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Looking for D&D Roleplay!

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Apr 21, 2010
Hey guys!

I'm looking for an RP, oddly enough, one that is majority story, with bits of smut in it, although that can be discussed later on. Some plots disregard this however.

I would prefer to RP over Skype if possible, if not, then it's not too much of a problem. I will RP over thread, PM or email too.

I'm fine with basically any kinks, so it's quite pointless me making a list. Literally anything at all, I'm up for.

I know this is quite short, but I'm looking for average replies of about two paragraphs minimum. I know writer's block is awful and sometimes words just don't want to come out, but that's fine, we all get it. Also, sometimes I'll reply a few times a day, other times maybe only once a day.

At the moment I'm looking for a D&D Type of Story RP, that is about 90% story, then 10% smut, although that is negotiable. It would take place with my character either just meeting yours, or having travelled with yours out of convenience for only a couple of days. This does not include any table top playing or dice rolling either.

It would be helpful if you have only a rough idea of the races and such within the universe act and such, but a lot of it we can simply make up on the spot if we need to.

Just send me a PM and I'll get back to you as quick as I can!

You might try looking in the "Systems" rp section. There are people there who play using table top and D&D rules and settings. You might have more luck there. *nods*
Apologies, I should have said in the OP that I didn't want to do the table top side of it. I'll edit that in.
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