Lord's Heir (Kiandra_Black and Standupguy3


Feb 26, 2013
Washington State
standupguy3 said:
500 years after the death of Richard rahl his great great great great great great great great grandson assumed the throne. Mark Rahl had deep blue eyes stood 6 foot four and had blonde hair. He kept the sword of truth in a chest knowing that using it would turn him into a monster. He was not the seeker and he would probably not live to see another one. Little did he know he was living the peak of the Golden age that his ancestor had set up. All was not well in the Midlands though. While they were currently no great wars going on the people were restless. He was the only legitimate rahl to take the throne the people wanted more security than that. He sat at a table with a large bowl of fruit. He grabbed an apple from the bowl and handed it to the mother confessor next to him. She took it smiled and said let’s get back to the issue. First wizard Alex said, “you must have a son someone who can take the throne if you should die.” Mark said, “but there is no one I love.”

The wizard massaged his temples, “sometimes it is not about love for royalty sometimes it is for the good of people.” Mark said, “I make others’ lives better by making my life better.” The mother confessor said, “something tells me taking a maiden to your bed would make your life a whole lot better at least for that night.” Mark laughed, “The mother confessor has a point.” Mark Rahl stood up was wearing a dashing red robe. The confessor said, “We have a good new batch of Mord sith. They’re all strong…smart they would make at least good mothers genetically.” Mark said, “well Alex I expect to have the prettiest mort Sith in my bed chambers by the end of the week. I have been saving a bottle of wine for good occasion like this.” Alex left the room. Mark and the mother confessor talk to the wee hours about many of the problems facing the kingdom.”

The young Mord Sith was in the field training. She stopped as she saw Alex speaking with her higher up. They turned to look at her and immediately she knew she was wanted. She walked over and Alex said, "You have been honored greatly. You will provide Lord Rahl with an heir." Her eyes widened as she thought about what he had said. True it would be a great honor, but she didn't want to have a child with someone she didn't love. Alex saw how hesitant she was and said, "You will do this child. You.do not deny the Lord Rahl of anything. Come, we must get you ready." She.knew it was pointless to refuse and so followed him into the castle. He.led her down a corridor and they entered a bathing chamber. Maids were already filling a tub with hot water, adding rose petals to it so the fragrance filled the room. Alex left her in the hands of the maids.

She was washed, her long black tresses taken down from the intricate knot she used to keep it up. Her body was curvy yet toned, showing that she was an active female. Her skin shone a glittery pale rose color, and was dried and then scented with essential oils from rose petals. Her face was quite beautiful, with almond slanted eyes, surrounded with black eyelashes. They framed amethyst eyes, which had slitted pupils instead of the normal kind. Her lips were a dusky rose color, which matched the color of her nipples, though no man had seen that as of yet, for she was still untouched.

She was dressed.in a long sweeping gown, the color of her eyes while her hair was pulled up and back into an elegant up-do. She looked at herself in the mirror and then sighed. When the door opened she turned to look at Alex. He smiled at her and then motioned for her to follow him. She did so. They entered the royal bedchamber and Alex said, "May I present, Lady Galaysha Blackthorn. The future mother of your heir if everything goes well."
Mark had his maids make a chicken dinner with a cake for dessert. He didn’t like thinking this was more about duty then what he wanted to do. He remberd his father’s words, “I swear by my life and my love of it I will not work for the sake of another man nor ask one to live for my sake. A carriage came up to the front door of the castle. A footmen came up to mark and said, “lord Rahl she is here.” The lord rahl found his way to the front room. He was flabbergasted when he saw the women Alex brought for him.

She was curvy yet strong. He had lovely black hair and the most amazing eyes he had ever seen. She war a dress that was nothing like what a mord sith would ware but it seemed to fit her perfectly. Most mord sith looked out of place in anything but leather. He walked up to her and smiled. Then he looked at Alex and said, “I told you to bring me a mord sith not an angel. You are mangnifsent. He thought she was more beautiful then the mother confessor.

