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It's giving me a complex (Candira and Agnores)

Sophie looked up at Amy and decided that despite her wounded pride and hurt feelings, she needed to keep it together. She shouldn't hide her feelings--but she shouldn't melt down. It wasn't like she could smile now anyway. Sophie set her purse down and took off her jewelry, putting it away when she had it off. At least her roomie was concerned. Amy might have ignored her or continued to wallow. It was good, right?

The inevitable question of what happened came out though, and she couldn't keep it to herself. "Yeah, I'm okay. I've been better, though." She ran her fingers through her hair and then ran a brush through it, making it look much better. "Ugh, I don't really want to talk about it right now. Let me take a shower first and then we'll talk." She walked to her closet, got a comfy green dress out and then walked into the bathroom.

A good twenty minutes later, she came back. She smelled much nicer, looked a little less tired. She wore the green dress well, but it was a comfortable thing. Her hair was curled now and she put on a simple watch and cute pearl stud earrings. "Okay. Much steadier now. So, maybe you can help me figure out how this happened, because I really thought things were going well." With that, Sophie explained what had happened to her on her date as she applied a light layer of make up. When she was finished, she moved to sit next to Amy.

"So I'm not crazy, right? It was going well. And it's not me, is it?" And then her phone beeped with a Facebook update. She would deal with that in a little bit.
Amy watched with concern as Sophie milled about the room, but nodded when she said she wanted to take a shower first. "All right, I'll be here." When Sophie disappeared into the bathroom, Amy slipped off her bed and grabbed her phone, sitting down on the bed as she sent a message off to Drew. Sophie is upset, you know why? She sat her phone on her pillow, checking it every minute or so for a reply that never came. Eventually, Sophie re-appeared in a green dress looking slightly better. When she began to talk, Amy silently listened, but as the story wore on to what happened this morning, Amy became confused.

"No, you aren't crazy, and I can't see why it would have been you. Maybe your night together was so perfect it made him feel some things he wasn't ready to feel, and he got scared? Evan seemed too genuine a guy to be a one-night stander." She glanced over to her phone, but there was no reply yet. Looks like Drew had finally got to sleep. "I'm sorry, though. Maybe you should just talk to him later, see if you can't get him to tell you whats going on. I don't know Evan all that well...but he was aglow when you were near him. A person can't fake that, I think." As bad as it sounded, Amy was glad Sophie had issues of her own. It made Amy's issues seem so...trivial in comparison. She looked away from Sophie, then sighed. "He gave no clue to why he would have done this?"

Ryan did something similar all the time, Amy thought. She would get invited over with sweet words, have sex with him, then often times would get kicked out shortly after. When she did stay the night, he never paid much attention to her if he didn't just ask her to leave. Ryan really was terrible, she thought...and Evan was his friend. Perhaps they did share certain habits. However, Amy wasn't blind to how those two had been around each other. Was Evan such a good actor that he could seem so uplifted when near Sophie, but not truly be that way? She just couldn't believe it.

Then again, before a few days ago, she wouldn't have believed Ryan was that way either.
Sophie sighed and shook her head. Well, at least Amy was handling it better than she'd thought. In the future, she would need to give Amy some more credit. For the time being, however, she couldn't figure out what went wrong. "Not really. He did say he was feeling some things that he wasn't really ready for...I get that. Really, I understand if you're a little freaked out, but the least you can do is look me in the eye when you tell me that. It really makes his story ring untrue. Not to mention, he didn't even glance up or say goodbye when I left. I just don't get how you go from hot to cold in the space of a night."

She shook her head. "I bet it has to do with whatever dream he was having before he woke up. It really seemed to freak him out, but he refused to say anything about it. I don't know. He has to work through something, but he's going to learn that he can't just expect me to slink away whenever he has issues. That's not how a relationship works." She sighed and put her head in her hands. "I want to be on his side so bad, but I'm so upset with him..." She looked over at her roommate and frowned.

"Do you think I ruined it?"
Amy listened, nodding or giving a "yeah" where it mattered. "Just give him some time, then go talk to him. Maybe he'll be able to give you some sort of heads up on what is going on, and you guys can work through it. Its understandable you are upset with him, it was kind of sucky to do what he did." She gave Sophie a soft smile, but it left when she asked her next question. "If anything," she replied, "he ruined it. You did nothing wrong. It was all him." She scooted closer to Sophie, placing her hand on Sophie's shoulder. "You two had something. Since all the time we have spent as roommates, I have not seen you so happy as when you were with him. Don't let him go just because of a bad dream, Sophie."

