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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Never tried one, but I would like to try one to see what they taste like ^_^
< Is wide awake, unable to sleep
v Is enjoying their day, making the most of it
^ Not at all.

< Would buy Seiken a beer. As well as everyone else keeping him company tonight.

v Wants to share their most embarrassing moment.
^ I'm trying to think of my embarrassing moment but I keep coming up blank. Hmmm, now that's odd..

< My legs hurt :(

v It is daylight where they are right now.
^ Not quite yet!
< Wonders why rp_youknowyouloveme's legs hurts. Could it be from too much.. spreading?~
v Visualizes the girl in the picture of rp_youknowyouloveme spreading her legs
^ Answering while at the bar, and shouldn't be on his phone.
< Desperately needs to 'turn off' again. Hates the lack of control he has over his feelings currently.
v Has their needs met.
^ Hardly. Everytime I manage to "fill the hole" in my needs, it's being ripped out and creating a bigger hole. Although, I would say only one piece is missing...
< Was forced to go in to work today as nobody could cover his shift - #DyingAtTheComputer?
v Won't go shopping today.
^ True. Although, when I first get sick, it usually knocks me completely out, except the few times where I fight through it or starts to brew on something but doesn't finish the brew.
< Is under a ton of paperwork~
v wishes they were under a ton of something else!(Elaborate below)
^ Is right, but do I really have to elabroate?
< Has to go to work in an hour
V Can give me a good excuse to miss work.
^ Took an arrow to the knee
< Just got off work, but feel bad for leaving so much work for the shift after me(Last hour was just TONS of new jobs appearing!)
v Have had a nice day so far.
^ Would love that.
< Will also be drinking this weekend, regardless of health!
v Wants to drink with me this weekend.
^ Yes I actually would not mind that all
< Sadly has to work most of the weekend
V Will tell their favorite drink

(You and I keep meeting up like this. Answering each other's questions. People are going to talk. *grin*)
^ Long Island Ice Tea (Delicious and gets you smashed faster than you can say Pineapple Smoothie!)
< Doesn't care what others say about him, unless it is people I care for/about.
v Finds that sexy about a person.
^ I guess so
< Worries too much about everything, but I am working on that problem
V Likes ice cream on their naked body.
^ Only if there's someone to lick it up!
< Once worried about too much but simply stopped caring as worrying didn't make it better. Not caring did! <3
v Wants to see a movie over the weekend.
^Depends. Is anything good showing?
<Actually has been thinking about seeing a movie.
VMust have the ability to read my mind.
^ Only knows you're kinda aroused right now.
< Thinks this all took a greater turn for the kinky which I very much enjoy!
v Will be poster number 1998 in this thread.
^ Perhaps, but doesn't care! \o
< Finds this to be rather amusing and relevant to his interests.
v Finds her/himself to make a rather splashing (^< v ) answer as poster number 2000.
^ Is so wrong. lol.
< To be or not to be, that is the question.
V Okay. Can make a more splashing post than this one.
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