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If you've got nothing to do, I will roleplay with you! (M for F)

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Sep 27, 2012
Pittsburg, Kansas
Welcome to my request thread.

I would first like to give you my sincere thanks, in advance, for reading the information that extends from here. It is important to me that you do, and it will be important if you wish to create a successful roleplay. This is also something of an amicable weeding process – if your desires do not square with mine, then you’ll probably be able to find that out here.

First, the very basics. I only roleplay heterosexual males. Their attitude relative to the traditional scale of dominance versus submission will be determined exclusively by me based on my sense of the roleplay. Next, I only roleplay with women who play female characters. If you wish not to disclose your gender, fine, but I’ll only agree to a roleplay in that situation under very special circumstances. Do not be dishonest.

Lastly, I have plot ideas of my own and will update this thread accordingly with them, but I especially enjoy adapting your take on my idea, or your own idea with my tastes. It becomes a real intellectual challenge, and that mental stimulation is half of the reason why I am here. I think you can figure out the other half, and if you can’t, bless you ;-)

I roleplay on all media but prefer threads at this time. It can be semi-private as necessary. If you wish to roleplay via email or IM, that’s an option, but we’ll have to talk about it first. I do not like to roleplay on PMs. That just makes me come to this site to write something no one will see. It seems a little pointless, then.

Writing and Roleplay Guidelines

Please follow these. They will make our mutual experience that much better and save a lot of time. I’ve tried to make things as comprehensive as I can.

What’s Hot:
* Partners who invest as much time and content into any given RP as I do, or more.

* Partners with perfect or near-perfect spelling and have a good grasp on grammar/sentence structure. (If you are weak on this, but wish to improve, I would love to help you!)

* Partners who add to my ideas as much as their own.

* Roleplaying with a balance between plot and sex. Look, if the sex is good, I’m never going to turn it down. But at least in theory, you’re here for something deeper, right?

* Chatting out-of-character with friendly partners about just anything. :-D

What’s Not:
* Bugging me about posting more than once a day. I have a busy schedule and post as often as I can. Do not badger me or you’ll just be ignored and the roleplay will probably end.

* One liners or nonsense posts that don’t make any sense and clearly have not been invested in much, in terms of effort and thought.

* Actively disregarding anything that is posted on this thread. You are expected to at least skim over it before we roleplay. Any obvious sign that you are ignoring something I have asked for will get me frustrated. In that event I may just quit the pairing outright.

* Nonconstructive criticism of my writing. I.e. “you suck.” No, you do. Do this and we’re done.

Check my F-List for kinks, y’know, and stuff…

I’m always looking to broaden my horizons, unless it’s one of these:

* Blood-relation or any (even step) parental incest

* Age gaps greater than 10 years in any direction.

* Any roleplay involving characters younger than 18 years old.

* Bestiality, or “furries” that are more animal than human

* Non-consensual sex or Rape

* Anything involving stuff that belongs in the toilet

* Excessive gore in a sexual fashion

* Any heavy BDSM and/or excessive pain. Light bondage and “punishment” okay

* Anal sex or in general anything to do with the ass and sex.

If you believe that these things are critical to the advancement of a plot or, at least, the support of what’s happening, define the act only enough to make it clear what is happening and then use a Fade-to-Black mechanic. If you don’t know what that is, ask.

Roleplay Details

Hot Themes:
Ancient Rome, obviously
(Even better) Rome meets the Modern World (this one requires some thought)
Time Travel
Space Opera
Portals leading to alternate times, places, dimensions, etc.
Medieval Fantasy (Song of Ice and Fire-esque)
Urban Fantasy
Character Redemption
Twisted Disney (Three wishes are a very powerful thing)
Personality Conflicts
Professor/Student romance (NOT K-12 teacher/student romance)
Dorm romance
Other college romance
Modern War
Historical War
Future War
Political Corruption
Journalism (Anything to get the story…)
…and more!

Plot ideas:
I. Safehold

The year is 3255, but for every denizen of Safehold, it is the Year of God 895. 1,000 years ago, though no one on Safehold can remember it, we came to this place in an act of desperation. Through trickery, a fleet of warships, the last hope of the Terran Federation, escaped our solar system and what was otherwise the extinction of the human race. We had expanded out from the confines of our star, but we came across an entity that was beyond us, and instinctively reacted to any potential competitor with one purpose: complete extermination.

When the fleet arrived on this planet, after spending decades in hyperspace and traveling far beyond explored space, they were under a well defined plan: To build a new society of survivors, with technology carefully controlled so as to not attract the attention of our enemy until enough time had passed and our development had reached a level where we might be able to fight back.

Tragically, a series of events has resulted in a thousand years of stagnation that would have horrified our ancestors. First, the leader selected for the expedition, Eric Langhorne, proved to be a megalomaniac of the sort that Hitler would have envied. During the trip, he and a cabal of supporters schemed to claim absolute power. To that end, the colonists in cryo sleep, minus a controllable amount of people who would be necessary to create and control the new society, had their memories erased and adjusted.

When they awoke, every man and woman newly arrived on Safehold came to believe that they were the first humans and had just been created by a God -- that Eric Langhorne and his cabal were "angels." Convinced that ever allowing the human race to return to the stars meant an inevitable re-encounter with the entity and certain death, Langhorne had built a prison out of religion for civilization, and made himself its prophet.

Perhaps it would have worked, but not all of Langhorne's followers truly backed this scheme. Some of them rebelled, and after a long and bloody conflict, their war failed. In a last act of defiance, the leader of the rebels called a conference with Langhorne and his inner circle, where he detonated a nuke. The last link to the true past was gone, or at least in any way that mattered.

Until now. Miles Ahrmahk doesn't know anything about who the Archangel Langhorne really was, and he probably wouldn't care anyway. Religion was God's business, and left well enough alone until God let him know otherwise. Miles was just a thief, and a shan wei good one at that. Prelates, kings, merchant princes, all of their dearest possessions were only good as long as he didn't know about them and get the drive to go after them. Here in the Kingdom of Charis, it wasn't an honest living, but it was a profitable one, and Charisians had a suitable attitude about anything if hard earned profit was to be had.

The job he's about to stumble on just might be worth a bit more than its weight in gold, though, and could involve quite a bit more trouble than that. Especially given who is involved, and the competition, though he does not yet know it, or the higher purpose cloaked in it all.

On run of the mill, Fandom Roleplay:
I try to avoid it because it’s not my material, but will consider any offers.

Current Cravings:
None currently listed. Will update as they develop.
Promotional BUMP.

Note: work obligations are taking up pretty much all my time until Friday evening.

If you message me, I will respond as soon as I can, but writing probably won't start until then.
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