy, he said "congrats. You've mastered one of the more difficult spells in no time. We're going to get stone drunk to celebrate."

Things were so lovely and warm. He couldn't be mad now. He grasped her hand again, just to feel it in the present circumstances. It was soft and warm, and he pressed it to his mouth.
"My lovely student..." He then kissed up her arm, reaching the sleeve of the dress. Here he waited, still holding her hand in both of his.
Aimee eyed him for a moment as he sat down the drinks. Even while partially drunk and with her mind blurred by a curse she felt the situation had become curious. Lucius, the strong and normally egotistical man, had become rather humble, at least for a moment or two. When he sat down beside her and kissed her hand Aimee's heart fluttered a bit.

The witch smiled at him and giggled a bit as he kissed her arm. "You are rather funny." She teased playfully. "One moment you are threatening me, and the next you are kissing my hand." By that time he had landed at her sleeve, and Aimee twisted her head so she could see his eyes. His beautiful, blue eyes.

"I think you really want to be playful sometimes." Aimee continued, as if she had no idea what could come of the situation. "But you are too scared for your reputation to do so." The girl shook her head disapprovingly, and then smirked at him. "You should relax more often."
Lucius laughed. "Yes you are right, Aimee! I will start right now."
He continued to kiss up her body, moving along her dress to her bare neck. Here he bestowed several elongated kisses, sucking the flesh lightly. He continued the path upwards to her mouth. He paused here, breathing audibly.
He wondered aloud, "Should I stay or should I go?

He looked into her light blue eyes, her strong facial bone structure. She was cold. She was strong. She was playful, and he loved her giggles. He kissed her once, just below the lips. He kissed her again, on the cheek. He watched to see the moment of breaking, the moment of cool relapse into deep pools of pleasure.
A tingling feeling rushed down Aimee's spine and then sprinted to her toes, causing her entire body to tense for a moment. She could feel and smell Lucius' warm breath, a mixture of wine and brandy. His usual scent was still there though, an intoxicating combination of some extravagant colognes and his natural self. The brunette leaned her head back against the couch, and stretched her neck as Lucius let his lips play with her skin. "Would you leave if I told you to?" She asked with a smirk, before gently wrapping her arm around his upper back.

When he came close to kissing her she squeezed a bit of his hair, and then relaxed her muscles. But when Malfoy's pale lips didn't touch her own Aimee looked slightly disappointed. And then, with a rush of energy, she pushed him back against his side of the chair and crushed her lips against his own.

Aimee's hands moved to his chest, and her fingers ran over the soft fabric of his clothing. For a long while she stayed there, moving her lips passionately against his own, until she had to come up for air. And then immediately after she kissed along his jawbone and down his neck. "This would be an awfully bad time for Narcissa to walk in." She whispered quietly, before nibbling on a bit of his skin.
Embracing her sudden lust, he mashed his lips against her smooth soft ones. He held her tight, wrapping his arms around her, placing his hands on her lower back. His hands wandered over her back, stroking gently, even daring to press lower and lightly caress her firm ass.

To address his love's concern, Lucius waved his wand. "We don't have to worry about her coming in now," he whispered back roughly. He looked down between them. Her breasts stood in the way of further passions. He again pressed his mouth to hers, but worked his way down, kissing her neck and upper chest. Once he got to the breasts, he kissed their tops, her shirt being unbuttoned (and more like a corset than anything).

Very contented, he looked up to her while he kissed, to see the pleasant 'o' her mouth made.
Aimee almost laughed when Lucius locked the door. He didn't seemed to regard any of the possible consequences of this situation as a true threat. That made the witch's nerves calm a bit, and she relaxed more into the situation.

The brunette tossed her curls behind her head as Lucius moved down her neck once again. Her skin tensed for a moment, but soon it was used to the feeling. Aimee looked down and smiled at the man. She moved her left hand to push back the stubborn blond locks of hair that continued to fall into his face. After a moment she let out the smallest of moans, and then leaned forward.

As if on command her fingers quickly began pulling at the buttons on her shirt, until finally her stomach and white and black bra became visible.
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