Amy smiled, surprised at the earnest in her voice. "See if you can't get lunch with him, see what's up. That's what I'd do, anyway."
"Thanks. That was my plan, too. I just needed to talk about it, ya know?" With that, she gave her roomie a small smile and got up. She took her cellphone and checked her recent notifications and saw Evan's message. He'd broken his phone somehow...yes, it did sound lame. Still, things like this happened, and it was just silly to doubt that that was true. She was a little irked that he wasn't more apologetic in his message, but it was hard to pull that off in text, so she decided that she would be mildly annoyed by it instead of angry. The fact that he'd written to her as if nothing had happened between them this morning and everything was peachy keen was nothing more than a mosquito bite to her sunny disposition. Yup.

But why would you want to talk about anything truly important on Facebook? That was just silly. So she replied that she would meet him then and told him that he didn't need to bring any shards of his phone as proof. Maybe he could pick up her dignity, though. Okay, she deleted that last part. It was too passive-aggressive, even for her current mood.

"Okay, well, I need to calm down. I can't fix this if I'm all worked up about it, right? I have to try to be sensible at the very least. So....what should I do to calm down?" She thought about it for a minute and said, "How'd you like to be in a sketch?"
"I understand," Amy said as Sophie got up and checked her phone.

She took the time to check her own phone, and Drew still hadn't replied. He must have finally gotten his sleep then, she thought. That made her smile, thinking back on her own crazy morning. Though...if he knew what had happened with Sophie, he wouldn't be sleeping, she thought. That would mean he didn't know, and he wouldn't be a happy camper when he found out. She didn't really think Drew would do anything other than yell and bluster, but there was always that his little confrontation with Ryan. If he confronted Evan, how would things between him and Sophie go? Though...there was a chance Evan deserved it. She couldn't deny that. She doubted it, but she couldn't deny it.

She heard Sophie ask what she should do to calm down, and looked up when she suggested being in a sketch. "Sure...why not?" Amy replied, slipping off her bed. "What do you need me to do?"
"Let's find the right lighting for you and then you can get comfy." Pleased that she now had something to do instead of pining and driving herself crazy over the incident this morning, Sophie smiled at her roommate and got her sketchpad out and a few pencils. She set down the pad and then went to position the girl. She did some hair fluffing and then sat down across from Amy at an angle and said, "Okay, get comfy." When Amy was all settled, Sophie began drawing and all other thoughts shut down. All that was left in her head was the image she was recording on the picture. Her eyes traced the outline of Amy's profile and her hands deftly followed.

Sophie let all thoughts of earlier drift off and she began to calm down as her hands gave shape and shading to Amy's face. She glanced up at her model and then focused intently on adding all the details to the sketch that she could. The neck and shoulders, the torso of a woman she'd spent so much time hating. It seemed so petty and stupid now. She could have had a friend this whole time, and she'd spent it being jealous.

Despite their less than cozy relationship up to this point, she was beginning to appreciate the different facets of Amy--the little pieces that made her who she was. It was kind of nice, now that she thought about it.
Amy found her comfortable spot, and watched Sophie as she went to work.

It was an odd transformation; as Sophie began to get drawn into her work, Amy began to notice just how much more relaxed she seemed. It was then that Amy understood how much Sophie really enjoyed her art. She began to feel terrible for not getting to know her roommate sooner, for not making attempts to see her art. It was obvious she was passionate about it, the way her troubles seemed to fly away as she drew. Amy needed to find an activity she enjoyed as much as Sophie enjoyed her art. Then maybe she'd be able to deal with this whole incident with Drew easier. Maybe she'd be able to deal with everything so much easier. Thinking about it, she hadn't mentioned what happened with Drew earlier, either. Should she? After a few minutes deliberation, Amy decided against it.

"Yeah, bro, got one tonight, in the all-girl dorm. RA supposed to be hosting, no way we'll get caught."

"Cool, what time?"

"Eleven. Strike out with your new girlfriend all ready?"

"I'll be there. Anyway, are you free now? Wanna play Racquetball?"

"Fuck yeah. Let me kick this girl out of my room, and I'll meet you at the court."

"Sounds good. See ya, Ryan."