He looked at the mord sith again and said, “Dinner is served if you care to join me. We’re having chicken I hope you like it my cook Mindy is one of the finest cooks in the midlands I think you will quite like it. He walked to this table. The dinner was serived. Mark took a bite out of his chicken chewed it swallowed and said, “tell me about your self Galaysha.”
She followed him to the table and sat after he did. She waited until he had eaten the first bite before she herself took a bite. She swallowed then answered, "I was born in the Westland. My father moved us here when I was three and we've lived in D'Hara since then. I have two older brother, and one younger sister. My mother died when I was fifteen. When she died, I joined the Mord Sith. It was easier there than at home." She smiled at that and then looked up at Mark, a beautiful smile on her face. Alex grinned from his place at the table, knowing he had chosen correctly.

Galaysha asked then, "What is it exactly that you request of me my lord? Alex spoke some of it, but I am afraid I wasn't paying attention, at least not after hearing the first part." She laughed then, a low tinkling sound, that was soothing. It made people want to laugh as well. Her cheeks blushed as she said the next part, "He said you wanted a suitable... Mother? I believe that is what he was trying to say. You want an heir. Am I correct so far my lord?"
She looked up at him again, hoping she didn't overstep her bounds.
He took another bite of the chicken swallowed it and had a sip of wine. “It is exactly what you think. Though the Midlands are doing quite well the people are scared. If anything should happen to me there is no other heir to take the throne. My death could cause a full-scale civil war. I mean I doubt that would happen but it could. I probably should already be married by this point in my life. But I have not found a woman I love more than life itself and I love my life a lot. Though I must admit I’m quite smitten with you.”

“What can I say when you’re the Lord Rahl there is no room to be subtle. You are very beautiful. But as they say beauty is only skin deep. Could you handle the responsibility of being the mother to the next Lord Rahl. It would be a big sacrifice. What you truly love? Do you love your country enough to spend the next 18 years raising its leader forsaking your own ambitions? Unless I find that I love you more than life itself you will not be queen merely the mother of the Lord rahl. But let be mistaken that you will be a mere concubine to me.”
She was quiet as she pondered what he had said. He brought up a valid point. "Lord Rahl, I only ask, that if I do find true love, to be allowed that one kindness. I would sacrifice my life for any child of mine, for although they would be your heir, they would also be my flesh and blood. I am willing to set aside my positions, for my child." She answered concisely, knowing that it was best. She sipped her water, forgoing the wine altogether.

She looked up at him, thinking to herself, asking herself if she wouldst ever fall in love with a powerful man such as he. Maybe, then again she wasn't expecting the Queen's position, though that in itself brought another problem.
"Lord Rahl, if you do marry, won't your bride be angry that her children won't be the heir, but instead another woman's?"
He thought on this question. He had almost iconic thinking face. One of the ambassadors of the New World called him philosopher king. He said in a low tone, "any bride of mine have to understand the burden i choose to bear for the betterment of myself and my country." He nibbled on a little bit more chicken. Then he looked into the eyes of the Mord Sith once again. Ever since the Golden age began they started training the women of the agile much better. They were now much more than a weapon of suppression against the people of Midlands. And this one was especially smart.

"I will tell you this if you bear a male heir. It will be the next Lord Rahl no matter what. And everyone from Westland to the New World will thank you for it. And Justin this little time of knowing you I bet Alex could've spent 1000 years looking for a better candidate and not found one. Smart, strong, ambitious, beautiful and brave. Few women talk to the Lord Rahl like that." Mark didn't think it's possible but somehow her beauty was even more imbued in that moment. Something told him that later tonight he would be thanking the spirits a lot. She seemed to have that look in her eyes of a jungle cat stalking his prey.
She smiled at his compliments. "Thank you Lord Rahl." She took her final bite of her meal, and sat back, her spine straight against the back of the chair. She held herself like a true lady should. Alex grinned at his choice and said, "I knew her from when she was a small child. In my mind, there was no one else who could provide the Lord with an heir., Galaysha looked up at him in surprise. She didn't remember Alex. Her gaze was questioning, and he answered, "Your father was a good friend of mine. I was the one who told him to move up here. Glad he did."

She smiled at him, thanking him with a nod before turning to Lord Rahl, "My lord, may I be excused from your table? I would like to go get ready... For tonight." The last was said, a small blush on her face as she began thinking of what would happen tonight. For the first time in her life, a man would see her, naked as the day she was born, and touch things that no one else had touched. She hoped it wouldn't be too painful. She heard from other women that it ranges from extremely horrifying, to no pain at all.
Mark smiled and said, "yes you may there is a washroom right next to my chambers." He enjoyed his view from the back as she walked away." Alex stood up from the table as well. Alex stood up from the table and said, "well not really much more I can do." He padded Mark on the back and said, "good luck." He walked out of the room. Had Mark not seen so many battles with the pen and with the sword he probably would've been more nervous. Little scared them at this point in his life.

