The Mask Thief (ViperFang x ilaughatmyself)

Ezio did as he had said he would, firstly inspecting their quarters, which was clear of anyone. He then went below decks, searching there for anything of particular worry. The kitchen area was more than clear, the windows locked up and the entrances having been damn near sealed. Then came the slave deck, and not a single person was down there, so he moved to an area he hadn't ever seen before.

What he found was glorioso.

There were a multitude of wine bottles on the racks, the quantity of wine here being at the very least one-thousand bottles. The Auditore loved wine. He picked out a couple of bottles, blowing the dust off of them and viewing the labels with interest. He then remembered Kicho, up on the main deck and waiting for his return. She must have been thirsty from the amount of travel she must have been doing.

Smirking, the Assassin swiped a couple of bottles and went above decks once more. he motioned for Kicho to follow before entering their quarters once more.
It didn't feel like she had been waiting for long when Ezio finally resurfaced. He motioned for her to follow him, and she did so. She noticed that he appeared to be hiding something large while he walked into their quarters. She looked around at the very luxurious room. It had a very comfortable bed, a table for four people, and a dresser for clothing as well as a large chest with a padlock on its front. There lit candles inside as well, dimly lighting the room. She took a deep breath, glad that she could have a place to comfortably relax on the way to a villa where a warm meal and bed waited for her.

She strolled over to a chair at the table and quickly sat down, letting her feet rest. She sighed heavily, letting her eyes close for a moment before looking back to Ezio.

"So, no dangers, I assume?"
Ezio watched her relax in the room with ease, glad that the accommodation allowed such a thing with her. At her question, he chuckled, walking over to the table and setting the bottles of wine onto the table with an audible thunk, making sure that she could hear it.

"There weren't any dangers...but i did find wine." He moved to the cupboard and pulled out two wine glasses, filling them and setting them onto the table.

"You must be parched. Here." He slid the wine glass he wasn't holding in her direction. "Have a drink."
Kicho looked at him suspiciously as he chuckled at her question. She almost felt that she needed to get into a defensive mode, but as she saw the wine bottles come into view, she relaxed again. The bottles were uncorked and sealed, so there was no chance that he had poisoned them. She was okay. She had nothing to worry about. Besides, wine sounded very nice at this point.

She laughed slightly as he offered her a glass of wine before she took it. She didn't want to wait for him to pour his drink. She just wanted to have a drink now. She lifted the glass to her lips, letting the sweet fluid flow down her throat. It was so soothing. As she emptied her glass, she sighed and set it back down on the table, feeling her insides warm slightly from the delicious drink.

"Goodness...that's a good year," she said with a grin.
Ezio grinned, pouring his own drink and taking a sip, his eyes widening slightly. "Yes, it is..." He laughed a bit as his own insides did nothing. He had drunken so much wine that it didn't affect him, merely tasting good for a drink or two every now and then. He set his glass down after the brief sip and smiled at her, pulling his hood down for her to see his face.
Kicho smiled at his words, already feeling a nice, tingling sensation in her skin. She reached forward to grab the bottle and poured herself another glassful. She swirled it around a bit before taking a sip. She watched as he pulled his hood down, finally revealing his face. She felt a bit of surprise creep into her face as she finally saw what he looked like. He looked positively rugged and handsome. He had an attractive amount of stubble on his face and a scar on the right corner of his lips. His eyes were dark yet friendly with thick, dark eyebrows settled perfectly above them.

" look so very handsome. Why hide your face? Seems like such a waste," she giggled before taking another drink.
Ezio saw the surprise on her face and smirked again, his face showing every alluring feature of such and action. "I hide my face so the guards can't recognize me." He chuckles, taking another sip from his first glass as he watched her become more and more drunk by the sip. Maybe he could have a bit of fun with this.
Kicho watched as his face shifted to an attractive smirk. His teeth were perfect, and his smirk along with his masculine face made it far more appealing than when she had first seen it. She giggled as he mentioned that he used the hood to hide from guards. She took another sip of wine before addressing his statement.

"Ahh, so you're a trouble maker as well, aren't you?" she replied with a wink. She had only been this way when she was trying to fool someone into submission before killing them. Never had it come naturally to her like this. "Are you a bad man, Ezio?"
Ezio still smirked at her sly comment, knowing the wine was doing it's job of getting her drunk rather well. He had no intention of exploiting it, but now that she was wanting it a bit (or at least, it seemed that way), he just had to.

