The Snakes pet (Gashnaw x Atrium)


Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
It was raining but it always was when school began. The train ride had been boring as all hell Bryan and his brother dueling. Even though both were evenly matched. Kyle was a Griffinndor, the only Griffindor that could earn Respect from Slytherins, but that was because Bryan was is twin brother. Most twins ended up in the same house, but for Bryan it was different. He was Slytherin, like his father before him and his father's father before that. In fact every member of his Family had been Slytherin. Kyle was the only one who strayed from the family's path. Kyle didn't mind, Even only being seventeen minutes older than his twin, he was years ahead of him in maturity. He spent his summer In muggle london, with a few half-blood friends, While Bryan lived in luxury.

Still that was train ride, reaching the school the storm kicked up and now Kids sitting at their respective table catching up on what they did over the summer. Bryan was rather fond of some of the first years that had showed up, perfect pets, although eleven was far to young, even for a monster like him. no, his sights were set upon the older students. To his left there were a group of girls Fawning over him, Fourth and fifth years. He could use them as a release later on. He simply gave them a demonic smile as he continued to scan the great hall for his prey.

Every year he had managed to find someone worth enslaving. Often a Ravenclaw as they were smart, it was quite prideful to mental defeat an intelligent foe. Hufflepuff's were also easy prey, sure they were never truly as much fun to overpower, but they took a lot less time to break. If he went with Hufflepuff his year, he would make sure he had two sucking him off by night's end. However that wasn't his target. instead he was going to go for the new girl, the one from Beuxbatons. The school in french. Kyle had already begun talking to her. Obviously doing his duties as a prefect to get to now her and welcome her to Hogwarts.

"So is Beuxbatons nice?" Kyle asked saying hello to other first ears as they were sorted while making small talk with the French girl. "I'm Sorry, i didn't quite catch your name. I'm Kyle Earns." He said holding out his hand. "I'm osry its just most Exchange students get sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Very seldom do we ever meet a student from a different school make it into Griffindor."

Looking over at Bryan Kyle could see the devilsih smirk and sighed. Already he had his prey picked out. The new Griffondor girl, breaking their pride by overpowering them, and then hurt them more by making it their new student. The worse part was that Bryan, could feel the same thing Kyle could, the new girl was Muggle born. Or as Bryan would call her, a filthy mudblood. Regardless of how much Kyle could try, Bryan would win.
Michelle smiled to herself as she sat daintily in the train, her hands in her lap and her back straight against the seat. When they got to Hogwarts, she was rather impressed by it and nodded as she headed in. Some of the guys were looking at her, as she was quite attractive, even in the robes that covered most of the girls body, that Hogwarts provided to her. She pushed her glasses back up her nose as she stepped off the train, smiling as she headed into the castle. As she was without a house, she was put with the first years, at least until the sorting ceremony was over. She was put into Griffondor, and she smiled as she sat down with her housemates.

Michelle was a rather intelligent girl, who was very gifted in the brewing of potions, and the taking care of plants. It was her desire to protect and help people that got her into the house, despite her rather gullible and unguided goals. She had no idea how she wanted to help people, nor help people in what particular way. She just wanted to be apart of something.

When she sat down at the table, and Kyle. "Oh yes" She said, with a very slight, but cute accent, to go with her sweet voice. "Beuxbaton is very beautiful." She giggled a little "I have to admit though, I think I like this school more. It has much more...of a story to tell than mine." She smiled at Kyle, thinking that he was very cute. When he mentioned he didn't catch her name she nodded "My name is Michelle Les Fleurs." She nodded "My old friends call me Mish though." She nodded. "Well I hope that I do not disappoint" She chuckled a little.

She tilted her head to Kyle and noticed the mark on his robes. "Tell me, what does this mean?" She pointed to the mark, when he mentioned the prefect thing, she nodded "Hmm...does this mean, you would know who I should talk to about potion making? It is my main focus of study" She smiled "That and Charms"
Kyle looked at what she was pointing to and Smirked. I'm a prefect, Basically I am head of the Dormitory and one of my main duties is to help people, such as yourself, Find their way around. There are six Prefects in each house, making 24 in total for the school. If you need help with anything, you can easily ask one of the prefects or an older student."
"Except a snake" Another Grifindor piped up joining the conversation.
Kyle sighed and responded "Yea, i would try avoiding the Slytherins" Kyle said using his thumb to point to their table. "They are, not the friendliest, and they hate griffindors more than anything, they would just get you more lost."