He went to his coat room and hung up his nice velvet cape. He would not be needing it. He did not partake anymore in the wine he knew were his head needed to be. He slowly made his way to his chambers. He wanted to make sure she had all the time in the world to get ready. Plus Mark was in no hurry. He knew the next week would be little more than an all-out orgy of just two people breaks consisting only of sleeping eating and excreting such food. So he finally made his way to the door of his bedroom. He knocked on it and said, "are you ready."

(Have her wearing some sexy lingerie)
Her voice came through the door, stating an affirmative. When he opened it, she stood, dressed in a white nightie. It had a corset top, pushing her breasts up enticingly, plump for the taking. It only reached her upper thigh, leaving her long golden legs uncovered for his viewing. Her long hair fell in ringlets down the front of one shoulder as she stood near the large four post bed. She was quiet, her eyes wide with apprehensions as she watched him walk into the room. Silence reigned as the door shut behind him.

Now that the time had come, she was worried. What if it hurt more than normal, what if ... The panic overtaking her mind was making it hard for her to breathe. True, she was trained as a Mord Sith, and she was fearful of nothing. But this was an experience she had never had before. To say she was frightened was an understatement. She hoped he understood.
“I’ve seen the mountains of Westland, I’ve seen the great sea of the New World and I’ve seen a confessor in the blood rage and they all amazed me. But none of them amazed me as much seeing a Mord Sith trembling.” He took a few slow steps closer to and then removed every last piece of clothing he had. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He took the key small and golden and threw it to the other side of the room. He would not need it for quite some time. His body was phenomenal he was muscled but by no means be beefy. And his member only half hard dangled down to almost his knee. The few who went before her joked that it was the only sword finer than the sword of truth.

His large hand caressed the side of her face. He felt her soft hair and skin. Then he gave her a deep passionate kiss. “I know on the outside Mord Sith need to seem hard, strong and tough but if you wish I will be gentle.” Then he gave her a deep passionate kiss that seem to smolder beautifully from her lips to her toes. He smiled and said “I love your lips.” Mark enjoyed the fact that she was the submissive. Even with the many progressive changes the Mort Sith had made since the death of darken rahl he doubted many of those who fell in love submitted to any man. But she would him. Most likely in less than a handful of minutes and Mord Sith would be beging for his cock. Not even the mother confessor was superior to him at least in his own castle.

He took off her silky nighty drank in her beauty. Her eyes which were the size of saucers he stared into after enjoying the show. Lost in her eyes he said, “more beautiful than the sun set on Lake Tamarack.” He easily lifted her set her on the bed climbed on top of him and slowly but strongly entered with his now rigid member which must then at least a foot.
Her cheek blushed at hie compliment, turning even more red when she caught sight of his half hard member. That was supposed to fit within her!? She shuddered under his touch, a half mewl releasing from her lips as her eyes drunk him in.
"Please be gentle. At least this first time."
Her voice though slightly trembling, was strong. She could be feisty when she wanted to be.

Her arms encircled his shoulders as he lay her down on the bed. She stared up at him, her eyes wide with apprehension and fear. At the first thrust within, her back arched, head was thrown back, and a scream was ripped from her throat. There was pain, but it had mixed with a sudden pleasure she had never felt before. Her fingers dug into his firm shoulders as she searched for an anchor to keep her above the pleasure. Her Pussy contracted around his cocked, making her feel tighter than before.
As his cock was eloped by her pussy he started to pump back. He could see her eyes show 1000 looks of pleasure. As she got a good rhythm to her nice full tittys started to bounce. Mark started to groupe them. “how does that feel baby to be impaled by his cock? do you feel proud that the next heir to the rahl line will be growing in you." he kissed her deeply agein.

he smiled and said, "i want you to breath. try to relax and take it all in. if you can come it will make you more likely to have a baby." he kept pumping in and out of her. he kept grouping her and playing with her nipples. "tell me if you want it faster or harder." he liked this being gentil to a mord sith.
She shuddered in his arms, her own hips rising to meet his. Her face was.tinted with a pink rose blush, which followed down her throat to her breasts. She heard him tell her to tell him what she wanted and she whispered, "Faster... Please." A moan escaped her lips and she bit down on her bottom lip, her eyes trained on his. Her black hair created a dark halo around her head on the pillow as their slick bodies moved against each other.

