Federational Bounties (PK x Bass)

When the rest of the team boarded a GF Starship, Jake boarded his ship, the Luna. It was silver, with a blue tinted duraglass covering the cockpit. It was shaped like an elusive creature called the Aeroshrike. It was a large bodied oval-like aerial creature with two jagged wings. He smiled as it came to life.
Samus Boarded his ship soon after him and smiled. "So.. this is your Love. She's a beautiful Ship.. I'll give you that." She looked around with a smile as she watched him prepare for launch.
Jake raised an eyebrow. "The Luna isn't really my love, but I have an emotional and mental connection with her." He explained as he started up the ship after closing the hatch. The sip flew into the atmosphere very quickly.
Samus smiled as She took a seat. "Yeah.. Same with mine, my Ship and my suit are Connected, I can call her anytime." She scanned her surroundings and smiled to herself. "Wow.. Impressive stuff you've got here."
Jake smiled. "The Luminoth spared no expense for me." He said, before showing her the different systems.
Samus smiled. "Looks like it, it's really impressive." She relaxed a little in her seat and looked to him. "It's about an Hour to Axelnos isn't it?"
"Yep. A standard hour." Jake nodded and put in the autopilot, punching in the coordinates for Axelnos.
"So.. we've got a little Time then." Samus smiled as he set the Autopilot. She looked around a little and sighed lightly, drumming her fingers lightly on the seat.
Jake nodded and his suit derezzed, leaving him in a white-grey Zero Suit. He leaned back and closed his eyes.
Samus Looked him over and smiled to herself as she shifted around a little in her seat, her suit also Derezzing, leaving her in her Zero Suit.
Jake opened one eye and blushed. Her suit was form-fitting, and left NOTHING to the imagination.
Samus noticed Jake look over and smiled, before looking away and blushing a little, closing her eyes and sighing to herself with a smile as she relaxed.
Samus nodded as she performed final checks of her suit and Looked to him. "So.. when we get in, what's the plan, stick together?"
Jake nodded. "yeah. We need to cause as much of a commotion as we can." He primed his arm cannon.
Samus smiled a little. "No need to tell me twice." Her beam cannon flashed briefly and she looked to him. "Let's go blast some bugs."
Jake nodded and hopped out of the ship. He then got a communication from Adam. "Samus, Jake. We've landed and are making our way to the outpost. We'll meet at the rendezvous point." "Roger."
Samus nodded as she Followed Jake, keeping her Arm Cannon primed in case of an Ambush. "Right then.." She glanced around, scanning for any life forms with her Visor, nothing seemed to be of any threat, Right now atleast.
Jake continued to move forward. An hour later, the pair came across a small organic building. "The outpost." Jake said with confidence.
"Yeah.. I'm picking up life signs inside, watch yourself Jake." She nodded and looked to him.
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