With that, Evan ended the Skype call. He had heard a female voice in the background, obviously upset by Ryan's words. Well, that was just like him.

Just like me.
Since it was only a sketch, Sophie left things a little raw. She could go back and polish the picture later if she wanted, removing more course lines and smoothing out textured shadows. If she really wanted to, she could scan it and mess around in her art programs to give it color and add more effective layering. There was only so much she could do with her pencils, but as it stood, the picture was clear and had done its job. She was relaxed now, finally calm again after all that had happened. She felt as though she had more clarity and perspective--at least about Amy. That was as good of a place to start as any, right?

She smiled and turned the pad around to show her model. "Here. What do you think?" Maybe the two of them could spend more time together before it was time for Sophie's lunch date. Hopefully the very light pang of dread in her stomach would disappear before she needed to actually leave.
Amy finally got out of her "comfortable" position (it had in fact ceased being comfortable a minute or two after Sophie had started drawing) and approached Sophie's artwork, silently surprised by the skill. It wasn't perfect, for sure, but it was far better than anything Amy had ever seen done by someone she knew. A soft smile played across her lips as she reached for the pad, gently taking it and pretending to examine it closely. "Holy crap," Amy said, shaking her head with mock anger. "You really think my nose is that big? Or my ears? Sheesh, I could fly with those things!" Her big smile betrayed her true thoughts, and as she handed the pad back, she giggled. "Its great. You are really good at what you do."

Amy moved to sit next to Sophie, looking at her. "Don't think I'll volunteer to be a model again, that got uncomfortable fast." She smiled, shaking her head. "Hey....want to play a board game? I only have LIFE, because its my favorite of all time, but I don't think I have ever played with you. It may be fun."
Sophie chuckled at Amy's outburst. She wasn't fooled for a minute. She rolled her eyes at the flying joke and shook her head when she said she wouldn't model anymore. "Sorry it took so long. When you concentrate on standing still, it's kind of hard to not freeze up. But I'm glad you like it. Maybe I'll finish it up later on. I can scan it and work on it later if I have some free time. On the bright side, this can count as homework, so I'm being extra productive," she said with a little chuckle.

The board game made her cringe inwardly, but what the hell? Why not. "Sure. I've never played LIFE before, though. You might have to walk me through it."

Drew was in a very deep sleep, very happy to be there after a sleepless night. He wouldn't be awake for hours, but his dreams were a bit troubling. Sophie was hurt, Amy was hurt and lonely, and he was...useless. He simply wasn't enough for either one of them, and he wasn't sure what hurt him more--not being able to be there for his best friend or not being able to be there for the girl he was pretty sure he loved.

And his not being enough led to sneaky maneuvers by Amy--her luring him to bed through any means necessary and succeeding. Her keeping him at arm's length, using him to feed a hunger that only he could fill. He gave her everything, well aware that he would never be any more than what he was then. Just a foolish man unable to turn her away.

And his dreams of Sophie were no better. He wasn't enough for her either. He couldn't comfort her enough to take away all the pain. He couldn't even offer to beat the guy up because she wanted to do it herself. He could, however, hold the bastard down. But he saw in his dreams an endless spiral for his friend. Hating and loving the same man, over and over. Sure his face and appearance might change, but they kept on loving and leaving her. Fickle men who only wanted one thing kept touching and hurting her, and even if he beat the shit out of every last one of them, he couldn't repair the damage that had been done to the one person who had always been there for him. Someone he loved like a sister was being hurt over and over and she simply couldn't harden her heart.

But then sweeter dreams came to him. Optimism was kicking in. The possibility that Amy would actually want him entered his subconscious. He had dreams of being with her, showing her how deserving she was--how worthy she was of just about every thing.

He had dreams of Sophie finding the right guy, of her shutting out all the losers who'd gone after her before. The artist living in happiness, and suddenly he was enough again. He was whole. He was everything he needed to be for the two most important girls in his life.
Evan shut and locked his door, turning and walking down the hall and out of his dorm building.

His hair was still wet from his shower, something he had thought he desparately needed after his rough match with Ryan. It had been a while since they played Racquetball, and Ryan was rather annoyed with how suddenly Evan had dropped him for a girl he had all ready struck out with. Their early games had been rough, with Ryan purposely hitting the ball in such a way Evan could do nothing but let it hit him. Covered in bruises, Evan had eventually started playing back, hitting Ryan as much if not more than Ryan had hit him. For hours this pseudo-match went on, with the hits turning from anger and annoyance to playful aggression, both boys laughing when the other got hit particularly hard. They quit when Evan realized it was noon, which landed Evan another solid hit from Ryan. He had simply brushed it off and returned to his room for a shower.

