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A Brother and his Sisters (Alexander May & Horseobsser)

He smiled as he sat beside her. "That's what I don't have to lie to me. I won't judge you differently just because I know the truth."
i dont know cause i dont want it but i like havingh it in my belly smiling she rubbed her stomach
He smiled as he held her in his arms. "If you like it, after it's born I can give you another one...I can give you however many you want." He smiled as he said it, kissing her along her neck as he did.
but i never wanted a baby im just happy the feeling is very happy the baby is making me happy from the inside out
He smiled as he looked at her, helping her up. "You might not have wanted a baby before, but by the time it's born you won't wanna part from it."
He frowned looking at her. "I'll take care of it. Jami got pregnant at the same time as you so when it's born her body will be producing milk."
so that baby will still be here so i really wont be getting rid of it
but she cant know alex and i want you to help me if i keep my baby and i guess breastfeed it if she is to i wanna be your girl alex i need to be what you want me to be
"I will." He moved to look at her as he kissed her gently. "If you plan on keeping the baby, I'll tell Jami that I'm the father. Only if you want to keep it. Either way, I'm going to care for it, and you to."
"Alright....but I'll still be there for you." He kissed her gently. "If you plan on keeping it, I'll be there for you, and if you don't want me to tell Jami, I won't."
He kissed her gently. "Neither do I. But what's done is done...we already did it....and she'll find out eventually." Especially since I want to do it again. He added the last part to his mind silently, not saying it aloud.
then you find the right ime to tell her she wont be your baby sister then she said it nastily and lef the room knowing if Jami found out no matter hw much se needed her brother she would leave him then when the baby was born she would give it to him and leave
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