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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ A cheetah actually, but I will guess either support or mid. Then Sona and Ahri respectively.

< Wish he would play league of legends.

V Likes crime shows.
^ Sure you only screwed with my mind, but what's the worse that could happen?

< May have made a grave mistake

V Will witness my last will and testament.
^ The plan to snuggle me of course.

< will now giggly evilly.

v will suffer and cuddle me as well.
^ Was the last poster in this thread
< Is the current poster in this thread
V Will be the next poster in this thread
^ can run for too damn long

< wishes I could run that long

v will try to show gambit up with distance
^ is a pokemon mistress
< is speechless (again)
V looks like they're about to yell out a random obscenity
^ seems mildly confused.

< is now the happiest person alive.

v will have to give me snuggles no matter what.
^ Might as well be my baby momma.

< has a man who needs to be talked to sleep.

v desires many smutty role plays.
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