His shower had been a slow, half hour one. He took his time to let the warm water relax his muscles, and actively searched his body for new and forming bruises. He was covered in them, though luckily he had not been hit in the face. After his shower, when he dressed, he realized how tired he was and considered postponing his lunch with Sophie for a nap. He decided against it, figuring he was in enough trouble as it was, and headed from his room. Now he was crossing the courtyard to the dining hall, apprehension spread thickly across his face. He was a little early, giving him a chance to run if he so chose, but he knew he wouldn't. He also knew he wouldn't answer any of Sophie's questions about his dreams, or what happened this morning. He simply wasn't ready to talk about that. Not right now.

Not ever.

He intended to apologize for this morning, and admit to treating her wrong, and leave it at that. Move on. Try for a second date. Keep physical contact to a minimum. Get to know this girl better. Maybe later, when they really knew each other, he'd be able to work past this issue of his. He could only hope. Presently, however, Evan simply hoped Sophie would give him the time of day...and listen to him. Not get too upset over his lack of answers.

He realized a bit too late he was asking for too much.
A few games later, Sophie was leaving her dorm. She was still dreading things a bit, but her outlook was far more serene now that she'd had time to put it in perspective. She took a deep breath, slipped a light, silky scarf over her shoulders to act like a shawl, and a small clutch of a purse in her hand. The green dress still looked nice, but her curls had loosened a bit to look softer. She headed toward their meeting place, soaking in the sun and deciding that it was silly to dread this meeting. She hadn't over reacted--he'd treated her very poorly, and she'd left quietly, so she hadn't even done anything to him. It was best to clear the air.

When she finally saw Evan, she couldn't control the reaction she had. Despite how mad she was, how bad he'd made her feel that morning, she found herself smiling at him. He was handsome and he'd been sweet for their entire relationship--even before. He had been genuinely interested in her and her art. She hadn't been imagining that, right? She wanted so badly to give him a second chance, but she needed him to answer her questions and give her closure. It wasn't unreasonable, was it?

She had no idea that she was walking into an impossible situation that could only end in heartbreak. Despite that, she was full of hope.
Sophie was her usual, beautiful self. Evan smiled, his first genuine smile, when he saw her, and walked forward to approach her. His hands found his pockets as he moved in front of her, but his smile remained. There was a bit of dread lasting over from knowing what she was going to ask, knowing what he had to say, but he tried his best to not let it show. So there he stood, smiling his first genuine smile, hands in his pocket, like that awkward kid about to ask out his long-term crush for the first time. "Hey," he said after a brief pause, glancing at her then away. When his eyes finally focused on hers again, there was a tinge of fear that swam inside of them.

"I might smell funny. Side effect of being an ass," he said, letting his usual self shine through and say what needed to be said. It was better to act natural, he thought. He looked away again, and soon after turned gesturing with his body towards the dining hall. "Shall we?" He said, and after a brief pause, continued. "I know you want to talk about things. I think we should at least get food first."
She wanted to fix things. She wanted it to work out, and they were off to a promising start. "Hi, hun." The term of endearment was her attempt to show him that she was open to fixing everything. She saw him look away and knew he was nervous. She was a little nervous too, but then he broke the tension with a joke. She smiled and shook her head. "Well at least you've admitted it. Maybe the walk will air you out." Before he could walk away from her she caught him in a little hug and smiled. "Alright, food first, then we'll talk. Until then, we can play charades," she teased, walking arm-in-arm with him toward the dining hall. It could work, right? He wanted to make it better. He'd smiled at her--a smile that seemed genuine and reached his eyes. It would work, right?
Everything was going great, and then she hugged him.