Galaysha could feel something building, but she fought down, not knowing what it was. Pleasure coiled within her womb, and with every thrust, it felt as if a fire was being stoked inside her. Finally she couldn't hold it any longer. The coil snapped and she screamed in pleasure, her head falling back, her eyes rolling into her head. Her body jerked against his as she orgasmed.
He loved the way her hair looked splayed across the white bed sheets. The creator herself could not of looked so beautiful. He kept thrusting all the way through her climax. He loved that she blushed. He found it absolutely hilarious that a woman who would not think twice about killing a man was embarrassed for one taking her over the edge. He looked in her eyes and said, “good girl you like that big Dick didn’t you. I bet it felt nice coming off feeling so full. For a Mort Sith you really are a fragile thing.” He patted her luxurious hair and said, “I’m going to make you do it again.” He did not ask her permission it was a statement of fact not a question.

He pushed his monster back inside of her and started pumping even faster. Their slick wet bodies started making a slapping noise every time they hit together.
Her mind couldn't wrap itself arounds words, as she moaned. Her body squeezed his dick as she pushed up against him, her hips moving in tune with his. She could feel her body coiling up again, as she approached climax. Her skin flushed as her eyes looked up at his. She shuddered in his arms, her nails pinpricking his shoulder blades as she felt her body start to tense up.

Her climax hit her like a freight train and this time she drew her nails down his back, scratching him as her back arched, her breasts thrown forward. Her pussy tightened around him as she found release for the second time. She fought the fog of pleasure overtaking her mind and whispered into his ear, "Let go my Lord. Fill me up with your seed." Her voice was husky, her words seperated by moans and panting.
It was just all too much even for the Lord Rahl to take. He tried to last as long as he could. She was just so tight, wet, and velvety. His balls began to burn and his seed raised out of his long member spewing out like wizards fire deep into her sex. It came out hot wet and deep. He collapsed on her. After about a minute and a half of breathing hard recovering from his climax he said, “it seems mord siths ability to to give pain is only proceeded by their ability to give pleasure.” He used his fingers to push back a little hair behind her ears. Then he gave her a kiss. He said, “I know now. You are the one for me. The one I love more than life itself. If you so wish it you could be queen of all the Midlands. But if you don’t wish it I will run away from all this for you.” He gave her another deep kiss. He never believed he could find love so fast. He thought it was something elusive deep dark. But it wasn’t it was right there in his face. A woman who would work hard in her training. Who believes in herself like him. “Galaysha Blackthorn will you marry me?”
Her pussy contracted when his seed hit, and she yelped a bit at the feeling. It was strange, but she absolutely loved the feeling. Her body relaxed underneath his, and she breathed deeply. She kissed him back and then listened to him as he spoke.

Galaysha's eyes went wide at his marriage proposal. Her Mord Sith training came into play as she flipped them over, her body laying over his for a moment before she sat up with her arms against his chest.
She answered, "Before I answer your question, I must tell you a story. When I began training as a Mord Sith, I caught my first sight of you and fell in lust with you. When I learned about who you were as a person, I grew to like you. Every day, I trained hard if only for a chance to see you. I fell in love with you little by little, and wished we could be together, dreamed of this day, always thinking this would never happen. I am living my dream right now. So yes, Lord... Mark Rahl, I would love to be your wife, the mother of your children, and the queen to your king."

She smiled down at him shyly, then leaned down to kiss him, her pussy muscles clenching around his dick which was still deep within her.
Unknown to them both, at that time, two eggs were being fertilized at that very moment, becoming the first step in the chain of growth.
He smiled and said, "you've made me the happiest man in all the Midlands. For all those years he watched me and trained for a moment like this." They shared a deep kiss and there tongs danced in each other's mouths. When their lips broke apart his said, "the good spirits will sing at our wedding. Kings queens and ambassadors will attend. And either way the most beautiful woman in the kingdom will be right beside me in white. "

"Then we will start the wedding planning tomorrow morning. Would you prefer to wear dress or your white leather"they fell asleep with him still inside her.
"My leather. It will simply show my position as Mord Sith." She kissed him again, then fell asleep, cuddling into him, savoring the full feeling within her.