"That sounds pretty men" Bryan laughed as he also joined the conversation stealing a bit of food form his Brother's plate while his head was turned. "Name is Bryan. It really is a shame a flower like you is with the Lions. You would be treated much better in our house." Bryan smirked.
Kyle sighed "leave her alone."
"I heard you have Charms, I can help you there" Bryan continued. "oh forgive me. My name is Bryan, Kyle here is My brother." He held out his hand. "What might your name be?"
Kyle glared at his brother, unaware of what his point for being kind was. Both boys could tell she was muggle born, they just knew, so Kyle could not understand what Bryan was doing being a kind person. Enslavement, torture, humiliation. Bryan did that regardless of weather he was nice or not, so why would he waste his time if he would get the same result.

As a couple of girls pulled Michelle away to introduce themselves to her Kyle stood up facing his brother.
"What are you doing? Can you be Human for one minute?"
"Kyle, I am playing differently this year. I'm going to make her come to me. Say all you want. I am going to be the perfect gentleman even to a mudblood. Then once she is mine, I will teach her her actual true place at my feet. I invite you to spread nasty rumors about me."
With that Bryan Waved a happy fairwell to Michelle before leaving the great hall.

As Kyle sat down he felt a tail wagging an looked to see a hex his brother had cast on his way out. Quickly he was back to his feet and rushing after his brother.
Michelle looked to Kyle and nodded. "Oh, I see." She tilted her head to the side. "We never had a house like that in my school." She blinked "Are they really that bad?" She blinked, then giggled softly "Or is this just house jealousy?" She tilted her head to the side. She took in a soft breath and looked over to the other table, blinking at them. They looked like normal students, how bad could they be? Was it really okay to put them all on the same page?

When Bryan popped in and stole some food form the plate, Mish blinked a coupled times and took in a soft breath. "What is wrong with this house...Griffondor?" She tilted her head to the side and blinked. "Oh? How can you help? I would love to know" she nodded and smiled gleefully "I like to learn about new things, so please, if you can each me do so" She nodded. "My name is Michelle Les Fleurs." She chuckled "Most people just call me Mish though." She nodded at him.

However, when some of the other girls pulled Mish away, she chuckled softly and talked to them. She didn't hear anything from the other boys talking, but looked at them, and it was clear that something was going on. Mish had no choice but ask "Is there something going on between those two? I mean they are brothers." She thought. "Is there a bit of...jealousy between them?"
"I meant show you around, help you find your classes. Listen if you want help let me know" Bryan explained as she was puled away.

"Jealousy?" One boy asked "they are brothers, yes. But they are nothing a like. Kyle is nice where as his brother make evil seem chivalrous " The boy who spoke was griffindor so simple hatred between the houses could have been in play for all Michelle could have known. "Listen, do yourself a favor and stay away from Bryan.

"UNHEX ME" Kyle said grabbing his brother by the shirt.
"I think not Muggle lover." Bryan retorted "Listen squib, You deserve that tail, and i wish i could do so much more, turn you into a mongoose like your pet. Dad would do it, so consider yourself lucky I don't."
"I can play your game." Kyle said with a smirk. "You need me to keep quiet in order for your plan to work. Because I share a house with her. I can win her over before you can."
Bryan stopped dead in his tracks. "You want the tail gone fine. If you want to be exempted form future charms. "lead her to me."
"Why her anyway?" Kyle asked as the tail shrunk.
"She's a worthless mudblood, She deserved to be treated like shit, and mudblood or not, i bet she can still suck a mean cock." Bryan paused and fished a golden coin form his pocket. "Your instructions will be given to you on that. If you disobey, lets say your face is going to melt. The hex will wear off as soon as she is mine."
Mish looked to him for a moment and nodded "I will think about it" She chuckled and looked to the others who pulled her away. "Hmm?" She blinked a little. She couldn't think of why they were being this way, Bryan seemed liked a completely nice guy. She shook her head and figured she would make her own opinion upon the matter. Everyone needed a chance.

Dinner finished as normal as it could for her. Girls talked to her and befriended her. She talked to people here and there and got to know those who were around her. She giggled here and there when people said something funny. When things began to calm down, she followed the people to the appropriate common room. When she was there, she looked at the paintings that coated the walls that blocked the entry way.