If he had given any outward indication the hug bothered him, she didn't seem to notice or care. She was arm in arm with him, walking towards the dining hall. His hands remained firmly planted in his pockets. When she had hugged him, he had been filled with Sophie's presence; everything about her that he so very much loved came flooding back. He knew he very much wanted to be with this girl, but he couldn't help but see the little wisp with her face in it...and he became scared. Knew he couldn't continue. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Charades?" When he spoke, his voice sounded less warm, but not overly so. "Sounds fun." As they walked into the dining hall, he stole a glance at her, quickly looking away. "Hey, as an apology, I'll use two of my meals for the semester. You get a free meal on me." He didn't give her time to reply before he handed his card over to the cashier, and stepped to the side as she swiped his card twice. "Ladies first," he said, with a smile.
She hadn't felt him stiffen up and the hug hadn't lasted long so his not returning it wasn't a big thing. She did, however, notice that the warmth was slowly being leeched out of him. His hands were still in his pocket, he wasn't looking at her again, and his voice was definitely more flat than before. What the hell? It was happening all over again. He was noticeably less excited to be with her, and that hurt her as well. What was going on?

And he insisted on paying, using up one of his meals on her. She didn't even have time to argue that it was unnecessary or silly before the card was swiped.

And suddenly she felt like he was trying to console her already. Like he was giving up before they even talked. What the hell happened between last night and now. The hurt was fresh again, and the anger was simmering under the surface. How dare he? And he had the nerve to smile at her. Well if he could pretend like nothing was wrong, so could she. So she took a deep breath, smiled back--though it didn't quite reach her eyes--and then went in ahead of him, suddenly not hungry.

Charades was a bad idea because the only gestures she felt like making were highly inappropriate. "So, what are you in the mood for?"
Evan was blissfully unaware how his actions had upset Sophie, and a soft smile sat on his face as he entered the cafe behind her. "Not sure. Probably gonna see what they have, meet you at a table. I worked up a appetite today with my racquetball game." With that, he smiled, and disappeared into the buffet area, collecting food as he saw it. He really was starving, but that was only part of the reason he took his time checking each food item to see if it looked good...he knew sitting at that table would begin a discussion he was desperate to avoid. He knew it was better to get it over with, but he couldn't convince himself to just go sit down. When he finally arrived at the table, his plate was stacked with food; his plate made no real sense, as Evan had literally grabbed whatever looked good.

He sat down and smiled towards Sophie when she arrived at the table, and began to eat. After a few bites, he finally said, "Well, I guess we should get this over with. Sorry about this morning." He stuffed his face with more food.
She smiled at his indecision and nodded. A racquetball game? He had time to hang out with a buddy, but no time to explain to her what the hell was going on? He had himself together well enough to play around, but not enough to string together two sentences about how he was feeling or why he'd done what he'd done? Oh yeah. She felt just fucking fabulous. "Sure. I'll see you in a little bit."

Sophie didn't have much of an appetite, so food didn't really have a lot of appeal to her. She went to the comfort food section and picked up fried chicken to toss into a salad and built herself something impressive. She grabbed an iced tea and a dinner roll, and sat down. When Evan found her, her smile was gone and she was a little less sparkly and bouncy than before. Her lips managed a little curve a little, but it didn't reach her eyes.

She let him dig in but she was just pushing around food with her fork. His apology was weak at best. She paused and set her fork down, tilting her head. " to elaborate on that?" She would save her more aggressive questions for later. He needed a chance to answer her. Her anger, however, was becoming more and more difficult to reign in.
At her expression, his eye's shot to hers. For a second, he stared, frozen in his position with a fork halfway to his mouth. He knew she would ask that. Why did it shock him so? After a bit, he glanced away, then focused down on his food, before taking several more bites in. "No," he said, finally, his voice bereft of all all warmth and emotion he had managed earlier. He kept focusing on his food, not really sure what to say next. He couldn't think of anything that would make this better, and he was starting to notice that Sophie wasn't the happiest individual in the room right now. This was a bad idea, he began to think. He should of just let her go...but then, he couldn't do that. There was something about Sophie that just prevented him from giving up on her...even if he couldn't exactly be with her.

He looked back up at her, trying to speak, but nothing came out. He sat back in his chair and looked away. She wasn't happy, he could tell. But what could he do about it? He said he was sorry. He wanted to move forward...why couldn't that be enough?
Not happy didn't really cover the gambit of emotions she was feeling at this particular moment. She left her fork on her plate and nodded as he finally answered her. And she knew they couldn't go back to what they were with that. At least not very easily. "No? So what are you sorry for? Hm? Sorry for making me feel like a leper because you wouldn't even look at me? Sorry that you didn't even say good bye to me this morning? Or are you sorry you slept with me? What exactly are you apologizing for, because there's a whole shitload of things to account for and I just wanna be clear."

