Federational Bounties (PK x Bass)

Jul 24, 2012
Samus sighed as she Stood in the Barracks, Looking over herself in her locker Mirror, picking up her Small Chozo Stone that she'd been given by the Guardians when she Left to Join the Federation, that felt like an eternity Ago, before all the Regulations and Rules of the Federation base. That said, nobody there wanted a Repeat of K-2L, least of all her. She shuddered as she saw the Draconian grin of Ridley flash through her mind, before Grabbing what she needed from her Locker and heading out for her Briefing with Adam and the rest of their Squadron.
PK_Blizzard said:
Samus sighed as she Stood in the Barracks, Looking over herself in her locker Mirror, picking up her Small Chozo Stone that she'd been given by the Guardians when she Left to Join the Federation, that felt like an eternity Ago, before all the Regulations and Rules of the Federation base. That said, nobody there wanted a Repeat of K-2L, least of all her. She shuddered as she saw the Draconian grin of Ridley flash through her mind, before Grabbing what she needed from her Locker and heading out for her Briefing with Adam and the rest of their Squadron.

Jake Aurion sighed as he laced his boots. Today was his first day with the Federation Army. He had come all the way from Aether, after being raised by the Luminoth. So many things had happened. His brother by adoption, U-Mos, the gift of his ship, the Luna. And...that night....when he was five.....


The monster had murdered his parents. He clenched his fist in anger as the image of the monster's foot came down on his parents, killing them instantly. He blinked back tears in his ice blue eyes, and ran a hand through his short, crimson hair. He left his locker room and went to the briefing room.
Samus smiled a little as she Saw Jake head into the Briefing room, she had seen him a few times during the Academy, but she never got much of a chance to really speak with him, being a year ahead in her training, she gave him a casual wave and turned to Adam who stood at the front of the Briefing room as always. She stretched a little and shuffled about as she Awaited the briefing.
Jake smiled at the fair woman who waved at him. Samus Aran. Whenever he saw her at the academy, his heart fluttered. Even the mere mention of her name made him blush. He stood in front with the team.

Adam then spoke. "The Kriken empire has overstepped it's bounds and has encroached on Federation space, the planet Axelnos. We need to ward off the scout party. We will strike the outpost from several locations and hit them hard, with Samus and Jake breaching into the outpost. Any objections, Lady?" He asked Samus after giving more intel.
Samus shook her head, and stuck her thumb down. "No sir." She looked over to Jake and smiled. She Headed over to him as Adam Dismissed the Group after giving them all their Specific Roles. "So.. Looks like we'll be working together, It's nice to finally Meet you properly, I've seen you around before, but we never had the chance to talk much." She stretched a little. "Axelnos is a long way from this base, we should Have plenty of time to chat then." She looked over to Anthony and smiled, he'd been Positioned on Aerial support again, he was always one for handling the Heavy Machinery. "You make sure you've got us Covered Anthony."

Anthony smirked and laughed a little as he patted her on the shoulder. "Sure thing Princess.."
Jake nodded, cleverly concealing a blush. "Yes...It'll be great working with you as well. Your Power Suit intrigues me. Did the Luminoth build it? That's how I have mine....but it doesn't look like Luminoth tech...." He asked, musing. He looked forward to getting to know her. Maybe..... no. She wouldn't have time for love, and neither should he.
"Oh no, Chozo Technology.." She smiled a little. "I won't get into that though, They're similar, but as You said, Only at the very base level." She turned to him with a smile. "So.. You're from Aether then I take it?"
Jake nodded. "Yes and no. I'm from Colony 72-Alpha, in the Aether System. My...parents were murdered by Space Pirates...." He said sadly as his thoughts wandered off to the monster that haunted his dreams. He then shook his head. "I managed to escape and found myself on Aether through an escape pod. I was adopted by a family of Luminoth, and when I grew old enough, I was given a ship and a Power Suit. I was also blessed with their blood through infusion. So I have limited telekinetic and psychic abilities." He explained.
Samus sighed a little as he explained his past. "Nice to see I'm not the only one here... We're practically the same Situation, except the Chozo actually found me and Took me back to Zebes, and You've psychic abilities opposed to my Adapted resistance to harsher environments.. I was from KL-2 Originally, My parents were researchers there, the Pirates attacked, lead by..." She shuddered and stammered to even mention his name, almost seizing up then. "Ridley.."
PK_Blizzard said:
Samus sighed a little as he explained his past. "Nice to see I'm not the only one here... We're practically the same Situation, except the Chozo actually found me and Took me back to Zebes, and You've psychic abilities opposed to my Adapted resistance to harsher environments.. I was from KL-2 Originally, My parents were researchers there, the Pirates attacked, lead by..." She shuddered and stammered to even mention his name, almost seizing up then. "Ridley.."

Jake sighed. "Well, we'll get our revenge. I promise." He grinned and placed a hand on her shoulder.
Samus smiled. "I know... Someday the Bastards'll pay.." She blushed a little as he rested his hand on her shoulder. "I just hope I get to Put him down."
She smiled a little and turned To Adam. "I take it we're moving out Immediately?" He nodded and she stretched a little. "I'm gonna head over to My Ship and prepare..."
Adam nodded. "Go ahead. We move out in one standard hour." He informed while walking away. When Samus would next find Jake, she would see him in his Power Suit, doing what seemed to be a routine systems check.
Samus smiled as she Saw him doing his system check, now no longer in her Uniform and just in her Zero Suit. "You all ready to go?" She Hovered off of the ground for a moment as her Power Suit Materialized around her. She looked over his Power suit and smiled. "Yeah.. yours is quite similar with how it hugs your body, but it looks really different in design."
Jake looked up and smiled behind the visor. "Yeah. I can tell. The Chozo...what are they like?" He asked curiously. "Personality wise. I've researched them in appearance and history." He explained.
"The Chozo.." She smiled a little. "They're very.. If I had to say, enlightened, they know that Life is just their gift, and that they should try their best to enrich their own and others... Why they helped me and trained me so much.. They knew it would be what I wanted.. to stop those space pirates.."
Samus smiled. "They Trained me as a warrior and in their ways, their technology and history Mainly..." She looked to Jake. "What about you? what did the Luminoth do with you?"
"Same thing. I was educated in their ways. The Light of Aether is a wonderful thing for them." He smiled brightly.
"Yeah.. Aether always intrigued me, Might get to visit someday, you can give me the grand tour." She smiled a little at him. "When we do get to Axelnos, Where are we going to meet? I mean, I think the others are performing Recon and covering us two, we're the only ones inside the actual outpost, or Shall we just head over together? I mean, it makes more sense to do that."
Jake nodded. "Yeah. We should definitely go together. Those Krikens are masters of stealth." He explained. "Primary Weapon, the Imperialist. Heavy duty sniper weapon that can heavily damage someone if it makes contact. Without proper shielding, if it hits your head, you're toast." He said, reading from his helmet's databanks.
"Yeah, not to mention their Invisibility from Life scans.. It's only a recon squad, but we It still won't be easy." She smiled and put an arm around him. "And it Doesn't look too good for me if I bring back the new guy with a fried Head." She laughed a little.
Jake laughed. "Hey, my armor has great shielding. I'll be just fine." He smiled. He got an alert on his helmet systems. "C'mon. We gotta leave." He said, walking off.
Samus smiled. "Here's hoping your Head's screwed on just as well." She followed him as they Prepared to leave.
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