Mish nodded to herself and took in a soft breath. "Wow...this place beautiful" she giggled to herself and headed in, looking around the common room. "So...comfy looking."
"Beauty ends pretty quickly" Kyle said as he sort of paused past her checking his student list and counting the students making everyone was there. Seventh year prefect, it was his duty to make sure everyone was behaving properly and everyone was doing as they were suppose to. The other head prefect, the female, was still in the halls looking for any kids lagging behind. When she finally entered Kyle nodded.
"Okay listen up. My name is Kyle, This is Jenn, you have four more prefects around the common room, For the younger students, if you need help, find a proffessor, Prefect or an older students, we will do what we can to help. Lights out are at ten, except on weekends we allow you to go to twelve. Get your permission slips signed for hogsmead, those who wish to join the Quidditch team speak to Jenn as this year she is team captain, and have a great year." With that Kyle retreated to his room.

"What do you want?" Kyle asked himself as he pulled out the coin nothing was on it yet, so Kyle felt safe for now, but soon Bryan would have him doing something to either make Michelle think that Kyle was a jerk or basically just Make Bryan seem like a saint.
"Ask her out and stand her up?" Kyle asked as he read the coins as the words appeared.

"what's eating ya babe?" Jenn asked seeing Kyle laying on his bed, walked over she climbed on top of him giving his a soft kiss. That was another issue. Jenn and Kyle were sort of a couple. They actually started dating before the school year had ended and obviously she was picking it up from where it left off. "Bryan wants me to do Something..." He began
Mish looked to him as they spoke and nodded. The girl looked around and then headed over to one of the couches. She pulled out a book and began to read. It was a book on potions, far more of an advanced book than she should be reading for her school year. It really just showed her passion for her studies of potions. She nodded at herself as she continued to read. She giggled to herself, thinking about some of the things that she could do with potions.

She shook her head and then blinked a little when he mentioned something about Hogsmead. "Oh! Who do we hand those permission slips into?" She stood up, closing her book as she asked someone around. She wanted to know the answer to it, because it seemed fun to be able to go over to another town every now and them. Of course, when her studies were doing well. She nodded to herself and then looked around. When her question was answered she smiled and went back to reading. It wasn't soon after that she headed up to her room, stripped down and got into her pajamas and went to bed.

Jenn sighed a little and looked at him. She began to stroke his hair slightly and rub his back to make him a little more calm. "What does he want you to do?"
"You think Kyle is going to actually help you?" One slytherin asked patting Bryan on the back.
"Of coarse, he knows it will be easier on everyone as soon as I get her." Bryan smirked. "I mean he could dismiss my rules and play by his own, but he knows helping me get my prize will just make life easier.
"I don't get it man" Another Slytherin came by. He was the only Slytherin who was not a pure blood, Bryan felt sick the day he joined the house. Never in over four hundred years had someone less than a pure blood had ever joined the Slytherin Hose and then this boy came out of no where and did just that. However it was not his fault, his father was a disgrace marrying a muggle and having a child with her. "There are so many girls in this house, why not just fuck them?"
Bryan raised an eye and shook his head "Its not about Fucking girls, if that was the case, yes there are many I could choose from without ever having to leave the dungeon. Its about power, showing the school that regardless of your house, I will still win. Its only too bad this is my last year."

"He wants Michelle" Kyle sighed "she's his target this year." Bryan's little game was no secret. In fact people often wondered why they let it continue. Everyone, or at least most everyone knew. So it was never a surprise when he enslaved one. His first time was his third year in which He convinced a Raveclaw to be his little pet. She agreed without hesitation, by the end she was in love with her master. Afterwards He had taken up three hufflepuffs, he found they had a lack of self esteem which made it easier. Now his final year, He wanted to make sue he had at least left his legacy in all the houses.
"I don't want to help him, but it would just be easier on everyone wouldn't it? Bryan will get angry if it takes too long putting everyone in danger. Sacrifice one to save the many..."
Mish fell asleep without much of any problem. She enjoyed her sleep.

Jenn looked to him and took in a soft breath and shook her head. "You really going to let him do this every year he wants?" She sighed a little "What are you going to do when he is out of school?" She tilted her head to him. "Come on, don't think about it like this though." She chuckled. "I mean the year just began, so just relax a little. If he becomes a problem, let some other, non-slytherin teachers know." She shrugged. "Anyways, get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a batter day, I am sure" She nodded, trying to get him to calm down and relax.
Kyle sighed. What was he going to do once Bryan left school. Well he didn't really care, The ministry of magic would take care of Bryan if it got too out of hand. Kyle was planning to join the muggle world. Really anything to distance himself from his family. regardless he simply wrapped his arms around Jenn and dozed off, It wasn't too often the students shared a bed, but every now and then they would see it happen, of coarse, as two prefects, it was kind of weird.