"Well, that all depends on what you mean by 'bad.'" He extended his hidden blade. "It isn't like i use this for eating."
Kicho liked how he grinned. He was already very attractive, but the way he smiled just seemed to amplify it. She took a deep breath as she took another sip of wine, feeling her senses dull slightly from the alcohol. She giggled as he responded to her question and flinched as his hidden blade extended. It surprised her, but she wasn't afraid. She simply giggled again.

"Ooh, you're a killer, aren't you?" she teased. " assassin or something. Do you kill bad people or just anyone?"
Ezio watched her senses dull, watched as Kicho became more and more vulnerable to his advances. However, he decided that it might be best to let her advance, let the woman take first move, or at the very least give a signal of some sort. He retracted the blade, sitting back in his chair and mulling over her question, debating whether or not to reveal his alliances. He decided on masking the truth.

"I work for an organization. They are in a war with another, more public organization dubbed the Templar Order. The war is secret, and barely anyone knows about it." He leans forward again. "It seems I am the leader in the war."
Kicho listened to him explain what he did. She found it hard to believe, but what did she know? After all, he was skilled in combat and had various hidden weapons. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more sense it seemed to make. In addition to that, she also felt herself grow slightly excited. To be in the presence of a leader in a war that was clearly quite virile. She giggled to herself as that word slipped into her mind. 'Virile'. He definitely radiated masculine energy...and it excited her.

She slowly stood up and walked around the table, then slowly sat down on his lap, letting her legs drape over one of his thigh. She wrapped her left arm around his shoulder while her right hand slid up to his cheek, gently stroking it.

"I guess that're really powerful man," she breathed. "A really powerful...manly man."

She took a deep breath, her ample breasts pushed towards his face slightly. She blushed as she realized what she was doing. She couldn't believe she was throwing herself at him so easily...but at the same time, she didn't mind.
The Assassin was legitimately surprised as Kicho sat onto his lap, her gracious breasts pushing into his own chest, making him force himself to hold back a smirk. He had absolutely no idea what was going to happen, and at this particular moment, he really didn't care all that much. His hand unconsiously slid to her thigh, lingering there while he spoke.

"I don't view myself as one...but I guess that it has a bit of merit to it."
Kicho grinned as she felt his strong, warm hand slide up to her thigh. It felt good resting there. She almost hadn't paid any attention to what he said, instead focusing on how nice his skin felt pressed against hers. She slid her hand down to his, grasping it and pressing it harder against her thigh. She even tried to force his hand further up her thigh, her dark eyes fluttering to his. Her free hand slid to scratch the back of his head lightly, still smiling while she stroked her fingers through his thick hair.

"You know...I feel good right now, Ezio," she purred, leaning in closer, her breasts pressing firmer against his body. "Do you feel good with me?'d like to feel even better?"
Ezio let out another smirk as he felt her hand try and force his own further up her thigh, something which Ezio would not allow to happen unless he was given explicit spoken permission to do so. He let Kicho's hands do what they pleased besides that, however, the bit of scratching she did feeling good and slightly arousing, his nicely endowed manhood becoming slightly stiffer at her touch. Her breasts were slowly pushed further into him as she spoke in a seductive tone, one in which Ezio matched in the level of sultry undertones through years of practice.

"I feel pretty good right now, Kicho...I doubt it could be better." He sighed. "But if you would like to try, be my guest."
Kicho whined in disapproval as she felt him restrain his hand from trailing up her thigh. However, as she scratched his scalp, she felt a stiffening in his lap. She couldn't help but grin slyly as he spoke. He doubted he could feel any better than he did now? She knew a challenge when she heard one. She took a deep breath as she shifted to straddle his lap. She leaned her head down to his neck before she licked and kissed his Adam's Apple. Her hands slid down between them, finding the stiffened area that seemed to pitch a tent in his pants. Her hands pawed and groped at his manhood while she began to lightly suck on his neck.

She trailed her tongue up his neck, along his stubbled jawline, then to his lips before she kissed him briefly, grinning against his lips. She pulled away and stared into his eyes, her own clearly full of desire. "How about now, killer?"
Ezio couldn't help but let out a small little moan of pleasure at her touches, allowing his hand to go farther up Kicho's thigh, but only slightly. It was about two or three inches that the hand travelled, but to compensate, Ezio did grab onto her rear with his other hand, squeezing it lightly for her own pleasure. Unlike most men he knew, when he had sex, it was to please both himself and the woman he was with.

Ezio grinned at her statement, kissing her deeply before answering. "Well...i'd say you proved me wrong." Before she could reply, he was kissing her again, his tongue lapping at her lips.
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