She was glaring now. Her voice was still at a decent register--not too loud, but just hard and heated enough to show that she was pissed. "You know what? Forget it. I don't wanna hear what you have to say. You obviously don't mean it. Clearly this whole thing was just a mistake. Did you ever even like me?" she asked, the hurt creeping in now. Oh, just perfect. She was making a scene. Thankfully, there were enough people in the room to fill it up with sound so that she wasn't too loud.
"I -- "

She cut him off, and Evan's face fell into a frown, tinged by his sudden irritation. He could handle her tone, the way she was speaking. Hell, he deserved it. What he couldn't handle was her refusing to let him at least answer he damn questions. When he spoke, his voice was full of irritation and his own budding anger. "Of course I like you! Why the hell would I be sitting here if I didn't?" he paused for a moment, just enough to catch his breathe and even out his tone. "I'm sorry about the way I treated you this morning. It was probably the worst way to end a night like that." He glanced away as he remembered the night, but his eyes found hers again. The irritation slowly filtered out, and he was left with just a will to be done with this damnable situation. "I'm not going to talk about why," he said. "So don't ask. Let's just move forward. Go on more dates. Slow this thing down."
In the interest of not hurting his feelings and making things even worse, she kept what she'd been thinking to herself. She was at least, somewhat relieved by the fact that it hadn't been some sick joke or a lie. He liked her. So what the hell was his problem? Why did he need to build this kind of wall between them? What had she done that was so wrong? She could tell that he was irritated. At least it was a sign that he really did care. If she was in a normal state, then she might have been sorry.

Well, too damn bad if he was irritated. She was beyond caring how he was feeling at this point in time. This wasn't an acceptable apology, and he was still treating her like crap. She physically recoiled when he said he wouldn't tell her why and she shouldn't ask him. Hurt and confusion and anger registered in her face and voice, but she kept her voice at a soft level. He wanted to keep dating her and slow down? "Well, it's gonna be awfully hard to go out with you when you can't even look at me. It's going to be harder to go out with you without knowing why you won't. You can't just treat me this way and not explain it and then expect everything to work out. I haven't done a damn thing to deserve it."

Here, she felt a lump in her throat and cursed the fact that she was so emotional. She wasn't going to cry, damnit. "I can't help fix what's wrong if I don't know the problem in the first place. And if it was the sex, I didn't exactly force myself on you, you know. You were with me all the damn way, and I didn't hear you beg me to stop. I didn't hear you complaining, so that's on you, too." Hurt and anger were melding together now, and were leaning more toward righteous fury than crumbling depression.
"Oh, god damn it."

Evan let his head fall into his hands, exasperated. Why did women always assume it was the sex? His irritation had flared up, so he took his time trying to keep it down, trying to ensure when he spoke next, it would be controlled and neat. "It has nothing to do with the sex, or anything you did. You can't fix it, so don't even try. Can we we please just drop this conversation and move on?" He was frustrated that she couldn't see how much he didn't want to talk about this, how much he couldn't talk about it. He wanted to move on, go on their next date...anything other than sit here and watch this girl he absolutely adored burst into tears. "Its not that big of a deal. In a couple of days I'll be back to normal, and we can be ourselves again."

He just hoped she would understand. He doubted she would...but he could still hope.
She shook her head. "Unbelievable. You really expect that to be enough, don't you?" Sophie took a full ten seconds to just gape at him before she continued. "And I'm sorry if you're annoyed because I want to know what the hell happened, but I think I kind of have a right to know." She sighed and put her head in her hand, the tension building up. "Look, if you don't want to talk about it, I can't make you. But it's not just going to go away. Why don't you call me when you feel like talking? Maybe try to grow up a little between now and then."

The artist shot him one last glare and stood up, taking her tray with her, no longer interested in any kind of food. She left him there, feeling awful in so many different ways it wasn't even funny. She was really going to cry and there was no way to stop it. So rather than wait around, Sophie rushed off, moving as fast as humanly possible on wedge heels. She rushed out of the dining hall and to her dorm, not knowing where else she should go. What did this mean? Was it over between them? Or was this just a fight? Too late to find out now. Let him come after her if he wanted to be back with her. She'd be damned if she chased after someone who treated her like this.

"Why am I such an idiot?" she muttered. "Why does this always happen to me?"
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