"Off the bed" Bryan sighed Entering his chamber.
"Hew I called it" The first Year said calmly. Bryan only looked ta him and heard the "ooooo" from a few other kids Who knew who Bryan was. "I'm in a good mood right now, so i'll give you one chance to get off before i turn you inside out." He repeated holding his wand at the ready. Really he didn't know any spell that could do that but no one really dared to test him. "Next year you can have this bed. But i have slept here for six years, this being my Seventh." Bryan

As morning hit Kyle got up leaving Jenn to relax as he did his morning duties. Usually all prefects had to get up early but he didn't bother waking the others. Besides he could handle it by himself for now. In a few days he would get the others to help. Looking around he smiled, everyone was still asleep, aside form a few first years who were over zealous about being at Hogwarts. They jumped Seeing the bigger kid walking around to which he just smiled "You guys may want to get breakfast" He said and then continued onto the great hall.
Mish woke up at the crack of dawn and stretched as she looked out the window. Happily she pulled on her clothes and headed down with some others to the great hall. She smiled as she hugged her potion book to her chest and nodded. She set it down on the table and began to eat what was there to eat. The girl was excited. The first class she had was herbology and then potions. She loved both of those. It was going to be a good day.

When she saw the others walk in, she smiled at those who had talked to her the other day, and even waved at some people from other houses. It was clear that Mish was a friendly girl. "Oh hey!" She smiled as one of the other Griffondor girls sat down. "So why do you like potions so much Mish?" Mish smiled and looked to her. "Cause it is something you can just do." She chuckled. "No need for a wand, most of the time, and the effects can sometimes be greater than magic" She smirked a little. "Plus it just comes naturally to me!"
As Kyle entered the great hall he saw Michelle and sighed. he really did not want to but even though Jenn said no it was better to sell her out, besides Bryan was going to be much more tolerable after he won. Grabbing his coffee and some food he walked over. "Hey Mish, Can i talk to you for a minute?" He asked kind of nudging her to the side.

"Listen we have a welcome back ball at the end of the week. I'm not really for it. So I was wondering if you would like to have a date on friday." He asked calmly. His plan was to ask her out and then just let Bryan know where to corner her. "Listen there is a forest just of of school grounds. I'm not sure where you stand on spooky midnight walks but If you want we could take a stroll. Besides we will get away with it, no one will know we are missing. It's the entire school at this ball. Well this is of coarse if no one else has asked you."
The girl looked to Kyle as he asked her to talk. Without much hesitation, she grabbed onto an apple and nodded. "Sure, of course Kyle" She nodded to him. When he mentioned the ball, she tilted her head to the side. "No one has asked me to it yet" Mish nodded though "Sure, why not." She chuckled softly "Won't get in trouble if I am with a Prefect right?" She spoke in her cute accent.

MIsh nodded at him. "So where do we want to meet for this spooky midnight walk?" She pushed up her glasses and smiled. It was good for her to go out and meet people, especially guys roughly near her age. In her old school she had had a boyfriend, but moving away changed that.
Well that was the tough part, Now that she had agreed all he had to do was let Bryan know where to find her. It was going to be simple. Bryan wasn't use to having someone on a silver platter. This girl was not only go be that but also wrapped up in a bow.
"Well the forest's entrance is pretty easy to be seen." He said pointing out the window towards it. "Just make sure you're clothing is dark. Otherwise you may be a little easily spotted with the contrast, and then we could get in trouble." And with that he ruffled her hair a bit before heading back to the common room going to wake up Jenn and the other prefects.

Bryan yawned as he woke, his Slytherin classmates all busy goofing around in the common room. An early morning hardly existed for the Slytherin kids. Many were use to a strict code of conduct, which was why they were up early, while others just wanted to see how much mischief they could conjure in a day.
"Your Brother wants you" one Boy said entering the room.
Bryan raised a brow and stepped outside.

"What?" Bryan asked as he stepped out of the dungeon.
"I have her, just meet her on friday in the forbidden forest."
Bryan looked at his brother. "Nicely done, i like your style. Its too bad too, it would have been fun to be friends here."
Kyle sighed "Exemption from hex's curses and, keep Jenn out of it."
"Don't worry, she is exempted already. She saw to that two years ago." Bryan studied kyle for a second then added "You're not her first anything. I am."
She took in a soft breath as she pulled on her evening clothes. A pair of dark blue skin tight jeans, with a black sweater with the griffondor symbol on the breast. She took in a sot breath as she headed over to the meeting spot. She blinked a little and looked around the corridors as she moved. The entire school was at this ball, Kyle was completely right. When she got to the entrance of the forest, she took in a soft breath, apparently she was early.