The next morning, she yawned, and opened her eyes. She shifted her hips a bit and found that Mark was still inside her, and beginning to harden, with a morning wood. She smirked as she shifted against him, experimenting as she looked down at his face. His eyes were closed, breathing deep as he was still asleep. She smirked to herself as she began planting small kisses all over his face, her hips grinding down against his as she felt him get harder and harder.

Now that she had been deflowered, she was insatiable. A fire burned inside her pussy, and though she ached from the night before, she wanted him again.
Lord Rahl let out a moan. Then he opened his eyes. He smiled and said, "my bride-to-be." He bent up to share a kiss with her. She already started making strokes up and down as well as front and back. He looked deeply into her eyes as staring directly into her soul. He smiled and said, "I'm glad to see you're so diligent about your duties to the Midlands in providing me an heir." He kissed her deeply again. As he started to buck back he continued in his sarcasm, "your such a selfless Queen." They started to move in a nice pace as one of the Lord Rahls big hands went up to her left tit groping it in the other one went to play with her clitoris.
Her head fell back, her hair falling down behind her. Her throat exposed as she ground down upon him, seeking her completion. Her pussy clenched randomly as she started panting. "My duty... is to... my king... and lord... as long as... you are happy.... so your... people will to... Please... I can't." She groaned in frustration as she felt that edge of release. She couldn't push herself over it. She needed... more.

She pushed down against him, her hands holding her up against his pecs, her fingertips brushing over his nipples. She looked down at him, pale alabaster skin glowing with a slight sheen of sweat, her eyes glazed over and half-lidded, black hair tumbling sexily around her head, pouty lips slightly opened, as she took in breaths.
He would not let his wife let alone the Queen of all the Midlands or at least soon to be go unsatisfied. He started pounding her pussy harder and harder. In the beginning he started making out with her. That always got her very Randy. The sexy sound of their pelvises smacking together was being made. His right hand went down and at first started making crazy patterns around her cit. Then he used his thumb and strong tight circles.His right hand went up and played with her big left mammary. First he smacked a little then he wedded his hand with his mouth and started making circles around her nipple. After groping a little he pinched the nipple. Doing this he kept up his pace and started kissing up and down her neck and then he groaned, "come for me. Come all over this big Dick is going to feel so good."
"There!" She shivered as she felt herself go over the edge, her body tightening around his as she let go. The pleasure rushed through her and she collapsed against his chest, her face buried with the spot between neck and shoulder.

When she came back to her senses, she kissed the joint of neck and shoulder before her then began nibbling up to his ear lobe.

Once there, she started whispering to him,
"My lord, you don't know how good you feel! So hard and deep within me. I feel so full. I wish I could always have you between my legs, filling me to the brim. You know what feels even better? When you cum in me. It's so Hot. You burn inside me. All I can think of, is how amazing it feels. I want to bear your children. Can you see that? In the future, when I'm filled with your child, we'll have to find another position. Would you put me on all fours? Do me like an animal? Fuck like the wild beasts do? I can only imagine. And you know what will make it even better? Knowing that you are the first and only man who will do that to me. Will you teach me how to please you? I want to learn. Please... Mark. My Lord, My lover, My... Husband?" Her voice was low as she slipped the dirty secrets into his ear. Her face was bright red with embarrassment but she pushed through it. She felt her own pussy get soaking wet with the images running through her mind.
He kept rocking back and forth he kept rocking back and forth.His big cock still impaling her but he began to burn as well burned deep in his balls. "we will find a way to make love even when you are In your third trimester. you always fuck like an animal why would that change at all." Then he lost it pushing his deep as he could go he fulled her to the brim with his seed.
At the feeling of being full reached her mind she came again, pleasure enticing her body to relax against her now fiance. She took a breath, her body shivering against his. As she came down from her high she shifted and then winced, her pussy sore beyond belief. She nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his scent before saying, "That is a very enjoyable way to wake up." She licked his throat, pressing a kiss to his chin before yawning and sitting up, straddling him. She stretched her arms above her, her breasts pushing forward as she arched her body back.
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