He'd spent most of the first week on vacation with Jami and her occasional asking to be alone with the horses all getting her the same answer: no. He spent most of the second with Carli, making it clear to both of them he would try to be as even as possible. He still wouldn't allow Jami by the horses alone. It was to far.
jami was waiting in the stall of Cadiopea waiting for aunt eliza and alex to come get them so she can lead both Cadi and Ahlula the little filly she had while they were in hawii which also inspired her name
When he came into the stall, his arms were crossed and he was quiet before he finally said. "So, have you decided to let me come with you when you go to the horses? Cause if not Eliza can keep them....both of them."
He sighed as he looked at Eliza. "Alright Eliza. They're both yours. Take good care of them." He'd talked with her when he had a moment alone and she'd agreed to keep them if Jami acted up.
He stopped and then turned to look at Jami. "If I can't go with you when you take care of them, they're Eliza's. I won't have you somewhere I can't see you. I'm not letting either of you get hurt."
He stood in front of them both as he looked at her. "You know what my condition is." He had no problems with her owning the horse, he was glad she'd be happy but he wouldn't let her go to the barn alone. He wanted to hear her say that she'd wait for him....and if she ever went without him....he'd call Eliza.
He followed after her relaxing now as he passed by her, hooking up the trailer and opening the end of it so that Jami could lead the two of them up there.
she blindfolded her again andloaded up the two girls shutting them up so they were both safe then locked it up then went and sat in the car still not talkimng to her brother
He looked at her hard. "That was for your own protection. I won't let either of you be used in any way by anyone ever again. I can't make sure that doesn't happen if I can't see you Jami."
"Yes you would've been. And even if you weren't I wouldn't have cared. I won't let you go all the way out there to the barn where I can't see you. If you wanna keep those horses, I get to go with you. I won't let you go anywhere if I can't see you. Either of you."
He sighed as he drove them home before he finally spoke again. "The last time I let one of you out of my sight....something that I'll never forgive myself for happened. I won't make the same mistake. Not again."