She had no idea what she was going to do here. Mish thought for a moment, running a hand through her hair. "Well girl, you might have gotten to into this." She sighed softly as she looked to her feet, this was only the 4th day she was here, what was she doing going on dates.
Bryan was proud of Kyle. As He stated there was a girl at the Forbidden forest and it was Mish, of coarse Bryan didn't know her as such, he only simply knew her as pet. Still getting his brother to send her out here was perfect. Bryan couldn't have held his tongue long enough to be sweet and get her to agree, Kyle was the one who could. Kyle wasn't trustworthy, he had led this girl into a trap, that was a strike against him, much like the love potion incident a few years ago, when Kyle had first become a Prefect, and let the kids responsible get away with it. Of coarse he figured it was just fun and games, he had not expected them to get teachers to drink it.

Regardless, that was then this was now. Mish was here and Bryan had walked up still with her unaware.
"You're not suppose to be here." He laughed as he grabbed her attention. He wanted her to run, apologize for being out there and tried to escape before she got in trouble, but with him only a few feet away, she already was in trouble... his kind of trouble. Beside if she did run, he could quickly grab her. Finally the best part of this whole plan, Blackmail.
Michelle took in a soft breath as she looked around. She leaned her head back and blinked a few times. She wondered if she was too early, or if she had made a mistake about coming out here. She sighed softly and crossed her arms. "Well Michelle, you did it again" She shook her head and laughed a little. This wasn't the first time she had gone gallivanting after some boy. She didn't know why, but she had the desire to be with someone.

When she heard the noise behind her, she turned and looked at who was there. "Oh." She chuckled a little, pushed her glasses up her nose, and flipped a strand of hair behind her ear. "I was just waiting for a prefect. I was told to meet him here." She raised her eyebrow to him and blinked.
She heard a familiar tone in the voice, however there was something unfamiliar with it. She tilted her head to the side. "Bryan, is that you?"
Bryan smirked. "Not many can tell us apart. usually if they are waiting for one of us they immediately expect us to be who they are looking for. When e were younger Kyle and I could be each other with no worries. Unfortunately he started to hang out with Mudbloods as friends, while i had a better use for them." Bryan said calmly. "Truthfully the Idea of a mudblood transferring to hogwarts is sickening, but I do see potential."

He knew he wasn't going to have full control over the girl just yet, but it never took him long to gain that power. A quick wave of his wand tore apart her clothing.
"now. This is how it works. I own you. I am your master and you will call me such. You will obey me, otherwise we can easily go back to the school as you are. Striped nude and through the party. Which By the way, all prefects had to attend, Kyle knew this when asking you out here."
She blinked a little and looked to Bryan. She tilted her head to the side "A thing one can easily pick up by knowing how the other acts" She took in a soft breath. Mish looked away from him. "Look, I know that there are a lot of Wizards that don't like us mixes." She sighed a little. "I don't even want to use magic, but my mom was so proud, I couldn't say no." She looked to him. However, when he blasted apart her clothing with the wand, she stood there, a little shocked. "I will not call you master." She shook her head and looked away from him.

She stood there, still naked in front of him. Mish took in a soft breath and looked to the forest, then the school that was behind Bryan. She could either run into the forest, naked, and risk being attacked, or maimed, or worse. Or she could 'submit' to Bryan and hopefully that would be the end of it. Michelle looked to Bryan and walked closer to him, her hips swaying back and forth as she moved. "I presume there is something you would like me to do as of right now?"
"And you think by one week you can really tell us apart by how we act?" Bryan laughed as he stared at her nude body. "Now the rules are simple. You do as I command and you get to treated well. which is better than most mudbloods can say when crossing paths with me. I must say you are getting quite the deal here. Mudblood or not, i still protect my pets. Unless they refuse to obey. then i let the forest have them. They learn quickly that i am a safer bet, plus, it is centaur mating season. I could let them have you, an hour of mercilessly being pounded by their huge cocks."

Bryan watched as one centaur galloped by and gave a small exchange of glances before carrying on. "You see, they know me, they know that you are to be broken in." He grabbed Mish's breast roughly squeezing it. trying to get her to wince. "And they want you to fail your first test. You can see them gathering already. They want me to throw you too them to have fun with. If your a virgin it will not be fun. So. What am I to you?"

