The Tribute From District 1 (Snake Plissken & Touch Of Temperament)

"You're right we do need a way to find each other again, while we're on the platforms we should try and keep an eye out for mockingjays hopefully this years arena will have them in it" ,Ryan responded. He wasn't sure how the hell they'd meet up again if there wasn't a way for them to signal to each other. "If all else fails hide somewhere near the cornucopia but stay out of sight I'll find you I promise". Ryan knew that would probably be the best bet if they couldn't find a way to communicate after the slaughter at the cornucopia.

When she placed her hand on his he smiled again, being this close to another human being wasn't exactly something Ryan was used to and it felt....nice. "I don't think I can sleep either, I know we have to eventually so we're not tired come tomorrow when we're thrown into the arena" ,he stated in response. He intertwined his fingers with hers so that he was holding her hand as she spoke of how different the two districts they came from were, it was nice to hear that she had people in twelve that in twelve people had each other. In district one he was just a product to be sold to sponsors during the games when he was old enough, he was merely a trophy and if he died it wouldn't mean anything to anyone.

When she asked what he liked to do for fun he had to think for a moment, "Well we don't get to have too much fun in district 1 with the training and all but me and a few of the guys in my school used to play ball in the school yard when we had some spare time that was usually fun until someone started to talk about the games, that's all anyone ever really talks about there" ,he told her. "What do you like to do for fun besides hunt? Oh and as for what makes me happy I like to just be able to be me, like I am right now".
"Okay.." Her voice was very soft, barely more than a whisper. He promised her he'd find her. This protectiveness he showed for her still had her wondering, but the sentiment was nice. Unlike anything she'd expected to encounter in the Games. "While we're on the platform, I'll let you know which way I'm going. That gives us a start." Just context of the Capitol and the Games made everything different, even the simple gesture of his fingers intertwining with hers, holding her hand. She'd not been unpopular in the Seam, had had her share of dates and kisses. Nothing had ever felt as significant of a connection like him holding her hand like that. She hoped silently that she wasn't making a mistake allowing this.

It seemed so incredibly sad to her that his life had been this way so far. He should have the opportunity to live without having his life ruled by the Games. But this little moment they shared apparently meant as much to him as it did to her. "Well.. Us kids from the Seam, every now and then we get together. It's somewhere at the edge of the district, we build a fire. Some people bring instruments and make music. It's supposed to be secret, but I think parents and peacekeepers let us be as long as we don't get in trouble. The only times they come to bust it up, is when Town kids show up, looking for a fight." She pauses, rolling her eyes a little before she continues. "Which is completely besides the point. Anyway.. During the parties, when there's music. I like to dance." She grinned a little, realizing how much of a roundabout way she took telling him that. "But yeah.. Out in the woods with my brother and my bow. It's just liberating and empowering. I love to be out there." She grew quiet as it crossed her mind that nothing would ever be the same again, even if she did get out alive. District Twelve seemed so far away right now, her life as she lived it seemed ages ago.

Her hand squeezed his gently even if the turmoil emotions within her was far from gentle. The Capitol had robbed them of everything. She thought of all he had told about his life, how much he had missed out on. Something occured to her, a pensive expression sliding over her face. Finally she turned her head to face him, leaning in slowly. Her eyes locked with his until she was close enough to feel his breath on her skin. Then she closed her eyes, pressing a soft, careful kiss to his lips. When she broke away, there was a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "No matter what happens tomorrow. They can't take that away from you."
"Alright I'll keep n eye on you while we're on the platform, as soon s that buzzer sounds as fast as you can and get to safety, I promise I'll find you and I'll have supplies for us" ,he told her. Ryan planned on getting her a bow if he could and anything else he could get his hands on during the bloodbath at the cornucopia. As she told him about what she did for fun in her district he smiled, it sounded nice and like something he would enjoy if given the chance to partake.

When her lips met his he sighed with content, he lacked experience and knew he was probably a bit sloppy but he definitely enjoyed it regardless. After the kiss was broken Ryan looked into her eyes and returned her smile, "That was amazing, probably the best thing to ever happen to me honestly" ,he told her before stroking her hand with his thumb. "If I die in these games then I'll die knowing I got to experience something like that and I'll go with a smile on my face as I think of you and what you've done for me".
Heat rushed into her cheeks in a fierce blush as he complimented her. In any other life a boy like him would have girls tripping over themselves to get to kiss him. Perhaps if they got out of the games alive, they could.. She caught herself before she actually thought. Don't, don't get your hopes up.. And as he started talking about dieing, she placed her fingertips on his lips in an effort to stop him from actually saying it. "Shh.. Don't." She said softly. "Ryan, please don't talk like that." She wetted her lips nervously. The thought of him dieing and thinking of her, it was just too horrifying. "Tomorrow you better be careful at the Cornucopia and find me so I can actually be of use to you." Zoe's voice was stern and she shot him an intense look. How fast she had gotten attached to their alliance, rather than having to go in alone. It was a little frightening, but there was so much to fear tomorrow it didn't measure up. Tentatively she got her feet underneath her, glancing up at the nightsky for a moment she was able to tell they'd been outside for a while. "Ryan, we should try to get some sleep."

Taking a deep breath she rose to her feet. Her hand still held his and she tugged gently to get him to get up too. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment, before she was able to say. "..I'll see you in the arena." Then she pressed a short, chaste kiss to his lips, before she pulled away. Glancing over her shoulder at him, she slipped through the door, silently making her way back to her room. Every step she was convinced someone would see her. Surely nobody would be able to sleep well tonight.
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