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Sunday Group Game.

Oct 17, 2012
So, most of my games are One on Ones. The one group game I had going kinda dissipated when the group scattered for various reasons. So...

I have every Sunday off. So, If people want to join a group game that is guaranteed one day a week to be focused on, then feel free to PM me and join. It doesn't have to be Sunday only if people are able to post other days as well, but I'd like at least that day for everyone to be able to usually play. Exceptions and circumstances happen. At the moment, I have no specifics for what will happen or where it will be. I'd like those who'd like to play to give me what their willing to play. I'd like this game to last a while, and to have at least 3 players.

As for rules, D&D 3.5 will probably be the basis. Depending on when and where it happens (scenario wise), may yank some things from D20 Modern.

At the moment, it's just been posted. There will be invitations sent, but that doesn't mean you can't play. If we hit a max party size, I'm willing to split into 2 groups. I likely won't have a Main NPC with the party (for a change).

At the moment, it's leaning towards a fantasy setting, but until play starts that isn't in stone. The setting possibilities I'm putting up are;
From D&D:
Seiken Detsetsu (Personal Creation)
The Empire of the Seven Kingdoms (Personal Creation)
Oriental Adventures

From Video Games:
Final Fantasy (Various)
Breathe of Fire
Dragon Wars
Elder Scrolls
Megaman (Classic, X, Zero, ZX, Legends)

From Books:
Tortall (Tamora Pierce)
Eragon (Before the books)
Greek Mythology
Norse Mythology

From Other (like TV, Comics, and Manga)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Naruto (Before series)
Sailor Moon

Feel free to come up with your own ideas, settings, and plots and PM me with them if you want to play.
I'd love to do a final fantasy setting (maybe ff7 or 8, or even Ivalice during the war of the lion era). Can i play slutty versions of canons? =p Like a sexually frustrated Tifa?

I'm in if you'll let me join
Canon is a list of video games to be considered for preservation and creation of this list is "an assertion that digital games have a cultural significance and a historical significance.
I'd love to do a Sailor Moon RPG where the Senshi are all futas, but that would be canon defilement.

I could do Fallout or Elder Scrolls.
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