Bryan was not a patient man. if she took to long or didn't not answer with master. well he already explained what her punishment would be. Only a few meters in and the centaurs would fuck her senseless. With Bryan around he could easily charm them to last longer than usual, and even grow bigger then the standard. If she refused to cooperate, she would be glazed by time he got her back.
Mish looked to him and moved up closer to him. "No, not by how you act, just how Kyle talks." She shrugged. "You could still fool me." She took in a soft breath and turned, looking at the centaurs, however, didn't really seem threatened by his words. She did wince, but she didn't complain about it, or pull away, she took it. Mish turned back to look at the centaurs and tilted her head to the side. She took in a soft breath and looked back to him.

Without much hesitation, she leaned down, and bowed to him. "Then, master, what is it you would like me to do?" Her bow also showed off her backside to centaurs. She looked back up to him and stood to a complete stand, still smiling. Despite the situation, Mish felt no special threat from Bryan, despite the fact that he was trying his darnedest to get some kind of rise out of her.
The centaurs stomped the feet angrily when she bowed and obeyed and galloped off. Obviously Bryan had some sort of control over his new toy.
"Be a good little pet and follow me. Keep quiet." He added escorting her back towards the school. However he quickly pulled out a cloak and placed it over her body. He could sneak by the party with out much notice and even though he didn't care about exposing her nude body to everyone. It would be tougher to keep her around if the professors saw her.

"You are probably aware of the power of an invisibility cloak." he said folding it up. The had made it to the Slytherin Dungeon. "As your master i would have you tied to a bed right now. But it is not easy tricking the school to let Witches not form the slytheirn house inside. It will be even harder to get a mudblood past the door. So for now we will have to make do with one of the old unused classrooms."

As he ushered her in he waved is wand quickly. The door shut behind them and the candles lit up. Finally he waved his and again and a solid metallic object claimed around her neck.
"Don't worry too much about the collar." Bryan sighed "It is just showing everyone who you belong to. Luckily no one will mess with you as long as you are mine. "It has my family crest and the Slytherin emblem along it. along with a snake along the sides. Lucky for yo I gave you the ability to have your name on it. Usually I would instead have mudblood or bitch written on it. Of coarse I could change the wording whenever i want." He sad down on the dusty old desk in the back and waved his wand a third time as tow smaller metallic objects clamped around her wrists. They were much more bland than the collar being just a basic chrome color.
"And the cuffs, they help with disciplining you. Chains clang and get in the way. These will suspend in the air if I so choose." He explained calmly as they raised her arms pulling her off the ground for a second, just to demonstrate.
"I am sue even a mudblood like you knows what a blowjob is."
Michelle took in a soft breath and looked to him. She nodded and flipped the cloak over her body. She blinked a couple times. "I am familiar with it." She mentioned as they got to the classroom that he finally got them to stop at. She looked around, curious about what would happen, but was rather sure she was going to do something.

When the collar snapped around her neck, she blinked a little and put one of her hands on it. She felt the texture of it, and the shape of it along her neck. Mish nodded to him. "I see...well, then it might do some good in that." She smiled at him. However, when the handcuff like objects snapped onto her wrists, she blinked and looked at them, only to be pulled off the ground for a moment. She looked to him, gulping slightly. Did he expect her to wear these all the time?

When she was effectively told to give him a blowjob, the girl took in a soft breath and headed in closer to him. She got onto her knees, and lifted herself up a little bit. Her hand ran along his thigh, and she then undid his pants and pulled them down, along side of his boxers. "Yes...I know what it is." She said, bringing her mouth close to his member.
As he felt her lips envelope his shaft he sighed. Mudblood or not it always felt good to have his slaves suck him off. Mish was no different in that case. Bryan was large, however it was only a charm, one that he never bother lift, making his already large eight inch member reach a whopping eleven and a half inches. One year he did impersonate a centaur's cock having a large sixteen inch cock but it didn't last, in truth it did get in the way, so he stuck with the eleven inch member. Besides if he kept it that big, it wouldn't exactly be a complete punishment to through her to the horsemen if she misbehaved.

"Being my pet isn't a complete punishment. Plus you are lucky. I am not completely heartless, unless you disobey me. Just keep in mind that you are not eleven like the first years, who, by this point, many have already been touched by my housemates. You're fifteen, older, more mature, and strangely you obey very easily, life will not be that difficult as my pet. He then forced her to take his full length before releasing her head.

"Just keep in mind." he said as he flicked his wand raising her arms into the air forcing her to make a Y. "From this point forward, I, Own, You." and then let her arms drop.
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